Winter Angel


Sorry for the week-long wait. Sometimes, it to be in advanced math.

I have Korean lessons every saturday morning too so.... /dies of lack of sleep

And we have tons of work due this week.

I can't believe this is just the first year of junior high. ;___;


“So Myungsoo,” A man seated on a chair behind a curtain said. “How is your assignment?”


“She doesn’t recognize me,” Myungsoo reported. “But she’s suspecting something.” He added.


His master sighed. “I didn’t mean that. I meant, how are you coping with being around her after... What, seven years?”


The angel gritted his teeth.


“It was... Difficult.”




Jangmi was in a pleasantly good mood the next morning. Maybe it was the dream she had, or the fact that she slept really well the previous night but the way she was practically glowing didn’t go unnoticed by her friends.


When she entered the dance studio, Hoya made his way over to her, a grin plastered on his face and slung an arm over her shoulder.


When she didn’t complain about his arm being heavy or how sweaty he was, he resorted to poking at her side. No response.


“Well, isn’t someone in a good mood this morning~” Dongwoo called from across the room, catching the happiness dancing in Jangmi’s eyes.


Jangmi threw Hoya’s arm off her shoulder and dumped her bag by the corner next to all the others’. “I slept straight through the night for the first time since forever; can’t blame me.”


It was ever since a particular event that Jangmi couldn’t sleep without waking up every hour. So, being able to sleep straight was like a gift from the heavens because she was almost always so tired.


At that moment, their dance instructor entered the room and eyed her.


“You’ve finally arrived. Alright everyone, let’s take it from the top!”




After a good seven hours of dance practice, nearly everyone was tired except for Jangmi who was still happy and jumpy and Sungjong who always needed to drag someone off to—


“Who wants to go shopping with me?”  Sungjong asked after he stepped out of the changing room in fresh not sweaty clothes.


Groans and mumbles of ‘no thanks’ circled around the room and Sungjong scoffed.


“Come on! I need at least one person to go with me. Hoya hyung?”


“Anywhere but Sungjong and the mall.”


And he was rewarded with a hard smack on the back of his head.




Jangmi later offered to go with Sungjong with had him squealing thanks to her, taking her by the wrist and dragging her off in the direction of the mall.


They’ve gone into countless stores, and sometimes Sungjong picked out clothes for her to try and if he found that the clothes looked satisfactory on her, with a swipe of his card he’d have yet another large paper bag in hand.


Jangmi did the same with Sungjong, and he was more than happy to comply and follow her directions. They stayed until an hour before the mall would close and they had so many bags that they had at least five in each hand.


The two of them walked home together, stopping to buy ice cream on the way though they weren’t sure how they were able to eat it with their hands full, but they eventually got to their apartment complex.


They took the elevator up and Sungjong got off a floor below hers.


“See you tomorrow! I had fun!” Sungjong called, and Jangmi replied saying that she had fun as well.


When she got off at her floor, punched in her code and stepped inside, she was surprised to find the lights on and a figure seated on her couch.


Jangmi had a mini heart attack until she realized who the man was.


“Oh, Myungsoo. You scared the living hell out of me.”


Myungsoo looked at her, amused. “I told you to get used to me being around.”


She dropped the bags at the foot of the door of her closet.


“Sorry. Having a creepy guy in all black who suddenly appears in my house and lounges around wherever he pleases is an easy sight to get used to.” She remarked, all sarcasm.


Myungsoo scoffed.




But, much contrary the her words, she found herself getting less and less surprised whenever she entered her apartment to find Myungsoo already there.


Saturday morning the next week, Jangmi was cleaning out her storage room to see what she could throw away so she could make room for more things.


As she dusted a bit, a white and gold box caught her eye. She dropped the duster and picked up the box, bringing it out to the living room.


She sat on the couch, set the box on her lap and lifted the latch to open it.


Jangmi couldn’t help but gasp.


It was her mother’s book.


She gingerly lifted it up and opened it to the first page, eyes glittering.


Angels live among us.


It began,


They’re walking the world to protect mortals, shower them with gifts or give them second chances.


She flipped to the next page.


There is one particular species of angels called Winter Angels. Winter Angels are named after the bitter cold of winter. They accompany the children of special people a year before their death to see them through their last year of life, to help them live it to the fullest point that they may become an angel themselves after they pass away.


The first few generations of Winter Angels dressed in all white, with their wings invisible. They like to watch their assignments from a close vantage point because most mortals aren’t gifted with Wings’ Sight, which is the ability to see immortal beings with wings.


Next page,


They descend to the earth after sunset and leave before the sun rises. If an angel is seen or if their presence is felt by their subject, ten days are taken away from him or her.


There are cases where subjects with Wings’ Sight have fallen in love with their angel. If an angel were to love the subject back, then the angel would have to suffer major consequences, or so they say.


Although it is a very rare scenario, an angel would sometimes want to save the life of their subject. There are only three known ways to do so.


But as Jangmi flipped to the next page, it was empty. So were all the remaining pages.


She furrowed her eyebrows and rubbed at her temples.


Headaches, again.




The headache lasted longer that it usually did. It’s been nearly a week and it was still there, seeming to squeeze the life out of her was.


It was always like this. Whenever she would find something related to the distant past, she would get a recurring headache bad enough to keep her confined within the four walls of her bedroom.


On some nights, a friend or two of hers would visit and take care of her but this time, they were all so busy that Myungsoo would come as early as he dared to keep her company.


She felt a bit better on the sixth day, so she was able to sit up in bed.


“Say, Myungsoo, why do you always come after dark?”


He replied with a shrug.


“Are you allowed to tell me?”




“Guess not.”




Forgive me if you find this a bit boring, most of the fluff and drama starts in the next following chapters.

기대해 주세요! ^^

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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!