Winter Angel


This isn't a worthy jumble of words. I wrote half while I was not supposed to be studying for the finals, and I wrote the other half while I was not supposed to be resting because I'm sick. I'm also coming up with two one shots, and I'll be posting them when I post them. I'll put up a notice with the next chapter if ever~

And good news to Myungyeol shippers! A little love in the chapter. ;)


“How... How have you been?” Myungsoo asked once Moonsoo had calmed down. Dried up tear tracks were still visible on both brothers’ cheeks and their eyes were red. Jangmi sat through their tearful reunion in silence, a smile gracing her features.


Moonsoo smiled at his older brother, and it was very much genuine, Jangmi noted. “Fine. I mean, I missed you and all, but I’ve been doing great. Your girl friend here was a great help. I wonder how she was able to hold both of us, plus the others, together. She’s amazing.”


“Don’t talk about her that way ever again.” Myungsoo said with his eyes wide. “You make it sound like she’s your girlfriend, and last time I checked, she was mine.” Jangmi rolled her eyes at him and playfully shoved him.


A sudden commotion at the front had all of them turning their heads, and Myungsoo’s eyes widened (for the millionth time that night) at the newcomer.


He was still tall and skinny as ever, although the cheek fat that Myungsoo had loved to about was now gone. He was breathing heavily, probably from running the whole way to the café. He was glaring at Myungsoo, walking towards him as the said boy stood up.


“You idiot.” Sungyeol muttered as he pulled the younger boy into a bone crushing hug.


Myungsoo hugged him back and it was then that it finally struck the taller male that he was real. That he was back. The two stayed that way for a long time before Myungsoo pulled away and smiled up at his favorite hyung.


“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be...” He trailed off, tears forming in his eyes. “I’m here for now. Not for long.” 


Sungyeol looked let down at this, but Myungsoo wrapped his arms around him again and hugged him tight. “But I’m still here.” He let Sungyeol cry into his shoulder a moment.


When he heard the sniffling dying down, he let go. “How’ve you been, huh? I heard from Jangmi that you were depressed a whole year. Someone was in love with me.” Myungsoo wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and the older male looked mortified.


“Yuck. In love with you? Who would love you?”


“That would be me!” Jangmi called jokingly from her seat as she high-fived Moonsoo.


Myungsoo pouted a bit. “Who told you that I was here, though?” Sungyeol rolled his eyes. “Who else? My alien supposedly brother Daeyeol rang me up.” He said loudly, and he heard a faint ‘I heard that!’ from the front. He laughed and stuck his tongue out even though he knew that his brother couldn’t see.


Sungyeol looked back at Myungsoo. “Say something.”




“What? Seven years, and you tease me right after our dramatic reunion?”


“Yes. So deal with it.”


Sungyeol looks absolutely scandalized, face contorting into mock despair. “Oh no! My best friend is still possessed by the devil!” Myungsoo rolled his eyes at him. He grabbed onto the sleeve of Sungyeol’s coat and dragged him over to their table.


“Hi, Yeollie.” Jangmi greeted with a smile. Sungyeol looked at her pointedly. “She knows?”


“I’ve known.” She said with a grin.


“Who else knows?” He asked, turning to Myungsoo. “Um... You, Jangmi, Moonsoo, Hoya—“


“Hoya?! He knew?” Sungyeol interrupted in incredulity. “He saw me.” Myungsoo replied. “What do you mean he saw you? Everyone can see you – HOLY MOTHER OF MACARONI SOUP WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?” Sungyeol gasped in complete disbelief as Myungsoo disappeared before his eyes. Moonsoo sat upright with his eyes wide as well. Jangmi rolled her eyes. “Myungsoo, don’t Yeol’s pants. He won’t appreciate it.”


Sungyeol’s hand immediately hovered over that area as Myungsoo reappeared again. “Damn it. It would’ve been so funny to see the look on his face.” Sungyeol proceeded to smack the other boy on the back of his head. “That was terrible. Why are you like this, Myungsoo?”


“I aim to please.”




The time was fast approaching and he wasn’t prepared for it.


A hundred days was all she had left. He had to do something, and fast, or he would lose her forever.


He walked slowly towards the front door of a house he often visited and knocked. A faint ‘wait a moment!’ was heard before the door opened, revealing one of Myungsoo’s closest friends, Jaejin.


“Dude, what are you doing here?” Jaejin asked as he stepped aside, giving Myungsoo room to enter. “I need you to foresee something for me.” He nodded, leading the younger boy to a room. They entered it, and all that was inside was a water pedestal, filled to the brim with clear water.


