Chapter 1

My special bodyguard
"Miss, there will be another bodyguard coming at dusk today. I hope you would treat him nicely." Your butler informed you. 
"What? Another one? Why can't appa just leave me alone? I just want to live a normal life. " you scoffed. 
You were born in a super wealthy family. Your house was like 2 mansions in 1. Everything is high-class but you didn't like any of it. Despite of all the classy furniture and how elegant your parents and siblings were, you were nothing like them. 
Your mother wears gowns and has smooth an clear white skin which might even glimmer if you look at it under a light. 
Your oldest sister wears cute dresses which suits her very well and likewise, has smooth and clear skin. 
Your second oldest sister is really elegant. Even while eating, she sits straight and holds her pinky out when drinking tea. Her hair is luxious brown and she stands or sits straight up no matter where she is. 
You, as your family calls you, is a disgrace to the family. You always tie your hair up in a bun with messy leftover hair hanging by the side of your face. You always wear pants and a shirt. 
Thats why, your family always forces you to wear dresses or gowns or any of those girly items but you would never wear them. You strongly reject the items and on bad days, you would just hide in your room and lock your door to prevent them from coming in to bother you. 
You didn't like having a life of a princess. You had everything and everyone is envious of you but all you wanted was to live a normal life with true friends and family memers who care about you. All you wanted was to have your family accept you for who you are and that was your one and only wish. 
"Your appa cares for you, HyeRim." Your butler answered in response. 
"If he really cares then he wouldn't force me to do what i hate. If he really ares then he wouldn't have such distrust in me." 
Your butler just sighed and shook his head. He turned back to the kitchen and  returned to his work. You went back up to your room. 
A new bodyguard? Pfft. As if i can't take care of myself well. What is family if there's no trust in one another? You thought. 
You didn't feel like you belonged there. You just wanted to go to the outside world . You didn't want to be a high-class rich lady who knows nothing other than to be elegant and mighty. You liked adventure. How to survive in the wild and stuff like that. 
You just wanted to have that freedom to be yourself. 
Dusk finally came and your servant then informed you to meet with your new bodyguard. You dragged your feet down  the stairs, frustrated to even see a bodyguard in your house. 
"Anyeonghasaeyo, i'm Lee Joon. You can call me Joon if you want. I'll be here to pro-" 
"Whatever. I don't need you, i can protect myself. My appa just hired you because he doesn't trust me. Don't follow me an just slack if you want. I don't care." You interrupted and expressed your disinterest immediately. 
You turned and walked back to your room. You could still feel his eyes on you as you made your way up the stairs. You didn't even bother to look at him so you didn't know what he looked like. 
"I'm very sorry, Sir. She has always been rude like that. Please forgive her." Your butler apologise and bowed to Joon. 
"No, its alright." He gave a smile. 
"Thank you. Let me lead you around the house then." He said and brought Joon on a tour in your house. 
You went back to your room and just played aroun with your pencils and erasers. You love art. You love drawing and sketching. You weren't elegant like your family but your drawings, sketches and paintings had elegance though. 
An image of your older brother then popped in your mind. I didn't tell you about that right? Yes, you had an older brother and you loved him very much. Why? Its because he was the only one you could call 'family' because he accepted you for who you are and loved you just the same. 
Tears were at the brim of your eyes as you recalled every precious memory spent with him. He had already passed away just 3 years ago. You were 18 this year. Because of you, he had passed away. 
You were walking backwards down the street with your brother, Seungho. The 2 of you had decided to have a day out together which was very rare because your family had always forbid that. 
"Yaahh, walk properly. You're gonna hit someone if you don't watch your back." He smiled. 
"No, i just love to see your face. Because it makes me happy. And it makes me even happier that we can spend a day out together like this!" You gave a bright radiant smile. 
He sighed and smiled back. After a few minutes, a sudden blaring of horns caught you by suprise. Youw ere already on the road and an oncoming van was speeding straight towards you. 
You were stunned and couldn't move. Seungho pushed you out of the way in the nick of time and took the hit for you. 
