The mysterious illhoon

First loves last forever
                                     The mysterious illhoon 26 *3 days later*  Sang kyo got better she is a bit weak but she is still better than everyone found out yoo mi woohyun teen top b.a.p jay Sabrina everyone at about 4 pm she herd noises in her room  but she didn't look into it *knock knock* "come in" she said "hey sang okay??" minyunk asked her "yea I'm a lot better!" she said "that's good to hear" he said as he sat down next to her so are you okay??" she asked "yea why wouldn't  I be??" he asked "I don't know...hahah silly me" she said 'aww she is so cute!' he thought "well sang kyo I wanted to know about your answer..." he said "oh....well..." she said "it's okay if you don't know just yet i mean you were sick for so long" he said "well....I was going to say yes but now that you say that...I think I'll change it to a-" she said "no don't change it!...wait did you say yes or no??" he asked as he rubbed the back of his neck "awwww hahaha did Minnie get confused" she said "no I didn't!" he said "ahaha okay okay well my answer is.....yes" she said "are you kidding me!!" he said as she shook her head "well that's great?!" he said "just promise me one thing" she said "what??" he asked "don't break my heart really badly..if we ever break up" she said "I won't I promise plus if I do jiho will try and kill me!" he said as she laughed "thank you minyunk" she said as she hugged him "minyunk...." she said "hmm" he said "how are we going to tell everyone??" she asked "um....well we have to tell your brother....and the rest I don't know how to tell them..." he said "same here...let's just see how it goes" she said "you should have seen this morning kyung was trying to hit on this girl and she said I don't like guys with Velcro hair! It was so funny" he said as they both laughed "well I gotta go I think that we are going somewhere...I think I better ask jiho" he said as he got up and asked him "HYUNG WHAT ARE WE DOING??"he asked "WERE GOING TO A CLUB SO HURRY UP! ASK SANG KYO IF SHE WANTS TO COME TOO!!" he said "so sang,to we're going to a club wanna come??" he asked "yea okay" she said as he left to get dressed and she got dresses into a a green dress  *in the van* Everyone was sitting next to someone and in the van sang kyo sat next to minyunk P.O next to taeil jiho next ukwon kyung was driving and jaehyo sat next to him "so sang kyo got a boyfriend??" ukwon asked "yea she does you!" taeil said "no we're not dating we just hugged because I'm like her older brother" ukwon said "yea it's true they are I can tell" jiho said "so do you have a real boyfriend sang kyo??" jaehyo asked "yea I do..." she said as everyone sopped and looked at her even kyung stopped the ban "who!?!?!?" they all asked "um..." she said "see she is lying!" kyung said "I'm her boyfriend" minyunk said "OMO really!?!?" ukwon asked "yea" she said "awww cute!" P.O said "yea..just don't hurt her!" jiho said "he won't he promised" she said as kyung started driving again about half an hour later they arrived at the club  *at the club*  "welcome everyone to club mambo Jambo hope everyone is ready to dance" the guy said as everyone started dancing it sang kyo just sat down and looked at her drink "you okay??" minyunk asked her "yea I'm fine" she said "well the guys want me to go dance with them but I don't want you to be alone" he said "it's okay go I'm not going to die" she said as he went and danced with the guys "hey beautiful what's your name" a guy about 21 22 asked her "who are you??" she asked "you already know who I am" he said 'he seems sober??' she thought 'i know what your think and yes I am sober okay??" he said "what this guy can read my mind too!' she thought "yea I can read your mind" he said "save me someone" she said "how" minyunk said from behind her 'I love this guy so much!' she thought as she held onto his shirt "hmmm...let me guess..your new boyfriend??" he asked "how did you know that he was my new boyfriend??" she asked "I'm everywhere I know everything about one person and.....that's you...Jung sang kyo...or should I say lee yoo bin!" he said as he bent down and whispered it into her ear before he walked away "well that was weird..." minyunk said "I know right" she said "come on lets dance" he said a he took her to the dance floor...sang kyo wasn't really dancing she was more like just swaying around "I thought you knew how to dance..." minyunk asked her "I can I just don't feel like it" she said "okay...everyone! Now we need 2 people one girl and one boy to dance for us they have to dance a couples dance so it has to be a couple any runner ups?? okay let me see.........over there at the back the boy with the red hair and the girl that looks like sang kyo come up here!" the boy on stage said as the crowd yelled and cheered "okay what is your names??" he asked "my name is minyunk" minyunk said "and my name is sang kyo" sang kyo said "are you sang kyo..I mean THE sang kyo??" he asked "yes I that a problem??" she asked as he shook his head "okay we now have our 2 dancers so lets clear the floor for them!" he said as minyunk and sang kyo went onto the dance floor "hey look it's minyunk and sang kyo!" kyung said as the while of block b cheered for them "omg they are so loud!!" she said "I know right!" he said "wait what do we have to dance??" he asked "hmm...first dance......the.....samba....then just do like a hip hop dance thing with cool stuff" the boy onstage said so they started dancing "come on sang kyo" she said to herself as they started dancing "damn look at her! How can she dance in that dress!!" jaehyo asked "she is sang kyo....that's how she is" illhoon said