Chapter 11

My special bodyguard
"Hyerim-ah, so i was thinking, do you like baking?" Joon asked you all of a sudden. 
You were a little suprised by the sudden question but answered,"Hmm.. I guess so. I baked some cookies with Seungho oppa before but it was way long ago. Why?" 
"I was thinking if you would like to bake together? " 
"I've never really tried baking alone or anything. I was only the assistant for Seungho oppa. " 
"But it'll be fun. I mean, whatever we do together is always fun right?" Joon smiled. 
"Hmm.. I guess i'll just have a try at it?" 
"Great! I challenge you to a cookie duel! Whoever has the tastier cookie wins. But! ..... We have to buy the ingredients first." Joon said. 
You chuckled,"Sure, lets bake Chocolate Mint then." 
Joon nodded and dragged you out of your room. The both of you then went to the nearby local supermarket. 
"Joon, why do you want to bake so suddenly?" You asked. 
Because i want to make the best out of these last few remaining days with you,Hyerim.. He sadly thought. 
"Because we should live each day like the next is last. " he smiled. 
For a moment, there was a sour and bitter expression on Joon's face but you didn't pursue that matter since you couldn't put a finger on it. 
When you had both reached the supermarket, you were suprised because you never saw such a variety of foods before. Well, also because you never went to a supermarket before. 
You just followed Joon. You pushed the trolley while he picked out the ingredients. 
"Actually, this trolley thing is kinda fun." You said. 
Joon looked at you and asked,"You've never pushed a trolley before?" 
You shook your head. 
Joon gasped and ordered you,"Get in." 
You were a little suprised but nevertheless, still got into the trolley. 
Without a word, Joon put the ingredients into the trolley. When he needed to go to another section, he would push the trolley really fast which made it like a rollercoaster ride for you. 
You let a squeal of excitement. It was indeed fun for you. 
After a few more rounds, Joon was done and pushed the trolley to the cashier. The cashier was a litte ahocked that 2 grown adults would still do these sort of things fun. You, still in the trolley, handed the ingredients inside to the cashier. 
Joon then said,"How much for this giant baby?" 
You and the cashier laughed. You then got out of the trolley and said,"I'm not for sale."  
You and Joon split the bill into half and paid them to be equal. Joon then carried the bags of items since he was the man. You pushed the trolley back and soon joined Joon. 
"Oooh, so your muscles are not for show only huh?" You poked his muscles. 
It was hard and big. 
"Yaahh, i didn't work out for nothing. I've got arms of steel." Joon boasted. 
You laughed and punched his arm. 
When the both of you had finally reached back home, Joon set all the ingredients nicely on the table. You took a pair of aprons and gave one to Joon. He had tied the back successfully while you were having some difficulty. He saw that and helped you with it. 
"Thanks." You said. 
Joon smiled and went back to the ingredients. "Ok, so.. First step, preheat oven to 180 Celsius." 
You then preheated the oven and went back to Joon. Joon then read out the following steps and you obediently followed. 
You stared at Joon while he was reading the steps from his phone. You smiled at how cute he looked when he was concentrated on reading. You then wiped some flour onto his nose. 
Joon was caught by suprise. He then took revenge by doing the same to you. 
Soon, a flour painting war began. After 15 minutes of chasing each other around and flour painting each other's face, the both of you grew tired and looked at each other. You both laughed at how each other looked. Your face was half smeared with flour while Joon's face was completely smeared with flour. You had tiny hands but great power. 
You both laughed at each other and realised that half the flour was gone due to the mini war. 
"Yaahh, i don't think there's enough flour.." You said. 
"That's fine. I've got backup flour." Joon then took out another bag of flour from a plastic bag. 
You laughed at poured just the right amount of flour needed into the bowl. 
The both of you then made your own cookies.
When the both of you were done, you placed the creation onto a metal tray with wax paper on top and placed it into the oven. 
Now, all thats left to do is to wait. 
"Yaahh, Hyerim-ah." Joon called out to you. 
You turned and looked at him.
"What should we have for punishment?" Joon asked. 
"Emmm... Why not a piggyback ride?" You suggested. 
Joon then laughed,"You mean if i won then you would give me a piggyback ride?" 
"Yeah sure. I may have a tiny body but i have great strength." You then flexed your arm. 
Joon chuckled and flexed his arm as well. Just then, there was a 'ding' sound in the oven signalling that the cookies were ready. You then went over and turned off the oven and waited for the cookies to cool down a bit. 
In a total, you baked 5 cookies while Joon baked 8 cookies just because he wanted to. You then removed the tray from the oven and placed it onto the kitchen counter. 
"Should we let your appa and umma be the judges?" Joon asked. 
You hesitated a bit but still nodded. 
"Can you call them here?" You shyly asked. 
Joon smiled and went to get your appa and umma. A while later, they came down and was delighted at the sight of the cookies. But they were chuckling about the flour that was on both of you and Joon. 
"So what's this about?" Your appa asked. 
You then explained,"We are doing a cookie challenge. You'll be the judges and tell us who made it better. On the left is mine and on the right is Joon's." 
