What's with this jiho guy!

First loves last forever
                             What's with this jiho guy!  19 I don't know if you guys remember there was a voice at the start that talked to woohyun about sang kyo but that person was never told to who it was?? Well it's back and in the next few chapters you will find out who it was okay??^^.                                                                           _________________________________________________________________ *that night* myungsoo went to bed while sang kyo  went to sleep on the couch "hey sang kyo...." he said "yes" she said as she put her pillow down "y-you can s-sleep here I-if you w-want??" he said "I would but then where would you sleep silly!" she said "no....I meant with.....me" he said as sang kyo just froze "what??" she asked "sleep with me....but not in that way!!!" he said "um....okay..." she said as she put her pillow next to his and got into the bed after about 5 minutes *light thunder* "myungsoo??....." she said "hmmm" he said in a sleepy voice "I herd something" she said "what wrong??" he asked fully awake "I don't know I just herd someth- *very loud thunder* AHHHHHH!!!" she said as she hid under the blanket "hahahaha your afraid of thunder?? Awwww" he said making sang kyo hit his stomach "myungsoo.....you have no abs...." she said under the blanket "I do so!!" he said "no you don't you have flabs not abs" she said laughing "okay okay I'm sorry for laughing at you about being scared of the lightening and thunder I'm sorry" he said "fine I'm sorry you don't have flabs you really do have abs!" she said as she got up from under the blanket "alright now go to sleep..." she said "I can't" he said "why??" she asked "I don't know I just feel I don't know like someone is watching us..." he said as he looked around the room *knock knock* "hmm I wonder who that is??" she asked him as they both got up and went to the door "hello" myungsoo said "hello..." a girl said "yes??..." he asked "I'm sorry I just wanted to ask you if you know where mr jiho is staying" she asked "um....room....407 over there...." he said as he pointed "oh thank you so much" she said as she went to the room as myungsoo closed the door "who was that??" sang kyo asked "just some girl looking for a guy called.....mr......ji.....ji....jiho" he said as sang kyo got up starlight away and put her jacket on "we have to get her away from him!" she said "why??" myungsoo asked "because.....I met him at school and he is not very nice trust me!" she said as she went out of the room while myungsoo followed *knock knock* "cucumber! Get the door!" someone from inside said "hello" a guy who really did look like a cucumber said "um....hi" she said as myungsoo stayed at their room door watching "hyung! I think I found another of your ex's!" he said ( just pretend that zico is older to kyung) "bring her inside!" someone else said 'crabs! What do I do now I'm not a real fighter! ' myungsoo thought 'don't be a wuss puss just stand at the door and listen to the conversation and when something goes wrong jump in and save her!' the voice in his head said  so he went to the door and listened  *block bs room*  "who the f**k is come this time!!" jiho yelled from the bedroom "man which b**ch is it this ti- hello there so we meet again" he said with a smirk 'this guy is so yuck! I can't believe I said that I liked his eyes!' she thought as he came closer to her "hmm you smell like strawberry" he said as he smelled her neck "funny you smell like sh*t!" she said as he looked up at her still smirking 'wow did sang kyo just swear!!' myungsoo thought  "feisty my likey!" jiho said as he walked away into his room "where's the girl??" she asked "girl...what girl??" he asked innocently "the girl that asked us where your room was" she said "oh that girl why she left" he said "sure she did" sang kyo said "look around if you don't believe me!" he said as he stood there "fine I will" she said as she started looking 'where is she! I swear myungsoo said that she was here!' she thought as she went towards the room "no need to go in there!" jiho said as he stood in front of the door "why??....is she in there??" she asked as jiho smirked "fine go inside but it's at your own risk" he said as he stood aside and let her inside as she went inside the door closed and she saw the girl lying on the bed very pale "what the hell did he do!" she yelled "i didnt do anything she told me that she wanted me to poison her" jiho said "and now it's time for me to give you a present" he said as he came closer "p-present??" she asked and he pushed her to a wall and started kissing her neck "get of me!" she said as she kicked his stomach and ran out of the room "hyung! What did you do to her??" p.o asked him "nothing I just a little bit of this and a little bit of that" he said "why?? Why did you do that?" ukwon asked him "because she told me to" he said "as if you did it because you wanted to!" ukwon said as he sat down  *inside sang kyo's and myungsoo's room *  "sang kyo!" myungsoo said as he pulled her into their room and hugged her "*crying* m-myung-myungsoo!.....the girl she.....was pale!!!....and... a-a-and he kissed me!...