Chapter 2

My special bodyguard
"Get in." You commanded. 
He did as you said and crawled in. He fitted inside just nice. He crawled in so that you could have space to get inside too. You jumped and crawled in. You placed the tile back in place then told him to keep moving forward until he reached a two-way route. 
Once he had reached, he stopped. 
"Ok, go to the right and it should take you down to the ground floor's kitchen storeroom. From there, be quiet and sneak out. Go to your right and you would be able to go into the bathroom. There is an emergency set of clothes i placed inside the cabinet. Its hidden behind a board so search for it there." You gave the instructions on what to do. 
He nodded and did as you said. He carefully and quietly slid down the hole and sure enough, it really did bring him to the kitchen's storeroom. He sneaked out and went to the bathroom. He was suprised that you were that smart to have put emergency clothes or even find out the glitches in the house. But yet, he was curious to who you really are. Based on just this one day, he already could tell you were a tough cookie. A really tough one. 
He changed into the emergency set of clothes and immediately felt dryer and more comfortable. 
You on the other hand, had crawled back to your walk-in wadrobe and used the liquid correction to make it seem as though the tile is perfectly fine and not suspicious at all. Joon then came knocking on your door. You went over and hesitated whether to open the door or not. As you were thinking, the door suddenly opened and it hit your face. You rubbed your face in pain. 
"Oh my! I'm sorry Miss Hyerim! I thought you wouldn't answer the door so i just came in." Joon bowed. 
You stopped rubbing your nose where the door landed on and replied,"Don't come in unless you get my permission."
He bowed again and apogised. 
"Now, what is it that you wanted?" You questioned him. 
"I just wanted to thank you." He bowed again. 
"Its fine. Goodnight." You simply answered and closed the door on him. 
You jumped onto your bed and slept peacefully. It had been a fun day for you. 
Joon went down to the ground floor and your butler guided him to his room. Suprisingly, it was also on the 2nd floor but it was the first room to the left. 
He went in and was amazed by how grand it was. He cheerfully went to bed and turned off the lights. 
Maybe this isn't so bad after all... He thought to himself. 
With that, he then slowly drifted off to dreamland. 
The constant knocks and bangs and shouting from outside and on your door woke you up. With your half-lidded eyes, you groggily walked up to your door and violently slammed open your door showing your displeasure. 
"What!?" Your voice cracked as it was still early in the morning. 
"Miss Hyerim, its time to wake up." Joon said. 
"Can't you see i'm already awake? Are you blind?" You scorned at him. 
You are always grumpy in the morning. I mean, who isn't? Anyways.... Joon then replied,"Its time for breakfast and then whatever you need me to do, i'll do my best to serve you." He bowed. 
"Ok, here's my first order. Let me sleep!" You slammed your door at his feet and climbed back up onto your bed. 
Joon sighed but he was a man with much patience. He knocked on your door again. 
"SHUT UP!" He could hear you screaming loudly. 
He stopped knocking and sat against the wall beside your door and waited for you. He knew better than to keep disturbing your sleep. It would be just like adding fuel to the fire if he continued knocking. It reminded him of vivid memories that were hidden deep within his heart. He shook away those thoughts and stood up again. He didn't want to remember his painful past. He walked down to the living room so that it could keep his mind off of those thoughts. He took your breakfast up and lightly knocked several times on your door just for the sake of trying again. 
You had already settled in and since you were a heavy sleeper, you had blocked out those small and light knocks on the door.
Joon had no choice but to go in. When he went in, he could see your motionless figure on the bed. He placed your breakfast on your desk beside your bed and walked up to you. 
You were hugging your covers tightly as you had wrapped the covers around your whole body. He chuckled at the sight. "Panda..." He whispered. It remided him of her again. He then walked around so that the thoughts wouldn't linger around his mind. But just as he was about to walk away from your desk and bed, he saw a sketchbook on your desk. He turned and sat down on your chair. He flipped open the book. It was filled with beautiful drawings and sketches. He kept flipping the pages until he saw a potrait of a man. It felt like he could really see him. 
Who is this? He thought to himself. 
He then realised that these were actually supposed to be your privacy. He immediately flipped back to the cover and got up from your chair. He then turned to you and poked you on the face. 
"Wake up..." He whispered into your ear. 
He poked your cheeks harder. 
"Wake up.." He said a littler louder now. 
He shook your shoulders and poked your cheeks several times. 
"Wake up!" 
You tossed and turned in your sleep. He then shouted,"Wake up Panda!" 
Your eyes shot open, suprised by the sudden shouting. You looked around and saw Joon with a satisfied grin. You wanted to slap him for waking you up but then you realised that he called you a Panda. Panda.. That was what you called Seungho.. 
You then stared at him as your thoughts took over you. He raised his eyebrow and stared back as he didn't know why you were staring at him. He thought that you would scold or hit him or something of that sort. 
You then broke out of your trance and got out of bed. You then looked back at Joon and frowned a little,"Don't call me Panda.." 
He was chuckling inside as he didn't know you had this cute side to you. But he apologised and bowed. You thendid your morning preparations and ate your breakfast. You then remembered something poking your face. 
"Were you the one poking me?" You said with annoyance in your voice. 
Joon chuckled and nodded. You frowned and said,"Yaah! You deserve a punishment for that. My cheeks hurt! How many years old are you anyway?" 
