Chapter 7

My special bodyguard


A week has passed and things were progressing very slowly between you and your appa and umma. Your sisters just did not want to take initiative. 
You walked down the stairs leading to the dining room. You ate your breakfast hastily and went back up to your room. You changed to a loose long-sleeve t-shirt and casual bermudas with your hair in a bun as usual. You dressed a little girlier than you always dressed because today was a special day and also brought along a basket full of items in it. You went down the stairs and walked through the living room. Your appa had noticed your little change in style and asked,"Hyerim, where are you going? You look... Prettier." 
You were suprised by the choice of his words but angry at how he had forgotten how special this day was to you. You gave a solemn and strict face. 
"You forgot huh?" 
Your appa thought about the series of events in the recent days but still didn't know what special day today was. 
"Its Seungho oppa's birthday." You emotionlessly replied while walking straight for the door. 
Once you were out of sight, your appa placed a hand over his eyes and sighed. 
"How could i ever forget?" He slapped himself mentally. 
While locking the door, you were thinking to yourself. 
See, They even forgot oppa's birthday. 
When you got to the bus stop, You received a text from Joon. 
From: Joon 
Hyerim, where did you go? I can't find you though i've searched the whole house. 
I'm at the bus stop. 
You didn't receive a reply from Joon but within minutes, Joon came sprinting towards you. 
"Hyerimmmm!!!!!!" He yelled while sprinting. 
You chuckled at how silly he looked but then realised that he was going to follow you.
"Hye.. Rim.." Joon panted heavily. 
It was quite a distance from your house to the bus stop. 
"Why are you here?" You asked. 
"Do you have water?" He asked back. You rummaged through your basket and hande him your water bottle. He gulped some water down and took a seat beside you.
"So, where are we going?" He asked as he handed you back your waterbottle. 
"Hold up, what do you mean 'we'?" You stopped whatever you were doing and stared at him. 
He chuckled at your reaction and answered,"I'm going with you." 
Apalled, you quickly replied back,"No no! Go back!" You pushed him. 
"Yaah! I just ran all the way here and now you're telling me to go back? How ungrateful!" He whined and crossed his arms. 
"Don't follow me!" You said. 
He looked at you in the eye,"Why can't i? We're friends right?" 
You pondered over his question. Friends? You never had a friend before. 
"Wait, don't tell me! You've never had a friend before!?" He said a little too loud. 
The people who were waiting for the bus looked over to the both of you. You smacked his head lightly. 
"I'm sorry." 
"I... Never really had a friend before." You confessed. 
"Seriously? Like, for real?" He wanted to confirm.
"Yea, seriously for real." You affirmed. 
Joon was a little sad for you but he was really happy on the inside. Because that would make him your first friend! He was smiling away and you stared at him weirdly. You could almost see flowers surrounding him. 
[like in those animes when they spazz over something :) ] 
But then, you realised how handsome he was. His distinct facial features with his bright happy eyes.  
"Yaah, are you listening?" Joon poked your cheek. 
You broke out of your thoughts. 
"Sorry can you repeat?" 
"I asked if you would like me to be your friend?" He offered. 
Just then, the bus had arrived. The two of you boarded the bus and you had forgotten that Joon was going with you to the cemetery. The two of you sat at the back of the bus on the right side. 
You were sitting next to the window. 
"So.... Do you want me to be your friend?" Joon repeated his question again. 
You thought about it for a moment.
"What do friends do?" You asked. 
"Well, friends talk with each other. They play with each other and tell secrets to each other. And friends don't mind if you do something bad because they'll still love you the same." He smiled. 
His sentence lingered in your mind: 
And friends don't mind if you do something bad because they'll love you the same. 
Should i try having a friend? You thought. 
"Friends?" You thought aloud. 
"Yeah. Friends." Joon echoed after you. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw the road sign: 
Chun Hwa Cemetery 
You panicked and gasped. You realised that you had forgotten that Joon was coming along. Joon looked in the direction you were looking and saw the same sign. 
"Why are we at a cemetery?" He asked. 
You slapped yourself, literally, and sighed while rubbing your temples..
"Forget it. You know what? Just come." You gave up. 
You stood up which made Joon stand up too and headed for the bus door. You tapped your card and went out of the bus and so did Joon. 
Joon still didn't know why you went to a cemetery so out of the blue. 
