Winter Angel


Jangmi stayed at home the next day, and when Myungsoo arrived, he found her dressed up to go out.


“Going somewhere?”


She nodded, took his wrist in her hand and pulled him out the door.


“And you’re going with me.” She added, sticking her tongue out. He rolled his eyes and allowed himself to be dragged along, wherever they were going.




“We’re here!” She announced, running into the shop. He raised an eyebrow. Really?


He followed her in as she practically glued her face to the glass, eyes sparkling as they wandered around the labels of the different flavors.


She straightened and grinned at him. “You know what this is?”


He nodded. “Ice cream.”


“But you didn’t know what a camera was?”


“It was tech-y. How should I have known?”


“That aside, do you like ice cream?” She asked, as she walked over to the counter. He nodded again, and she told him to pick a flavor for himself.


They left the store, Strawberry for Jangmi and Cookie Dough for Myungsoo. He pointedly stared at her ice cream. “Strawberry? Isn’t that flavor… Boring?” He inquired, though he already knew the answer.


“I only like fruit flavors. The others taste so... Artificial. Except for the one you got. I’d bow down to whoever thought of putting cookie dough in ice cream.”


He scooped a bit of his ice cream and held it out to her. “Want some?” But as she was about to take it, he pulled it away, a thoughtful expression on his face.


“On second thought, never mind. I don’t like sharing.”




While they walked around the plaza that evening, Myungsoo kept pulling her into shops and stalls and pointing out cute things which surprised her. He had good taste.


“Oh my god,” Jangmi said, slowing to a stop, her eyes growing wide as saucers which made Myungsoo laugh. “Why? What happened?”


She started running towards a slightly crowded area. “There’s a sale at Zara. THERE’S A SALE AT ZARA.” She nearly screamed in his face. He looked at her eyes in confusion. They were dancing with excitement and she was jumping in place.


Oh boy.




Myungsoo thought that she had bought the entire store from the number of paper bags she was carrying and was even more confused when they cut the price of her purchase by half.


When he asked about it, what she said was, “It’s one of the advantages of being a brand ambassador. You meet others, and you get connections to the stores they model for.”


As they excited another store, paper bag with a bunny headband in it, Jangmi bumped into a body and the force knocked her off balance as the man apologized profusely and helped her up, although Myungsoo could’ve done it himself.


When she had steadied herself on her feet, Myungsoo was able to get a good look at the other man, and when he realized who it was, he froze.


“Eli,” Myungsoo said, surprised. “What are you doing here?”


Eli shrugged and lightly punched Myungsoo’s arm. “Can’t a person go looking for his best friend? It’s been forever since I’ve last seen you. And this would be...?”


“The little squirt I’m taking care of.” He replied jokingly and Jangmi scoffed and slapped his shoulder.


“Anyway,” Eli continued, “It took me much longer than I thought to track you. I need to get going now. See you around.” He said, saluting with two fingers.


He started to walk away but turned around and called back. “Oh, and by the way, Thermos says that you should keep a look out for Woohyun. He’s been goofing off again. ‘The little squirt he has to take care of’ nearly got lost while they were out.”


Myungsoo chuckled at the code name. They had come up with it three or four years ago. Mas-ter. Ter-mas. Thermos.


Jangmi’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and Myungsoo straightened it with his finger. “Stop that. You’ll get frown lines and look ugly.”


She had lost count of how many times she had scoffed that night.




They got home at around ten and Jangmi dropped her purse and shopping bags and crashed into bed. Myungsoo sat on the edge of it and watched as she rolled around.


It was one of those days when she felt really whiny and couldn’t contain herself.


“I’m sooooooo bored!” She said loudly, burying her face in her pillow.


“O— wait. How old are you?”


“Born on the thirteenth of March and I’m from the ninety-two line.”


She froze for all but a moment before continuing.


“Oppa~ Save meeeeee. I’m so bored~” She whined, crawling over to him and resting her head on his lap, pouting.


He rolled his eyes, secretly pleased. He liked being called ‘oppa’ and he liked it when people acted cute from time to time.


“Being cute like this should be illegal.” He remarked, poking her forehead.


“Well, too bad it isn’t.” She replied, sticking her tongue out.


He poked at her cheek and his eyes sparkled as though he were a child with a new toy. He did so repeatedly, smile growing with each poke.


“It’s so soft!”


“Stop it!”




Over the past few days, Jangmi had taken to writing in her journal. She wrote accounts of what happens with Myungsoo and that was what she was doing the next morning before leaving for the studio. She even made  a nickname for the journal and herself, inspired by a pack of batteries on her desk.


Dear Plus,


Last night was so much fun! We went shopping and bought ice cream. It’s the first time we’ve ever went out together. Maybe we should more often. We ran into a friend of his. His name was... Ali? Ile? Ili? I can’t remember. Something like that.

Anyway~ It was memorable and I just wish that I had brought my camera.







I'm getting busier and busier but for the first time this school year, we have a homework-free weekend!

I'm also on my... Uh... Dot. Stomach cramps are horrible but I'm not throwing up yet OTL

Anyway, I hope you like this update!

Maybe I should put comment replies. I feel bad for not answering all your comments.



Comment Replies

-xMomo: I'm happy that you were anticipating this so much :D

wanqiloh: You always were an enthustiastic reader. Thank you so much for the continuous comments, love and support. Your short comments always make me feel good about my writing. And thanks for worrying about my health. XD I'd take you to Korea with me if I could~~~~~

moodymoot14: Cute, huh? I'm glad you thought so ;)

omo904: I'd scream too but I guess Jangmi's that ~*icy*~. Are you sure it's not boring? I'm starting to think so >< I've been trying to rest as much as I can but then the perfectionist side of me takes over much more often than I'd like. And OEFJIFKINIMEKLFVMJIVKRNIK.

applepearles: I hope the story won't bore you in the future. I'm trying hard to update every weekend but I barely have any free time. You love my updates? Really? Wa~~ I'm so happy since this is coming from one of my favorite writers on AFF. ><  My shoulder's perfectly fine now. Turns out there was a bruise XD

Cookie_Moonstar: Aww, really? That's so sweet! It's nice to know that someone out there, and someone who barely knows me, even, would support me. I'll keep updating as much as I can so I wont disappoint you and all my other readers. Love your username, by the way. ;)

nikkayyheyy: I hope the story will continue to interest you ^^ Thanks for subscribing! <3

koreangurl246: You've been following nearly all my stories! I'm so grateful for you, one of the readers that support all. :) I wish I could take you with meeeeee. I'll try not to over-strain myself, MOTHER. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. XD

kajaaa_chaia: Yeah, I'm from the Philippines! 8D I'm going to Korea for vacation. My mom's all worked up about maybe meeting Kim Hyunjoong in person. XD

theproudpenguin: I've been resting well nowadays. Thanks for your concern! :) Yup! They're getting closer~~~

Winter-Snow: Hello there! New readers are always welcome 8D I hope that the story won't disappoint you as it progresses. <3

scarletfire63: Thank you, I'm feeling much better now. :D


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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!