“Believe it or not, I foresaw you coming here.” Jaejin said as he pulled Myungsoo over. “You want me to find out how your subject Jangmi is going to die so you can find a way to stop it.” The younger of the two nodded slowly.


Jaejin stared intently into the water until droplets of black liquid fell from his eyes into the pool below. His pupils turned light gray.


The black liquid moved around, and soon, a rose and wings with a halo formed. The wings enveloped the rose and when the wings reopened, the rose was gone. A square formed beside the wings and the wings went through it. A flower appeared. The halo disappeared. Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. What did it mean?


Jaejin’s eyes returned to their normal state and he looked a little confused himself.


He walked out of the room, gesturing Myungsoo to follow. The older boy pulled out a notebook and pen and sat on the couch. The other followed.


Jaejin drew all the symbols that appeared earlier. “The rose represents Jangmi. The wings with the halo represent you. Her death will be an inevitable event, no matter how much you try to stop it. So, more or less, she dies by your hand. The wings enveloping the rose means that you tried to protect her, but she died anyway, thus the rose disappearing. I’m afraid that I can’t tell you the rest. You will have to ask your master.” He said desolately.


Myungsoo heaved a heavy sigh. “Thanks, Jaejin. I think I can figure out the rest by myself, but... What does the box mean?”


“It’s the maze of chance.” Myungsoo let out a small cry of frustration. “The maze of chance. The maze of chance.” Jaejin gave his friend a comforting pat on the shoulder.


If only he knew, he thought.




I missed updating. But I couldn't find the inspiration anywhere. Even when White Confession (Lately) came out. But then I heard this wonderful song (lol it has nothing to do with the story but it's beautiful. All sad, angsty and the lyrics are full of wistful thoughts, just the way I like it. One of the one shots I'll be posting is based of it) and I just got to writing with that song on repeat. Link! Oh, btw, can I call you guys bbs? Since you're precious to me and I call the people I care about 'bb'. My bbs! <3


Comment Replies:

smileysgoboing: I will never get used to them. I swear. XD

nfarahain: That shop had the cutest accessories! It wasn't a shop for Infinite things, but rather a shop that Infinite's been to. In Korea, when an idol goes to a shop, they usually take pictures in the shop or sign a sheet of paper to prove that they're been there. Sort of a business technique. :D

lalalalala: Finally, indeed. I wasn't planning on including Moonsoo, but then, yeah~ He's there anyway XD

wanqiloh: You can't buy it, unfortunately. It's something that L signed to prove that he's been to the shop. Sort of to advertise, I guess. If it could've been bought, I'd have it up on my wall right now. ;_____; There are barely any accessories with the infinity symbol. I had to dig really hard. >< I had no inspiration. Still not inspired. OTL But I missed you guys too much. <3

prisena: Korea was sort of beyond and below my expectations. I'm sure you'll get your chance one day. :) It was unplanned but Moonsoo made his appearance! :D

omo904: My secret OTP ;______;

applepearles: I just caught up with writing! XD And yeah, Daeyeol/Moonsoo ;____; I secretly ship them. Some Myungyeol love in this chapter because they are my OTP. <3

minmirocks: Don't cry!! TT.TT I will give you a cookie. See, here it is.

Winter-Snow: Some jerk thinks I'm an eighteen year old kid living in the US fishing for compliments. I reported her. OTL I don't which is my first language, since I can speak English, Filipino and even mix it naturally. I've finally updated, so the long wait is over~ 

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awww infinite!! XD so beautiful!
Chapter 14: Ohhh Myungsoo you are too perfect <3 I love the bonus ending it was perfect!!!
it was soo beautiful!
even though I was crying at the end I was smiling at the little ending of the future. It was amazing :)
*hugs the author tightly*
even if it made me cry, the alternate ending ironically made me smile :D
you made a fic that touched my heart <3 LOL~
*hugs you tight* You've brilliantly written a beautiful fanfic !!!!! You made me smile and tear in e early morning of a Friday. Thank you ∞♥
Hello there (: I read finish this fic at one go because it was so good ^^
Beautifully written with brilliant description !:D
Love the bonus ending you wrote ^^
Oh my goodness... So beautiful! :')
I really love the open-ending.
Hey, I'm a freak for self-interpreted endings. ;P
I jus stumbled open this jus now, and I must say... This is probably one of the most original stories I have eve read.
It was an extremely good read. :)
Keep writing! I'm keeping my eyes peeled for yah! ;P
dragonholic #9
I'm so flattered LOL. But your work is just as great and I hope you'll continue to write. I'm looking forward to more from you, if that's the case hopefully, in the future! It was a lovely read.

And congratulations on your graduation btw. ^^ I hope you're doing well~ Hwaiting!