Winter Angel



I tried to put as little detail as possible in that part, although nothing too horrible happens. I'll color that part red so in case you're uncomfortable reading things like that, you can skip it.


Myungsoo frowned when he arrived that night, seeing that Jangmi wasn’t home. He thought he had told her to stay.


An hour passed, and still she wasn’t home. He waited.


Half past eight, Myungsoo sighed in frustration and headed outside. She was really late, and naturally, he was worried.





“Please go away,” She pleaded as they cornered her into the wall. One of the men smirked and harshly cupped the side of her face. She winced.


“Aww, come on. Why don’t we have a little fun? We can take you back to our place.” He grinned. She shoved his hand off, and he slapped her in response.


His eyes darkened. “We will have what we want. Since you’re so uncooperative, then I guess we’ll have to force you.”


He grasped the hem of her shirt and she cried out when she heard the sound of ripping fabric. One of them chuckled.


“She’s perfect.” He murmured forebodingly, fingers grazing the exposed skin of her stomach. “I get to take her first.”


When he fumbled with the button of her jeans, she screamed louder and tried to kick him away. “Get the hell off me!”


This was greeted with a hard smack on the face. “Shut up. Besides, who can come save you? Give it up. You’re wasting your strength trying.”


At this, she grew limp. What was the point? It was going to happen one way or another, so she shut her eyes tight, willing herself not to feel whatever was going to happen.


The men advanced but before they got too far, they were each pulled off her harshly, and she heard angry shouts and pained groans.


“You will not touch her.” Someone said threateningly. Jangmi’s head snapped up. She knew that voice.


When she opened her eyes, she saw the men fleeing and Myungsoo crouched protectively over her.


He called her name softly, gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb. She leaned into his touch and he pulled her into his chest, sighing as he heard her beginning to sob.


Just how many times had she cried in front of him, he wondered as he her hair.


Moments later, Myungsoo pulled her away and wrapped his jacket around her and scooped her into his arms, bridal style. She was too tired to protest so she wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her face into his neck. She was so scared.


What happened from there to the trip to her apartment was a blur, and she found herself being laid onto her bed.


“I’ll get you a shirt.” He said, kissing the top of her head. As he turned away from her, she grabbed his waist from behind, burying her head into his back. In a shaky voice, she said. “That’s not important. It’s just... Don’t leave me. Please.”


He never was able to resist her. He pried her hands off him and settled into the bed, beside her. He wrapped his arms around her as she tucked her head under his chin. She felt much safer now.


“Can you... Sing for me?” She asked him in a small voice. She heard him sigh as he adjusted his position, trying to get more comfortable.


“What song?” He asked, squeezing her waist lightly. She closed her eyes, laying her hands on top of his. “My favorite song. It hasn’t changed.”


He smiled. “Alright.” He murmured close to her ear.


You asked me again today if I loved you

I only laugh and ask why you’re saying that again

You cry again today, saying that I’m too much

It’s just the same answer to the same question


Are those words that hard to say?

Is it hard for me to do something that everyone does?

Do I need to say it for you to know? I’ll love you everyday


She fell asleep in his arms that night, the only place she’d ever want to be. She drifted off, the sound of his soft yet deep voice echoing in her dreams.




Jangmi woke up the next morning feeling a sting coming from her right cheek. She brought a hand to it. It was slightly swelling.


She turned to her left and fondly smiled at the figure asleep beside her. She affectionately rubbed her nose against his. His nose crinkled. How cute. This way, she could pretend that last night had never happened. She would not allow herself to dwell on that attempt.


With her index finger, she lightly traced the outline of his lips. Her smile widened as he stirred in his sleep.


He slowly opened his eyes, and smiled back at her.


“Good morning.” She said, resting her head on his chest once more, nuzzling him.


“Good— Wait, morning?!” Myungsoo exclaimed, panicking. She lifted her head to look at him, furrowing her eyebrows. “Yes, morning. Is something the matter?”


“Wait, just how long have you been up?” He asked her, eyes wide.


“About ten minutes.” She replied, still confused. He exhaled roughly.


He covered her eyes with his hands and she tried to bat them away. “What are you doing?”


“I need you to keep your eyes closed. If an angel’s target sees them after sun rise and before sunset, then every minute is a day’s subtraction.” He answered hastily.


She screwed her eyes closed, tight as she could. A day’s subtraction? So she had about less ten days to live?


“Okay, okay. I’m keeping my eyes shut.”


She could hear him scrambling around the room. “Good. Keep them shut until you’re sure I’m gone.” He ordered. She heaved a sigh. There went her supposedly good morning.


“How many more days?” She asked him quietly. Her voice shook and she wanted to curse herself for it.


“Two hundred sixteen.” He replied grimly, and she could almost see the frown on his face.


And he was gone.




Yay~ Hello everyonee~~~~

I'm taking one shot request over here so apply if you're interested~ <3 Please note the red text in the foreword and description so that your request wont be considered invalid. <3

I was also able to write two one shots within the week, and here are the links~ Waiting and A Good Night's Sleep. Have no fear, they're either sweet or fluffy. Or greasy and cheesy. XD

Comment Replies

jelly143: I enjoy making impossibilities possible. Love Myungsoo more~~~~

wanqiloh: He bombed mine long ago. You'll be the first to know if having children is still possible when I grow up. (Says a thirteen year old OTL)

Winter-Snow: Dead end, indeed! Myungsoo has, of course, come to the rescue~!

omo904: I love Daeyeol. He sort of looks like Sungyeol and Woohyun put together. If I can't have Myungkitty, can I have Daeyeolie instead? :3

applepearles: I based that off my personal opinion. Coffee smells heavenly but the taste is... Revolting. XD She'll be alright, alright. :) (Redundant sentence is redundant)

Nicole0249: Hello there~! New readers are very much welcome. And thank you! I'm happy you think highly of this fanfic. I won't let Jangmi get hurt too bad, since a real life person can only take so much. I don't want to overwhelm her with things that a normal human can't take. But then again, she's all but normal, isn't she? I've updated, thanks for waiting! <3

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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!