
Life With Bangtan

-Yoonjae’s POV- -Yoongi & Namjoon’s Room-

I went into Yoongi and Namjoon’s room and saw Yoongi hyung and Namjoon making some new songs. “Namjoon-shi can you go outside for awhile I need to talk to Yoongi hyung privately for a moment” I said without expression. “O…oh…okay” Namjoon said and he looked at Yoongi hyung worriedly then walked out of the room with his phone.


“Yoonjae-ah what do you want to say? Why do you looks serious…?” Yoongi hyung asked and looked at me worriedly. “Hyung what happened to me before I loss my memories of what happen before mom and dad died” I sat on his bed and looked at him with no emotions so he could not read me. “Emmm….you went to school normaly…” “And?” “And…you live a normal live….” “What about my friends did I make any friends?” “Y…yeh” “Who are they?” “I…I didn’t know” he hesitated. “Hyung tell me the TRUTH” “Yoon…Yoonjae-ah” “Tell me!” I raised my voice slightly. “Fine I will tell you but please calm down first” “I will so tell me now”


“O…okay you used to hand out with a bunch of boys, there were 6 of them. You never introduced them to me but I’ve seen them before. You hang out with them almost everyday, then one day you came back with bruise and scars on you and you looked pissed. I asked you what happened but you said it was nothing but I guessed you fought with some people but I didn’t asked you lot of stuffs but I helped you cure you wounds theres even a wound at the back left side of your shoulder made by a knife. But few days later you came back from school with bruise and told be you got bullied and mom and dad saw and I guess you know what happened after that”


“Who are those 6 guys?” I looked at him curiously. “I don’t know you never introduced them to me before” Yoongi hyung looked down. “Its okay hyung now I know what happened I’m fine thanks” I smiled at him then walked out of the room and looked for Namjoon. “Namjoon-shi you can go back in already I’m done with talking to Yoongi hyung” then I walked back into Hoseok hyung’s room.


-Hoseok’s Room-

“Hyung I asked Yoongi hyung already…” I walked over and sat beside Hoseok hyung. “So what did he say?” He looked at me and asked. “He said that I used to hang out with 6 guys, and I never did introduce them to him so he didn’t know who are they but he knows there are 6 of them” “Which means….” “Yes theres the possibility that they are B.A.P” “What else did he say?” “He said one day I came back with bruise and scars on me and theres even a wound made by a knife on the back of my right shoulder” “And that’s possible that it’s the knife B.A.P said you blocked for that guy” “Yes as they said it’s the back of my left shoulder too which is same as what Yoongi hyung said” “Is there any thing else that he said?” “No I think I should ask them tomorrow…” I said softly. “What did you say? I didn’t hear you” “Oh its nothing lets sleep now we have school tomorrow.  


-Next Day-

“Hyung im going to school now!” I shouted as I tied my shoe lace. “Why are you going to school so early?” he asked me while eating his breakfast. “I’m meeting my friend bye” then I ran out of the house on my way to school. *I remember seeing B.A.P always going to school early I wonder why did they do that…. They should be at the roof top now that time they said that’s their place I shall try my luck*


-School Rooftop-

I ran all the way to the school rooftop, I stopped infount of the rooftop door trying to catch my breath. I opened the door slowly and saw Yongguk using his phone, Himchan drinking his Iced Americano, Daehyun singing, Youngjae lying down on the floor looking at the sky, Jongup dancing And Zelo playing with his Skateboard. So I opened the door wider and walked in. “I have some things to ask you guys” I said and all of them stopped what they were doing and looked at me. “Did you remember something!?” Zelo asked me with excitement in his voice. “No…but I came to ask you guys some stuffs” “Come and sit over here” Himchan pulled a chair over and put it beside him, the others grabbed a chair and we sat in a circle. “What is it that you wanted to ask us?” Yongguk asked me. “Emm its about…can you guys don’t be so nice to me? It weird” “As usual she would say that” Youngjae said and smirked. “Whatever I wanted to ask you guys is last night I asked my brother some stuffs and he said one day I went home and I was filled with bruise and scars and theres even a scar on the back of my left shoulder what happened?” I said in one breath. “Wow that’s a long sentence you said without breathing” Jongup exclaimed. “Just answer me” I rolled my eyes and said.


“That day someone kidnapped Zelo and you are very worried about him and very pissed at the person that kidnapped Zelo so you told us to gather to save him. When we reched there we fought with lots of people those guys didn’t cared that you’re a girl and they still fought with you. When we save Zelo you saw some one wanting to slash Zelo and you ran over taking the slash for him. After that we went back to the base you helped us cure our wound and went home.” Yongguk said.


