Chapter 9

My special bodyguard
The next day, you woke up early in the morning at 8am. You wanted to have more time to practise. You were actually quite nervous for this event. You did your morning preparations and ate breakfast. Your parents and sisters were all up. 
In your house, there was a special rule that you couldn't break. If you were all eating together, you would have to greet them formally. You knew you couldn't escape this one. 
You got your plate of scrambled eggs, hot dogs and bread and place it onto the table. 
"Good morning." You greeted and bowed. 
"Hyerim? You're up early! Thats rare..." Your appa said. 
You didn't want to respond but then you thought about it for a moment and replied,"I thought that i'd have more time to practise." 
You wanted to at least be able to communicate with your family without any arguments. 
"Oh i see, thats great. We'll be going in separate cars so we won't really wait for each other. Don't be late for the party alright?" Your umma said and smiled. 
You hadn't seen your umma smile in years. You cracked a small smile and went back to eating. Your sisters were suprised you were actually talking to tem because you used to only talk to Seungho and exclude the rest. 
Your sisters eyed you curiously but continued eating as well. Your eldest sister, Eun Mi, decided to confront you after breakfast. When you were just about to reach your room, Eun Mi called out to you,"Hyerim!" 
It has been so long since Eun Mi has called your name and it felt refreshing to finally call your name. You turned and faced her. Eun Mi then walked up to you and asked,"Are you going to the party on Saturday as well?" 
You nodded. 
"Oh, i was just thinking. What made you suddenly join us?" She asked. 
Ever since young, Eun Mi was actually the outspoken one in the family next to Seungho. But seeing you so close to Seungho, she just never actually talked to you. And maybe because of the difference in likes and dislikes are so great, the both of you just didn't talk anymore... Until now, that is. 
"I just decided to give it a go. Its a first experience. Besides, Joon is the one who convinced me to go." You said. 
"Joon? Who is that?" She asked. 
"He's my... Friend." You gave a small smile at the word 'friend'. 
You looked down at the ground and turned to walk back to your room. Upon opening your door, you turned your head to face Eun Mi again,"He's someone special." You smiled and headed into your room. 
Eun Mi was shocked and suprised. But once she analysed your words, a smile formed and she whispered,"Whoever Joon is, Hyerim is happier now." 
A bright smile appeared as she walked back to her room. As an unnie, she loves her siblings. Eun Mi loves you as well though it was never said or expressed. She felt happy for you. She never had been this happy in years. And she wanted to thank you for that. 
You put on the high heels and started walking around the room. Just then, a thought came to your mind. 
Oh,no! Why didn't i think about this before! I have to dance in heels! 
You shouted in your mind. 
You scratched your head and let out a groan of frustration. You then headed over to Joon's room in heels. You felt a bit empty inside because he was always awake when you woke up. You knocked on his door then went in. He was still sleeping soundly. You then shook him violently,"Joon! Wake up! We forgot something important!" 
Joon slowly woke up and said in a groggy tone,"What is it?"
"I have to dance in heels!" You said. 
Joon's eyes widened and he was fully awake now. 
"What!? It was hard enough to just teach you how to dance but now in heels!? No no no! I'm not doing this!" He pulled the covers over him. 
"Joon! You're the one whom my father invited! You have to go no matter what!" You said and pulled him out of the bed. 
He was heavy but you were strong enough to at least pull him off of his bed. He was definitely awake now. You then waited while he finished his morning preparations. 
While walking back to your room, you suddenly stopped which made Joon look at you curiously. 
"Joon, lets use this hall to practise. We'll be dancing at the party in a hall too right? And the hall has more space too." You said. 
"Oh right. Ok then, we'll practise here. Can you walk in heels?" Joon asked. 
You nodded and walked around for him to see. He was impressed by how much you had improved and gave a nod and a smile to show acknoledgement. 
"Ok then lets just try dancing the basic steps that i taught you the other day. And then we'll slowly progress from there." He said. 
You nodded and got into position. For the first few steps, you were fine with it and danced it really well but for the next few steps, Joon guided you step by step again because you couldn't get it right with heels. 
"Ok! You're doing well, continue." He gradually let go of your hand and soon, you were able to do the dance move right. 
Once you were done, you collapsed onto the floor and let out a sigh of defeat. 
"I wonder how they dance with heels.. Its so hard!" You said. 
Joon laughed and nodded,"Yaah, we can't give up now! All thats left now is to dance with the dress." 
"Oh my gosh! There's still the dress! I'm not sure whether to laugh or to cry." You whined. 
Joon laughed and suggested,"Take a shower and you'll probably feel better." 
"Thanks." You said. 
"Thanks.. For everything." You said a little louder. 
Without waiting for his response, you went into your room. You closed the door shut and leaned against it. You placed a hand over your chest. Your heart was pounding like crazy. 
Joon was a little startled but then realised what you said and a big grin formed making him look like a dork. 
"You're welcome!" He shouted to your door and went back to his room. 
