Can You See Me?


    Seoyeon sat up quickly, startling Chanyeol. He flailed like a dying octopus and fell to the floor with a loud thud. Seoyeon leaned over the edge of the bed and peered at the Chanyeol who lie on the floor in a state of shock. His eyes focused again and he saw Seoyeon staring down at him.

    "Are you okay," Seoyeon asked, meekly. Chanyeol nodded and reached up to grab Seoyeon's outstretched hand. He hoisted himself back onto the bed and looked at Seoyeon skeptically.

    "Did you sleep well," Chanyeol asked. Seoyeon nodded and tucked her legs under her. Chanyeol chuckled. "I should hope so. You were mumbling Kyungsoo's name all night," he teased. Seoyeon's cheeks flushed a bright red.

    "Wh-What?" Seoyeon felt the burning in her cheeks growing hotter. 

     "Don't worry -I won't tell him," Chanyeol said with his finger to his lips. "It was funny. You're just lucky I'm not Jongdae. Otherwise, you would be SCREWED," Chanyeol said, putting emphasis on the last word. Seoyeon clutched his arm and stared into his eyes desperately.

    "Please don't tell anyone," she pleaded. Chanyeol smiled at her and held his finger to his lips once more.

    "I won't tell a soul. Hey," Chanyeol shouted, bouncing up and down. "Today, you and I work together, right?! And Baekhyun gets to work with us, right?!" Chanyeol's enthusiasm was too much for Seoyeon's pessimistic morning-self. 

    "Right. Right," she said, nodding. Chanyeol hopped to his feet and did a victory dance, circling the room at least twice. "Yah! Calm down! Your optimism is making me sick," Seoyeon said whilst throwing her hard pillow at him. He managed to catch it after fumbling it for a while. 

    "What's wrong," he asked, sitting back beside Seoyeon. She sighed and shrugged. Chanyeol grabbed her face and stared into her eyes. "It's Jongdae, isn't it?" Seoyeon sputtered and gasped.

    "How did you know," she asked. Chanyeol smiled and stood up once more. 

     "I'm awesome," he said. Seoyeon smiled.

    "Your self-confidence is better than before; That's good." Chanyeol smiled sweetly and gestured for Seoyeon to come with him. Seoyeon stood slowly and looked around curiously. "How did I get here," she asked.

    "Kyungsoo carried you," Chanyeol said, nudging her arm teasingly. She blushed and walked out of the room in front of Chanyeol, who followed on her heels. They walked into Baekhyun's room and giggled. Baekhyun was curled up in a small ball beside LuHan and Sehun in LuHan's bed. He looked so much like a small dog or cat curled up between a married couple. Chanyeol stared fondly at the small boy (creeper status) and sighed.

    "I guess you're working with Jongdae first, then," Chanyeol asked. Seoyeon gulped and nodded. "I would help you," Chanyeol started. "But, he despises me with a burning passion and my presence would seriously piss him off. Besides, I think you have some sort of super-power to heal people." The two approached Jongdae's door and sighed. "Good luck," Chanyeol said, urging Seoyeon into the room. He quickly ran away.

    Seoyeon knocked on the door meekly, but after no answer, she knocked louder. Still, there was no reply. She cautiously entered the room and looked around, only to find no Jongdae. She left the room and peeked into the other rooms on the second floor; She found no signs of Jongdae. The only people she found were the owners of the rooms, still sleeping peacefully. Despite the ache in her leg, Seoyeon hobbled down the staircase and into the kitchen, where she figured Kyungsoo would be. He wasn't there. Where, she wondered. Where is Jongdae? She stopped for a moment. She was suddenly aware of the fact that she had never seen XiuMin, JunMyeon, or Kyungsoo's room before. She passed the long table in the dining room and proceeded into the dark room where XiuMin and JunMyeon always ran off to. 

    The doorway to the room was tall and wide, but as she entered the room, she realized that the doorway was nowhere near as large as the room inside. The ceiling seemed to be taller than the second floor, and the walls reached out for what seemed like miles. As Seoyeon entered the room, she saw old antique furniture and long, red, velvet curtains covering tall and large windows. The rug was dark and dirty with patterns barely visible, and the few end-tables that remained intact were dirty and worn. Seoyeon squinted her eyes to see the walls and the paintings that hung on them, but it was too dark. She made her way to one of the windows and cautiously pulled the curtain open.