“Do you guys have prove that its really me? Like pictures or something to prove that its me?” “Yes we had some group photos we took when your still with us its at our base we can show it to you after school” Daehyun said “Okay then I’ll meet you guy later then bye” I stood up wanting to leave but someone said something. “How did you know we are in school so early and that we would be at the school rooftop?” Youngjae asked me before I leave. “I saw that you guy always come to school early when I came to school every time, why did you guys come to school so early I thought guys like you all are always late for school?” “We go to school early everyday because when we hang out with J she hates when we are late for school so we are never late even though she left us” Himchan explained and I nodded. “You haven’t tell up how did you know we would be at the school rooftop?” Jongup asked. “The first time I saw you guys, you guys said that its you place so I though that you all would be here” “Your still the same always thinking deeply to find out stuffs” Jongup said. “Stop saying like you know me Mister you guys haven’t proved it to me yet” I said and poked his head and the others laughed. “I’m going already bye, Where do I meet you guys later?” I stopped infount of the door and turned back looking at them. “Meet us at our base you remember how to go there right?” “Yeh I remember bye” “BYE JAE!!” all of them shouted and I walked out of the door and laughed at their silliness.


-Outside Of B.A.P Base-

I went there and saw nobody so I guess I was early. “Yoonjae!” I heard someone shout and I looked at the direction I think the sound came from and saw B.A.P walking over and Zelo waving at me and shouting my name. “So your early as usual” Jongup said. “I told you that you haven’t proved to me yet so stop saying that” I said and poked his head. “Their always fighting like they used to” Daehyun said and I glared at him. “Lets go inside” Yongguk said and opened the gate to their base. “You all wait for me here I’ll go get the photos” Youngjae said and ran of. I sat on a couch comfortably “Your always treating places you go like your home and sitting comfortably like you used to” Jongup said. “Yah! I said stop it!” I shouted at him. “Wow you guys stop fighting I got the photos.” Youngjae came back with a metal box that looked old. “Whats that?” I looked at Youngjae curiously. “Its all the stuffs J left behind we kept it in this box like a memory hoping she would come back some day and we could give it to her” Himchan explained. “Oh…can I see it?” “Of course it’s yours” Jongup said. “I said stop!” “Can you guys stop quarrelling? Jongup-ah stop it she might not be her I know you love to tease J but it might not me her” Himchan said to Jongup, and Jongup gave up. “Yoonjae open the box and see if you remember any thing” Daehyun said then drinking some water.


I nodded and opened the box seeing some familiar stuffs. First I took out 6 black rabbit with different designs “Matoki…”  I said softly but the others heard it too. “Do you remember these?” “Kind of…. I’ve seen it before some where” “You made these” Yongguk said. “You said you made it for us but it’s too cute you didn’t want to give it to us so you kept it here” Jongup explained. “Continue seeing the stuffs in the box” Himchan said and I nodded then looked back into the box. This time I took out a pair of gloves and mask and stared at it. “Do you remember anything about these?” “It looks familiar but I can’t remember a lot” “The Gloves are Himchan’s he gave it to you as a birthday gift and the Mask is Daehyun’s he gave it to you as a birthday gift too” Yongguk explained. I nodded and continue looking at stuffs in the box. Now I pulled out a Necklace with an eye on it, a necklace with 2 metal name tags hanging on it , a Hat and a Skate board and stared at them. “These are presents for you too, the eye necklace is from Jongup he had a same one too it’s his lucky charm, the one with the metal name tags are from Yongguk, the Hat if from Youngjae its one of his favourite and last but not least the Skateboard is from Zelo its one of his favourite too” Himchan explained to me. “I remember something…..Did you guys save money to buy me a Leather jacket too..?” I looked at all of them. “Yes it’s a group gift from us, what else did you remember?” Youngjae asked me. “You guys supprised me for the birthday and gave me these and this base too…..” a tear dropped from my eyes thinking back the good memories. “Contiunes looking at the things you might remember more things” I nodded and wipe my tears away. This time I too out 6 pocket knife with words on it. “This…..” “Yes there are the pocket knifes you gave us before you left we kept if all the time” Jongup said almost crying. I held back my tears and took out the last few things in the box and saw a few pictures there were 9 of it 6 of them are pictures I took with each of them and the other 3 are group photos we took together. “Guys…..” I started crying but I wiped I off with my sleeves. “Yoonjae what do you remember?” Youngjae asked me.


