'miss right the song that made Her see him again

First loves last forever
                'Miss right' the song that made her see him again    27 *leaving block bs hideout* It's Friday afterschool and it is time for sang kyo to leave Block bs hideout "bye jaehyo" she said as she hugged him "don't you dare forget me! And could you teach me how to dance like that??" he said as she nodded "bye bye taeil" she said as he shook his hand "were going to miss you" he said "bye bye jiho" she said as she gave him a big hug "I'm going to miss you sang kyo...promise me you won't fight anyone from now on without me!!" he said like a omma "yea sure mom" she said "bye bye.....what's your name again?? " she said "it's ky-" he said "no no don't tell me....is it cucumber??....no.....cucumber looking boy??....no....oh yea the king of cucumberness" she said "I really hate you!" he said "and I love you too" she said as she was about to walk away he grabbed her and gave her a hug "I'm going to miss you calling me that!!!" he cried 'what the hell I thought he was supposed to Be bad boy not cry baby!' she thought "awww don't worry I'll call you that forvever!" she said as she hugged him back "thank you!" he said "okay....bye bye P.O" she said as he started crying "don't go!" he said "but I have to jay jay oppa is back and I have to see jiseok" she said "what about me!!" he said "awww don't worry I will come don't worry!!" she said as she gave him a big bear hug " bye bye kwonnie" she said "hey how come he got a nickname!" jiho said "yea what about us!" the rest of them said "I'm working on them" she said "bye Sang kyo....don't don't forget  to keep your eyes open because myungsoo will come after you again" he said "yea I will!" she said "we will also look after you!" he said "I know I know" she said as he nodded "bye bye minnie...." she said "yea...I'm gonna miss you" he said "im gonna miss you too" she said "come on you guys you make it look and sound like you don't even know each other like your not dating!" kyung said "come here!" minyunk said as he gave her a hug "I know that I will see you around and stuff but I really am going to miss you!" he said "I know I will miss you too!" she said as she hugged him back and kyung took a picture "awww!!!" they all said *knock knock* "hello" jay said "hey jay jay oppa!" she said as she ran and hugged him making everyone look at sang kyo then minyunk but he didn't seem to be angry because he knows how close they are "I gotta go guys bye bye!" she said as she left  *at home*  "NOONA NOMU YEPO!!!!!" jiseok said as he ran and jumped on her "ow! Hello there jiseok how are you??" she asked "SOOO HAPPY TO SEE NOONA AGAIN!!!!"he screamed and he jumped around the place "okay okay calm down" she said as he went and sat on the couch "noona can we buy a dog??" jiseok asked "I say yes but you have to ask jay jay hyung" she said as he quickly  got up and asked jay 'this kid how I missed him!' she thought "jay jay hyung can we get a dog??" he asked "um....I don't know what did sang kyo noona say??" jay asked "she said yes" jiseok said "well it's okay with me so...let's get one tomorrow okay??" jay said a jiseok smiled really big!! "well I have to go and record my new song okay??...so I'll be back soon" she said as she got her bag and went to the recording studio  *recording studio* "okay now just sing the line and make it sound more high noted maybe" the guy said so she did as he said "great job okay now everyone can go home "good job sang kyo.." a girl about 20 said to her "thank you...." sang kyo said as she packed her bag "hey sang kyo there is a phone call for you!!" the guy who did the recording said "hello??" she said "hey sang kyo...." a guy said "hi...sorry but do I know you??" she asked "yea you already know my name....I'm one of ukwons brothers" he said "really now.....what's my real name then??" she asked "jung sang kyo" he said 'not bad' she thought "your 19 years old...when you were small you used to hate me and love my other brothers I remember once you and your brother ran away from home because of your father and about 2 years later you came back to your mothers house but you forgot who I was so when I talked you would just look at me and say "sorry but I don't now what your talking about mr" he said '...I don't remember th-....snap it really is one of ukwons brothers but I don't remember his name and he won't tell me!" she thought "see I knew that you would remember and I will tell you what me name is but you have to meet me at xxxxx to find out who I am" he said "how did you read my mind??" she asked "all in good time you will know" is all he said before he cut the call "well no wonder I hated him and I  like myungsoo and ukwon instead he always cuts of the call!" she said before she went home  *2 days later in america*  "hey hyung have you herd this song it's soo cool! But  I don't know who it was made by" Neil said "what song??" chunji asked "this one!" Neil said as he put it up louder "wow she seems to really feel what