Chapter 5

My special bodyguard
The sun had risen and mama elephant woke you up like before. 
"Joon, don't you think we should make some weapons just in case?" You asked him. 
You were both still in the tent. 
"Well, yeah. I mean, we have to be on our toes right?" He smiled. 
"Ok, lets find some materials and get started!" You smiled back and got out of the tent. 
You hugged mama and baby elephant. They had always been there with you guys ever since the first day here. It was your third day in the jungle with Joon. It was fun and exciting but you knew that once the fifth day came, you had to go back to the place you despised the most. 
You got some sticks and stalks and tied them making it a bow. You then found some sticks and sharpened it to make them into arrows. After doing 5 arrows, you decided to make something like a pocket knife in case. You made another one of those sharp sticks and made a leaf pocket and placed all of them in there. 
Meanwhile, Joon was sharpening some rocks so that the rocks can actually instantly kill someone or something. When the both of you were done, you placed them into the leaf pocket and attatched to your skirt and to Joon's pants. 
As the day passed by quickly, you both went back into the tent to have a good rest again. But for some reason, you just couldn't sleep. Something was keeping you up. Joon was sound asleep but your eyes were wide open. 
Just then, you heard some faint noises. You didn't want to create a shadow in the tent to let anyone who was there see that you're awake so you stayed still but woke Joon up. He was about to groan but you covered his mouth. His eyes shot open and blinked at you. He saw the a nervous and serious expression that told him you were ready for a battle. He wanted to get up but you held him down. He then heard the faint noises too. He had a bad feeling about this. 
You slowly reached for your weapons sothat you would not create too much movement to attract attention. Joon did the same. You heard the grass brushing against something. The noise slowly got closer. 
You were halfway out of the sleeping bag. You cautiously glanced at Joon. He had a frown too. As the zip for the tent slowly opened, you readied yourself and slowly wriggled out of the sleeping bag. Once the zipper was all the way down, you saw a leg and a face. 
"They're awake!" The boy shouted. 
You immediately shot an arrow at him. Joon held the rock in his hand. As another boy came, he threw the rock hardly at him knocking him out for a long time. You took this chance to come out of the tent. Once you got out, three men surrounded you. 
"We don't mean to hurt you. Come with us. Bring your man with you too." The injured young boy said. 
The men closed in on you. You gave a punch, a smack and a kick and their all on the ground. But what you didn't expect was that more men had come. Joon had came out and was facing you with both your backs touching. 
"Come with us!" The men said. 
They speedily closed in on the two of you and grabbed you guys by the arms. You had managed to knock out one or two but there were too many to handle. You struggled to break free but everytime you did, their grip on you tightened. You didn't give in but you just wanted to wait for the right moment to break loose. 
They brought the both of you into the jungle where their Master was. They harshly tied you to a tree trunk and took away your weapons and did the same for Joon just that Joon was held by a guard instead of a tree. 
"Who are you? What do you want!?" You yelled. 
"Hmm.. Such fiery temper. I like it." The man smirked. 
"I'm the Master here of our tribal territory. I've been looking for some pleasure lately." The man walked towards you. 
"And it seems like you here, can fufill my hunger for pleasure." 
He used his finger to tilt your head up to look at him. 
"Nice outfit. They say you killed a tiger alone huh?" 
You clenched your teeth not wanting to respond. 
"What do you want?" You asked in a harsh yet calm tone.
He just deviously grinned and said,"You'll find out." 
While he walked back to his chair made out of sticks, which seemed like his throne, you took the chance to examine your surroundings. Your weapons were in one of the guard's pockets. Joon's weapons were also in the same guard's pocket. The rope  that tied your hands to the tree trunk was too strong to break through just using strength. 
You struggled to think of an escape route. 
"Bring him to me." The man pointed to Joon. 
Joon broke out in cold sweat. He didn't know what was about to happen. The guards then harshly pushed him to the Master.
They brought Joon to the Master of the tribe and stayed behind him so that he couldn't escape. The Master of the tribe then slowly walked towards you. You struggled to break free but as soon then heard a voice. 
"Don't panic." 
It sounded so much like Seungho's voice. You calmed down and stopped struggling. Instead, you heeded the advice then fiddled with the rope and slowly untied them in a composed state.
The Master of the tribe laughed evilly and s his arm to your thigh. You immediately knew what he was going to do. You couldn't kick him there because your legs were tied together. 
You suppressed your thoughts as your fingers worked magnificently fast to untie the rope. The rope was not budging. You cussed in your head. 
Joon who saw that wanted to protest and smack him but the guards held him back forcefully. 
The Master of the tribe then s his arm up to your stomach. He was visually undressing you. He stared at your s which made tou feel uncomfortable and glare down at him with eyes that could pierce through anyone's soul. When he looked at you in the eye, he cowered back just by the force you emitted through your eyes but soon regained his composure. 
He then smirked,"My oh my, seems like you've got quite the force here. And thats just how i like it." 
His hands continued going up and brushing past your s. He then closed in on you. With a quick pull, the rope was finally undone! He headed straight for your neck and started nibbling. 
"Hyerim!" Joon shouted. 
You unwrapped the rope around your hands. Your hands violently broke through whatever remains of the rope that was left and gave a hard punch to the Master of the tribe on his cheek. He fell back. You took the chance to untie the rope on your legs but the guards soon came, trying to tie your hands again. You punched them down and gave them a piece of your mind. The Master of the tribe got up unsteadily and came to you. As he got closer, you gave him a punch to his stomach before he could even draw nearer. You quickly undid the rope on your legs which were much simplier than the ones on your arms. You were now in complete combat mode. With several man blocking you from Joon, you knocked them out in anger. 