“I remember….you guys…..” I started crying again but I wiped it off. “Junhong….Choi Junhong….Zelo…my best buddy that is always supporting me all the time” I stood up any walked to him giving him The pocket knife with ZELO on it and TOTOMATO. “Jongup…. Moon Jongup…. The most annoying guy in the world that always tease and annoy me when im down to cheer me up” I wiped away my tears while walking over to him then passing him The pocket knife with the word JONGUP on it and DADAMATO, he wiped away the tears on my cheeks with his thumb and smiled at me. “Youngjae….. Yoo Youngjae….. The guy that cheers me up all the time and takes care of me like a big brother and because our name are similar so we treat each other like real siblings” I walked over to him trying now to drop tears any more and passed him The pocket knife with the word YOUNGJAE on it and JOKOMATO and hugged him tightly. “I miss you so much Yoonjae” he hugged me back and patted my back. “Daehyun…. Jung Daehyun….. The silent guy that doesn’t talk much but doesn’t stop talking once he starts but always taking care of me like a brother too…” I walked to him and gave him The pocket knife with DAEHYUN on it and KEKEMATO, he hugged my tightly and said “Yoonjae-ah welcome back” I looked at him a gave him a soft smile then letting go of him. “Himchan….Kim Himchan my lovely and naggy mother that always nags at me and takes care of me no matter what I do” I gave him The pocket knife with the word HIMCHAN and TATSMATO and hugged him tightly and saying “I missed you so much Chanie hyung” I cried more hugging him. “I missed you so much too please don’t leave me again” I nodded and he helped me wipe away my tears on my cheeks with his thumb I then lets go of him and walked over to Yongguk. “Yongguk….. Bang Yongguk our wonderful leader that always takes care of me like a father and never giving up on me no matter what happen and protects me with his life” I gave him The pocket knife with the work YONGGUK and SHISHIMATO. He hugged my tightly and cried into his chest. “Yoonjae-ah don’t cry you must be a strong girl….” He said a patted on my back trying to calm me down and I nodded and let go of him. I pulled all of them so that they were all standing one straight line infount of me and I moved back to see all of their faces I can see that all of them are holding back their tears. “B.A.P…… My Best brothers, The Absolute thing I can’t live without, And the most Perfect guys I’ve ever met….. now I found the reason that I couldn’t sleep well at night the reason why I felt that my life was lacking something the reason why I don’t feel happy all the time…. Because you guys are not by my side…. I will never leave you guys anymore…” they all cried and I cried too then I want over and gave them a group hug and we hugged each other like there was no tomorrow.


“Guys lets have a party before we go to The Underground” Youngjae exclaimed. “! I forgotten someone!” “Who?” “My brother I’m supposed to go to The Underground with him tonight I was so happy I found you guys I forgotton about him!” “Hais still that forgetful Yoonjae nothing changed about you” “Yah stop it, arggg what should I do now” I walked from left to right again and again. “Yoonjae calm down you can call him and tell him you would meet him at The Underground” Youngjae tried to calm me down. “Right I should call Hoseok hyung why didn’t I think of that!?” “Who’s Hoseok hyung?” Zelo asked me curiously. “O…oh his one of my brother’s friend I was closest to him among my brother’s friends” “Isn’t Hoseok J-Hope from BTS?” Jongup asked me. “How did you know his real name !? They said no one knew their real name expect themselves. “We used to hang out with them but we fought of a little thing and we did not talk to each other then and we became bullies” Himchan explained. So you guys are best friend!?” “Yeh…but they didn’t know we were those guys you treat as you live are us and we didn’t know your related to them too but I guess we know now that your related to them” Yongguk said. “Wow this is confusing I need to call him first wait for me for awile.


Me: Hoseok hyung could you help me tell Yoongi hyung that I will meet you guys at The Underground later?

Hoseok hyung: No problem so your really the girl B.A.P had been finding for years?

Me: Yeh but how did you know that?

Hoseok hyung: You must have forgotten about Yoongi hyung because your so happy that you found the missing part of your life right?

Me:  Waa hyung your so smart, can you help me tell Yoongi hyung that I want to talk to you guys later? And I’ll be bringing friends back to the base their trustable, I want to make you guys friends again.

Hoseok Hyung: Okay I would like to meet them too I missed them so much.

Me: Okay thanks hyung! Thanks for understanding me so much too I bet they missed you guys too see you later bye.

Hoseok Hyung: Be safe okay? Tell them if your hurt I won’t forgive them bye.


