Winter Angel


I'm sorry if it seems a bit... Messed up. 


The atmosphere was serious. Too serious. Jangmi hated serious.


She carefully took a seat beside a still Myungsoo on the couch, and she saw him flinch as he felt the couch sinking beside him. She took his hand and moved the bangs out of his eyes. “Geez, you’re so paranoid.” She murmured, adjusting them neatly. “You’re going to get frown lines. Can immortals get those?”


No reply was elicited from him, and she sighed. “You know, ten days isn’t too much. I got to wake up beside you. I’d sacrifice more than that if I could wake up to your cute nose” At this, she lightly pinched his nose and he cracked a smile. “every single day remaining in my life.”


“But that’s the thing...” Myungsoo said, leaning back on the couch and pulling her into his arms. “I don’t want you to have to sacrifice anything to be with me.” She snuggled closer, arms around him.




“I’ll protect you. I swear I will. If I let anything hurt you, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.” The look in his eyes was so intense, so deep that it made her feel all fuzzy inside. “I promise.” No one’s ever made a promise like this ever before. She instantly felt safe and secure.


“I have a question.” Jangmi said after a while. “Your love was Photography, but why is it that you didn’t know what a camera was when you found mine a few months ago?”


Myungsoo looked thoughtful as he pondered over this, thinking of a good not-so-confusing answer for her. “I have memory blocks. I don’t know why, but there are a few things I can’t recall. Selective memory, perhaps?”


“I guess so.”


She closes her eyes. Life was often too much for her. Why was it that when the best things in life were present, so were the worst?




“I’m sleepy.” Jangmi muttered, slurring her words together slightly. She rubbed at her eyes and Myungsoo smiled fondly at her. She clung onto Myungsoo, ignoring him when he told her to let go.


“Get up so you can prepare for bed.” He said, patting her back. She only held on tighter, missing the mischievous smile forming on Myungsoo face.


She felt him shift slightly before she found herself off the couch, in his arms, bridal style.


“Myungsoo... Hey, hey. Hey! Put me down!” She whined. He shook his head at her. “You didn’t want to get up. Doesn’t that mean that I should carry you?”


She let herself relax in his arms, burying her face into his neck. “Oh well. At least now I don’t have to walk.”


He later set her down on the bed gently, settling beside her. He tugged the covers over both of them, and pulled her closer to him. She closed her eyes, exhausted.


She felt a soft pressure on her lips, and her eyes opened in surprise. Myungsoo was kissing her.


Jangmi quickly snapped out of her trance and kissed him back, lips moving against each other’s passionately. When they had pulled apart, she was gasping for breath. She heard him chuckle before he tucked her head under his chin, murmuring ‘go to sleep’.


She felt him kiss the top of her head before she drifted into sleep with a smile of her face.




“Where are you taking me?” Myungsoo asked as Jangmi dragged him through town. They were lazing around in her room when she had received a text message and replied with a determined expression on. After which, she had hauled him out of the apartment and were headed somewhere.


She didn’t reply to him and decided that it was probably better not to pursue the answer.


They eventually reached a café, one that Myungsoo vaguely recognized. They stopped in front of it, and Jangmi spoke for the first time since they had left her house. “Is your cloaking charm on?”


“No. Why?” He looked at her questioningly as she nodded. “Good.”


She pushed the glass door open. Myungsoo mentally laughed at her. Until this day, she still pushed the doors meant to be pulled, and pulled the doors meant to be pushed. It was a thing between Jangmi and one of the friends she had met online when she was searching for a pen pal. They had met only once in real life, but it was difficult to tell.


“Good evening, Daeyeol.” She said, nodding in greeting. The barista behind the counter smiled at her and looked questioningly at her companion. His eyes widened as he recognized him. “Is... Is that who I think it is?” He asked, face white. She sighed. “Maybe. Maybe not. The usual for me and...?”


“I’ll have what she’s having.” Myungsoo filled in for her.


Daeyeol still continued to stare at them. He shook his head, snapping out of his trance before pulling out two mugs. He smiled sadly at the pair. “He’s waiting in his favorite spot.”


She nodded and thanked him, pulling Myungsoo towards the corner of the café. He looked around carefully, trying to remember why this place seemed so familiar. “Who’s waiting for us?”


“You’ll see.” She said quietly, head down.


They approached a more secluded part of the shop, and the person sitting at the table had his back to them. When they neared him, she put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at her. He stood up and they hugged.


“Hey Moonsoo. Long time no see, huh?” They pulled back and she smiled at him. “Definitely. We should really hang out some... time...” His voice faltered as he caught sight of the person with her. He held back a gasp as he took in his features, eyes beginning to water.


He turned to her, eyes desperate. She looked at Myungsoo. “I brought someone with me. I thought that maybe you’d like to see him.”


Myungsoo couldn’t take his eyes of the boy standing in front of him. He didn’t know what to do. Should he run, should he pull the younger boy into an embrace, should he apologize...


Moonsoo, his lips quivering, looked up at Myungsoo with hope in his eyes.






I'd like to pretend the plagiarism issue never happened.

