Winter Angel


“Lee Jangmi?” An angel deadpanned, staring pointedly at his friend. “I was assigned to look after Lee Jangmi?


The man standing beside the boy nodded. “Yes. Lee Jangmi, daughter of Lee Eunmi. Why, is there any problem, Myungsoo?”


He didn’t reply, blankly staring at his shoes.


“You do realize who she is, Sunggyu? Master does know who she is, right?” Myungsoo lifted his head to stare into the eyes of the older boy.


Sunggyu sighed. Of course he knew who she was.


“What if she recognizes me?”


“Seven years is quite a long time.”


“That doesn’t answer my question,” Myungsoo sighed in exasperation. Seven years was long, but he wasn’t sure if it was anywhere near long enough.


The older of the two ruffled the younger boy’s hair as another angel flew past, landed and walked over to the two. As he got closer, he slung an arm around Sunggyu’s and Myungsoo’s shoulders.


“What’s this I hear about our L getting assigned to Rose, huh?” He said, tightening his grip on the youngest boy. To be quite honest, Myungsoo wasn’t too fond of being called his nickname, mainly because it was given to him by a special someone.


Myungsoo swatted his arm away and puffed his cheeks, blowing air out.


Woohyun, with his now free right arm, slung it around Sunggyu as well, crushing the older boy.


“Woohyun, you grease trap, get off!” He pouted, happily smacked Sunggyu’s cheek with a sloppy kiss before he complied and scrambled to hide behind Myungsoo before the eldest boy killed him.


Sunggyu stared off into space before he spoke, voice increasing in volume.


“Nam Woohyun!”




On the edge of a cloud, Myungsoo sat down and ran his fingers through his hair. His friends were of no help at all.


He contemplated was he was about to do. He would go back to earth and look after a girl who he knew before he died and could possibly see him, possibly recognize him. But it wasn’t like he looked the same as he did several years ago; angels aged, too, but stopped after they turned thirty.


He heaved a sigh before he stood up and headed for his quarters.


Might as well get packing.




Lee Jangmi was a quiet girl. She hardly ever spoke unless it was deemed necessary and was grateful that her occupation required minimal talking and more of dancing, dancing and more dancing.


It was her passion to dance, and during her free time when she wasn’t practicing, she could be found taking pictures near places she would tag as photogenic and post it on her online photo journal.


She wasn’t all too ordinary either.


She would sometimes model clothes, which started when a particular boutique noticed how often she came and bought things from the shop and they tracked her and found her fashion blog and were impressed with her style.


Being a brand ambassador was fun, getting free clothes or big discounts and it got her money to buy more clothes to add into her closet or accessories she would need for Photography.


Often times, Jangmi and her cousin, Lee Sungjong, would go out and around town to eat out, go shopping or just relax and have a good time. When her other friends would visit, Sungjong would call his other friends, Hoya, Dongwoo and Sungyeol to go out with them so that there would be a balance between guys and girls.


Those seven people were the only ones she could be her carefree, talkative self with mainly because she wasn’t awkward around them and they’ve known each other since around eight years ago.


Right now, Jangmi was sitting on the sofa near her open window, the chilly night air blowing into her face and making the white lace curtain flutter in the wind.


Her journal rested on her lap and wrote in it making sure to keep her handwriting extra neat. Not like she had to try, as her penmanship was something she could be proud of.


Jangmi stood up, took some night clothes from her closet before padding into the bathroom to wash up and go to sleep.


She this light in the bathroom, the light blinding her eyes until she adjusted to the brightness, blinking at her reflection in the mirror.


She sighed before turning the sink on and splashing her face, reaching for her facial wash and gently dabbing the skin of her face with it. She rinsed it and reached for her toothbrush.


After brushing her teeth, she wiped her face, changed clothes and walked into the living room.


She glanced at the titles on the spine of the books on her shelf before selecting a book she hadn’t read in a while and returning to her room.


She opened the book as soon as she closed the door behind her, absorbed in the prologue. She looked up, meaning to get her glasses, and froze.


A peculiar figure was seated on the sill of her open window, wearing all black which contrasted his pale skin.


Jangmi scooted a little backward on her bed, staring at the man with wide eyes.


She didn’t feel alarmed at the stranger’s presence; it seemed quite familiar but she couldn’t put a finger on it.


“Who are you?”


The mild surprise that crossed his face was unmistakable and he could see a tinge of amusement in his eyes.


 “You can see me?” He asked, a finger pointed at himself. His voice was soothing and deep. She felt something stirring in her chest, in her heart.


She looked at him, confused, as though she thought he were crazy.


“Am I not supposed to?”


He laughed at her expression, getting down from the sill, padding over to her.


“Myungsoo,” He said, extending a hand.


She looked at the hand, puzzled, but shook it nonetheless. “Jangmi. Lee Jangmi. A select few people who think they’re amazing at English call me Rose.”


He grinned at her response. So she still had a bit of her old sense of humor in her after all.


She held onto his hand a fraction of a second longer than she should have, but she couldn’t help the feeling that spread across her at the contact, it was that familiar feeling again and she furrowed her eyebrows.


But this is only the first time we’ve met, she thought.


“I guess I should tell you to get used to my nightly visits, I’ll be around for quite some time.” He put in calmly, expecting her to call him a stalker or something, but she prolonged the silence as she was thinking.


The company would be nice. Besides, Sungjong isn’t the only person I can hang out with.


People might call her nuts but she nodded, smiling at him.


Maybe it was that his eyes seemed to hold so much of him and she couldn’t help but hope that maybe, just maybe he could fill in that forever empty space in her heart. She couldn’t help but hope that he could help her.


She patted the spot next to her.






Myungsoo watched as she slept, later that same night. One of his special abilities was to be able to see into someone’s dreams, but this seemed more like a memory replaying itself in her head, and it was a moment he was all too familiar with.


The sun was starting to set as a couple sat down on the grass. The girl’s cheeks were rosy pink, tinted a little bit darker than it naturally was and she was panting, trying to catch her breath.


The boy’s actions were similar; he had his arms supporting him behind his back, chest heaving as he struggled to breathe.


“I… swear…” The girl said, still panting. “If you… chase me around a meadow… holding a bug… ever, ever, again… I… will kill you… and you will not see… the light of tomorrow.”


He laughed, the sound ringing around them as he replied back, talking normally and breathing paced.


“I didn’t know that you could die and wake up the next day,” He shifted and lay on his stomach, arms supporting his upper body as he .


“Please, tell me more.” He added sarcastically.


At this, she scoffed and smacked him on the head. “How mature of you.”

“Why, thank you. I do try.”


She rolled her eyes at him as he crawled over to her and settled his head on her lap.


He snuggled his face into her stomach, and she giggled as his breath tickled her covered skin. She leaned down and planted a soft kiss on his forehead, pushing the bug incident into the back of her mind.


As the two of them rested, the comfortable silence hanging in the air, he suddenly sat up, poking his finger into the grass patch nearby where he was lying earlier.


As he brought that finger up to show her, the girl’s eyes widened in horror as she scrambled up and backed away.


“Look, a grasshopper!” He said, smiling, slowly walking towards her until breaking into a run, grasshopper in hand.


“You jerk!”



I don't know OTL

I hope this chapter was good enough, and I wont make any promises about when I'll be updating for the next chapter.

Thanks for reading~! 8D

Oh, and more than ten subscribers already? Sorry for not being one of those authors who get like a hundred subscribers before the first chapter is up but this is pretty much a record for me XD

I hope you guys can bear with me and my turtle updating! <3

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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!