New Life New Start

Life With Bangtan

-Author’s POV-

B.A.P bought Yoonjae back to the house BTS stayed with Yoonjae. Once Yoongi saw Yoonjae’s face he ran over and help her to the couch. “Yoonjae what happened why do you look so dazed?” Yoongi asked Yoonjae but she just stared at the air in front of her. “Explain this to me what happened to her!? And why dose she have her arm bandaged?” Yoongi shot at B.A.P. “Hyung calm down I bet they can explain” Hoseok said trying to calm Yoongi down. “Some guy that called himself Red Dragon wanted to see Yoonjae, she said if we go along she would go too, they agreed so we went with her. When we reached there a guy I supposed it Red Dragon said that your parents did not got killed they kill themselves because they were guilty-” Yongguk explained but was cut of by Yoongi. “Guilty of what” “Let me finish the story first, he said they were guilty to face the both of you….because they took the both of you away from him as a revenge but… they started treating you guys as their own child and they don’t want to give the both of you back to him so he told you to ran away with her” “WHAT!?” BTS shouted at the same time. “This not true…” Yoongi stared at the air in front of him. “The guy called Red Dragon said that you guys could do a DNA test if you guys want prove….” Jongup said. “He also said that he had another son “your parents” did not take away and he might be Youngjae hyung…..but his not sure is it him or not yet” Zelo said. “He said that?...” Yoonjae suddenly looked at Zelo. “Y…yeh…. When you stred into the blank air he said that I guess you didn’t heard that because your spacing out” Himchan explained. “So you guys might want to meet him tomorrow to know the more complete story….” Yongguk suggested. “We will…..but why is Yoonjae hurt?” Yoongi asked them. “She fought with EXO-M I happened so fast we almost didn’t see that happen, she even took down 3 guys from EXO-M after that F(x) ran away with them” Daehyun explained. “F(x)? what did Yoonjae do to make them do that?” Jungkook asked. “She got kick one of them in the stomach and slammed another one onto the floor….” Youngjae explained even though his staring at the air too thinking of stuffs. “Wow she took down 3 guys from EXO-M and she attacked 2 girls from F(x)? that’s something you don’t see everyday” Namjoon exclaimed and Jin elbowed him telling him to stop.


“Yes…I guess we will go now Yoonjae needs to rest” Yongguk stood up and the others stood up too. “Hyung….” Yoonjae said and everyone looked at her. “Can you guys stay here tonight…? I want to be with you guys….” Yoonjae said looking on the floor. “Sure we would do anything for you” Himchan said and patted her shoulder. “Yoongi hyung, Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung, Jimin hyung, Taehyung hyung, Jungkook hyung you guys should go to sleep already see you guys tomorrow morning and Hoseok hyung today I won’t be sleeping in the room so feel free to sleep on the bed I will be at the living room if you guys need me good night” Yoonjae said without emotion. “Good night Yoonjae” all of them said and went to their room and started a chat group.


Namjoon: Yoongi are you okay?

Jungkook: Hyung why are you messaging him when his im the same room as you?

Namjoon: Just shut up its not the right time to talk to him now

Yoongi: Guys I’m fine I’m just thinking…

Jin: What are you thinking of? You can tell us you know we might be able to solve it for you.

Taehyung: Hyung its better to solve problems as a group then alone.

Jimin: Taehyung’s right hyung we can help you.

Hoseok: That’s right feel free to tell us.

Yoongi: I was just thinking it would be great that Yoongi and I had found our real parents but…. If Youngjae really is our brother it means that we had been enemies with my own brother…..and being the children of one of the most powerful guy in Mafia is not a good thing Yoonjae might be caught as hostage to treatten our “father” and all of our lives would change I don’t want you guys to be hurt because of us

Namjoon: Hyung we’re BTS we never leave anyone behind if anything happen we will always be there for you.

Jin: Yes Yoongi we will always be with you no matter you’re the son of a powerful guy in Mafia or Youngjae from B.A.P it will never stop us from protecting you.

Jimin: Hyung we will help you even if I die for you I won’t regret.

Taehyung: Hyung cheer up we will know more tomorrow info tomorrow when we meet that guy with B.A.P and Yoonjae we will always be with you.

Jungkook: Hyung looks like BTS and B.A.P are going to come together /Smirks/

Yoongi: Yah Jungkook wipe that smirk off your face BTS and B.A.P might be together it will make us stronger and a bigger family.

Hoseok: And there will be more idiots fooling around with us

Jin: Yoongi is right if B.A.P and BTS comes together we would be a very big family :) Hoseok don’t try to fool around with B.A.P I don’t want to clear up the house after you guys make a mess.

Namjoon: Guys lets sleep now we have a long day tomorrow.

All: Good night!


-Living Room-

Yoonjae and B.A.P sat on the floor discussing. (I changed it into chat form so you guys could read it easier)

Yongguk: Yoonjae why do you want us to stay here?

Yoonjae: I need someone to talk to and that someone are you guys all of you had been close too me you guys know a lot about me

Himchan: So what is it you want to tell us?

