Chapter 3

My special bodyguard
As you woke up the next morning, you felt something on your waist. You looked down and was shocked to see Joon's hand. You gently and carefully removed his hands from his waist and slowly wiggled out of the sleeping bag. 
"Naughty hands.." You whispered. 
You drank a few more sips of water and got out of the tent. It was already morning. The sun was out and the air was fresh. Thats why you liked the jungles. It has trees all around so there's so much fresh air. The waters on good days are quite clear and nice. The joy of hunting down animals like fishes and cooking them on the spot just makes it better. You love those type of things. You are the female version of Tarzan. Or at least thats what you like to think about yourself. 
You stretched and went in the tent to wake Joon up. You thought about how he woke you up yesterday and decided to get a taste of sweet revenge. 
"Lee Joon!" You yelled right into his ear. 
He shot up and saluted,"Yes sir!" 
You laughed at how silly he looked. Joon was still half asleep half awake. He looked at you and groaned,"Yahhh..." 
"I'm leaving without you." You said loud and clear. You grabbed your items and went out of the tent. 
Joon thought you were kidding and continued sleeping until he felt the sun shining brightly down on him. 
"Who the lights!?" He groaned and opened one eye. 
He was shocked to see that he was not under the tent anymore. You were really heartlessly walking away! 
He got out of the sleeping bag and packed his things in a hurry before rushing up to you. 
"WAIT UP!!" He kept screaming after you. 
Now, he was really wide awake. 
"Yaahhh! Why-"he wanted to scold you but you placed a finger on his lip to shut him up. 
"Its morning. You don't want to wake any of the creatures in the wild up to attack right?" 
He then silently followed. After several hours, you could finally get sightbof the jungle up ahead. You drank a sip of water and continued. 
"Welcome to the jungle!" You smiled proudly. You had finally reached thr jungle. Both of you entered. It was beautiful. The trees were pure green, the air was so fresh, everything was perfect. You walked deeper into the jungle as Joon tagged along. 
Just then, Joon saw something and almost screamed. You looked behind and saw a rattlesnake slitheringtowards the both of you. 
"Don't panic." You said. 
You stomped your feet on the ground several times. The snake slowly made a detour and slithered away. Joon stared at you in awe. 
"Yeah, i know i'm awesome." You gave a smile and continued walking. 
It wasn't really a jungle but a really dense forest in the many mountains but you could argue it was somewhat a jungle since its in the wild. 
The two of you kept walking and exploring until something caught your eye. You walked towards it and to your suprise, it was a full flowing river with some animals by the side. You admired the sights and slowly walked out. Joon was fascinated by your expression and amazed by how beautiful jungles/forests can really be. 
There were several elephants on-the-go. There was even a baby elephant which made you smile brightly. 
You felt free. For real. 
It was a whole different world for Joon. He understood why you loved the outdoors so much. 
"Anyeong!" You waved at the elephants. 
The elephants all looked at you with waryness and suprise. Hey, they don't have big ears for nothing. 
You bravely went up to them with a smile. They didn't back away either. 
"Anyeong. I'm Yang Hyerim. Please take care of me well!" You smiled and bowed. 
Joon then came along and did the same,"Anyeong. I'm Lee Joon. Please take care of me well!" He smiled and bowed. 
Knowing that elephants eat a large amount of veggies, you went around and saw a banana plant. You plucked out a ripe banana and peeled off its covering. You then brought it over to the elephant you had talked to. 
You placed it in front of it. She sniffed the banana and you slowly brought it to . She ate the banana happily and blew its trumpet through her nose showing that she was happy. 
She was even smiling. You then plucked out a large leave from a tree nearby and gave it to the baby elephant. It ate it happily as well and was smiling! The elephants knew you were a good person by your friendly actions. You patted the mama elephant gently as well as the baby elephant. 
Joon smiled at you knowing that you even though you were strong outside, there was the real soft and happy you on the inside. 
"Joon, i think we should build some stuff and have fun. Just chillax, you know?" You smiled. 
"Sure but what should we make?" He asked. 
"Well, how about we make this our home?" You smiled radiantly that could easily outshine the sun. 
He smiled back and nodded. You then grabbed sticks, leaves, flowers, stalks and whatever you thought that you needed. 
