the old music room

First loves last forever
                                                     the old music room 17 *with minwoo minho youngguk sang kyo and jongup at xxxxx* "okay minwoo you have to go in there and if anything happens I want you to press this button okay??" sang kyo said as she showed him to press the 3rd button on his shirt "okay but promise that you will come "minwoo! I will treat you like a 5 year old if you dont get you out there right now!" she said as he quickly went inside as the climbed in the air duct "oh hello there your friends with my daughter sang kyo right??" the man she thought she killed said "n-no s-sir I-I-I just w-worked w-w-with her" minwoo said "don't be scared little boy I'm not going to hurt you I just want you to tell me the truth...but if you don't I can't promise it will be pretty" He said as he took a gun out and put bullets in it minwoo gulped 'should I press the button?!?  I don't know!?' he thought "well now that I have what I want you can go" the man said as minwoo breathed heavily 'he won't let anyone go after he askes them questions! Wait he is going to shoot minwoo after he turn around'she thought "guys jump when I tell you he is going to shoot minwoo after he turns around.....3...2....1.....JUMP!" she said as they all jumped and sang kyo pulled out her own gun and shot her 'father' but she also got shot on her arm "sang kyo!" they all said as they all went up to her 'father' and held his up "how dare you hurt me like that" her 'father' said "how dare you abandon me then fake my mothers death then try and kill me and also scare the crap out  of me and my brother making us having to leave and then for him to get taken away!" she screamed "touché my dear..."he said "you know I really loved you I really did it was your mother she kicked me out of the house and told me that she wanted me to drink and mess around other women that weren't her an-" he said but got cut of when sang kyo took her gun and pointed it at him "just stop with your lying it's not getting you anywhere" she said "fine go one shoot it at me I know you really want to" he said "sang kyo don't" Jongup told her "go on my dear I know you really want to" he said "I'm not like you...I don't kill from hatred or love or anything like that!" she said as she shot him 3 times first in the stomach second in the leg and third in the neck "see I like to make them suffer not the people around them" she said as he passed out  *at b.a.p's dorm* "hahaha Jongup that's not how you do it you have to slowly dab it on silly coconut!" sang kyo said as she took the cotton from him and applied it onto his lower lip " thank you sang kyo" he said "my pleasure......what's the time??" she asked "11:30 pm why??" youngguk said "fudge! Jay jay is going to kill me!" she said "sorry guys I have to run just tell the rest of b.a.p and shinee that I had to leave sorry!" she said as she ran out the door "she reminds me of someone" Jongup said "yea same here" youngguk said  *with sang kyo walking home*  'I wonder because yoo mi is sick woohyun is with infinite and chunji left where will I eat?? I know I'll eat in the old music room no one goes there' she thought "Aish....." she herd someone from the park say so she went to go see who it was "I swear....." she herd the voice again "please I'm sorry I didnt do anything" she here another voice say "don't 'I didn't do anything' me I know you cheated on me" he guys voice said "I'm sorry" a girls voice said 'that girls voice sounds like.....SABRINA!!!' sang kyo thought as she quicky jumped out of the bushes and punched the guy "omo sang kyo thank god!" Sabrina said as she got up "what happened who is that guy" sang kyo asked "he is my ex boyfriend like jay but this guy found out that I was pregnant and he thinks that it is his baby so now he wants me to kill it!" Sabrina said "that's it I'm calling youngguk" sang kyo said as she called youngguk *ring ring ring* "hey sang kyo whats up are you okay??" he asked "yea Im fine I need you to come to my house tonight like right now because we really need to talk its about sabrina and the baby" she said "I'll be there In 5" he said as he hung up and drove to sang kyo's house as they walked  *at home/sang kyo jay jay youngguk sabrina* "so what happened??" jay jay asked "I used to date a guy called jiho but most of you know him as zico and he wanted me to get rid of the baby because he thought it was his but he didnt let me explain that it was not him it was youngguks!" she said "Ohhh now I get it" jay said "zico.....jiho....that name sounds-" youngguk said "familiar" sang kyo said as everyone