Yoonjae:Would you guys still be with me if in a daughter of a powerful guy in Mafia? /Yoonjae look at the floor while fiddling with her fingers/

Daehyun: What are you talking about? Of cause we would stay with you your like our life we had waited for you for almost more then 5 years and we would never let you leave you again. /He squeezed Yoonjae’s hands to calm her down a bit/

Jongup: Yoonjae we will never leave you no matter what and we would protect you with our life. /he patted her back/

Zelo: Yes we will never ever leave you and if your really Youngjae hyung’s sister why would we leave you? /He looked at Yoonjae playfully/

Youngjae: Yoonjae-ah if your really my sister I would do anything to keep you alive I won’t leave you… /He looked at Yoonjae meaningfully/

Yoonjae: Hyungs I know you guys would protect me but being the daughter of a powerful guy in Mafia is not a easy thing we might need to fight all the time and we even need to hide out identity, every thing would be different we can’t hangout casually like we used to we need to keep looking out for enemies and we can’t do things easily like we used to… /She looked onto the ground, tears started to roll down her cheeks/

Daehyun: Yoonjae-ah if we need to hide all the time or we can’t hang out casually like we always do its fine…. All we want is to be with you and keep you safe and last but not least be with you forever until we die.. /He used his thumb to wipe away her tears/

Yongguk: Daehyun’s right no matter what happen all we want to do is be with you, no matter what happen we will be with you. ? /He gave Yoonjae a meaningful smile/

Himchan: Don’t we always wear a mask to hide our identity already? So its okay if we need to hide again we’re used to it, we would do anything for you I would never regret if I died for you too. /He patted her shoulder/

Jongup: Yoonjae-ah our Black Skeleton… you know that no matter what we would be there for you we even forgiven BTS for you….we could be a big family with BTS too.

Zelo: Yeh we could do stupid and fun things with them it seems like they care for you as much as us and they also seems like idiots like us that does silly stuffs, we could be a bigger bunch of idiots with them. /He smiled at Yoonjae and all the others laughed at what he said/

Yoonjae: Thanks guys I really don’t know what could I do without you guys in my life I love you guys so much. /She cried and all of them did a group hug/


Suddenly all of the room doors opened. “Looks like we would a big family of idiots” Yoongi said and smirked. BTS, B.A.P and Yoonjae did a group hug. “BTS AND B.A.P HWITING!!” all of them cheered and laughed together. “Guys lets sleep now we have a long day tomorrow” Yongguk said to all of them. “Himchan hyung and Yongguk hyung could share a room with Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung which is the leaders, Youngjae hyung and Daehyun hyung could share a room with Jin hyung and Taehyung hyung, Jongup hyung and Junhong hyung could share a room with Jimin hyung and Jungkook hyung last but not least Hoseok hyung and I will still be shareing the biggest room, is that fair?” Yoonjae said to all of them. “Hey why does you and Hoseok get the biggest room?” Jongup asked. “Emm I don’t know or maybe B.A.P could all sleep in Hoseok hyung’s room while Hoseok hyung and I sleep with Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung….but the last time I remember Hoseok hyung doesn’t like others touching his stuffs expect me so we will stick to the plan good night” Yoonjae smiled at all of them and walked into the room she shared with Hoseok and softly giggled. “Looks like all of our room are going to be cramped up” Yoongi looked at all of them. “I guess so but all of us won’t mind if we sleep in the living room its fine” Youngjae explained. “Its okay now all of you are a part of us too” Namjoon smiled at all of them. “Guys we should sleep now if we don’t want Yoonjae coming out telling us to go into the rooms” Zelo suggested. “How do you know she would do that?” Yoongi looked at Zelo with a confused face. “I’m the closest to her in B.A.P Daehyun hyung too so we knows lots of things about her…..lets sleep now I’m tired” Zelo said and yawned. “GOOD NIGHT YOONJAE!!” all of them shouted from the living room to her room. “GOOD NIGHT!!” Yoonjae shouted back, all of them laughed and went to the room to sleep…


Hi guys hope you like this chapter please do comment^^ i will try to update tomorrow if i have enough time. Sorry if i don't us date everyday school is going to reopen but i will try to update when i'm free, keep supporting the story please and don't forget to support BTS and B.A.P too ><

New Subscriber XD


BTS aka BANGTAN BOYS 200 DAYS AFTER THEY DEBUT XD kayyyyy~ EUNGKAYKAY sorry for being random. <----- watch this >< (OMG FAINTS)

Signing out: Date now - 29 Dec 2013

                    Time now - 12:15 AM


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon I absolutely love this to the point where I'm obsessed! I seriously just want to thank you authornim for writing such a amazing fanfic hwaiting! <3 ^^
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 3: never mind my question i figured it out keke
JannaMin_ #3
Chapter 1: hi sorry just have a question if shes suga's sister how come she says hyung to suga and not oppa
suga_world #4
Chapter 20: Update soon pls~
Sparta12 #5
Please update author-nim I love it.
Chapter 5: Good story so far, but I just wanted to point out that girls do not call guys "hyung" at all in Korea, only guys will call other guys that. Just saying! :)
Chapter 16: Okok yes yes yyessss BAP AND BTS together... I LIKE IT♥
Hoping that something will happen between Yoonjae and Hoseok♥
I love them!♥♡♥♡♥

Chapter 14: Waaaa!! Finally a "normal" day~! ^^ ♥

Hoping for an update soon!! I like this story!!! ^^
Chapter 9: I'm loving this story chapter after chapter!!! Sweet Yoongi♥ Lovely Hoseok♡

Waiting for an update soon!! ^^ ♥
Chapter 1: i love yoonjae character ! i can relate to her ~ hehe