Sport with l.joe? was very weird??

First loves last forever
                         Sport with l.joe? was very weird?? 5 (yoo mi P.OV)   'hmm it's been a long time since sang kyo left and myungsoo I wonder if they are secretly dating? Ima go and see' I thought evilly "hey guys I have to go to the....." I said but I don't know what to say next "the...." jay park asked me "the...bathroom hehe bye bye" I said and I ran from the table as I was walking down the halls 'which locker is sang kyo's??.....oh nice one yoo mi you don't even know Pabo Pabo' I thought mentally scolding myself "stop it" someone said I looked around to see who it was "l.joe hey what's up??" i herd myungsoo ask him "stop it myungsoo I know you like sang kyo but you don't have a chance with her because she is mine" l.joe said as Myungsoo scoffed 'So I was right about myungsoo liking sang kyo' I thought  "as if don't you get it we all know you like sang kyo you always like all the girls that I like just like in the old days right oh and if you date sang kyo your just gonna put her through more pain because of the queenkas" myungsoo said as he left l.joe with a tight fist 'wait so now l.joe likes sang kyo as well man what happened to the nerdy girl who used to get picked on by guys in middle school' I wondered as myungsoo left  l.joe with a tight fist I slowly approached him "l.joe a-are you o-okay?!" I asked him "I'm fine yoo mi did you hear??" he asked I nodded "aish I will never have a chance with sang kyo now because of the stupid queenkas they will kill sang kyo if they knew" he said sounding hopeless "don't worry I will help you I don't know why but there is something about myungsoo guy he seems st-" I said but got cut of by l.joe "strange? Yeah he has a secret that I  have been trying to figure out for 2 years now but I have always failed" 'huh so ow i must help sang kyo and l.joe get together because if I don't that secret myungsoo has might be bad and harm my friend' I thought "but ow can you help me??" l.joe asked me "pluh-ease I am sang kyo's we should get going we have sport" I said as me and l.joe ran down the halls (l.joe P.O.V)  after sang kyo left for class I saw myungsoo watching us so I went behind him "stop it" i said  "l.joe hey what's up??" myungsoo ask me "stop it myungsoo I know you like sang kyo but you don't have a chance with her because she is mine" i said as Myungsoo scoffed "as if don't you get it we all know you like sang kyo you always like all the girls that I like just like in the old days right oh and if you date sang kyo your just gonna put her through more pain because of the queenkas" myungsoo said as he left l.joe with a tight fist 'damn he is right' i thought then I herd a soft voice "l.joe a-are you o-okay?!" Yoo mi asked me "I'm fine yoo mi did you hear??" i asked She nodded "aish I will never have a chance with sang kyo now because of the stupid queenkas they will kill sang kyo if they knew" i said sounding hopeless "don't worry I will help you I don't know why but there is something about myungsoo guy he seems st-" She said but I cut her off "strange? Yeah he has a secret that I have been trying to figure out for 2 years now but I have always failed.... but how can you help me??" I  asked her "pluh-ease I am sang kyo's we should get going we have sport" She  said as me and yoo mi ran down the halls *in sport class* "hey sang kyo" I saw myungsoo talking to sang kyo "hi myungsoo" she said back "okay class we are now going to go outside and you will need a partner so palli" the teacher said 'ill ask sang kyo' I thought "hey sang kyo be my patener" I asked her nervesly "sure I would love to" she said back 'yea take that myungsoo' "okay now I want you to do 10 sit ups. NOW!" the teacher yelled "I'll go first" sang kyo said so she sat down and I held her feet I 'I got an idea every time I do a sit up I will move closer! Your brilliant l.joe' I thought "1..2...3...4.....5....6....7...8...9.....10" I counted now it was my turn "1...2..3..*closer 4..5...6.*closer*...7..8....9.*closer..10" she counted "good everyone now 5 laps around the oval go go go "the teacher said again...(after 5 laps) "Waaaa I'm tired" sang kyo said "okay now you can change and go goodbye" the teacher said as he left  (your P.O.V)  After I left l.joe in the halls I ran to my locker to get my sport uniform when I reached the gym and I finished changing "okay class we are now going to go outside and you will need a partner so palli" the teacher said "hey sang kyo be my patener" l.joe asked me  "sure I would love to" i said back "okay now I want you to do 10 sit ups. NOW!" the teacher yelled "I'll go first" I said so i sat down and He held my feet "1..2...3...4.....5....6....7...8...9.....10" He counted now it was his turn 1...2..3..