Chapter 12

My special bodyguard
"Where are we going Joon?" You asked him. 
Joon had dragged you out of the house without telling you anything. It felt mysterious and strange to you. 
"You'll know when we get there! Its a really fun sport!" Joon replied. 
"So its a sport then?" 
"Yep! My favourite sport! It relieves my stress so i decided to bring you here.." 
"Do you have a lot of stress now?" You asked out of curiousity. 
But Joon didn't answer you. You shrugged it off and just followed him. He had a bright smile on his face. You looked yp ahead and saw that there were many people there. From young children to old adults. But they were were all doing the one same sport ;cycling. 
You were nervous as you didn't know how to cycle. 
"We're going cycling?" 
"Yep! Cycling is a really relaxing sport for me. The winds blowing against my face just make me feel so calm. And i just love it! " Joon explained. 
You nodded slowly but then hesitantly said,"But emm Joon... I.. Don't know how to ride a bicycle..." You trailed off at the end. 
Joon chuckled and gave you a warm smile,"Thats ok, i'll teach you!" 
You felt enlightened by that and nodded. The both of you then picked out a bicycle which suited you and Joon the most and paid for 2 hours of cycling. 
Joon then led you to the pathway which had hardly anyone. He signalled you to get onto the bicycle. 
You unstably got on and was very nervous. Joon parked his bicycle at the sidewalk and slowly teached you how to cycle. You picked up the skill fast and in no time, you were able to cycle.. For short distances.. 
You attempted again and cycled. 
"Don't look at the ground! Look ahead!" Joon said. 
You wanted to look up ahead too but couldn't stop yourself from looking at the ground. You lost control and fell off the bicycle. 
Joon rushed towards you,"Are you ok?" 
His eyes were full of concern and worry. But he became confused when you started laughing. 
"I fell on my bum!" You laughed. 
He then realised that you fell in a sitting position. He laughed as well. 
"Come on!" He stood up and offered a hand. 
You gently placed your hand onto his and he pulled you up. You smiled at him and got back to cycling. 
After another hour or so, you and Joon had managed to at least cycle half of the whole park. You felt accomplished as you finally knew how to cycle. 
The both of you then returned the bicycles and went on your way. 
On your way back, Joon then suggested,"Can we go to that beach near your house again?" 
You didn't know why buy just nodded and went along with it. 
As the both of you arrived, Joon lay on the sand, gazing at the beautiful setting sun. 
"So why are we here?" You asked. 
"No reason.. Just wanted to clear my mind.." Joon said with closing eyes. 
"Do you have a lot of things on your mind?" You asked. 
"I guess so..." he meekly said. 
"Like what?" Curiosity hit you. But silence fell upon the both of you. All you could hear was the calming waves of the sea. 
But for some reason, the silence was comfortable. After a long pause, Joon opened his eyes. 
"Hyerim-ah.." He called out to you. 
You felt something odd in his tone. You looked towards his direction and saw sadness and pain in his eyes. 
"Yeah?" You asked with an anxious heart.  
"I'm leaving.." He said. 
He had a serious and cold tone. You were stunned by what he said. 
"I'm leaving.." He repeated. Though he didn't want the words to come out, he knew he just had to do what he's gotta do. 
"Tomorrow will be my last day with you before i leave to Canada. My master is waiting there for me... And, i can't deny him." He said with a deep sigh. 
You could hear your own heart shattering. You were at a loss for words. You couldn't believe this was happening.. Again.. 
But you snapped back to reality and questions filled your mind.
"When are you coming back?" 
You asked. 
".. Thats a question i can never answer.." He said. 
Pain was evident in his voice. You weren't able to digest his words. 
Just then, you gave a laugh. 
"No way! Tell me this is a joke." You said. 
You couldn't believe this was happening. No, you didn't want to believe this was happening. It was like a bullet to your brain. 
Joon's eyes said it all. He wasn't joking and you knew it all too well. Why didn't you want to believe this? Slowly, your shock was replaced with anger. Why were you angry? 
"Then go." Those cold and harsh words escaped your lips. With no emotion at all, you stood and looked away from Joon. Joon was shocked and hurt. 
"If you knew all along that you were going to leave, then why did you come into my life? " 
You then walked back to your house with mixed emotions. You felt like crying, you felt like exploding, you felt hurt... 
You felt broken... He was never going to come back.
When you had reached home, you went to your room and showered but you weren't feeling refreshed or any better at all? Why did it hurt you so much? Because the first person you've given your trust to is leaving?
Maybe.... But the real answer is within your heart. The answer which only you can find.. 
Half an hour later, Joon arrived back into your house. He was mentally exhausted. He loves you but his master is someone he cannot defy. His master saved and rescued him so many times that even Joon's whole lifetime would not be able to repay all that his master has done for him. 
Thats why, he has to obey.. 
Neither of you could sleep that night. Joon was already all packed up and ready to go tomorrow but his heart will still stay here. Joon loves you, which makes it harder to bare. 
You wanted Joon to stay. You were hurting on the inside. It hurts just like when Seungho left. What was the answer to your questions? 

Dear readers, 


I'm so sorry for posting this chapter late again! T_T I went on a holiday recently so i didn't have time.. But anyways, this whole fanfic would end about 3 chapters later? Boohoohoo T_T but so far, i love this fanfic :).. And also one more thing, you guys can also request me to do fanfics now! Its ranging from MBLAQ, Infinite and Teen Top! So if you want to have a fanfic with your bias or any sideline characters in any of these 3 groups! You can PM me or write on my wall or comment on any of my fanfics to request! And so, REQUEST ME! Hehehe! 


Thanks for reading! Bye~ 

Author Hyunmin

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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°