    Suddenly, the room flooded with light and everything around Seoyeon looked new. Seoyeon stood back in awe as life filled the room. The antique furniture suddenly looked like new, and the rug was not dirty, but rather, intricately woven with complicated designs. The paintings on the wall were of people; The faces in the portraits looked very familiar, somehow. As she approached the far wall from the doorway, she was startled by a sound... Music. She spun around and saw a room full of people. There was a string quintet by the fire, the flickering light illuminating the pages of advanced Rondeaus and Minuets. There were few people dancing together on the far side of the room, and another lot of them talking amongst themselves throughout the room. 

    What's happening, Seoyeon asked herself. She looked around frantically for someone -anyone- who could help her. What in the world is... An elderly man approached her and reached out his hand. 

    "William Rasley," the man said. Seoyeon reahced her hand out hesitantly to shake his.

     "S-Seoyeon Oh," Seoyeon said, shakily. The man looked both ways before speaking. 

    "I know what you're thinking," the man said. Seoyeon arched her brow at him. "How in the world is this happening? Well, if you'll walk with me," the man said, reaching his arm out for Seoyeon to take. "I can explain everything." Seoyeon carefully wrapped her hand around his arm, and everything around Seoyeon disappeared. The scene suddenly changed and the time must have changed, too. There were still people in the room, and there was still music, but the era changed. Instead of classical minuets, there was lively jazz. 

    "Seoyeon, I hope you know that none of this is really happening. As of right now, you are still standing in the middle of the large ballroom in the Zhang residence. Soon enough, the other inhabitants will realize that something is amiss, and they'll wake you from this lucid dream," the man said, tugging Seoyeon gently out of the way of a smiling jazz dancer. Seoyeon looked around skeptically. "I realize that everything is hard to believe, but I need you to have an open mind. Right now, you are visiting the history of this house -err... Mansion. By this point, Yixing hasn't been even thought of, but he should know as much about this as you will when I am finished." 

    "Why me," Seoyeon asked. "Why is all of this happening to me? Why did my plane have to crash? Why did it have to be me," Seoyeon sighed. "I don't mind taking care of these boys, but I..." Seoyeon's eyes suddenly became teary. "I miss my mother. I... I miss music. I miss my instruments, and damn it all; I even miss the tedious plane flights!" The man patted Seoyeon's shoulder sympathetically. 

    "There is a reason for everything, darling. In this case, it is not fate, but rather, destiny. If you must know, you were sent here to help these boys enjoy whatever life they have left, and you were also supposed to fall in love with Kyungsoo, which -if you don't mind my saying so- is going slower than I thought. This house," the man started. The scene changed again, and as Seoyeon expected, so did the era. The Beatles were now playing in the backround, and everything was psychedelic-looking. "This house has seen better days, such as the 1800's, the 20's, and the 60's. Well, after the Zhang family was killed off, there was no one to take care of this place. That is where you come in. With the help of the able-bodied men here, you can have this place fixed up quickly! And, if I may suggest, I would get to it soon. The weather won't stay like this forever." Seoyeon opened to speak, but the scene changed and she shut . It was now the 80's. No need for detail -everybody knows what the 80's were like. 

    "Now, to answer your other questions. Why are the boys here, and why have unfortunate happenings occurred? Well, the reason JongIn showed up is because... The boy had no love at home. He escaped his home country on a plane, and as expected, it crashed here. The reason? He needs love, and you are going to give it to him. The same goes for Zitao. Now, I don't think you need a reason for everybody. Otherwise, we wouldn't have time for your other questions." The era looked as if it were to change, but nothing happened. The man held his hand up -almost as if he were stopping time. 

    "Why do planes crash here, you ask? Well, I guess you might consider this place as... The Bermuda Triangle. Sort of. Not even I can tell you where exactly this is. Lastly, will you ever return home? The answer, unfortunately... Is, no. You will die here." Seoyeon felt her heart stop. "The good news is, you don't have to worry about family deaths and friend responsibilities anymore!" The man certainly seemed straight-forward and slightly disturbed as he announced the harsh news with a smile. "Now, it is time for you to go. I wish we had more time, but unfortunately, you don't have that liberty. Good day," the man said, tipping his hat. Suddenly, Seoyeon's eyes snapped open and she clutched the anitquie sofa in front of her for support. Tears streamed down her face as she remember that the man said she would never go home... That she would die in the old house. Then, a smile crept across her face and she blushed. The man also said that she was to fall in love with Kyungsoo. 