*closer 4..5...6.*closer*...7..8....9.*closer..10"' omg why does he keep coming closer to my face omg I'm red as a tomato now...wait do I like him.....OMG TOO CLOSE THAT'S IT I DO LIKE HIM!!! oh no but I like myungsoo as well' I thought as i counted "good everyone now 5 laps around the oval go go go "the teacher said again...(after 5 laps) 'OMO I can't believe I did it that was awesome' I thought "Waaaa I'm tired" I  said "okay now you can change and go home goodbye" the teacher said and left (after changing) *just be ma girlfriend ma girlfriend ma girl* "hello" "sang kyo can you babysit the boys tonight?" my moms friend asked me "sure but can my friend come I have to tutor him and work on some homework with him?" I asked "sure sure thank you" "your welcome mrs choi bye" bye"she said "ready to go?" l.joe asked me " yea um...I have to babysit my moms friends kids wanna come along?? We can work there" I said "sure"  (Myungsoo P.O.V)  When I was at sport I saw sang kyo so I said hi to her "hey sang kyo" I said "hi myungsoo" she said back "okay class we are now going to go outside and you will need a partner so palli" the teacher said ' I'll ask dang kyo to be my partner' I thought "hey sang kyo be my patener" l.joe asked sang kyo ' are you kidding me' I thought  "sure I would love to" she said back 'oh please really 'sure i would love to' omg come on stop being so nice to him' I thought "okay now I want you to do 10 sit ups. NOW!" the teacher yelled "hey myungsoo wanna be partners" yoo mi asked me "sure yoo mi" after I did my 10 sit ups yoo mi started hers that meant it was now l.joes turns 1..2...3 *closer...5...6 *closer*... 7..*closer* 8...closer...9.*closer....10 'what do you think you are doing l.joe?! Stop going closer to her!?' I thought ' come one he Is just doing what the teacher told him to do' the voice on my head said 'really and what was that' I thought ' he said to do sit ups so that's what he is doing man even your doing it how dumb are you gel king' the voice said back   "good everyone now 5 laps around the oval go go go "the teacher said again...(after 5 laps)  "Waaaa I'm tired" I her sang kyo say "okay now you can change and go home goodbye" the teacher said and left (after changing)  "ready to go?" i herd l.joe ask sang kyo " yea um...I have to babysit my moms friends kids wanna come along?? We can work there" She said  said "sure" he replied 'damn man now they are gonna spend more time together far out!' I thought as I left to go home  (woohyun P.O.V)    After myungsoo left to look for sang kyo Then yoo mi left and then jay park so I also left the group ask was walking to my locker "hmmm it's strange cause I was dreaming of sang kyo but I don't seem to want to admit it? Do I really like her? Does myungsoo really like her?? Does anyone else like her?? Does she like anyone?? Does jay park like her?? Do I like jay park??....wait what!? No brain shut up I like jay park but as an idol yes but not in that way! Aish' I thought *ring ring* 'great now I have sport yay not...' after I finished changing and everything I just went with the flow and because I'm more fit than everyone I finished the sit ups and I finished the 5 laps fast so the teacher let me leave as I was going through my locker looking for my history book I saw a photo of me and my 3 bestfriends I used to go to middle school with hahaha those were some fun times' wait but on the back it says something' I thought "greasy boy  don't forget me okay!? I'm your only friend that will kill you if you cry about me leaving don't forget to eat your food and do you homework also tell yoo mi that I love her and I will come back in a little while love grandma Jung <3!" I read out loud 'hahaha grandma jung hahaha how I miss her she still hasnt come back to me?? I wonder why?? She must have forgotten about me' I thought "she already has come back you just don't know as who" someone said I turned around to see who it was but there was no one there " she is right in front of you she hasent forgotten you she just dosent recognize you...don't forget you changed the way you looked in those few years and so did she" I turned back to see who it was but no one was there 'am I being haunted?? Is this a prank?" I thought " no it's not a prank and no I'm not haunting you I'm a real living person you just don't know who I am" the voice said but slowly faded away 'hmm strange' I thought 'she is back but not as someone I know....she has not forgotten me she just doesn't recognize me?? And that other girl in the picture looks just like yoo mi maybe it's her I should ask her' I thought as I left the school 
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