You opened your eyes when you didn't feel much pain in your body. You realised Seungho's bloody body next to you and immediately shook him. 
"Seungho oppa, don't sleep! I can't live without you." You cried. 
"Hyerim....." His weak voice called out. 
You pulled yourself closer to him to hear his barely audible voice. 
"I.. Love you...." He managed to whisper. 
You sobbed after hearing those 3 words. Seungho had ran out of breath as he layed on the ground unconsciously. 
When you were at the hospital with your family waiting for the doctor, you couldn't help but bawl your eyes out as you knew that he took the hit because of you. 
Whenthe doctor came out, only words of grief and sorrow came out from his mouth. 
*end of flashback* 
"I love you too oppa.." You whispered to the walls. 
Your family didn't even cry when he had passed away and that made you hate them more. They only showed a grim face or a saddened one while you were there, in pain and guilt. 
You started sketching. You didn't really know why you were sketching but your hands moved on its own. When you were done, you stared at your finished artpiece. You realised that you had drawn your one and only oppa, Seungho. 
"I miss you.." You whispered to the artpiece. 
You blinked away the teardrops that were about to fall and closed your sketchbook. You looked around you. There were 4 walls surrounding your gigantic bedroom but you felt lonely. 
There are many people in your house but you still felt lonely. 
Why? Its because the only one that you loved on earth was gone. There is no love in this "family"... 
"Ahh, young man. Are you Lee Joon?" Your appa walked over with a smile on his face. 
"Yes, thank you for hiring me." Joon bowed. 
"Take a seat." Your appa ordered. 
The both of them then sat opposite of each other. 
"Joon, my youngest daughter.. She's quite a hassle. She's rebellious and always does things the way she wants. She does not act like a lady at all. Thats why i need you to take care of her. Teach her. " your appa said. 
"Yes, i understand Sir. " Joon bowed slightly in respect. 
"Alright then, Hyerim's room is on the second floor, the last room to the left. My house is big so you might get lost if you don't focus on the route." Your appa warned and stood up. 
Joon bowed 90 degrees and went his way. He walked up the stairs to the second floor and went to the left. As he was walking down the long hallway, he saw sketches, paintings and drawings of people and sceneries. It looked absolutely amazing. 
Joon examined one of the paintings. It was a painting of the sunset, with 2 people hugging while on the shore and the beautiful waves fitted nicely with it. 
He admired them for a little more before heading right down to the last room. He knocked on your door," Miss Hyerim, Joon is at your service." He politely said. 
However, you thought it was irritating and threw a pillow at the door to make him back off. Joon didn't care and just went in anyways. 
"Miss Hye-" 
"Get out. I didn't say i want you in here did i?" You harshly scolded him and threw another pillow at him. 
He then backed away and went out of your room, closing the door behind him. 
How rude.. He thought. 
But even though he knew you were snobby and rude, he had already decided to persevere and serve you. 
You sat at the seat on the balcony of your room to breathe in some fresh air instead of locking yourself in the room all day long. The breeze was nice and windy and you felt like it was a perfect day to go out and explore. Outside your house were many many trees and it was actually a hill because your room was facing south. You pushed the glass that was separating you from the outside world aside which made a loud thud. You were pretty strong for a girl and you were proud of it. Unlike your family who thinks that a girl using strength is a barbarian. They were weaklings compared to you. 
It was a high distance from your room to the ground of the hill but you saw a branch and worked up a plan. 
Just then, you hear knocking on your door. Apparently, Joon had heard the loud thud. You ignored it and bravely stood on the balcony's railings ready to jump. 
Just as your door clicked open, you jumped and swiftly used your hands to hang on a tree's branch and with ease, let go, making yourself land onto the ground still in a perfectly normal state. You had never done this before because you hardly ever used your balcony but it just so happened that you did today and you were glad about it. 
Joon saw your figure jumping out from the balcony railings. He was shocked and afraid that you might have suicided because he didn't know of your adventurous personality. He ran towards the balcony and saw the pushed aside glass which caused the thud. He wAs in shock as the glass was already heavy to him but you managed to move it aside. Without hesitation, he jumped out too but his landing wasn't as good as yours. He searched around for your body but you were nowhere to be seen. He was worried as it was getting darker.