"Get out of my way!" You screamed at them while punching and kicking them. With a great turn and a kick to the face, the last man was down. You rushed to Joon and untied his ropes. 
"Are you ok?" He asked worriedly.
You gave a quick nod and took a stone from the knocked out guard whom held all your weapons. You went over to the Master of the tribe and knocked the stone to his head hardly making blood rush out from his head like an unending flow.  
You needed to kill him before he could get other girls or people. 
"Who's the Master now?" You asked. 
You then walked over to Joon. 
"Lets go." You said in a monotonous voice. 
Just then, a young boy about your age came to you and stopped the both of you. 
"Thank you. We've been wanting to escape him for awhile now. Killing him was the best descision you've ever made. Thank you." The young boy bowed. 
"Its fine." You replied and walked back to your "second home" with Joon. 
Joon was still shocked by the matter. He didn't know how you could still keep your cool in a situation such as that. For that, he admired you a lot more. When you were finally back in the tent, you gulped down water and sat in fron of the rier bank instead of sleeping. You needed to process and sort out your thoughts. Staring at your own reflection, you began to think. Joon who noticed this, sat beside you to keep you company. 
He knew that no matter how strong you were, there would still be some mental damage. 
You were afraid. But you couldn't tell Joon. It just wasn't like you to show your inner emotions. You wanted to hug Seungho but he wasn't there anymore to be your teddy bear. 
You then laid back onto the grass and sighed in defeat. You gazed at the beautiful night sky. The stars were twinkling as bright as ever. The moonlight shone down on the both of you making your face shimmer. Joon stared at you unknowingly. He wanted to ask you if you were alright but no words were coming out. He didn't know why he choked on his words. 
Maybe it was your different charms from other girls that attracted him. Maybe it was because of how cool you were while fighting that made him start to think about you differently. He didn't know why but his thoughts were all muddled up with the past and the present. It just seems so hard to let go of the past. 
Because the past had already left an unremovable scar on both you and Joon's hearts, its hard to forgot though both of you had changed. 
Joon then gave a sigh and lay down on the grass beside you, gazing at the bright twinkling stars.  
"You know, Joon..." You spoke up. 
He listened on. 
"Its not been long since we've met but i just want to say thank you for sticking by me. And even showing your care for me. Thank you." You said. 
He gave a small smile and answered,"Its fine. We've been through a lot today so lets just forget the problems and just sleep. Sleep it away." 
You nodded and got up to the tent. You slipped into the sleeping bag and so did Joon. The both of you went into dreamland. 
You were woken up by a cool breeze. It seemed chillier than most mornings. You got out of the tent and saw how the wind blew the leaves backwards. Mama elephant blew her trunk as a sneeze. You patted her and went back into the tent. 
"Joon. Joon. Wake up!" You poked Joon. He slowly got up and felt the chilly wind too. 
"Why is it so chilly?" He asked. 
"I don't know but i think we should change." You suggested. 
He nodded and went with you to take your original clothings from the changing room. The both of you took turns to change back. You didn't know why it was chilly but the wind actually felt nice on your skin. You then proceeded to eating some fruits and Joon followed. 
"Hyerim, when are going back home?" Joon asked out of nowhere. 
You were stunned by his question but then said,"I don't know. I don't want to leave. This is better than back in the hellhole." 
"Hyerim, you can't run from reality. I know you don't want to go back but you still have too." He persuaded you. 
You knew he was more than right but you just didn't want to go back and face your "family" anymore. 
"I actually forgot about them until now." You said. 
"Is your family that insignificant to you?" He asked. 
"Their not my family until they accept me for who i am. And because they didn't even shed a tear on oppa's funeral." You coldly replied.
Uh oh, a slip of your tongue. You face-palmed yourself and pretended to not have sId anything. 
"What oppa?" Joon asked. 
He was looking at you now with full attention. 
"Can i skip this question?" You asked. 
Joon felt the uncomfortable tone in your voice and decided not to force you though there was a burning curiousity inside of him. 
Oppa? What oppa? Boyfriend? Brother? He thought. 
He quickly pushed away his thoughts when you suddenly suggested,"Lets go back. " 
"What? You mean now? I thought you didn't want to go." 
"Yes, what do you think? Well, like you said, i can't run from reality. No matter how many days i spend in the jungle, i have to go back someday. And besides, i can come back here anytime." 
He nodded,"Alright then, since you've made up your mind, lets go." 
The both of you started packing up. Mama and baby elephant seemed to have understood your actions. They had sad eyes looking at the both of you. Once you saw that, you walked up to them and hugged them. 
"Don't worry! I'll come back here soon, don't you guys dare forget me alright?" 
Baby elephant blew his trunk. You patted him on the head and continued packing. 
"Lets head back then." Joon smiled. 
You nodded and waved to the elephants for one last time. This time, the way back didn't take as long as how the both of you first came. 
"We've reached!" Joon exclaimed. 
It was dark at night a little later than midnight. Everyone inthe house was sleeping. You crept in with Joon and went to the second floor. 
"Goodnight Hyerim." Joon greeted before closing his door. 
He didn't expect a response from you and just went in since you weren't the type to greet. You stared at his door dumbfoundedly. Your lips curved up which made a small smile and the words escaped your mouth, whispering them softly,"Goodnight, Joon." 
You felt a tinge of happiness. For no reason, these past few days had been quite a joy for you. You used to detest every bodyguard but suprisingly, Joon wasn't as detestable as the rest. 
To you, he seemed different. You went to take a good shower and went to bed. It had been tiring yet fun-filled days with much thrill. You lay on your bed and within minutes, you were completely knocked out. 
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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°