"I'm 21. What about you?" He answered.
"I'm 18.. So we have a 3-year age difference. Its not that much anyway so lets drop the formality." You said. 
"Ok so can you call me oppa?" He smiled. 
"No way, i never call anyone oppa other than my... I mean, i will not call such a person as you oppa!" You almost told him about your real oppa. 
He pouted at you. You found it cute but you didn't smile. 
"Arasso.. What should we do after breakfast?" He asked. 
"What? So you woke me up in the morning without any plans!?" You raged in frustration. 
He silently nodded. 
"Aish!" You cursed under your breath. 
You then thought about what you could do. Just then, you thought of an idea! It was the one place you have always yearned to go to. Your face lit up at the thought. Joon looked at you quizzically. But your smile soon faded at the thought of your parents. 
You then went down to the ground floor with Joon following behind. Your parents were on the sofa reading the newspapers in the royal robes. 
"I'm going to the jungle!" You announced. 
Your umma, appa and Joon looked at you in shock. 
"Yang Hyerim! What do you think you're doing?! An elegant and high-class lady shouldn't be going to the jungle! What are you going to do there anyway? You're such a digrace to the family!" Your umma shouted at you. 
Joon watched in shock as he heard the word 'disgrace'.. He had finally understood what you said yesterday. 
"Thats because i'm not elegant or high-class! I'm not like the women in this family who knows nothing like the basic survival skills! And you!" You pointed to your appa. 
"You never trusted me! Then i'll show you that i can live in the jungle and survive even if a bear attacks! I'm going to go there with or without your consent!  Why can't you just accept me for who i am!?" You stormed back to your room and packed your items. 
 Meanwhile, your umma was raging downstairs. 
"THAT LITTLE BRAT!!!!" She yelled and threw her newspapers on the ground. 
Your appa frowned and stood up with his hands on his hips. 
"I'm sorry you had to see that Joon. But i want you to go with her." He demanded. 
Joon nodded and said,"Maybe sometimes, it would be great if you could understand her. " 
He then bowed and dismissed himself. Your appa had seriously thought about what Joon said. He went to his study room to have some alone time to think. 
Joon went up to your room and saw that you were just about to leave. 
"You're only bringing that along with you!?" He asked in suprise. 
"Yes." You simply replied. 
You had only brought along a 3 litre water bottle, a tent that was easy to build and a torchlight. 
"Its called survival for a reason." You said. 
"Ok but i'm going along with you! I insist!" He said. 
"Fine, suit yourself." 
Joon then brought along a 3litre bottle, a torchlight and a big sleeping bag as the tent you brought were fit for 2 people and went along with you. You wore a purple skin-tight tanktop with blue shorts and a trekking shoe. 
Joon wore a tanktop as well and bermudas with sports shoes. 
When the both of you got out of the house, you then informed Joon,"Its a long walk there so get ready." 
Joon nodded and walked beside you. You guys had to walk uphill and downhill and walk through several empty roads which were easy to mislead people and then downhill again to get to the jungle. It would take probably a day just to get to the empty road. 
You guys then started your long walk. When you had finally reached the top of the hill, you then sat down and drank a few sips of water while Joon drank 1/4 of his water. 
"Pabo! You're supposed to hydrate yourself just well enough. You're gonna need the water for later!" You scolded him. 
He stopped drinking and closed the cap and you did the same. "Lets go." You stood up again. 
"Aren't you tired at all?" Joon asked in amusement. 
You didn't answer him and continued walking. 
"Wait up!" Joon said and ran to your side. 
 The two of you then started walking downhill. It was already dusk when you had reached the mid of downhill. Just as you estimated, when you guys had reached the bottom of the hill, it was getting darker. 
You then set up your tent at the side of the road with Joon helping you. 
"Don't you have your own tent? Why are you helping me?" You asked. 
"But i'm sharing this tent with you." He innocently said. 
You face-palmed yourself and just said,"I guess we have cramp inside huh? I didn't bring a sleeping bag." 
"Its ok, i brought along mine and i can share it with you!" He smiled. 
You nodded and continued building the tent. Once you were done, it was already night. You drank a few more sips of water and went inside the tent. Joon did the same. He then set out his sleeping bag and went inside. You then slipped into the sleeping bag as well. 
The both of you were so close that your shoulders were touching. 
"I need something to hug." Joon randomly said. 
You looked up at him in suprise. You didn't know that a man muscles could actually hug a teddy bear at night. 
"Don't hug me." You said. 
"Then what i hug?" He asked. 
"Yourself." You said. 
"Oh yeah sure!" He sarcastically said. 
He placed 2 arms around his chest. You chuckled and looked back up. 
"Pleassseee?" He used a little aegyeo. 
"No." You coldly replied. 
"Fine." He pouted. 
You smiled at his cuteness and closed your eyes to sleep. After a few hours, you still couldn't sleep. Maybe because it was the presence of Joon that kept you awake. 
Just then, you felt movement inthe sleeping bag and something soft against your neck. You shot your eyes open and saw Joon's hair against your neck. He was snuggling! You looked at him and he was sleeping soundly. You then touched his hair. It was nice and soft. You then kept your hands to yourself and closed your eyes again. Suprisingly, Joon's snuggling made you be able to sleep better. You slowly dirfted off to sleep. 
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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°