she is singing!" chanjo said "yea kinda like...." C.A.P said bit the manager cut in "alright I like this new song boys but you need a girl to act in it!" the manager said "well who can act in it. Because no one here speaks Korean!" chunji said "don't talk to the manager like that!" C.A.P said but  chunji just rolled his eyes "well....bunhyun because you are...getting married....how about your bride to be??" the manager asked as l.joe looked at him with piercing eyes "what do you say??" C.A.P asked l.joe "no way thats just weird i dont even love her i hate her and your going to make me look and admire her!....even worse my bestfriends too!" l.joe said as he crossed his arms "please we have no one else!" the manager said 'god please tell me that there is light at the end of this tunnel im going into' l.joe thought "fine whatever..." l.joe said "okay what's her name??" C.A.P asked "her name is...Kang eun Jin" l.joe said not caring "okay well in the music video I want you too??......just look at her and stuff like admire her because of her beauty...." the manager said "but what if she says no to being in the music video??" Ricky asked "yea what if she says no hyung??" chanjo asked "well then....we will have to get someone else to act in your music video..." he said as they all looked at l.joe "oh no....no no no no no no NO N.O!" he said *10 minutes later*  "hey eun Jin can you do me a really big favor??" l.joe asked "what is it??" she asked "I need you to be in my music video..." he said "sorry but no....because.....because....." she said but the line got cut "so what did she say??" the manager asked "she said no so can we get someone else??" l.joe asked "how about....that new girl singer??" the manager said "who g.na??....um...hyung if you haven't noticed she is a bit to old from chanjo and Ricky to look at because they are 20 and she is 26...." Neil said "no not her the other one...what's her name!?" the manager said "boa??" C.A.P asked "no...the other one!" the manager said as he rubbed his temples "the only other new solo girl act is.....oh no no no no no never!" Ricky said "who??" C.A.P asked "look at chunji then l,joe she has history with both of them!" Neil said "......OH NO!" chunji and l.joe said "...sang kyo..." C.A.P said "that's right her! She will be perfect!!" the manager said "why her??" l.joe asked 'you have got to be kidding me why her! Of all people!' l.joe thought "because have you seen the way she dances and the way she looks she is perfect!!" the manager said "ur hyung!" l.joe chunji and C.A.P said "no buts she is going to be in your music video no matter what!" the manager said as he waked out of the room "are you kidding me why her!" l.joe said "I thought you would be happy to see her??" chunji said "I should be saying the same thing to you" l.joe snapped "I said no because she is my bestfriend I don't want to look at my bestfriend like as if I'm in love with her that just eww!" chunji said "well...I don't want to see her because I'm supposed to get married to that girl and I don't want to see sang kyo because it might bring back my feelings of her!" l.joe said as chunji nodded *in Korea at home* "I'm back guys!" sang kyo said "no...I'm sure I will tell her...yes..........she just came back...yes thank you bye bye" jay said on the phone "hey jay who was that??" she asked "pack your bags sang kyo your going to America to be in teen tops music video miss right!!" jay said as sang kyo spat her drink out "what!?!?!?" she asked "your going to be in tee-" he said "AHHHH I LOVE YOU JAY JAY OPPA!!!!" she said as she hugged him "I thought you would be angry??" he said "angry why??" she asked "because you have to see l.joe..."  he said as she just crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him "what?!?" he asked "really I'm with minyunk now....how old do you think I am?? 5??....I learned to move on!" she said "okay??....but why are you so happy??" he asked "because I get to see chunji!!!" she said as she ran up the stairs but stopped "wait...when am I going to America??" she asked "um....2 days from now" he said as she continued to run up the stairs  *sang kyo's room* "OMO what do I wear!?!? What do I say when I see chunji!?!? OMO I can't believe I get to see him!!....wait I better tell jiho and block b!!" she said to herself as she ran to her bag for her phone *ring ring ring ring* "hello??" jiho asked "hhhheeeellllooooo~" she sang into the phone "sang kyo is that you??....how did you get my number??....are you drunk??" he asked "for your information 1 yes it is me sang kyo 2 I took your number of kyungs phone when he wasn't looking and 3 I'm not drunk I'm just really happy that I'm going to America I'm going to see chunji again!! He is my bestfriend same with woohyung and yoo mi!!" she said "Ohhh that's whats going on....well let me give you minyunks number so you can call him okay??" jiho said "okay!!!" she said as he gave her the number "oh and sang kyo can you do me a favor??....when you get to America can you go to