I always loved you

First loves last forever
                                               I always loved you!! 32 *the next day at home*  "finally the day I get to rest!" she said "sang kyo can you please pretty please make me some French toast!!" jay said as she sighed "there goes my day to rest" she said as she got up and started cooking 'I better cook some for jiseok' she thought as she cooked some more "jay it's ready hurry up and get it!" she sad as she went and lied on the couch *dong dong* "sang kyo can you get that??" jay said as she groaned and got up and opened the door "hello ms can you please help me my AHAHAHAH! I'm kidding it's me woohyun!" he said "and me yoo mi!" she said "hey guys..." she said with no interest "what's wrong here??" woohyun asked "I'm tired!" she said "well it's only like 8 go to sleep and wake up at about 11 and you will be fabulous!" yoo mi said "okay we will go have a nice sleep by bye" woohyun said as he pushed yoo mi out of the house and San kyo went to sleep *3 hours later* "sang to get up you have had enough sleep!" jay said as she got up and washed her face *just be ma girlfriend ma girlfriend ma girlfriend ma girl* "hey jiho...." she said "aww were you sleeping??" he asked "yes but I'm up now" she said "good well please please please don't forget to come to xxxxx today at 2 okay I really do love her!" he said "I'll be there" she said as she cut the call and went downstairs to eat and then do some training  *at 2 pm*  Block b and sang kyo had arrived when a bunch of other guys arrived and also lots more "what the hell??" sang kyo said "don't worry we're all here!" minyunk said as he out one arm around her shoulder "hurry up and give me my girl!" a guy wearing a mask said "your girl!? She is my girl you give her back!" jiho said over his mask "I don't have her you have her so give her back!" the guy said "as I said I don't have her! I love her so stop playing around and give her back!" jiho said as they started to fight but when they stopped a bt of the guy who was wearing a masks hair came out that hair!!.....l.joe' she thought "I don't love her but If I don't protect her I will be in very big trouble!" the guy said "yea well inlove her but were not dating yet Im still here!....so give he-" jiho said "oh this is lovely...." a women with red hair said while a man walked out from behind her and started laughing 'who are these people and what is so special about this girl??...what is she like more famous than Obama or something!?' sang kyo thought "who are you!?" the guy with the mask asked " looking for her??.....or should I say fighting??" the lady said as she pushed a girl out for behind her "eun ji!" the guy with a mask said as well as jiho 'eun ji??...eun ji...OMO it's l.joes wife!....wait l.joes wife is my brothers love?? Which is supposed to be who u go dumped for!?' sang kyo thought "wow what smart boys....well if you want her come get her" the man said "don't do it!" sang kyo said as she held jihos arm "wait it might be a trap!" the other guy wearing a mask said as he held back the first guy with a mask 'that's sooo chunjis voice!' she thought "oh....look who it is...it's my lovely one and only sang kyo!" the man said "sang kyo??" all the guys wearing masks said "leave my sister out of this! We're here for eun ji!" jiho said "sister??" one guy With a mask asked "yes!....it's me sang kyo what's are you going to do about it!" she said as she took of her mask "sang kyo....." the guy with a mask said "who are you?? And how do you know my name??" she asked "it's me chunji.." he said as he took his mask of along with the rest of teen top "wow...." she said "come on let's finish them...do you remember the secret move for when we were young?!" he asked as she nodded and they all started fighting (I can't be bothered writing about the fighting scene just think of your favourite fighting scene in a movie^^)  *after fighting*  "wow sang kyo yu can really fight!" C.A.P said "yea so don't get on my bad side" she said as she went to the girl "hi....your name is eun ji right??" sang kyo asked as she nodded "I'm sang kyo l.joes ex girlfriend and jihos sister also the singer yoobin" she said "....I sorry it's all my fault why you and bunhyun broke up!! Also why me and jiho broke up!" she said as she started crying "no its not your fault! You had to marry him for your parents companies!....I just have to learn to move on..." sang kyo said " no you don't.....me and bunhyun are..." she said "divorecd..." l.joe said from beind them "l.joe...." sang kyo said "yes sang kyo I did marry her because of my family but I always loved you!" he said as everyone looked at you guys "I'll always love you! Forever!....please love me back!!!" he said "...l.joe.....I can't I-I-I have m-minyu-" she said but stopped when minyunk put his hand on and stood in front of her "sang kyo....I love you.....I always loved you...and I always will but...I'm not your real love.....he is....don't worry I'll find someone" minyunk said as he pointed at l.joe "......thank you!"she said as eh hugged him and then ran to l.joe and hugged him "I missed you sang to!!" he said "I missed you too" she said as she hugged he I'm even tighter  * 2 weeks at teen tops dorm*  "yes it is true me and eun ji did get married but then we got divorced because I still loved you sang kyo....and she still loved jiho" l.joe said as jiho put his arm around eun ji's shoulder and kissed the side of her head "....I love you sang kyo" l.joe said "......I-I-I..." she said "don't force yourself to say 'I love you'" he said as he put a finger over "
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