Mystic howler isMY GOD NO WAY!!!

First loves last forever
                            Mystic howler is MY GOD NO WAY!!!29 *that night*  Sang kyo went into her room after her strange meeting with l.joe so as she was going to fall asleep she remembered that she had to call minyunk and yoo mi so she got her phone and started calling yoo mi *ring ring ring* "hello sang kyo!!! Why didn't you call me!!!" yoo mi said "what are you talking about I'm calling you right now!" sang kyo said as yoo mi sighed "don't worry....anyways how are you?? Hows chunji??" yoo mi asked "I'm fine...kinda...I found out that my dad actually did care for me and my brother just....something was happening to him...or" sang kyo said 'or...someone...' she thought "sang there" yoo mi asked "yea I'm here anyways...chunji is fabulous!.." sang kyo said "what about l.joe??" yoo mi asked "um....well I don't really know because right now it's 10:30 at night and what happened was I had to come home but I didn't know the way so it was late when I came home and he was awake sitting on a chair and he was asking me why I came home late but I didn't want to tell him because it's personal so I just ignored him and went to get a drink then he asked me again but I just ignored him and asked him what drink he wanted while I was looking in the fridge and when I closed the fridge he was standing right in front of me so I went to the left but he it his hand down then I went to the right but he also put his hand down so technically I was trapped and then he said 'You didnt answer my question' he said as he leaned forward like he was going to kiss me and then  'just because you asked me something doesn't mean I have to answer' i said and just then minyunk called me so I talked to him then I came to my room and called you" sang kyo said "wow....seems like he still likes you...but if he still likes you why did he break up with you??" yoo mi asked "....I don't know if anyone else knows but he is in an arranged marriage...that's why" sang kyo said as yoo mi screamed "keep it down!" sang kyo said " if he gets a divorce that means that you 2 can be together" yoo mi said "me and l.joe are not going to be together because he will not be allowed to be divorced because his parents won't let I don't think I like him anymore" sang kyo said "you think sang kyo you think" yoo mi said "yoo mi!! Hurry up were leaving!!" yoo mi's mom said "sorry sang kyo gotta go" yoo mi Said as she cut the call "okay....time to call Minnie" sang kyo said as she dialed the number but his phone was switched of "oh we'll I'll call him tomorrow" she said as she went to sleep *the next day* Today is the that teen top and sang kyo start to film the music video  "okay everyone!....I want sang kyo to walk into the style!....grace!! your on the catwalk!....make sure you all keep your eyes on her make sure she is the only thing you see!" the director said as teen top took their seats and sang kyo walked in the room "............and cut!...fabulous fabulous I love it perfect now everyone's own scenes okay C.A.P! Your first!" the director said " I want you to look at her from the bunk bed like as if your making sure that she is sleeping" the director said as they got into there places "......Fabulous!.....chanjo your turn!" the director said as they went through everyone's own scenes it finally came to the most weird scene where sang kyo had to take the top part of her jumpsuit of in front of a 'sleeping' chunji " chunji I want you to sit on the chair and stay like that...kinda like a zombie.....and sang kyo I want you to walk up to him then check if he is awake so wave your hand in front of his face and then i want you to open your locker and then I want you to take the top half of your jumpsuit off and like pretend t be doing something and then I want you to put the first half for your jumpsuit back on and walk away!" the director said as chunji and sang kyo got into position "...................................FABULOUS!!! CUT CUT THAT WAS THE BEST EVER!!!!" the director said as he clapped his hands and started doing ganagnam style making his assistant drop his 'double chocolate whip cream strawberry hint vanilla ice cream cookies 'n' cream shake' "AHAHAHA" everyone laughed "well everyone it's time to go home" C.A.P said "so we finished the filming and the singing now all we have to do is wait for it to go on tv by tonight and bam! Miss right is officially finished!" chunji said as sang kyo laughed "what's so funny??" he asked as she shook her head "come on I'm hungry lets go eat at the Chinese restaurant" l.joe said as he pulled chanjo with him  *eating at the restaurant* "I'm sooooo hungry!!" Neil said "your always hungry!" chunji said "its Better than always being a phoneaholic!" Neil said making chunji stand like a omma "how dare you say that to your hyung!!....I was the one that bought you all that food last week!" chunji said "without me you wouldn't even have that phone!" Neil said as chunji shut up making everyone laugh "aww poor mr smiley" sang kyo said as she rubbed his head "awww look at sang kyo and chunji they look like mother and son!" Ricky said getting a flick on the head "that's what you get for saying stupid stuff!" C.A.P said as he looked at the menu "hello me name is eu-...bunhyun?!?" eun ji said as she dropped her book and pen "eun ji??" he asked "I thought you said that you were going to be filming