as he stood next to ukwon "how are you brother??" he asked ukwon "fine what about you??" ukwon asked "fine....looks like our friend that's dancing doesn't remember me that well" illhoon said "yea that's true but don't worry jiho still remembers you" ukwon said as illhoon went up to jiho "hello jiho what's up??" illhoon asked as jiho looked at him from head to toe "what don't remember an old friend??" illhoon asked "hello illhoon....what are you doing here?" jiho asked "I'm tonight's" illhoon said "that's good to hear..." jiho said "did you know that I knew sang kyo was your sister before you 2 even met??" illhoon said as jiho looked at him again "how did you know that??"jiho asked "come on its me THE illhoon the one that knows everything" illhoon said "huh...." is all jiho could say "well I just wanted to tell you that girl that 'you are with or are dating or broke up with' the one that is pregnant...your the father" illhoon said as he walked away leaving jiho staring at the back of his head as he disappeared into the crowd 'what the hell I'm the father!?' he thought " and that was sang kyo and minyunk dancing the hip hop and samba dance!!" the guy said as everyone cheered "that was fun!" she said "I know right man that was really fun!" he said as they sat down "SANG KYO!!! did you move your hips like that!?!?!? And your arms!!!" jaehyo asked as he tried to do wat she did "not like that it's like this" she said as she showed him making some guys in the club howl like wolves but they stopped when minyunk hugged her from behind and jiho stood infront of them "damn!" jaehyo said as he tried to dance like that "hahaha" she laughed "let's go home I think taeil has had to many drinks" P.O said as he carried taeil to the car  *in the van*  "that was soooo cool minyunk hyung!" P.O said "yea it really was" jiho said "sang kyo are you okay??" jaehyo asked her as she nodded as if she was drunk "sang kyo??...did you drink??" ukwon asked her as she shook her head "I don't believe You...let me smell your breath" jiho said as he smelt her breath "nope nothing...what's wrong then??" he said "I think she is tired she did do all that dancing!"ukwon said "true that" jiho said "wanna go to sleep??" minyunk asked her as she nodded so he put her head on his shoulder and let her fall asleep  *the next day*  Sang kyo woke up in her bed with a towel on her head " did I get here??" she said to herself "you got here because minyunk carried you inside and out you to sleep" jiho said "wait but I'm not wearing my dress from yesterday" she said "hey how do you think me keep this place clean...a maid duh she changed your clothes!" he said as she made an 'o' shape with "well I have to go see to some business with taeil ukwon and kyung so jaehyo minyunk P.O will be home if you need anything" he said as he left the room "hello sang kyo" minyunk said as he came in the room "hey..." she said "thank you for bringing me into my room" she said "oh it was nothing" he said as he sat down next to her "hey hyung were all going out okay??" P.O said to minyunk as he just nodded "well guess we're all alone.." she said "yea....well this is weird" he said "yea this is.....wanna do something??" he asked "yea let's watch some tv" she said  *in the lounge room*  as they went to the lounge room and watched tv "can you believe it?? It's already been one year since teen top left for America just one more and they will be back!" kaylee said (if you don't remember kaylee and Jason are From chapter 25 they are the people that talk about all the Kpop stuff on tv) "i can't wait!" Jason said "it is said that sang kyo has a new boyfriend called minyunk which is also jiho or more comely known as zicos friend and gang member" she said "and get this...okay you ready??....okay jiho is!" Jason said as she gasped "no!" "yes" "no" "yes" they said together "wow lots of things are happening to our new Kpop princess park sang kyo she seems to be in a lot of trouble and stories how many??" she asked "well first there was the thing with kikwang asking her out then there was daehyun asking her out the her song came out then this thing with l.joe before they became famous then myungsoo and her..then Myungsoo trying to kill her now she has a brother that is the biggest and baddest fighter in Korea and also she is going out with minyunk!...oh and her new song is coming out soon I herd that it is going to be called fallen!" he said just before she switched of the tv "the whole world knows my story now!" she said as she pulled the quilt over her head "don't worry I won't let them do anything to you plus what about jiho ukwon taeil jaehyo kyung P.O?? They won't let anything happen either?" minyunk said as he pulled the quilt of her head "come on let's watch a movie" he said as he put a movie on about half an hour later thery were watching the movie when a really cheesy moment came up and minyunk and sang kyo burst out laughing but when they stopped they looked into each others eyes and they kissed "OHHHHHH" block b said because they just came through the door quickly sang kyo pulled away from him and so did he "awww why did you stop I was going to film that!" kyung said earning a flick on his for head "that is just EWWWW" P.O said "I know right that's my sister!" jiho said "whatever I-I-m tired I'm g-g-gojng to s-sleep!" she said as she raced up the stairs to her room And fell asleep  _________________________________________________________________ So you finally know who is ukwons brothers it's myungsoo and illhoon! But don't forget you still have to find out who mystic howler is! I gave you 2 hints try and find them ^^
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