Clearing Misunderstands

Life With Bangtan

-Author’s POV-

B.A.P went in and BTS were all glaring at them. “Guys stop staring at each other, clear the misunderstanding and forgive each other” Yoonjae looked at BTS then looked at B.A.P.


-Back Home After The Misunderstanding Was Cleared-

“Yoonjae make sure your bunch of friends won’t spread the news that we’re siblings if anyone knows about that they will be the first to die do you understand?” Yoongi said to Yoonjae while playing on the Xbox with Jimin. “Yes hyung I get it I will tell them I’ll be in my room if you need me bye” Yoonjae said and went to her room which is the one she shared with Hoseok. Once she is in the room she took out her hand phone and started chatting with B.A.P.


Yoonjae: Hyungs you all can’t tell anyone that Yoongi hyung and I are siblings okay?”  

Jongup: Why?

Himchan: Yah Jongup are you stupid or what if the others know that their siblings bad things might happen to Yoonjae.

Zelo: Jongup hyung you can’t tell anyone we don’t want to lose Yoonjae again.

Youngjae: Jongup-ah stop asking questions you already know we always waste time explaining to you.

Jongup: Okay I won’t tell anyone.

Yoonjae: So it’s a promise? If you guys tell anyone my Hyung might kill you guys, at least that’s what he said.

Yongguk: We promise you Yoonjae if the others tell I would kill them too.

Daehyun: I won’t tell you know I don’t even talk to others expect you guys.

Yoonjae: I trust you Daehyun hyung :)

Youngjae: Hey! Why do you only trust him!?

Yoonjae: He doesn’t talk to others expect us in the past so I guess he still does that, if he doesn’t talk to anyone else how could he spread it? And I trust him and Zelo hyung the most don’t forget that Mr Jokomato.

Youngjae: Don’t call me that!

Himchan: Emm you guys you do know that your names are similar right? Its kinda confusing me now.

Jongup: I thought Youngjae hyung was talking to himself.

Zelo: Yoonjae-ah do you have a nickname or something? We can really get confused by you two.

Yoonjae: You guys can change my name in your contact into Black Skeleton ^^

Himchan: Black Skeleton?

Daehyun: Black Skeleton?

Jongup: Why Black Skeleton?

Zelo: Yeh why?

Youngjae: What does Black Skeleton means?

Yongguk: Guys give her a chance to explain.

Yoonjae: Thanks Yongguk hyung, Emm I don’t know why too it just came to my mind.

Zelo: I like it :) I should change her name in my contacts to Black Skeleton now.

Daehyun: I like it too, I think it suits her, she likes black and skeleton stuffs.

Yongguk: Yoonjae-ah do you want to meet us tomorrow in school? You would be lonely if you can’t be with us in school like how you are with BTS.

Himchan: Yeh we want to be with you in school too it’s a long time since we hang out with you.

Yoonjae: But….what if the others….

Youngjae: If they dare to do anything to you we would kill them.

Daehyun: Yoonjae we will protect you ^^

Yoonjae: Fine… if you guys say so.

Jongup: See you at the school gate tomorrow Yoonjae :D

Zelo: Yoonjae I have something important to tell you…

Yoonjae: Yes? What is it?

Zelo: Sorry for doing those stuffs to you before that…..

Yongguk: Yoonjae sorry I didn’t know its you… I should not have done THAT to you….. I’m really very sorry, I  felt very guilty after knowing its you…

Jongup: I’m sorry too….

Himchan: I’m sorry too…for bullying you those kicks must have hurt…

Daehyun: Me too I could give you my favourite cheesecake too if that could make you forgive us.

Yoonjae: Guys its fine now, I forgive you guys Daehyun hyung!! I want bubble tea ><

Daehyun: No problem we can get it after school tomorrow.

Yongguk: Guys you guys need to go to bed already we can see Yoonjae tomorrow in school we could talk to her forever, she need to rest too Good night Yoonjae-ah sweet dreams.

Yoonjae: Good night Yongguk hyung ^^

Daehyun: Good night Black Skeleton ^^

Youngjae: Good night Yoonjae have a sweet dream.

Zelo: Night night Yoonjae :)

Himchan: Good night my dear daughter.

Jongup: Goond night Yoonjae see you tomorrow :D

Yoonjae: Good night Daehyun hyung, Youngjae hyung, Junhong hyung, Himchan hyung, Jongup hyung see you guys tomorrow ^^

Yongguk: Sleep well Yoonjae.


After that Yoonjae sat her phone at on the bedside table and fell asleep.


Hi guys ^^ sorry for not updating recently school is reopening so i won't be able to update everyday like i used to do but i will still try my best to update for you guys, hope you like this short chapter i will be typeing the next chapter now.

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So CUTE ><


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon I absolutely love this to the point where I'm obsessed! I seriously just want to thank you authornim for writing such a amazing fanfic hwaiting! <3 ^^
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 3: never mind my question i figured it out keke
JannaMin_ #3
Chapter 1: hi sorry just have a question if shes suga's sister how come she says hyung to suga and not oppa
suga_world #4
Chapter 20: Update soon pls~
Sparta12 #5
Please update author-nim I love it.
Chapter 5: Good story so far, but I just wanted to point out that girls do not call guys "hyung" at all in Korea, only guys will call other guys that. Just saying! :)
Chapter 16: Okok yes yes yyessss BAP AND BTS together... I LIKE IT♥
Hoping that something will happen between Yoonjae and Hoseok♥
I love them!♥♡♥♡♥

Chapter 14: Waaaa!! Finally a "normal" day~! ^^ ♥

Hoping for an update soon!! I like this story!!! ^^
Chapter 9: I'm loving this story chapter after chapter!!! Sweet Yoongi♥ Lovely Hoseok♡

Waiting for an update soon!! ^^ ♥
Chapter 1: i love yoonjae character ! i can relate to her ~ hehe