Anyway~~~ Korea was really fun! >< I swear, though, the idols/celebrities are kind of obvious. I saw Song Joongki (do you know him? He kind of looks like Onew) in Everland. He was wearing a gray hoodie (the hood was up too), a scarf and a mask. It was hard not to notice him. And I saw Taeyeon of Girls' Generation in Myeongdong station! She was all covered up, and I wouldn't have noticed her if some jerk didn't bump into her. She said sorry (죄송합니다) and I vaguely recognized her voice. And I felt that she was staring at her so I stared at her too and recognized her eyes! I said it's okay (괜찮습니다 urgh so formal) and she walked away. She was probably shopping. 

I lost count of the number of times I was mistaken for a Korean. No one, and I mean no one was able to guess that I was Filipino. If it's not Korean, they'll ask if I'm from Japan, Singapore... Anywhere but the Philippines! ><

Over-all, it was really fun. I was able to buy and ring and necklace with an infinity sign in Hongdae. I went into a shop and saw the word 'Infinite' (인피니트) in L's hand writing and squealed out loud. Unfortunately, picture taking wasn't allowed in the store so I couldn't get a shot of it. ㅠ.ㅠ


Oh, and a lot of you guys have been asking me how old I am, and why I speak good english.

Well, I just turned thirteen this year. I don't know why I speak good english. I've only been to the USA once when I was four, and to the UK when I was eight. I guess it's because I'm fond of reading? I'll never know OTL I've lived in the Philippines my whole life.


Celebrating my 70th subscriber! The most I've ever gotten was twenty six ;___; I love you guys!!! <3


Comment Replies:

omo904: Wouldn't want to latch onto Daeyeol yet, might still have a chance with Myungsoup. ;) I don't know why I picked 216, tho. I just had to make sure I chose a number between two hundred and two hundred fifty so...
deliriousdeviation: Hey there! Yep, less than a year. The first night that Myungsoo arrived would have signified the beginning of the three hundred sixty-five day countdown, but since she was awake and staring at him after sunrise, days got deducted. So, originally, she should have had two hundred twenty-six days to live. 
I felt sad, disappointed and really mad but it died down now to a dull hatred for her. I guess she could've done that, considering how dumb and annoying she is. I've finally updated, as you can see. I enjoyed my trip and didn't think about that jack apple even once. Oh, and just so you know she's been banned from the site. Apparently, it's not the first time she's plagiarized someone's work.
wanqiloh: They will re-unite, but not in heaven. You'll see~This story is supposed to have fourteen chapters, plus an epilogue so it won't be long before you find out. 8D 
I'm back now, aren't I? (puts on She's Back). I guess, if you put it that way... It's not the wrong thing to say, dear. It made me feel a bit better when I read your comment. I'll call that plagiarizing beach (censored. See? I'm much better now XD) jack apple for now. She deserves it.
kmjcsd: It probably seems long, but you know, time flies when you want it to stay. I wouldn't mind knowing exactly how many days yet before my death. That way, I could make the most out of my time and not take it for granted. Well, hello~ New readers are love XD Thanks for reading. I'm glad you like it 8) 
When I first read your second comment, I was thinking "Huh? why is she an itch?"until I saw the asterisk. I'm so slow OTL OTL. I've updated now!! I should go back to my old updating pattern. (what pattern lol).
applepearles: Yeah... She'll have happiness coming her way but you know how I like to torture my characters OTL 
I'm doing fine now. Much better than before. A lot of unfortunate things happen to me, so I guess I should try not reacting too badly. Thanks for always believing in me and being so patient. :) I really want to hug you right now ;A;
ffsaddict001: Unfortunate, but then again, life's never fair. Thank you so much for reading. I'm really lucky to have readers like you. <3
nerdss: Thank you so much for waiting, and for your patience. I'm really happy to know that you love this story enough to wait nearly a month for an update. 8D
maaybellx: I feel a lot better now. Thank you. Really. You, along with the other readers have been so patient with me. I can't thank you guys enough.
DSFVKLS: I think I've spent enough time off, and I think I might have over reacted a bit. Thank you for being so patient. 8) It was mind blasting, all right! And cold. Really cold. I still don't know what your user name means. ;____;
brightlightz: It's alright. You really didn't need to apologize; it wasn't in any way your fault. I've been reminded a hundred times over about your support, and I'm relaly thankful. I guess having a break once in a while is good. It made me feel much better. I had lots of fun. Thanks again. 8)
Winter-Snow: I tried not to let it affect me too much, and I'm better now. Thank you so, so much. I've finally updated, and I'll try not to keep you waiting too long for the next update. ^^
janale6: You don't have to feel bad about it. I'm a sort of silent reader myself. Amazing? I still refuse to think that highly of my work. I don't want to become conceited. >< I kind of missed updating this story, and it's safe to say that I'm going to go back to regularly updating. Thanks for waiting! <3
smileysgoboing: 'Ew' is right. I'm a pretty angsty person, so it's no surprise that I'm fond of writing angst. Thank you so much. For the compliment and all... You probably know by now that I don't take compliments well. I'm not used to them. ;A;
lalalalala: Aww, I'm glad you're enjoying my story 8D Thank you for patiently waiting. As you can see, I've finally updated~ 
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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!