Winter Angel


“Are you feeling alright?” Sungyeol asked in concern as Jangmi and the group went out one night. She was feeling extremely sick but she couldn’t care less. She had just found out that her boyfriend was alive. Not that she could let her friends know that.


She managed a weak, forced smile. “Fine.” But her body, of course, did not agree with her one bit.


She swung to the side, head spinning as black spots crowded her vision. “Hey, hey. Is she alright?” Sungjong called from somewhere in front of them as he saw her tip to the side, bracing the wall for balance.


“I don’t think she is.” One of her friends, Kara, said, frowning. “I know a way to check. Mimi, hold out your hand.”


She held up her hand to Kara and her friend her palm with her thumb, frown deepening as she found her friend’s hand to be sweaty and warm.


Her other friend, Eunmi, turned to Sungjong. “She’s not alright. Her palms only sweat when she’s sick.” She explained.


Sungjong stood with his hands on his hips. “If you weren’t feeling well, you shouldn’t have forced yourself to come. Jeez, who can help me take her back to her apartment?” He asked, and Hoya stepped up to volunteer.


“I got this. Get her on my back.” He said, crouching down in front of Jangmi.


Jangmi then started to weakly protest, murmuring excuses and ‘I’m fine’s but Sungjong wouldn’t have it.


“If all you can do is mumble at me, then you’re going to hopelessly lose this argument. Now shut up and get on Hoya.” Sungjong ordered and Jangmi knew better than to continue so she quietly obeyed. But before she couldn’t settle on Hoya’s back, she felt as though something had knocked into her brain and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she grew limp, unconscious.




Myungsoo knew something was wrong the moment he heard heavy footsteps from outside Jangmi’s apartment. He stood up and his eyes widened as he heard a key open the lock to then door.


His surprise grew when he caught sight of Jangmi, unconscious on Hoya’s back, Sungjong following them closely behind.


They were looking straight at him and he nearly panicked until he realized that mortals couldn’t see him because he had activated the cloaking spell earlier that day. Thank goodness that he didn’t forget.


He watched as they carefully laid her on the couch. Myungsoo sat on the arm of the seat, away from the other two boys.


“I’ll look for medicine. And maybe a small towel. I’ll be back.” Sungjong said to Hoya, scrambling to somewhere else in the apartment.


Hoya continued to stare at Jangmi’s unconscious form, voice steady as he said. “I know you’re there.”


Myungsoo smiled a bit. “Really? Oh, right. Your mother was Lee Joohyun, correct?” He asked, moving from his previous place to sit near Jangmi and Hoya.




“Funny thing is, though,” Myungsoo continued. “You can see angels. You’re not the only child, right? In fact, you’re the middle child. Would you know why it’s so?”


Hoya shrugged. “I touched a feather from a Winter Angel’s wings. I can see only Winter Angels.” He supplied and Myungsoo nodded in understanding.


“I’m back.” Sungjong said, a basin in hand. To his surprise though, Hoya stood to take it from him and set it on the coffee table.


“We can leave her. She’s in good hands.” Hoya said, pulling Sungjong to the door.


“Good hands? In whose hands? In case you haven’t noticed, no one lives with her.” Sungjong pointed out. The older boy rolled his eyes and chose not to respond.


When they had left, Myungsoo took the basin, pulled the small wet towel from it and carefully wrung it out, and placing it gently on Jangmi’s forehead.


He sat on his heels by the side of the couch, taking her hand and watching her steady breathing. He didn’t know when, but at some point he had fallen asleep.


A minute or two later, Jangmi opened her eyes feeling disoriented. When she looked down and saw her hand in Myungsoo’s, she closed her eyes again with a smile on her face and allowed herself to return to dream land.




Jangmi woke up the next day to find herself in her bed.


There was a black post it note on the pillow next to her, and she smiled as she took it. The message was written in silver.


You should rest today. I’ll see you tonight.





She had rested in the morning but come late afternoon, she was so bored and was feeling much, much better.


Putting on a decent change of clothes, she got her bag and keys and headed out.


Arriving at her favorite café that she hadn’t visited in a while, she inhaled the heavenly scent of brewed coffee.


The man behind the counter recognized her right away and smiled, ringing up her order before she even asked.


“Hey, Jangmi! It’s about time. I thought you had found another café with a better looking barista to bother. Has Sungyeol hyung hung out with you recently? Oh, and the usual for you? Never mind, need I ask?” He said with a playful edge to his voice.


“Good afternoon to you too, Daeyeol.” Jangmi said, grinning.


She found a spot in the corner of the café, and Daeyeol brought her Hot Chocolate over. Jangmi loved the smell of coffee, but the taste was a different story.


She thanked him as she pulled out a book from her bag. Engrossed in the story, she didn’t notice as time flew, and only when she had finished her drink did she look at her watch.


As soon as she sighted the time, she stood and scrambled to fix her things and leave money on the table.


She bid a hasty goodbye to Daeyeol and started to briskly walk towards the direction of her apartment.


It was nearly nine in the evening. No wonder she had managed to get half way through her book. Myungsoo must be waiting for her. She smiled at the thought of him and quickened her pace.


A block away from her home, she suddenly felt as though she were being followed. A quick glance back confirmed it. Three men were trailing behind her, staring straight at her, unreadable expressions on their faces.


She clutched her bag and willed herself to move faster. They matched her pace well. She broke into a run, and they followed closely behind. She made random turns here and there, trying to get them off her back but as time passed, her legs were protesting and she found herself face to face with a wall.


Dead end.


She slowly turned around and they were right there, and the man in the middle smirked at her, inching closer.


“Don’t worry, sweetie. We’ll take good care of you, won’t we, boys?”


She screamed.




You guys shouldn't worry about the OC too much. She should be fine if I decide to keep her safe ;)

I wrote this during the super typhoon that lasted last Monday to Wednesday. We had no internet then, so this was all I could do. I got sick too! 8D It's more or less my fault, playing in the rain... I mean, typhoon.

Just in case you haven't seen it or you want to see it, I just recently posted a one shot about Sunggyu. It's link being right here~ (http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/81259/even-if-one-shot-sunggyu-you). I strongly recommend that you play the song I posted along with the fanfic. :D Sure, it doesn't end very happy but then again, I'm not very good at happy endings. Don't hate on the song if you think he sounds like a girl, he recorded it when he was only thirteen~~

Is the story moving too fast? I'm worried that it is. ><


Comment Replies

jelly143: Bittersweet things are my forte, dear friend. XD

cnicole: You guys keep using my favorite oxymoron. >< You seem so happy about it OTL

kaychi: I've been asking that same question for countless years. Aww, don't cry! (hands tissue)

applepearles: Cute and adorable would totally contradict my height. Thank you for the millionth time, I hope I don't ever disappoint you!

pigrabbitlove: Sad life for her, huh? But things will get better. Well, eventually. eue

Winter-Snow: I can speed-write if I'm in the mood for it. XD Sad... Sad, yep. There is a way, but it won't be revealed until later through the story. Hoping that she'll end up with our Myungsoup? We'll see about that~~~

omo904: MYUNGSOO IS PERFECTION OF COURSE HE IS. I'm biased too, let's be biased together ;___;

scarletfire63: Expect the unexpected, hon. ;)

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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!