
Life With Bangtan

-BIGHIT High Cafe- -Yoonjae's POV-

I went to the school Cafe to have some coffee and study at the same time as I was waiting for Nara to study with her. I was looking through some of my note while drinking my coffee.


Suddenly I saw 6 figures walking into the cafe *! It’s B.A.P* I quickly pulled my hoodie over my head and looked down hoping they won't see me. And they just walked pass me *Phew good that they did not see me* They sat at the table behind me and started talking. "Hyung don't you think that new student that’s very brave seem familiar??" One of them said I guess its Zelo from his voice. "Yeh it’s like we had seen her some where before" another guy said I think it’s the Jong something guy.


"Guys don't you think she look like her?" The Youngguk guy said. *Her? Who's that??* "Hyung it can't be her She left years ago" the Daehyun guy said. "Its could be her...." the Yongjae guy said. "Guys what if it’s really her...." the Himchan guy said. *Who are they talking about..?*


"Yoonjae-ah! Lets go" Nara opened the cafe door and shouted while looking at me. I turned around and saw B.A.P looking at me with their eyes opened big. "Nara-ah lets go" I said and packed my things into my bag and walked out with Nara.


Later on that day I was walking him alone while listening to songs with my head phone on. Suddenly there are 6 shadows infount of me and I looked up * why do I keep banging into B.A.P today* I tried to walk away but they kept blocking me. "What do you guys want again" I said in an annoyed tone. "We won't do any thing to you today, we just want to ask you some questions" Yongguk said to me. "What do you want to ask" I said and put my Headphone down looking at all of them one by one *They look familiar....* "Can you follow us to our base? We need to talk to you privately" Himchan said. "Why would i even trust you guys, when you guys even tried to me that time" " That time we're drunk sorry about that, but trust us we just need to ask you a few questions" Yongjae said "Fine" then I phone rang 'Pale Hyung'


Yoongi Hyung: Yoonjae-ah are you coming to the base already? We're all getting ready to go The Underground later.

Me: Eo hyung I’ll go there bit later I need to do some stuffs first

Yoongi Hyung: Okay be safe okay?

Me: I'll be fine hyung I can protect myself bye

Yoongi Hyung: Bye don't be too late we need to go The Underground later


"Make it fast I need to go some where later" I said while putting my phone into my pocket "Okay follow us, it won't take long" Yongguk said and lead me to their base.


-B.A.P Base-

*This place looks familar....had I been here before?? No I don't even know them before I came to BIGHIT High* I looked around the familiar place. "Sit down here" Himchan said and I sat on the couch than all of them sat at the couch opposite of the one that I’m sitting on. *It’s weird that their so calm today*


"What do you guys want to ask me" I looked at them with a bored face. "It’s about someone we used to know, we thing that you look like her and your attitude is like her too" Yongguk said. "And?" "That time at the school cafe we heard that girl calling you you name really Yoonjae?" "Yes" "What’s your sur-name?" "Min" "Min.....Yoonjae...." "That’s my name... so this I all you want to ask me?"


"’s her..." Zelo said with a shock face looking at Yongguk. "It might be her and it might be not her, it may be a coincidence that they have the same name" Himchan said with half worried and calm tone. "Hyung the scar?.. if she have the scar it would be her..." Jongup said *Finally I remember this guys name, what are they talking about..?*


"Emm Yoonjae sorry but can you show use the back of your left shoulder?" Youngjae said calmly. "What is it for" "We need to see if you have a scar there if there is you might be her if there isn't means your not her" Daehyun explained. "Who's that her you guys are talking about....?" " Its a girl she looks like you and acts like you and even has the same name as you she could Dance, Rap, Make Tunes, Play Basketball well she could do lots of stuffs and she used to be part of out gang but she left us a few years ago when her parents died" Zelo explained.


"It’s not me I would never be in a gang with you guys" "Do you remember anything before you came to thing school?" Yongguk asked me. " I lost my memories after my parents died" " and that’s why we need to see if you are here or not she is really important to us, if your not her we wont bother you anymore" Youngjae said trying to calm me down. "Fine...." I took out my school blazer leaving myself in my Muscle tank top only, then I pulled it down slightly to show them the back of my left shoulder.


