Winter Angel


Two updates this week for you guys. I'm praising the heavens for all the free time I have this weekend~~~~~


“Hey, Myungsoo?” Jangmi asked as she fiddled with the rose Myungsoo had brought as a gift. It was a deep red and he had said that it reminded him of her, and so he had given it to her.




She sighed and stared at the flower. “It’s been at least four months since you’ve been coming to visit me. Don’t you think that I have the right to at least know why?”


“Are you cold?” Myungsoo asked. Jangmi exhaled in exasperation. “It’s early spring. Of course it’s a bit cold. But you aren’t answering my question. Why are you here?” She pressed, directing her eyes to his.


He contemplated this for a while, and when he seemed to have decided, he asked, “Do you want to know? Do you really want to know?”


“I don’t know.” She replied honestly, biting her lower lip. “I guess so. I mean, don’t you have other places to be? Why would you hang out around me all the time? It wouldn’t be all for nothing, right? Then never mind what I just said. I want to know. I really do.”


At this, he slowly nodded his head and took a deep breath.


“Well, since you’re so sure... Well for starters, I’m dead.” He said.


He might’ve started the conversation wrong, but there was no going back. He watched as her expression changed from shock, disbelief until it was finally blank and he couldn’t understand the emotion playing in her eyes.


“It’s difficult to believe, I know. But it’s the truth and you wanted the truth so there you have it.” He released the breath he was holding although it was not at all necessary. He could go on forever without breathing but he did so anyway.


She stared at the rose in her hand, eyes glittering. “I know I know who- no, I mean what you are.”


He raised an eyebrow. “You do?”


“I always believed it to be a legend; I didn’t think your kind actually existed. My mother told this to me once. ‘When someone is born from a mother who has saved the lives of three people, one, a person she loves, two, a person she hates, and three, a person she doesn’t know, her children become special to the eyes of angels.


A year before something significant is going to happen to the children’s lives, an angel is sent to look after him or her until it happens. People who are only children have the ability to see these angels if they happen to come across one.’”


She shifted her gaze to him once more, now looking a little more confident but her voice shook and it gave her away.


“You’re an angel, aren’t you, Myungsoo?”


“A winter angel.” He confirmed.


She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. “And... I’m dying, aren’t I?” She continued, voice quivering.


“I’m sorry.” Was all he could say.




The drastic change in her mood didn’t go unnoticed by her friends the next day, and after practice, Sungjong slung an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her reassuringly.


“You okay?” He asked his cousin. She flashed him a weak smile. “Fine.”


He clicked his tongue, shaking his head at her. He pulled away from her to gather his things. “No you’re not. Hey guys!” He called more loudly, catching everyone’s attention. “We’re going shopping! You’re all coming with, no questions!”


Groans filled the studio and he glared at them and discreetly motioned to Jangmi, spacing out with her bag in hand. They silently agreed as they pushed you out with them and the group made their way to the mall.


As Sungjong caught up to her, Jangmi slipped her hand into her cousin’s, grasping it tightly and ruffled his hair with her other hand. “Thanks, Jjongie.”


He smiled back at her. “Anytime.”




Dear Plus,


Guess what I found out? I’m going to die. Isn’t that just grand?






Myungsoo and Jangmi had become quieter after that conversation, but they were able to communicate well with their eyes and small motions. She was doodling in her notebook and the silence was deafening and she couldn’t take it anymore.


She put her notebook down and stared curiously at Myungsoo. She knew that he was an angel so what was the point of hiding his wings? Mortals couldn’t touch them anyway. Their hands would pass right through it. She wanted to see them.


“How does one person become an angel?” She asked, lying on her back on the bed, staring at the ceiling.


He glanced at her, surprised to hear her talk. “That depends. What kind of angel?”


She closed her eyes. “Winter.”


“Winter Angels are in charge of looking after special people before their death. Someone becomes a winter angel if they die in place of someone they love. To become special to the eyes of Winter Angels, a person must save other people’s lives. See the connection?”


She nodded, eyes still shut.


“How did you become an angel?”


He pursed his lips together. “I saved my younger brother. Around seven years ago, my younger brother, Moonsoo, and I were crossing the street. He had dropped his school ID in the middle of the street so he went to get it. It was late at night and he had practice at school and I picked him up. Anyway, a truck was coming his way. The driver didn’t seem to have control over the wheel and I pushed him out of the way just in time but...” He trailed off, lost in memories.


“I couldn’t save myself. See, the thing is, when you die, you have a few moments to wander about before you’re due to go up. I was dead even before I reached the hospital.”


He had noticed that Jangmi was frozen in place once again, tears gathering in her eyes.


“Hey...” He murmured, making his was over to her. “What’s wrong?”


She fervently shook her head. “It’s nothing. Just a huge coincidence. But it’s just so... So...”


“What coincidence? It’s only fair that you tell me, I’ve told you a lot about myself.” He pressed.


“Well, my boy-I mean my ex-boyfriend died in an accident seven years ago. Funny, his name was Myungsoo too.” Her eyes looked blank but he could see that it pained her to talk about it.


“But I called him L, after my favorite letter of the alphabet. I got a call really late at night from his younger brother whose name was also Moonsoo saying that he got into an accident. But tell me this, Myungsoo.”


She grasped his hand, shaking. Tears spilled over, running down her cheeks.


“It’s not just a coincidence, is it? Please tell me I’m not going insane. There always was something about you... Oh... L, is that you?”


It took all but a whisper of ‘yes’ to make her totally lose it.


She collapsed against him, sobs wracking her body. He pulled her closer, resting his cheek on the top of her head, murmuring apologies over and over again.


The sobs slackened, her heart beat grew steady as her breath evened out. Jangmi’s eyes were red and puffy and she was sniffling, still, as Myungsoo adjust her position on the bed.


He pulled the covers over her and softly kissed her forehead before he left.




Please let me know if you catch any errors! 8D

I'm in a good mood, despite the stomach cramps.

I lost a subscriber but I gained three so I'm not despairing too much. I hope I didn't lose whoever that person was because she's finding the story uninteresting. Please tell me your honest opinion, be it negative or positive. I want to improve my writing as much as possible! <3


Comment replies

applepearles: I swear I adore your expressions. I've never met anyone who says 'awesome apple blossom' and I find it so cute whenever I see you use it. >< And yes, you're one of my favorite writers; you write so well! I do have the reputation of being a sweet little cupcake so I hope that I won't grow horns when I talk to you in the future! ^^

DSFVKLS: SHOP WITH ME. I WANT TO SHOP TOOOOO. And you're welcome~ <3 By the way, what does your username mean?  I'm curious ><

Winter-Snow: I swear school work will eat me alive someday. Oh, and thank you~ Awesome? Really? I'll cry if you're lying LOL. Thanks for waiting patiently, here it is~~~~~~~~

wanqiloh: You're welcome! 8D Oh, really? That's so sweet of you >< Myungsoo is always cute except when he's bombing ovaries OTL. 

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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!