"Lets build a changing room!" You exclaimed. 
Joon laughed and played along. Joon placed the sticks standing upright while you used the stalks to tie them together. After you were done, it was standing nicely upright. You then use the leaves and flowers and placed the on top to have some decorations. You then went around looking for the biggest leaf you can find. 
You then found one which was a little shorter than you and in the shape of a fan. You plucked it out carefully so that it would not damage the other leaves. You then skipped happily back to the "changing room". You tied the leaf to the opening of the changing room. It was complete! It was round and the leaf acting as the door. 
"Its done! But Hyerim-ah we don't have clothes to change into." Joon said in realisation. 
"No we don't but we can make them." You brightly answered. 
You then walked around and found some large and thin leaflets. You connected all of them together using the stalk and tied them together. Using the same leaflets, you tied another layer of them inbetween the gaps making it a skirt thats is not too short nor too long. 
You brought it to Joon and said,"How's this?" 
He stared at your creation. 
"Looks like someone's been watching movies." He said. 
You laughed and asked again,"So how is it?" 
"Its great! But what about the top?" 
"Hmmm.. Let me find some other materials." You sped off. 
Joon on the other hand was also finding some materials to work with. He decided to create a skirt just like you did too because pants would be difficult to make with only leaves and such for materials. 
You couldn't find any materials that would be suitable for the top so you just decided to go back. You took a few sips of water and decided to catch some fish for cooking. You took some bark and sticks off a tree. You took some pebbles and made a circle and took more pebbles to fill in the circle. You started rubbing the sticks together. The old skool way of creating fire or maybe just some sparks. After minutes and minutes, you finally started a a small spark. You continued rubbing them towther with more energy and the spark grew into a fire. You placed the bark in the middle of the pebbles and placed the sticks on top of the bark until the fire was transferred. You then took more sticks and threw it onto the bark creating a bigger fire. You created a stand to poke the fish in and went into the river to catch fish. You loved these kind of things. It made you feel alive. 
With swiftness in your movement, you caught a a fish and hauled it up to your stand. You poked it into the stick and the fish immediately stop wriggling. 
"Joon! I'm cooking dinner!" You shouted. 
"Neh!" He answered back. He then finished making his skirt and rushed over to you. 
"Wow you made this all by yourself." He asked. 
"Yep. I can take care of myself." You said while turning the stick. 
"What were you doing just now?" You asked. 
"Well, i made a skirt too but its for me because i don't have the materials to make pants." He said. 
"Me too. I couldn't find materials to make my top too. But you know where can we bathe? I mean we can't bathe in this river right? It'll contaminate te water that the elephants and fishes are drinking and living in. And our clothes, we have to wash them too." 
"Lets find another river tomorrow then. We'll just have to stick to these sticky clothes for tonight. Like what you said, its survival." He smiled 
"Hey, don't steal my catchphrase! I was just discussing that issue with you." 
You smacked his arm playfully and turned the stick again. 
"Ok ok." He surrendered. 
After the fish was done, the two of you then ate it. It was good because it was fresh and well cooked. It tasted like nature. Well, nature is not a taste but thats what you always refer the taste to. 
After night fell and the skies darken, the elephants were still roaming about but you decided to sleep in since you need to have enough energy for the next day. Joon decided to do so too. 
With both of your shoulders touching again, the both of you were under the same nightsky, in the same tent, in the same sleeping bag. 
This time, you decided to allow Joon to hug you since you could sleep better with his arms around you too. With that, the both of you fell into a peaceful sleep. 

Dear readers, 



Its double update today! I'm sorry if its a little boring though ^_^. But anyways, i will continue with the next chapter tomorrow if i have time to complete it. I actually have a lot of time to myself today because there were lesser disturbances. I'll try my best and i hope you will enjoy this fanfic. 


Thank you for reading! Bye~ 

Author Hyunmin

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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°