mrs ling chows shop and go to the old room whe we used to sleep...look under the pillow I have a picture of me you myungsoo and ukwon illhoon" he said 'illhoon?? Who is that??'she thought "thank you zico...jiho...brother..." she said as he laughed on the other end "why are you laughing!? It's not funny!!"she said "call me oppa like old times!" he said "okay...thank you oppa" she said as she but the call and started packing  *1 hour later*  "finally finished packing!" she said "hello sang kyo...I see your finished packing for America" mystic howler said "hello mystic howler and yea I am! I'm so happy that I get to see Chunji again!!" she said "sure your not just happy to see l.joe again??" he asked as she shook her head "okay I trust you...but what if he gets the wrong idea because rememeber the letter he left for you!" he said as she looked up straight 'fish cakes! I forgot about that!...but he is getting married and I bet his parents won't let him get divorced if it is an arranged marriage...plus I'm with minyunk' she thought "yea um...sang kyo you keep telling yourself that you won't care about seeing him...oh and one thing before I go...you should saud crab cakes.." he said "why?!" she said "because they are more yummy!" he said as the voice faded away "what's the time??" she said as she looked at the time on her phone "omg its 4:00 pm I need to go meet ukwons brother!" she said as she quickly got her phone and her Keys and ran out of her room closed the front door and ran to the bus stop  *at xxxxxx*  "hello miss may I take your order??" a girl about 15 asked her 'aww she reminds me of me when I was young' sang kyo thought "um...can I just have a starwberry shake??" she asked as the girl write it down bowed and went to the kitchen "hello" someone said "hello...ukwons bro-GUY FROM THE CLUB!" she yelled as everyone in the shop looked at her "mihane mianhe" sang kyo said as he bowed to everyone "yes I'm the guy from the club......my name is illhoon" he said as he bowed to her "well at least you won't kill me" she said "why would I want to kill you??" he asked "well I don't know if you know but.." she said "you dated myungsoo and he tried to kill you??" he said as she looked at him "...lucky guess" he said as he looked the other way "excuse me miss here is your drink...sir can I get you anything??" the girl asked "no thank you....I hope I'm not being mean by asking this but how old are you??" illhoon asked 'what is this guy a e?? He is only 20 and he wants to be a pedo!' she thought as he sent her death glares "I'm 15 sir..." she said "....just like my friend she was 15 when she got a job...she got a job because of family problems what about you??" he asked 'save me god save me please!' she thought "sang kyo shut up" illhoon said a she sent her death glares and she looked at him with a shocked face "but I didn't say anything!" she said but he didn't hear "that is that same problem with me" she said "HEY! LEE SOO JAE!! GET BACK TO WORK!!!" a guy said to the girl as she bowed "mianhe!!" she said as she started to walk but illhoon grabbed her hand and put 200 dollars in her hand "sir I can't take this" she said "well I won't take it back...so if you don't take it you will have to throw it in the bin" he said as she bowed to him and walked away "that was very nice of you..." sang kyo said "of course she is just like you so I can't bare to see someone suffer as much as you did even till this day" he said "hmm...." is what she said as she took a sip of her drink "so I know who you are now...." she said "well not really....I wanted to tell you about myungsoo....he....will try and kill you...but he is.....happy to be in that gang the one with your father....he was forced....he was going to be killed along with his mother me ukwon...and you because of our dad....so he was told to join the gang and kill you...so either way you were going to die..." he said "how do you know all this??" she asked "I will never tell " he said as his phone went of "hello....yes....I'll be there now....okay bye bye" he said "what happened??" she asked "I have to go my mother is sick" he said as he walked away leaving sang kyo to drink her drink alone with a head full of questions after she finished her drink she went home *at home*  "it's mine!" "no it's mine!" jay and jiseok said as they were fighting over the last cookie "noona!~" jiseok said as he came up to her "hyung won't give me the last cookie!!" he said "jay....come on he is only 4 let him have it!" she said Ashe got up and with a sad face he gave it to jiseok"I hope you know what you have done" jay said a she went to the living room 'oh I know what I have done that's why I'm so calm cool and collected now!' she thought after about 5 minutes jiseok because hyper he was jumping everywhere and doing crazy things 'and 3....2....1....BINGO!' she thought as jiseok just fell to the ground slightly snoring as she picked him up and put him to sleep and she went to sleep 
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