    Trying to forget what happened, Seoyeon looked around and saw a hallway that she hadn't noticed earlier. She approached it and saw two doors. She thought, one must be Kyungsoo's. The other, XiuMin's and JunMyeon's. She cautiously knocked on one of them and heard a small squeal. It was XiuMin's and JunMyeon's room. She called through the door, "It's alright, it's just me! I'm sorry! Go back to your business!" She approached the other room and knocked meekly. It must have been Kyungsoo's room. When she heard no response, but talking, she got worried. She knocked again. This time, the door slowly creaked open. Kyungsoo peeked out from around the door and quickly opened the door for Seoyeon. She stepped into the room and watched Kyungsoo shut the door behind her. He shuffled to his bed with his head down, and sat silently. 

    "What's wrong, Kyungsoo," Seoyeon asked. He shrugged, but kept his head down. "Hey..." Kyungsoo started to lift his head, but kept it down. "What is it," Seoyeon asked, gently. Kyungsoo slowly raised his head, and what Seoyeon noticed first startled her to tears. A small cut on his lip and a light bruise under his eye was enough to set Seoyeon off. She let out a small cry and lunged toward Kyungsoo. "Kyungsoo! What happened!? Are you okay!? Does it hurt!? Oh my g-" Seoyeon could barely speak, while she was trying to force the tears away. Kyungsoo grabbed her hands and gestured for her to calm down. 

    "I-I'm f-fine," Kyungsoo whispered. "I just... I promise it-t's okay. It doesn't-t hurt," Kyungsoo said, rubbing Seoyeon's hands to soothe her. Seoyeon wondered...

    "Kyungsoo," she started. "Was it Jongdae?" Kyungsoo's eyes widened more than usual and he looked to his left. He tried to deny it, but Seoyeon knew.

    "Why did he do this," she asked, quickly growing more frantic. "How dare he!? I'm going to make him learn once and for all," she spat. "Why did he hurt you!?" She stood up quickly and headed for the door. Kyungsoo grabbed her from behind and latched his arms around her waist. Suddenly, Seoyeon stopped talking and froze. 

    "I p-promise it is okay. P-Please don't tell Jongdae." Seoyeon nodded and released the doorknob. Kyungsoo let go of Seoyeon's waist and turned Seoyeon to face her. He wrapped his arms around her waist again and pulled her in for a tight hug. Seoyeon quickly brought her hands up to rest on his shoulders. They stood hugging, feeling each other's pounding heartbeats for what seemed like hours. It could have been mere seconds, but it felt longer to both of them. Seoyeon quickly let go of Kyungsoo and left the room with a simple 'I'll see you at dinner.' Kyungsoo stood alone in the room with a smile plastered on his face. 

    Seoyeon rushed out of the hallway and back into the ballroom. She ran to the dining table and braced herself, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks. Somehow, she felt lightheaded. She heard a small giggle and turned around to see Jongdae standing in the doorway with a cute smile spread across his face.

    "Well, aren't you two a cute pair," Jongdae said. Seoyeon was startled, but what startled her was not the sudden appearance of Jongdae... Rather, that he didn't look or sound angry, sadistic, or evil in any way. He had the air of innocence about him. Jongdae innocent, Seoyeon asked herself. Jongdae smiled wider and approached Seoyeon.

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WARNING: The next chapter is confusing!


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nash612 #1
Chapter 18: KyungYeon is love!
nash612 #2
Chapter 17: Omg, I've been reading since yesterday and now I have to wait for the update! It was all playing like a movie in my head, I just love this type of stories and you are doing an amazing job, thank you so much for the fun times! I can't wait for a kiss between Seoyeon and Kyungsoo, but I like suspense and tension more than anything, and for the situations to be a little angsty as well, lol. Thank god I don't write fanfics, I'd be a mean author for sure haha. I'll be waiting for the next chapter!
HarmonyAngel #3
Chapter 17: WARNING: The next chapter's a bit confusing!
Midnight_Mockingbird #4
Chapter 17: YAYYYY!!!! SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!! I've been re-reading this story so many times!!
itsmark03 #5
love this sTory! and I hope you update this soon authornim.. please!!
khairun9131 #6
Chapter 15: Please update soon.. This story was way beyond amazing...
Chapter 15: Please update soon author-nim ~!!!
midnight-writer97 #8
Chapter 15: Really amazing chapter! I was soooo happy to see that you had updated! ^^ Oh and I really wonder why Seoyeon keeps fainting... Could it be that while everybody else is getting better, that she's getting worse? Anyway, just wanted to tell you that it was a great update and that I'm really looking forward to your next one! :D
Joevee #9
Chapter 14: It's not like we want that to happen right? It's not your fault :) We Malaysian won't blame you tho xD All we can do now is #PrayForMH370