Chap 14

My special bodyguard
Author's POV- 
A week has passed and you have never once stepped out of your room. Your family was worried about you but you always shunned them away. Your eyes were red and puffy. It was as if you cried so much that there were no more tears to shed. Your eyes had hurt but what hurt more was your fragile heart. 
Your glass heart which had shattered twice by the 2 people you loved the most. 
Joon never left your mind for even a minute. Maybe you've gotten accustomed to waking up every morning, seeing his bright smile which shines like the sun. You missed that..
A LOT.. 
Maybe he's grown unto you without noticing. How he laughs. How he becomes silly by being protective. How he's dorky. How he cheers you up and helps you.
How you did everything together.. 
Yeah.. Maybe thats why.. 
But no, of course.. You couldn't fool anyone with that kind of thinking. It was obvious and clear-cut that you both loved each other. Love can make you feel like you're on cloud 9 but it could also break you into a million pieces within seconds.. 
You were too tired to cry anymore. You nuzzled your face onto the pillow and pulled the covers over you. You just wished you could sleep away the pain. 
Reality hurts. 
Appa's POV- 
I can't stand this anymore! I can't stand seeing my daughter, which i have just been brought close to not long ago, cry! 
Every father's wish is to see their children happy and gleeful. Hyerim used to be like that but now... 
She's broken.. She's fallen hard for Joon.. And I need to fix this up. Its ok, Hyerim. I'll make everything better. I promise! 
I smiled at myself for my brilliant idea and rushed down to my study room where my computer was. 
~the next day~ 
Author's POV- 
"Hyerim-ah!!!" Your appa ran towards your room while shouting. 
You awokened by his loud voice but only to be saddened once again to find out that Joon was gone. 
"Hyerim-ahhh!!!" Your appa's voice echoed down the halls. 
He was close to kicking down the door when at the last moment, he managed to speedily open the door and charged in. 
Your unnies and umma who got suprised by your appa's sudden hollering, came out and went to your room to see what happened. 
"Neh, appa?" You asked, lifelessly. 
"Pack your bags! You're going to Canada!!" He said in a slang tone with excitement clear in his voice.
Your umma and your unnies gasped. 
"Appa! Why are you sending Hyerim off!?" Your unnies asked in unision.
"Because i just stand seeing Hyerim cry anymore! Not being able to do anything for you, my heart aches. So, go and find Joon. Somewhere, somehow!" Your appa said. 
You were suprised by this. Canada is huge. Would you ever be able to find Joon? Coincidences don't come often.
After a moment of silence, your umma then spoke up.
"Alright then, i support this idea. Hyerim, go and hunt Joon down. Do whatever it takes to find him because i want to see that smile back on your face again." Your umma gave you a warm yet gentle smile. 
Your unnies nodded and smiled as well in approval. Your appa then patted your head. 
"Go, Hyerim. Find your happiness and don't let it slip out of your grasp again. Alright?" Your appa said. 
Finally, it dawned upon you. You didn't know your family was hurting inside as well by seeing you in pain. You decided to go. Your appa is right. 
Because having mutual feelings for just that someone in a world made up of millions of people, is hard to come by. Thats why, you decided to not let Joon slip away just like how Seungho did. 
Seungho was not retrievable but the difference here was that, Joon is
A smile broke out on your face. "Ok, i'll go." 
Your family cheered. They gave you a group hug and encouraged you. You felt heartwarmed by that. 
"Just wait, Joon. You're gonna die in my hands when i find you!" You threatened the air. 
With that determination in mind, you packed your bags and got ready for the flight the next day. 
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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°