Should i just tell him then? You thought. 
You and Joon walked straight up to the second row. When the two of finally reached Seungho's grave, you sat in front of it and stared at his grave.
"Joon.. You said that we're friends right?" You asked, not giving him any eye contact. 
He sat beside you and smiled,"Yes." 
"And friends tell each other secrets right?" You asked. 
You stayed silent for a moment. You hesitated on whether you should tell him or not. 
Hyerim, its time to trust... You told yourself. 
"This is my older brother, Seungho oppa. I love him a lot. He was the only one in my family that accepted me for who i am. He was the one who believed in me when no one else would..." You paused for a moment. 
Joon stared at you. You were having glassy eyes with tears threatening to fall anytime. 
"But 3 years back. We were walking down the street. At that time, he was going to study about technicians and computer programming and he would not be back home often. Thats why, i walked backwards to admire his face while i still can but i didn't know that it would be the last. We were walking down the road but all of a sudden, a vehicle headed straight for us. I didn't know what to do. It was so sudden. But Seungho oppa saved me. He pushed me out of the way... And he took the hit instead. The doctors couldn't revive him." 
A teardrop fell. Joon was shocked. He didn't see this side of you before. If you didn't say so, he would've thought you were a strong girl that could overcome anything and didn't have such problems. 
Joon felt a little heartbroken seeing you cry. He leaned over to you and hugged you. You didn't know why but his embrace was warm. It warmer than Seungho's. It made you feel safe and secure. Without thinking, you hugged back. 
"Thank you." You whispered. 
You let go of him and he did the same. 
"I'm sorry you have to see this." You wiped your tears away. 
Joon shook his head,"Its fine. Its ok to cry." 
You gave a small smile and began taking the things out of your basket. You handed Joon a sandwich and ate one yourself. You then poured some water for the both of you and gulped it down. 
You placed a white flower on Seungho oppa's grave and kneeled down to bow. 
"Oppa, i miss you." You simply smiled at Seungho's picture on his grave. 
Joon then took another white flower from your basket and placed it down. He kneeled and bowed and said,"I'll take care of her well." 
Joon stood up and saluted to Seungho. 
You chuckled on the inside. You thiught that he was cute. 
"Lets go." You said. 
"Where to?" He asked. 
You and Joon walked down and walked across the road to a beautiful green field. 
"Here.." You answered. 
"After 3 years, i guess i finally have someone to play this with." You smiled. 
You took out a frisbee and a soccer ball from the basket. 
Joon grinned and watched as you took them out. He was delighted that he could play with you. He was starting to develop feelings for you and you were starting to develop feelings for him too. 
"Lets start!" You threw the frisbee to him. 
Swiftly, he caught it and threw it back to you. You widened the gap and continued playing. After 5 minutes, you decided to change the game to soccer. 
You went back to your basket and took the soccer ball. You placed it in the middle. 
"Yaah, i'm good at soccer you know!" Joon boasted. 
Without warning, you ran and dribbled the ball to your side. 
"Yaah! Thats cheating!" Joon complained. He ran over and tried snatching the ball from you. 
With one swift move, you blocked the ball from being snatched and changed the direction. Joon was fascinated by your skills. 
You stopped and said,"I'm better!" 
Joon smiled and shouted,"GAME ON!" 
He ran and tried stealing the ball again but only this time, he succeeded. He laughed and dribbled the ball away from you. 
Suddenly, you accidentally tripped over his foot which made the both of you fall. You lay on the grass side by side. 
The both of you laughed at each other. 
"You know, its good to see you dressing a little girlier once in a while." Joon smiled. 
"Re-really? You really th-think so?" You stuttered. 
You blushed a shade of pink and stood up to hide it. 
"Lets go." You walked over to the basket. 
But unfortunately, Joon saw your blush and he smiled to himself. You walked quickly to the bus stop. 
"Yaah! Wait up!" Joon ran after you. 

Dear readers, 


I know i haven't updated in a few days so here is the chapter! I couldn't log into AFF for some reason so i used my iPad to update instead. Sigh... And also, my quota for this fanfic is 100 views by the 7th chapter but its only about 80 views now right? So please show your support so that i'll know whether or not i should continue. I'm having things rough these days. And leave a comment too!


Thank you for reading! Bye~ 


Author Hyunmin

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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°