*crying*" she said "what!?!?... Where!!?!?!" he asked as she pointed to her neck "it's okay calm down" he said as he wiped her neck with the sleeve of his shirt "come on just go to sleep everything will be okay see I'm right here" he said as he put her to sleep  *the next morning* Sang kyo woke up to see that myungsoo was sleeping next to her while holding her hand 'what happened last nig-OMO!! I really need to have a shower right now!!!' she thought as she tried to get up but couldn't because myungsoo was holding her hand "fudge!" she whispered as she slowly took his hand out of hers and covered him with the blanket so she went and took a shower and after she came out dressed to find myungsoo fully awake writing something down in his book "whatcha doing??" she asked his "nothing much just writing a song for infinite you??" he asked "had a shower that's what after what happened yesterday....ewwww!" she said "come on my little 5 year old lets Go!" myungsoo said as they packed up all their things and left the hotel  *at home* "thanks for dropping me of myungsoo" she said "it's okay but call me myungsoo oppa from now okay??" he said "okay....bye bye and thank you myungsoo oppa!" she said as he drove of ad she went inside "jiseok!! Jay jay!! I'm back~!!!" she said but no one replied but then she saw a note on the table  To:sang kyo Hey sang kyo your probably home now well I'm just telling you that me and jiseok went out to go see Sabrina she said something about some girl that came to her and told her to get rid of the baby so we are gojng to see her well....if you want you can stay home or eat pizza or something I don't know just be back home before 11 if you go out anywhere Love jay jay and jiseok  "alright so where do I go now??.....I know I'll watch some tv and then I'll go to The shops we need some new foods like...I don't know I'll just buy what I want!" she said as she went and put the tv on and sat down on the couch "ahhh heaven!" she said "and so....teen top have made their new 3 songs called going crazy, be my girl and to you!" the guy said on the tv "oh great I forgot about this idiot" she said "so....one of the fans from Russia wants to know if these songs were made for anyone special??" the guy asked "well....l.joe hyung wrote the 2 of the songs the first one was to you and be my girl so maybe" chanjo said "aww I miss chanjo" she said "yes I wrote those 2 songs and yes they were made for one girl back home but I'm  not sure if she knows because when I left we were on very bad terms" l.joe said "okay....well I hope that everything gets better for you and this girl" the guy said "hahah he wishes" she said "I hope so too" l.joe said *turns of tv* "okay time to go to the shops!" she said as she went to the shops  *at the shops* 'hmmm what to buy?? Maybe some noddles.chocolates!.um.strawberry icecream!!' she thought "ohhhhh be ma girl would you be ma girl!" the music played "damn that's a good song!....and his voice pace damn I would totally date him!" she said quietly "I wanna love you all day wanna love you all night you got me feeling so hot oh yea oh yea" x2 "and that was teen top with one of their new songs be my girl written by l.joe himself...did you see on the tv he said that he made if for a special someone here in korea! I wonder who she is!" the guy on the radio said "and did you hear that starting and ending damn I would date you any day l.joe oppa!" the lady on the radio said "haha funny...I said the same thing but now after you mention that it was bunhyun saying thoses things I don't really wanna date him now because he will just break your heart!....how I know this?? It's because I'm that special girl that he broke" she said as the girl next biy herd everything and went and told his mother "anyways what to buy now.....how about some....cake I'm feeling like being a fatty for a bit" she said to herself again as she bought all her things and when home  *walking home* "please stop I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" someone said "that's sounds like Sabrina" sang