All of them gasped. " its J" Zelo said in a shocked voice. "Who's J?" I pulled up my tank top in place and wore back my school blazer then looking at them. *Why do they look so shock* "J is that girl it’s a nickname we gave her...because her name Is Yoonjae so we gave her the nickname J that sounds like Jae in her hame Yoonjae" Youngjae explained. "Yoonjae you really don't remember anything?" Daehyun said while trying to calm himself down. "Remember what?" "Us.....don't you remember us? We used to be super good friends we even hang out everyday but you study in a different school as us, but after you parents died you left us without saying a single thing" "No its not true I don't know you guys" i said in a shocked voice. "Yoonjae we're not forcing you to remember us but....we had be finding you for years since you left us we had alot of memories got that scar on the back of your left shoulder for blocking a knife for Zelo" "Junhong....." "Do you remember me!?" Zelo said looking at Yoonjae. "I don't know I only remember the name Junhong.. ." "Your the closest to him all the time and Zelo is the nickname you gave him don't you remember?" "I really don't know……guys I need to go now my hyung will be worried bye.."


I walked out their base then stopping at the play ground near the BTS Base. "This can't be true….I should ask Yoongi hyung Later after we come back from The U nderground...." after that I walked into the BTS Base.


-BTS Base-

"Yoonjae-ah are you okay you look pale" Jin asked me as his the first one to see me. "I’m fine I’ll go change then we can go to The Underground" then I walked to a room and put on my Black skinny jeans, and Black leather jacket over my white tank top and put of the mask Hoseok hyung gave me and went out. "Let’s go" i said to the guys. "Yoonjae-ah are you sure your fine? You look pale do you want to go home first?" Yoongi asked and looked at me with a worried face. "Hyung I’m fine let’s go now" All of them looked at each other shocked that I’m talking in this manner.


-The Underground- -Author POV-

The whole time you wasn’t focusing on the people on the stage. You are thinking of what B.A.P said earlier. You tried to make myself forget about it for awhile so you look at the stage and you saw both B.A.P and BTS they all looked at you with worried faces. B.A.P recognise your leather jacket it’s a gift they gave you so they knew its you even though your wearing a mask *Aish what should I do now* You ruffled your hair in frustration. Then you punched the wall so hardly that your hand bleed slightly.


-At Home, In Hoseok Room-

"Yoonjae what happen?" Hoseok asked yoonjae ask he sat beside her. "B.A.P....." "Did they hurt you again!?" "No..." "Then what happened!?" Yoonjae told him what happened "Hyung...should I ask Yoongi hyung....?" "I think you should, you deserve to know the truth" "Okay....I should ask him now" "Yeh good luck to you i'll be cheering for you here" "Thank you Hoseok hyung" Yoonjae hugged Hoseok and cried abit. "Yoonjae-ah it’ll be fine" Yoonjae nodded and lets go of the hug "Thank you hyung....really thank you for trusting me it’ll be back soon" “Come back faster I need to cure you wound you got from punching the wall” Yoonjae nodded left the room *I hope B.A.P would be friends with BTS again so Yoonjae won't have a hard time I do miss the times with B.A.P but…..I didn't know Yoonjae is with them too....* Hoseok thought


Hi guys please do stay tune for Truth...2 i'll be making it soon. Please do comment about the story too^^

New Subscribers XD




BYEBYE^^ I'll be back soon with Truth...2

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon I absolutely love this to the point where I'm obsessed! I seriously just want to thank you authornim for writing such a amazing fanfic hwaiting! <3 ^^
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 3: never mind my question i figured it out keke
JannaMin_ #3
Chapter 1: hi sorry just have a question if shes suga's sister how come she says hyung to suga and not oppa
suga_world #4
Chapter 20: Update soon pls~
Sparta12 #5
Please update author-nim I love it.
Chapter 5: Good story so far, but I just wanted to point out that girls do not call guys "hyung" at all in Korea, only guys will call other guys that. Just saying! :)
Chapter 16: Okok yes yes yyessss BAP AND BTS together... I LIKE IT♥
Hoping that something will happen between Yoonjae and Hoseok♥
I love them!♥♡♥♡♥

Chapter 14: Waaaa!! Finally a "normal" day~! ^^ ♥

Hoping for an update soon!! I like this story!!! ^^
Chapter 9: I'm loving this story chapter after chapter!!! Sweet Yoongi♥ Lovely Hoseok♡

Waiting for an update soon!! ^^ ♥
Chapter 1: i love yoonjae character ! i can relate to her ~ hehe