looked at her "what did you say??" youngguk asked Her "familiar very familiar but I don't know from where though" sang kyo said "well this jiho zico guy is going to get it from me!" youngguk said as he got his keys and drove his car back home "I'm going to go to sleep I'm really tired good night jay jay oppa  and Sabrina unnie" sang kyo said as she went upstairs "you know I'm kind of happy that I'm not the father because I don't know how I would react if something  Like this happened" jay said "well jay....I guess you got your wish" Sabrina said "hey Sabrina why don't you stay here tonight because it's too late for you to go home it's 2 am amanda I'm sure youngguk would come and kill me if I let you go home alone even if Isis drop you of because that jiho guy might go to your house"jay said as she nodded  *the next day in the morning*  "sang kyo noona" jiseok said as he tried to ease sang kyo up "sang kyo noona wake up!" jiseok screamed "I'm awake jay jay oppa!" she said "oh jiseok hello" she said while jiseok just crossed his arms and pouted "what??" she asked "jay jay noona said that you are ugly and that no one will want to date you oh and your dancing !" jiseok said as he smiled innocently at sang kyo and then ran away while jay park ran up the stairs and pulled sang kyo over his shoulder and brought her to the kitchen "what did you say about me!?" he asked outraged "nothing jiseok made it all up!" she said as jay saw jiseok watching while laughing behind the stairs 'huh you wait you little bugger I'll get you' jay thought "sang kyo I know your saying the truth so let's play a trick on jiseok okay im going to yell at you and you have to run to your room and cry okay?? And when he talks to you just ignore him this will teach him to be mean to us" jay whispered to sang kyo who nodded "i can't believe that you said that sang kyo after everything I did got you that's it...*wink* I HATE YOU JUNG SANG KYO!" jay said as he fake slapped sang kyo who held her face making jiseok to stop laughing and to stare at jay "but I didn't say those things ji-" she said "jiseok this jiseok that stop blaming him he is only 4 years old!" jay said "hurry up get dresses and to to school!!!" jay said as sang kyo ran to her room and put her uniform on and ran out the door "hyung..." jiseok said "oh hello jiseok what do you want to eat??" jay asked him acting as if nothing happened "hyung sang kyo nonna was saying the truth I made those th-" jiseok said "no need to lie for your noona she did say those things so when she comes back home after school I'm going to make her leave" jay said making jiseok tear up "hyung please don't make noona leave!! I *crying* I did it I lied!!! Noona didn't say those things!" jiseok said as the ep front door opened up with a laughing hard sang kyo "hyung why is sang kyo laughing??" jiseok asked "because we tricked you to say the truth" jay said as jiseok cried even more "oh jiseok see this is what happes when you lie" sang kyo said as she picked him up and sat him on the sofa "noona has to go to school now okay?? Bye bye" she said as she kissed his forehead and left  *at school the couple festival is on* "hey sang kyo" myungsoo said "hey myungsoo are you ready?" she asked as he nodded and they went around the school looking at all the couple things " aww how cute!" sang kyo said to the necklace for a couple 'hmm she likes it if we were a couple I would buy it' myungsoo thought 'idiot just buy it and give it to her as a friend!" the voice in his head said back so he bought the necklace "myungsoo are you coming!?" sang kyo said as she walked in front "coming" he said as he put the necklace in his pocket and ran after her "everyone! Listen up were having a contest which ever couple can figure out this riddle will be awarded with a weekend at a 5 star hotel! So come on!" the lady in the stage said "let's go!" sang kyo said "but were not a couple?!" myungsoo said "who cares it will be fun!" she said as they went on stage after 5 minutes there were enough couples "okay now I want you to tell me what this riddle means..." she said the riddle to all the couples but none of them got it now it was sang kyo's and myungsoo's turn "okay it's all up to you.....what does it mean when someone leaves you at a random moment and doesn't explain why when where how or what??" the lady asked 'hmmm seems familiar?? Hey this is kind of what youngguk told me....wait what did he say again?? Oh yea....."it means that they really did love you....and the reason why they broke your heart at that moment was to save you from being even more heart broken later on where the pain will be