2 years later I'm back sang kyo

First loves last forever
                             2 years later! I'm  Back sang kyo!!! 31 *at home*  So it has been 2 years sang kyo has changed her hair color "well today is the day! Teen top is finally coming back home to us!!!" kaylee said "I can't wait they should be back on Korea in about...2 hours!" Jason said "oh joy the demon is coming back" sang kyo said "and have you seen the music video for sang kyo's music video bad boy??" she said "yes!....the reason why it came out late was because the song became such a hot topic they wanted everyone to wait....you know make them really really want to see the music video!! And I saw it!!!" he said "omg me too I can't believe that sang kyo and Jongin or commonly known as Kai was stared in her music video!!" she said "there are rumors that sang kyo was friendly with exo shinee bigbang and 2ne1 before debut!" he said "yes I herd that too!" she said "okay....need to calm down!.....okay now we have a breaking story for you" she said "that's right brace yourself!.....kim myungsoo was bashed 2 nights ago at xxxxx due to not doing what the people in 'his' Gang wanted him to do he is now in hospital he was visited by illhoon from BTOB ukwon from block b and surprisingly he was also visited by sang kyo" he said "strange...there is also a rumor going around about how there is still hope for infinite to be in the music industry!" she said "yes I can't wait to find out!" he said "and in top news it has been told that l.joe or more commonly known as bunhyun was in an arranged marriage before he debut people say that was the reason why he broke up with sang kyo..." she said "and also it's with a heavy heart I have to say this but bunhyun is actually married he got married in America an-" she said as sang kyo switched the tv of "okay time to go and see my new dance moves" sang kyo said as she took her bag and headed to the studio  *at the studio*  "hello sang kyo!....okay well this song fallen is....very...it has a lot of feeling so I want to make the dance have a lot of feeling....so this is why I ask can you do ballet?? With someone??" the choreographer asked "um....I can't do ballet..." sang kyo said "okay....come to the bar and do this for me" the choreographer said after 4 hours of dancing sang kyo finally knew how to do ballet so she learned the dance and started to do the filming and after about another 2 hours they finished all the filming so it was time for sang kyo to go home "okay bye bye everyone!" she said as she went outside "hey sang kyo!!....." chunji said as he waved with teen top except for l.joe 'oh great the demon is here!' she thought as she went up to them "hey guys!" she said "hey!!" they all said except for l.joe "pssssh! L.joe be nice!!" C.A.P said as he elbowed his sides "I don't want to its all her fault what happened to me!! All her fault!!" l.joe yelled  as he pointed at sang kyo "me what did I do to you!!" she said "........." "what huh! What did I do to you!?!.....I should be the one saying that it's all your fault!!" she said "okay guys calm down" chunji said as he hugged sang kyo and C.A.P held onto l.joes shoulder "okay everyone in the van!" Neil said as everyone went inside and drove to sang kyo's house  *at sang kyo's house*  When they arrived at her house l.joe Neil and Ricky had fallen asleep "thanks for dropping me off" she said "sang kyo.....please make sure you that you sort out this thing with l.joe please!" chanjo said as she nodded "bye bye sang kyo" "later sk" they said "sk??" she asked "yea short for sang  kyo  sk" C.A.P said as she laughed "okay bye bye" she said as she went inside and they started driving away "stupid jay!....where is sang kyo!!....tell me!!" "why should I tell you where she is" "because I need to ask her something!" sang kyo herd as she went into the lounge room "guys why are you all fighting??" she asked "because....I need to talk to you!" jiho said "well I didn't know where you were!" jay said "I was at the studio practicing....man my feet really hurt!" sang kyo Said "well anyways there is sang kyo so talk to her!" jay said as he got up and waked into his room slamming the door "well.....that was just not him.....anyways what was it??" she asked "oh....it was...you know the picture I told you to get??...." he asked as she nodded and took it out of her bag "oh...and I found this key note and iPod listen to it then read this" she said as he listened to he iPod and then read the note "so he really did care??.....and what's this thing with the key??" he said "i said the same thing when I found it....but yea he really did care for us....and I don't even know where it is!" she said "you might not....but I do..." he said " really where?....and what does he mean  by 'I want you to take this key and keep it very safe...always keep that key and iPod recording with you it will help you when you need it...you will know'??" she asked "he means when one of us gets married or one of us dies" he said as she made an 'o' shape with "sang kyo..keep the key with you I think dad would want you to keep it!" he said as she nodded *ring ring ring ring* "what do you freaking want!?!?........WELL TO BLOODY BAD!!........YOU WILL HAVE TO KILL ME FIRST!!!........that's it!.......IM SO GOING TO MURD-what!?!.... Don't you dare hurt her!!.....because I love her you idiot!!" jiho yelled into the phone 'don't you dare hurt her?? Because I love her?? Who was that for....or even about??' sang kyo wondered "jiho.....o-oppa.....who was that??" she asked as she put her hand on his arm "these guys got my ex girlfriend k- don't worry about her name right now!....we just have to go save her!!.....I have to go to xxxxx tomorrow to save her....will you come??" he asked ".....you really like her don't you??" she asked as he nodded "then why is she your ex??" she asked as he sighed "she is my ex because.....of....an arranged marriage about some stupid company thing.....I really love her but she is already married and I don't know if she is divorced yet!...... Im so stupid for letting her go so easily!!" he said "it's not your fault.....the same thing happened with me and l.joe but...." she said "you don't know if his love stretched as far as yours did??....and that's why your questioning about right now if you have moved on or if you are forcing yourself to love another which are forced feelings??" he asked as she stared at him "I'll take that as a yes.." he said "so will you come??" he asked as she nodded and he gave her a hug and walked out while she  Stood there like a statue *in her room*  "hello there sang kyo" mystic howler said "hello illhoon" she said in a breath "what's the matter??" he asked "the demon is back in town" she said "the demon??" he asked "sorry I meant l.joe" she said "oh....why don't you talk to him??" he said "and why would I want to do that!?!" she yelled "calm down....I was just saying that you should talk to him because after all you do still have feelings for him and he does for you" he said  ".....sorry.. I didnt mean to snap at you....I would talk to him but after what happened to me and him last time I saw him...." she said "come on is hat really your excuse??" he asked "yes!....wait it's not an excuse!" she said "sure you keep telling yourself that" he said "you know you really did change since I found out who you were" she said "hmm sure now back to the subject" he said as she sighed "fine I will call him and talk to him ask him to meet me somewhere and done that's it!" she said as she called l.joe "hey...." he said "hey...." she said "um...why did you call me??" he asked "I called because I wanted to meet with you somewhere and talk.." she said "um...I'll meet you tomorrow at around 5 at the old cafe okay??" he said "okay....bye" she said "bye..." he said as she cut the call "done happy??" she asked "very!" he said 
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