all day??" she said "and only with the guys not with your...ex..." she said as sang kyo looked at chunji for some information on what was happening "I was with the boys and sang kyo all day because she Is in our music video remember I asked you but you said no" he said as he crossed his arms and looked away from her "I'm sorry but I had something to do...." she said "more like someone..." he whispered making C.A.P kick him for under the table "what was that for??" l.joe asked as he rubbed his leg "show some niceness!" C.A.P said as l.joe glared at C.A.P "so what are you doing here??" l.joe asked her as she started to shake and stutter "um...I-I'm just w-working..." she said as l.joe eyed her "meh whatever why should I care anyways!" l.joe said as he looked at the menu I'll have some friend rice..." he said as C.A.P looked at him "....please" l.joe said with a fake smile as she nodded and took everyone else's orders down and then brought the food out and when they were leaving eun ji pulled l.joe back "bunhyun...why don't you come home and stay with us tonight" she said as he fake laughed and looked at her "what do you think this is?? A perfect family where I am the loving husband and you are the loving house wife?? I don't think so!" he said as he shook his arm out of her grip "no it's not like that its just because..." she said "because what?? actually want us to be together??" he asked as she looked down "well to bad because you might love me might not that I don't know but I know for sure is that I don't love you and I never will" he said as he walked away trying to catch up with teen top and sang kyo    *at home* "daddys home me sweet fridge/tv/couch/phone/room/sunny!" all of teen top said  as everyone turned and looked at Neil "what I like sunny from snsd is that such a bad thing??" he asked as everyone nodded "why is that a bad thing??" he asked "because!....we all like normal things" chanjo said "I know right what abut me you don't love me!?!?" sang kyo asked as everyone now looked at her "what!....I need love too" sang kyo said as everyone looked at l.joe and shook their heads "what it's not my fault that I love her!" l.joe said as he stopped hugging his couch 'he still loves me??' she thought "when I looked at you I didn't mean that sang kyo needed love I meant that Eun Jin needs love to" Ricky said as they all nodded "uh....guys who is eun ji??" sang kyo asked "oh that's l,joes to be bride" Neil said "oh...that's who" sang kyo said as she looked down and l.joe looked at her ' isn't that cute she still loves him...' C.A.P thought *just be ma girlfriend ma girlfriend ma girlfriend ma girl* "hello...." sang kyo said as everyone looked at her "........never!......I said never and I mean never!" she said making a tear run down her face "go away!....I'll never do it!! Never!!!" she said as she closed her phone and went into her room "what happened to sang kyo??" Ricky asked "I don't know but it must be really bad she never crys for nothing" chunji and everyone looked at each other and after a little while went to sleep  *in her room* 'I'll never do it never!!' she thought as she took out the iPod and was about to listen to it when "sang kyo....what happened" mystic howler asked her "I got a phone call a little while ago and it was from a man that tried to kill me before...he told me to give up the iPod and the key!...and to give my mom up!" she said as he came down from where he was hiding and patted her back making her gasp "your touching me??" she said as he stopped realizing what he was doing he was about to jump away but she pulled his jacket "don't go....I'm scared" she said as he sat back down and hugged her "it will be okay...I'll make sure!" he said as he rubbed her back "wait....sang don't know who I am do you??" he asked as she shook her head 'good cause if she did she would...I don't even know...all I know is that I don't want to lose her after al these years of knowing her only now she has accepted me' he thought "what do you mean...after all these years?? Accepted me??only now??" she asked as he realized hat she could read his mind "who are you really??" she asked as he sat there just looking at her "tell me..." she said as she lifted her hands to take of his mask but he held her wrists "wait....promise me that you will not hate me later on for not telling you!" he said a she nodded and he let go of her letting her take of the mask "OH MY SWEET CORN FROM AUSTRALIA!" she said as he out his hand over *muffled words* "shhhh do you want me to get caught! Even worse you!" he said "I-I-I-illhoon!" she said as he smiled like a goofball "the one and only" he said "your mystic howler the guy that looked after me??" she asked as he nodded "the one that Broke into my house and scared the living daylights out of jiseok??" she asked as he nodded waiting to get hit on the head with a bag a book something "thank you!" she said as she hugged him "um....sang kyo I don't think you understand I broke into your house...I scared you??....I lied to you" he said as she let go of him "but you didn't try and kill me?? You tried  to save me..." she said as he looked at her "wait so...were your he little boy that saved me when I was small?? Because in this picture you have the same mask that you are wearing now..." she said as he nodded "thank you illhoon thank you" she said 
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