unbearable" ' she thought 'oh what the fudge I don't know this nice job sang kyo bringing me up here!' myungsoo thought 'hey I know the answer its ' it means that they really did love you....and the reason why they broke your heart at that moment was to save you from being even more heart broken later on where the pain will be unbearable' the little voice on his head said "it means....that they really did love you....and the reason why they broke your heart at that moment was to save you from being even more heart broken later on where the pain will be unbearable" myungsoo and sang kyo said making the crowd 'wow' "omo that's correct by every word!" the lady said "we have out winners miss...park sang kyo and....Kim....myungsoo!" she said as she gave you the tickets "yay!" sang kyo said as she ran of stage and danced whole myungsoo followed behind her  *lunchtime in the old music room*  "I dont know why but this room is so familiar maybe I came to this school before I went to America??" sang kyo  said out loud 'hmm a piano....I wonder....' she thought as she looked around to see if anyone was coming so because she saw no one she sat down and started playing  *song* "hmmm...why is it so hard, I mean its not hard To say 'I love you', Its not complicated is it??, It might be but not for me it's easy, Does it depend on who??, I dont know all I know is that...., The word it said too often, It's precious just like every grain of rice, It's special just like me and you,  That's why I will say this once and once only, But I love you~ I love you with all my soul and heart,  Please don't push me away~ Ohhhhhhh~ Day by grows, Day by shows, Day by also goes Don't tell me these 3 words if you don't mean them, Can you hear that??,  It's the sound of tears falling like crystals, Do you want to know why??,  It's because you don't mean what you say, Why did I fall for you??,  Good question...I fell for you because, You said 'i love you~', And didn't mean it so you broke my heart, But still I an stop loving you, That's why I will say this once and once only, But I love you~ I love you with all my soul and heart,  Please don't push me away~ Ohhhhhhh~ Day by grows, Day by shows, Day by also goes~"  She sang but little did she know that someone was watching her from the door...listening to every word...feeling all her pain.....all her love... "I'm sorry sang kyo that He put you through all that he didn't mean it he did it for your safety! Please understand when you meet one day" the person said as they walked away "wow that was fabulous I didnt know I still knew all the lyrics to the song I wrote when I was in mrs lings shop....hey that can me my next song!! 'Fallen'...that can be the name of the song!!!!" she said as the bell went "omo I spent all lunch in here damn I better hurry" she said as she ran out of the music room only to bump into someone and fall "omo I'm so sorry mr...." she said as she looked at him with big eyes 'omo god!! I can't believe I have just met an angel sent from heaven one with really good looks!!...omg he is making me fall for him with just his eyes!!' she thought "I'm really sorry I wasnt looking and I bashed in-"she said but stopped when the guy got up and pushed her to the wall trapping her with his arms she would push him away but she was to Engadged in his eyes "what did you just do!?" the guy asked "I-I-I didn't do it on purpose! Is wear mr!!" she said "why you little bi-" he said "hey jiho are you comming!" someone else said from down the hall 'jiho....jiho....jiho...why does it sound so familiar....jiho...ji-.. Holy gummy bears!!! JIHO!!' she thought as she pushed him away "you!" she said as he looked at her "what the f**k you b**ch" jiho said as he held his stomach "you your the one that hurt Sabrina unnie at the park!!" she said as jiho smirked "hahah her...she was just a you think that I loved her!!" he said as he slapped her "I never did and tell her that I want that baby dead by the next time I see her otherwise I will kill it with her!" he said as he walked away "far out! What's his problem!" sang kyo Said as she ran to the tapes and washed her cheek with some cold water and them ran to class like a headless chicken  _________________________________________________________________ So did you guys like the song?? I wrote it myself ^^ it was really fun!! Anyways do you know who her brother is?? Hahaha if you don't you will have to keep reading and find out....okay because I'm not that mean I'll give your hint- she has talked to him before and he has blonde hair okay thats your clue good luck
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