You were running in excitement as the adrenaline in your body increased and the thrill of escaping made you so happy and carefree like a mad person. You ran around until you found a river bank and stopped running. It was so peaceful and the water was clean and clear. Your heart felt at ease, free from your house which you commonly referred to as a living hell. 
You placed one hand into the river and scooped up the water to drink. It tasted really good. It was even better than any other plain water you've drank. It had a certain sweetness in the water that you couldn't comprehend. 
After drinking, you then wandered around and ran around freely because you finally could. You then came across this special tree. It was shady and comfortable. You sat there with your back leaning against the trunk as you enjoyed mother's nature. It was all so beautiful to you. 
Meanwhile, Joon was still searching for you. 
"Miss Hyerim! Where are you!?" He yelled out as he was walking around. 
As he came across the river bank, he saw no one so he didn't give it much thought and continued walking around. He was walking around when all of a sudden, he spotted a leg. He creeped up close to it. 
While you were sitting there, enjoying the nature insights and sounds, a sudden small crunch of a twig suprised you. You immediately turned into combat mode. It was a really really small and light sound but you could hear it. 
As Joon creeped up to the trunk of the tree, he had accidentally stepped on a twig and made a small and light sound. He doubted that the owner of the foot had heard it as the foot did not move. He then thought that it was you. 
But as he stepped closer and closer, the owner of the foot finally moved. 
As you heard the light footsteps drawing nearer, you immediately sprang up and went out of hiding. You came out in full view and gave a hard kick to the person. 
Joon quickly attacked back without knowing it was you too and attempted to kick you back but your reflexes were fast enough to grab hold of his foot. Joon twisted his foot and broke lose of your grasp and kicked you on your arm. You moved quickly like a leopard and soon enough, you fist came in contact with Joon's stomach. 
As Joon flew to the ground, clutching his stomach in pain, you looked at him. 
You didn't recognise him as you haven't seen his face yet. 
He opened his eyes and stared at you. 
"Miss Hyerim!" He exclaimed in shock. 
"I'm Lee Joon." He introduced. 
You then remembered that he was your new bodyguard. You felt a little sorry and offered him your hand to help him get up. He took hold of your hand and stood up. 
"I'm sorry, i didn't know it was you." You apologised. 
"I'm sorry too for attacking back. I couldn't see you face so i thought you were an enemy. But i must say, you fight really good." He praised. 
You gave a slight small and nodded,"Thanks, i trained on my own." 
He was suprised but then replied,"Well, you are amazing. I thought you had attempted suicide when you jumped off the balcony." 
You chuckled and said,"I'm not stupid enough to give up my life yet. I have yet to see the beautiful places of the earth." 
He smiled and said,"Lets go back." 
"No, and didn't i tell you not to follow me?" You became serious all of a sudden. 
Joon kept silent. You then walked back to the river bank again. Joon followed quietly behind you. 
"Just relax." You told him as you lay down on a log, closing your eyes. 
"But its my duty to take care of you. What if-" 
"I can take care of myself. Because this world is full of 'what ifs', everyone starts to doubt. I just want to live a normal carefree life. I'm not like those people back at home with high demands. I want my own life." You interrupted again. 
Joon thought about what you said carefully. 
"You've never thought of changing yourself?" 
"Why should i? If i'm satisfied with how i am and how i live, isn't that good enough? I don't live to get the approval of mankind." You argued. 
Even though you just said those things casually, Joon knew somewhere deep inside, you were dead serious. He then sat down in front of the river bank and stared at his own reflection. 
With your eyes still closed, you felt a drop of water plop onto your face. You sprung up and extended your palm out. Drops of water continued falling. 
"Its drizzling." The both of you said at the same time and looked at each other. 
"Miss Hyerim, we better get back into the house. I would be held responsible if you catch a cold." He stood up. 