You, who had heard it, smiled and giggled. Unknowingly, you were slowly opening up to Joon. 
Finally, the day of the dance has come! You were flustered and unusually panicked. You were starting to feel nervous and anxious. You rushed into Joon's room and bombarded him with questions,"Joon, don't we need to go to the stylist now? No, wait! We have to change first right? We'll be late if we don't do that now! Oh no, come on! Lets practise one more time!" You said and dragged him away from his desk. 
He laughed and placed both hands on your shoulders to keep you still. 
"You know, seeing you like this fascinates me. Don't worry. We'll be on time. We can practise a few times now then change and go to the stylist. No rush. We've got everything under control." 
His gentle and sweet voice calmed you down. 
"Ok.." You said and took deep breaths and letting them out repeatedly to calm yourself down. 
"Thats right, girl. No need to rush!" Joon ruffled your hair.
Once you've calmed yourself down, you then started practising with Joon. After 2 successful practises, you gained confidence and said,"Lets go change! Its already 5pm!"  
Joon nodded and the both of you then went to change. You fitted into the dress perfectly and slipped your foot into the heels. You then went over to one of your drawers and took out a brooch. 
"Seungho oppa, i'm finally going to use this." You smiled. 
You pinned the brooch to the right side of your dress. It made you feel a little better. You didn't know but you were completely stunning that night. 
Joon was still suprised by your transformation but still smiled and brought you to the stylist. Once the stylist analysed your clothings and face, she figured out a hairstyle that would complete the whole look and worked on your hair. 
Whereas for Joon, his hairstyle would be a little more simple but still as handsome. Once the stylist was done working on your hair, everyone was astonished by your new look. Gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, amazing and dazzling were words that described you. The stylist curled your hair into long and volumious curls and your fringe was curled at the end because it was quite long. The stylist also pinned the right side of your hair to your left so that your right shoulder was bare. It felt a little uncomfortable for you.
Joon couldn't hide his small blush when he saw how pretty you were. He wasn't sure if he could still look at you in the eye. When the both of you were done, he then guided you to the car and the both of you set off to the party's destination since it was quite far. 
The both of you sat at the backseats and let the chauffeaur do the driving. 
"Hyerim, you look really beatiful tonight. Its great to see you like this once in awhile." Joon complimented. 
"Thanks." You felt your cheeks slowly getting hotter. 
The rest of the car ride was filled with an awkward silence. Joon was delighted at your new look but he became nervous as well. Once the car ride ended, being a gentleman, Joon opened the door for you. 
You thanked him and was just about to walk in when Joon nudged you. You looked at his arm. You smiled to show that you understood what he meant. You gladly linked arms with his and walked into the ballroom. The doors opened and everyone looked towards the two of you. The girls and guys were spurred with jealousy. 
Being beautiful is one thing but having a dashing dance partner like Joon is another. Its undeniable that Joon indeed looked amazingly dashing in that tuxedo suit. 
Girls wanted to be you, guys wanted to be Joon. The whole crowd of people were staring at the both of you. But being Joon, he didn't mind the stares and walked towards where your family was. They were shocked as well by your transformation and how good you and Joon looked like together. 
It was time to mingle around. You knew many girls would throw themselves at Joon so once you saw a swarm of girls approaching him; some shooting you glares on the way, you immediately silently walked away. You didn't like being put in those kinds of situations. 
You walked over to a corner where the pillar was. You watched as how the girls one by one tried to flirt with Joon. 
"Disgusting.. How desparate can they be?" You spoke to yourself. 
Before you knew it, you were surrounded by guys you have never seen before. You immediately went on defence mode. 
"Hey gorgeous, whats your name?" A guy placed his hand on your bare right shoulder. 
You immediately flicked his hand off and frowned. 
"Heyhey, no need for frowns or violence. We don't mean to harm you. We just want to ask if you'd have a dance with us?" Another guy asked. 
He s his hand up and down your arm and to your shoulder. Just as you were about to break the guy's arm, a man suddenly grabbed the guy's arm harshly. You looked up and realised that it was Joon. 
"Lay a finger on her and you'll deal with me." Joon tightened the grip on the guy's wrist making his hand go slightly purple because blood couldn't flow. 
After the guy begged and apologised, Joon released the guy's wrist making him have a blood rush. The guy collapsed onto the floor in defeat. Joon then held your hand and pulled you aside. 
"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Joon asked with worry in his voice. 
"Yes, i'm alright. Thank you. But i would've broken his arm if you were a second later. " you said. 
"You violent girl." He smiled.
You smiled back and asked,"How did you break loose from those girls anyways?" 
"I just pushed them aside because i was really annoyed. And there would be no other girl more beautiful than you who would attract a gang of men  to surround you." He said. 
He thinks i'm beautiful! You cheered in your mind. 
