
Inheritor kids
         Chapter 13

"i think I love--a you.. She's my favourite girl ..."

"promise me you wouldn't say a thing.."
"woooo woo woooo~ I think I love you.. My favourite girllll~" 
"Am, can you please stop singing!" Krystal put down her pen in frustration after not being able to solve her math assignment which has to be due tomorrow. 
The math assignment is a holiday work given for students to complete them during their 3weeks holiday. 
"but I'm bored. You're doing work and no one is entertaining me "amber pouted while changing songs on the music player. 
"what?! Don't you have any homework?" Krystal asked as usually teachers would give a lot of work. She means a PILE of them. Those evil teachers thinking that 3weeks holiday is a lot!
"oh well.. Ive finish writing all of them in the first week already." amber said in a not really bothered tone. 
"you what?!!!" Krystal shouted cant believe what her girlfriend just said. 
"huh? " amber looked up from the music player. 
"you finished everything?!"
Amber was surprised by krystal's reaction "ER yeah im done with all" she said while scratching her head.
Krystal couldn't believe amber. Amber was like lazing and playing all day long throughout the whole three weeks. And the assignments are tons of them which requires a lot of time to finish them all. 
She knows that Amber is really smart since she's popular and charming and always top in class but she doesn't seems to see amber touching her books or even write something when amber is with her.
"amber ~ baby~~~" Krystal changed her tone to a super sweet one. 
Amber raised her brows "what?" 
Krystal blinked her eyes cutely a few times. "baby, can you help me with my math assignment? Please" she begged. 
Amber dropped her raised brows. 
"no" she said simply. 
"what?! Why??" Krystal began to whine. She was getting frustrated why her actions didn't even get her girlfriend's attention. 
"because I'm done with all the boring work. I'm gonna find something else to entertain myself" she grab her phone out and start playing. 
"why?! I'm your girlfriend! And since you're smart why dont you just help me?" she whine trying to get Amber's attention again. 
"since I'm smart my girlfriend should be equally smart to be able to finish her own work. " amber said without even looking at Krystal still engrossed in her game. 
Krystal was getting really frustrated and annoyed by her girlfriend. Why she rather see her burning midnight oil rushing to compete her math while she's busy playing her phone. How can she not save her and watch her suicide from the pile of math assignment.
She snatched amber's phone away. 
"yah krys what are you doing? I'm about to compete this level!!" amber shouted trying to snatch back.
Krystal held up her phone with her index finger pressing hard on the lock button. Then shut down her phone. 
"yah!!" amber shouted
Krystal think think think.. She's thinking of a deal with her girlfriend. 
Amber looked pissed off now because of the interrupt of her precious game which she has been having a hard time to compete and it's gonna be competed with a few more moves. 
"amber please? Help your drop dead pretty girlfriend? Please please please?" Krystal begged again. 
"then what do I get in return?" amber smirked.
"what do you want?" Krystal raised her brows and ask.
"hmm.." amber pretend to tap on her chin and think hard then smirked slyly."what about a kiss everything I'm done with solving one question for you." 
"how dare you use me in the deal!!" Krystal shouted and narrow her eyes. 
"oh then forget it then "amber shrug and reach out for her phone.
"alright alright!!" Krystal snatch back Amber's phone. 
Amber smiled slyly "alright let's began!" she opened krystal's math book. 
Amber twisted and turn the pen while reading the long question briefly. Then began to write some notes at the side. Krystal was just staring at her charming looking girlfriend whom seems so focused on her work. 
Amber smiled and put down the pen "alright done!!" 
Krystal was shocked "wait what so fast?!" Krystal was stuck at this particular question for nearly an hour.
"what? Your girlfriend is smart. What to do?" amber smirked then pointed her juicy lips. Indicating for Krystal to give her her reward. 
"well that's fast.." Krystal smiled and lean in to capture her girlfriend's  red juicy lips. 
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glorya #1
Chapter 15: Next chapter pleasee !!!!
Chapter 15: why does jiyeon can not forget suzy is there something bad happen to her that the one who cause it is suzy??? update soon author!!!
elivalle #3
Chapter 15: gosh sooo intense XD !! update plzzz
kryberlover_12 #4
hehehe author-ssi! update ;)
Chapter 6: I mean pie not poe hehe my bad
Chapter 6: I felt this chapter is quite similiar to yes or no thai movie where kim is sick and then jane came to her dorm while kim is sleeping jane took the chance and kiss her. Kim didn't know it was jane and thought of poe. When pie opened the door she was shock like krystal here, knowing their girlfriend is kissing someone. But th diff. Is she didn't slap kim. That's my observation in this chapter. Hehe I just thougt of that while reading this chap
Chapter 2: Is amber a girl or a boy here? Im confuse since u always say "he"
Chapter 14: Yaay!!! I've been waiting for the update for so long!!! Please update soon
Chapter 12: Is this the last chapter?? Plss write more cuz I wanna read more heheeh
14 streak #10
Chapter 12: grandma liu is kryber shipper.. haha!!!