I giggled and hang up the phone. I looked up and saw B.A.P looking at me with shocked face. “Whats wrong?” “Your bringing us back to BTS Base later to make us friends again!?” Jongup asked in a shocked voice. “Yeh I want you guys to be friend again I don’t like seeing the 2 groups of guys I can’t live without fighting with each other. “Aigoo our Yoonjae is always a peace maker” Himchan said and ruffled my hair. “Now you really sound like an old lady.” I said and everyone started laughing “Guys I need to go back and change I don have any thing to wear to The Underground I can’t go there wearing my Uniform. “We can lend you one of our leather jacket and I think Daehyun’s skinny jeans might fit you if you go back now you would be super late and Yoongi might kill you” Yongguk suggested and I nodded “Yeh he might kill me”


I went to change and I put on the gloves from the box and wore the mask. *Wow all the things in the boz is so clean* “We wash and clean the things in the box every week so its very clean we had always been waiting for you to come back” Youngjae said as if he read my mind and I nodded. “Guys lets go its almost time already”


-Outside BTS Base After The Batter At The Underground-

“Guys I’ll go in first when I call you guys you guys then will come in okay?” I asked B.A.P who are standing outside BTS Base. “Okay make it fast Yoonjae its cold here” I nodded and went in.


“Yoonjae-ah where had you been this whole day?” Yoongi hyung asked my once he saw my face. “Hyung yesterday night I asked you about the 6 guys right?” “What 6 guys?” Namjoon asked me. “There were 6 guys I always  hang out with before my parents died, their like my life but I lost my memories and forgotten about them and I felt weird living without them but now I found them” “Wow Yoonjae I’m happy for you” Jin, Jungkook and Taehyung said at the same time. “Yoonjae-ah are you going to show them to us?” Yoongi asked me. “Yes and you guys know them too but you guys fought and never talked to each other anymore so I bought them here and hope that you guys can be friends again.” “Yoon…Yoonjae-ah are those guy B…B.A.P?” Yoongi said in a worried tone. “Your always smart hyung” All of them looked at me with shocked faces expect Hoseok hyung. “Hoseok-ah do you know that she’s going to do this? You 2 are always close to each other did she tell you?” “Yes she did” “Why didn’t you tell me first that she is going to bring them here?” Yoongi said in a angry tone. “Hyung I told him not to tell…’s really hard for me…. Now I can’t live without BTS but I can’t live without B.A.P too both of these groups are my life I can’t live without either of you but both of you hate each other……how should I live like this…” I cried and Yoongi hyung came over and hugged me. “I’m sorry Yoonjae-ah we will try to forgive them okay? I do miss them BTS do miss them too but we’re afraid that they would hate us for the little mistake we had done and not forgive us” I stopped crying and got out of the hug and looked at BTS. “Don’t you guys miss them?” I said to BTS and they nodded. “I belive that you guys miss them too and I also believe that they will forgive you guys please at least try…..” “We trust you Yoonjae” all of them said and smiled at them “Thank you guys I love you all” I said and group hugged them.

I went outside and opened the gate seeing B.A.P there “Guys you can come in now I hope you guys can forgive each other” “We will Yoonjae for you” all of them said I nodded and bought them in.


Hi guys i hope you like this chapter i typed it for quite long. Actully im a fan of B.A.P and BTS so i decided to make B.A.P "BADMANS" and change it with a twist. Hope you enjoy^^ 

New Subbies XD



I love this picture so much >< EUNGKYAKYA

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 20: Omg please update soon I absolutely love this to the point where I'm obsessed! I seriously just want to thank you authornim for writing such a amazing fanfic hwaiting! <3 ^^
JannaMin_ #2
Chapter 3: never mind my question i figured it out keke
JannaMin_ #3
Chapter 1: hi sorry just have a question if shes suga's sister how come she says hyung to suga and not oppa
suga_world #4
Chapter 20: Update soon pls~
Sparta12 #5
Please update author-nim I love it.
Chapter 5: Good story so far, but I just wanted to point out that girls do not call guys "hyung" at all in Korea, only guys will call other guys that. Just saying! :)
Chapter 16: Okok yes yes yyessss BAP AND BTS together... I LIKE IT♥
Hoping that something will happen between Yoonjae and Hoseok♥
I love them!♥♡♥♡♥

Chapter 14: Waaaa!! Finally a "normal" day~! ^^ ♥

Hoping for an update soon!! I like this story!!! ^^
Chapter 9: I'm loving this story chapter after chapter!!! Sweet Yoongi♥ Lovely Hoseok♡

Waiting for an update soon!! ^^ ♥
Chapter 1: i love yoonjae character ! i can relate to her ~ hehe