"I don't get sick easily. And besides, the rain is fun." You gave a small smile. 
He looked at you confusingly. 
How is the rain fun? He asked himself in his mind. 
The raindrops that pelted down became heavier and the sound of the rain was heard clearly. The both of you were starting to get drenched. 
"Miss Hyerim, I-" 
"Lets go back. You just don't know how to have fun." You said and led the way back. 
Joon was still confused and blurr but he was curious about you. He followed you back. When he was about to turn and walk into the front door of the house, you quickly pulled him back by the shirt which strangled him a little. 
"Miss Hyerim, please be less violent." He managed to spit out the words inbetween his coughs. 
You chuckled and explained,"I'm sorry. But we can't let anyone know that we escaped from home so we have to sneak back in or else they will kill us and by us i mean you." 
He nodded,"How are we supposed to sneak back in then?" 
"Use your brains, my friend." You smiled and went directly under your balcony. 
Because it was quite a high climb up, it made it dangerous but because you were a daredevil, it didn't matter to you. 
There weren't any windows directly under your balcony so nobody could see you climb up. Because your house walls were made of tiles that had gaps inbetween, you were able to climb up but if the person climbing didn't get a good hold of the wall, he or she would slip and fortunately for you, you weren't that person. You had done many outrageous and ridiculous things before and this was nothing to you. 
"Miss Hyerim, don't do it! You're gonna hurt yourself! Let me climb up instead!" He said courageously. 
You smirked and him and answered,"Never underestimate what Yang Hyerim is capable of doing." 
He tried stopping you but you quickly climbed up and there was no stopping you now. You carefully pulled yourself up and climbed. The gaps were a little small which made it really difficult including the rain wich made it a little slippery but you managed it well as your shoes had a lot of friction and made it up there quickly. Joon stared in awe. He was amazed by how strong and swift you were. 
You grabbed onto the railing of the balcony and gave yourself a push to stand on the railing and jumped inside. It was fun to you. You ran inside and grabbed a rope. You tied the rope the heavy and sturdy desk you had and threw the rope down and got ready by holding on to the rope tightly. 
Joon tied the rope onto his waist and abseiled up and with the help of your strong pulling of the rope, he had gotten up into your balcony quicker than you thought. 
Once he got in, you undid the rope from the table while Joon undid the rope from his waist. 
From here, Joon could tell you were a very adventurous person. And by very, he meant super duper adventurous. Which was quite rare for girls. 
It was still raining. The both of you were drenched. You kept the rope back into its place and went to take an extra towel and passed it to Joon. You took a towel from your bathroom as well. You undid your bun and ruffled your soaked hair. 
"Joon, there's a secret pathway i found back to the ground floor and no one would be able to see you if you were careful." You said. 
After 18 years of living in this house, you had already found all the secret passageways and even ones which your family and oppa didn't know about. 
You guided him to your large and spacious walk-in wadrobe. 
"Can you find the glitch?" You asked. 
He walked around and examine every spot. He scratched his neck and shook his head. 
"I guess you're just not that alert huh?" You gave a smirk. 
He looked at you quizzically. You then walked to a wall tile next to your compartment of dresses. You knocked one tile which made a sound and another tile beside it and to Joon's suprise, it made a different sound. 
[the wall tiles are big and in a square. They are as wide as SuJu's Shindong's belly. ><] 
You then carefully took the heavy tile out which had a secret route. Joon gasped silently in suprise. 
"How? It looked absolutely normal!" He said. 
You smiled and tapped your head. 
"It looks perfectly normal because i used liquid correction and apply it to the sides of the tile to make it look like the silicone that is separating the tiles. " you explained. 
"Get in." You commanded. 

Dear readers, 


How is this 1st chapter? Is it exciting? I liked it though. Anyways, i have ended my hiatus which is like 2 days? I suddenly thought about an idea like this and decided to give it a shot. So i hope you guys enjoyed it! I hope i can get at least 2 comments for this first chapter before i update. 


Thanks for reading! Bye~ 



Author Hyunmin

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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°