kyo said as she walked to where the screaming was coming from "I don't care If your sorry you still didnt get rid of that stupid baby! ....so I will get rid of it with you!" jiho said as he took out a knife "Sabrina unnie!!" sang kyo screamed as jiho looked her way and Sabrina tripped him and ran away "what are you doing here!" jiho yelled "why why just answer me this why do you hurt her! The baby is not yours it's someone else's so leave her alone" sang kyo yelled back "not my baby!? Oh my god HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is too funny!!" he said "what are you laughing about??" she asked "that baby is mine! She did DNA test and it says that it is my child!" he said "what!?" sang kyo said "that's right! And you know what.....I don't think we finished of what we started" jiho said as he came closer to sang kyo "please don't pl-" she said "don't you dare take another step! Because if you do I will shoot you!" a voice from the shadows said "hahah so this girl is the one you really care about is it?? Why didn't you tell me I would have stayed away from her! Hahahah not" jiho said as he took a step closer but threw a sharp knife at the direction of where the voice was coming from "too bad 'mystic howler'" jiho said as he came even closer to sang kyo but she had already ran away  *at home* "*panting* Sabrina *panting* why didn't you tell us that he is the *panting* father!" sang kyo said as she opened the door for the house "that's because he is not he thinks that he is!" sabrina said "hey your ba- AHHHH WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU SANG KYO!!?!?!? YOUR ALL DIRTY AND YOU TOO SABRINA WHAT DID YOU GET CHASED OR SOMETHING!?!?!?!" jay asked as he ran down the stairs "yea stupid jiho he was going to kill Sabrina!" sang kyo said as she fell to the floor "but he is not the father sang kyo he just thinks that he is!" Sabrina said "then why did he have DNA papers with him that say Kim Sabrina and Jung jiho (please pretend that zicos last name is jung^^) child!?" sang kyo asked "it's fake!! I have the real ne that says that it is youngguk!!" she said as she took out the DNA paper "so it's true he was lying!" sang kyo said "see I was saying the truth" Sabrina said "wait but I don't get it....why does he say that it is his baby and have fake DNA papers ur wants you to kill the baby??" sang kyo asked "it's because jiho is in a gang like his mom but no one knows what happened to her same with his dad" jay said in a serious voice "jay.....how did you know??" Sabrina asked him " because I was the one that got him into the gang" he said "jay...why didn't you tell me?" Sabrina asked "because you would blame me for turning him into this smirking drunk as mess!" jay said as he walked out the door and drive somewhere "jay...I wouldn't do that....because I still love you...." Sabrina said "come on Sabrina you can sleep in my room I'll sleep on jays he won't come back till tomorrow okay??" sang kyo said as she took Sabrina upstairs *sang kyo's room* "you know Sabrina....when you broke up with jay he was very sad and depressed....I still remember the night because it was the night jay got drunk and the night L.joe said that he loved me...." she said "I'm sorry to hear that I made jay drink." Sabrina said "it's okay but the thing is that he cried the whole night and the next day he didn't want to smile....he did smile but you could tell that he was faking and then you came and said that you were pregnant jay was so happy because he thought that you 2 will get back together but then you said that it was youngguks made him not smile....but he put that behind him he got over it" sang kyo said "I'm sorry....but the reason that I broke up with him was because I already knew that I was pregnant and i thought that he would leave me if I told him that I was pregnant" Sabrina said "oh....so technically you told him then instead of breaking his heart later on when the pain will be unbearable??" sang kyo asked in a 'obviously' voice "yes how did you know?!" Sabrina asked "well the guy I went out with broke my heart and he didn't tell me why and one day I was at a restaurant and I was outside talking to myself and then youngguk herd what I said so that's what he told me" sang kyo said "wow I didn't know he was kind of a person...I mean to be so deep with his feelings" Sabrina said "yea well same here sister" sang kyo said "well you better go to sleep you have school tomorrow don't you??" Sabrina asked "yea I do....call me if yu need anything okay night" sang kyo said "night" Sabrina said 
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