"But from now on, don't leave my side. I'm going to protect you. Don't talk to other men when you're with me too." Joon said. 
Joon didn't know why but he was just a little jealous and protective that the other guys would talk to you.
You were really happy on the inside that he had said that. 
"Alright.." You obeyed. 
You and Joon then mingled with a few people around. But as you saw 3 girls walking and giving weird eye signals to Joon, you wanted to walk away right at that moment. As they approached, you slowly took steps away from Joon. 
Joon, however, noticed and pulled you back. "Hyerim, where are you going?" He asked. 
"Emm.. To the washroom." You lied. 
Joon looked towards th direction of the washroom and saw a few guys and girls going there. He immediately felt protective and said,"Ok lets go." 
"Lets?" You asked. 
"Yeah, we." He said and walked with you to the washroom. 
The girls that were approaching Joon halted at the sight of the two of you together. The girls glared at you when you turned to look at them. You were irritated by their constant glares and threw a menacing and threatening death glare at them. It made them startled by the force that you had. 
Joon saw that and chuckled.
"Hyerim, going to the washroom was just an excuse to get away from them right?" Joon saw through you. 
"And i thought you were an idiot.." You mumbled. 
Joon heard it and gave you a "-_-" look. 
Just as you were about to again, the host grabbed the mike and announced,"Alright, thank you all for coming. I hope you will all enjoy yourself tonight and now i shall commence the party to be started! Grab your dance partners and rock that dance floor!" He hollered. 
Everyone smiled and rushed to the dance floor. The music starte and it was Waltz. You and Joon had practised this before. 
While dancing, Joon was just staring into your eyes. You felt a little shy by that and heat rose to your cheeks. 
"Why are you staring at me like that?" You asked after you couldn't hold it in any longer. 
Joon smiled and said,"Because you're beautiful." 
Your cheeks were flushed. You weren't able to say anything else beause you didn't know how to continue keeping a converstion up. This time, you got a little more courage and stared back into Joon's eyes. In his eyes, you could see..... You... 
You unknowingly smiled at this. Joon was just happy that you smiled and smiled back too. 
Your appa and umma who saw this from the side chuckled and your appa said,"I guess if Hyerim is happy with Joon then i might just allow it.." 
Your umma nodded and smiled as well. 
After the dance was over, your feet were sore from the kill heels and continuous dancing. When the both of you got into the car, you began taking off the heels and rubbing your feet. Joon then said,"It must've been hard on you.. Anyways, i'll give you a foot rub later on." 
"Really? Thanks!" You said. 
"Its $5!" Joon joked. 
"Yaahh, since when did my bodyguard start a business huh?" You laughed. 
Joon laughed as well,"Anyways, was this a good experience for you?" 
"Yes, it was. I understand the difficulties of wearing heels all day long and having weird people staring at you. Its really tiring..." You stated. 
"Yeah, next time, i'm going to glue you to me so that guys won't pounce on you like before." Joon said. 
"Yaah, if i can kill a tiger, what makes you think i can't break that mere person's bones? I can crush him in the palm of my hand anytime." You said. 
"Omo, when did Hyerim become so evil?" Joon chuckled. 
You laughed and answered,"Well, if that really happens again, i'll give them a real good lesson and make them crippled." 
"You evil girl!" Joon said. 
You laughed again and did a fake evil laugh, causing Joon to laugh as well. 
Halfway through, Joon felt something on his shoulder. He looked and realised that it was you. You had fallen asleep onto his shoulder. 
He smiled and moved the hair that was covering your face. He carressed your cheek gently just like before and admired your beauty. 
You're beautiful inside out.. He thought. 
Joon then moved his shoulder a little so that it wouldn't be too uncomfortable for you. 
Once the whole car ride was over, the chaffeur opened the door for Joon and carefully, Joon carried you back into your house. He removed the heels from your feet and gently placed you onto your bed. He looked at you once again. 
Slowly, he leaned down until his lips were just on top of yours. 
"I think i love you, Hyerim.." He whispered. 
His lips then touched yours. After a few seconds, Joon pulled back and smiled bitterly,"I think i love you Hyerim.. But i can't forget Jiyeon.." 
Joon stared at the ground solemnly. 
Maybe its about time i should go back.. He thought. 
He sighed and went back to his room. He didn't know what to do. He loves you but he needs to go back. He might not be able to see you again. He knew that but its his duty and he couldn't be irresponsible. If his Master wants him back to serve others, Joon has to obey because after all, Joon's Master is the one whi has saved him and Joon could never defy his orders. 
He knew that but he fell in love you. It would tear him apart to leave but he knew he still had to.. Time is ticking. There was not much time left to spend with you. 

Dear readers, 



Ok i know i said i'd be free but something cropped up at the last moment and i have things to attend to and stuff. It'll be a little hectic but i'll try not to delay my updates. Anyways, sorry for this short yet a little mysterious chapter but i hope you will still stay subscribed and cheer me on! I'll try my best! 


Thank you for reading! Bye~ 

Author Hyunmin

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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°