Your appa and umma nodded and took your cookie. They each took a bite and gave a satisfied smile. They then moved on to Joon and found that his cookie was too chocolatey. They looked at each other and gave each other eye signals. 
"Joon-ah, your cookie has too much chocolate in it which made it a little too sweet for our taste. Whereas Hyerim's cookie is just right. So, I'm sorry Joon but Hyerim wins this one." Your appa said. 
You laughed at Joon's shocked expression. 
"Joon! I told you i'm a jack-of-all-trades! There's nothing i can't handle!" You said and punched his arm. 
"Yaahh, girls usually bake better than guys so its natural that you would win isn't it?" Joon argued. 
"Forget it, Joon. Just admit your defeat. Its not like you've never lost to me before. I've beat you in soccer, frisbee, rock-climbing, baking-" 
"Yaahhh! What a way to rub salt on the wound. You big meanie." He frowned. 
You laughed and then punched him again. "Since i won, you'll wash the dishes. You'll be my slave for today!" You exclaimed. 
Your appa and umma watched as the both of you continued to bicker. They chuckled and then went back to their room. 
"They look just like a couple don't they?" Your umma said. 
Your appa then said,"I'd be happy to oblige if that was their true relationship." 
~meanwhile~ [7pm]
After cleaning off all the flour on your faces and changing into a fresh set of clothing, Joon was busy cleaning the kitchen counter and putting back ingredients into its place. You watched as he cleared up everything and began eating your cookies like it was popcorn for a movie.
Just then, an idea popped into your head.
"Joon, watch a movie with me." You said. 
"Is that a demand?" He asked and he came towards you. 
You smiled and nodded. You patted the seat beside you and the tv. He comfortably sat beside you and watched as you flip between the movies. 
As you both decided on one movie, you settled onto the comfy sofa. The movie then played. It was The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. 
The both of you watched while munching on the cookies and milo Joon had made. 
Halfway through the movie, Joon looked at you. For no reason, he just wanted to stare at you. He felt that if he didn't stare now, there would be no other chance to stare. He had to go to Canada in 3 more days. He hasn't even told you yet. 
He didn't want to break the news to you. He didn't want to spend the last few days being all sad over it. He loved seeing you smile. Because seeing you smile makes him smile unconsciously too. 
You felt Joon's stare on you and turned to look at him. He was looking full into your eyes. You suddenly felt hot all of a sudden. 
"Is there something on my face?" You avoided his intense gaze and wiped your face. 
Joon chuckled at you being so flustered. Your cheeks were rosy red. 
If she's blushing under my gaze then it means that there are feelings right? Even if its a tinsy bit, she has feelings for me right? He thought. 
He then continued staring at your face. He just couldn't get enough. You glanced at him and was flustered because he was still staring. 
"Y-yaahh... Is there something on my face?" You asked a little softer this time. 
You were nervous. 
"Yea..." Joon replied. 
"Where?" You turned to look at him and ask. 
"Right over here." He said. 
He then cupped your face and leaned down to kiss you. He gently caressed the side of your cheek. You were utterly shocked. You couldn't move. It was your first kiss... 
Joon then pulled away. He was suprised by what he did too. You regained your senses and became very flustered. 
"Emm... I.. Ermm... Need to go to.. Emm.. The washroom.. Yeah, the washroom.." You quickly said and ran to the toilet.  
You washed your face and stared at yourself in the mirror. 
Why is my heart beating so fast? Why are my cheeks red? Why did i stutter? Why didn't i hit him in the face like i would with any other guy?  You thought. 
You dried your face with a towel and went back to where Joon was. There was an awkward atmosohere as the both of you continued watching the movie. The both of you were physically there but mentally somewhere else. 
Joon didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't know why he even kissed you.   But that few seconds felt like heaven to him. It made him delirious. 
- 1 hour later- 
The movie had ended but you and Joon were still on the couch, not moving.  As you finally came back to reality, you got up and cleared the mess on the table and put the DVD back to where it belonged. 
Joon came back yo reality as well and apologised,"Hyerim-ah... I'm sorry if i shocked you there.. I don't know why i did that as well but i'm sorry..." 
You looked at him. You felt different. If it was any other guy, you would probably punch him and kick him in that area but because it was Joon, you forgave him. 
"Its ok.." You shook your head. 
You then turned back to the table and cleared away the crumbs of cookies. You didn't know when but your feelings had already grew attatched to Joon because the feelings were so strong. 
"Help me here will you?" You said, to clear the awkwardness. 
Joon then nodded and helped to clean up. You then took the plate of cookies and placed it into the sink. 
"Yaahh, Joon-ah, you're my slave today right? Come clean everything while i go sleep on my comfy bed!" You ordered. 
Joon let out a groan of frustration though he was relieved that you didn't let the kiss affect the friendship. 
"Are you defying my order now?" You placed your hands on your hips. 
Joon chuckled at your sudden bossy play and saluted you,"No, ma'am!" 
He then scurried over and started to cleaneverything. You went back to your room and thought over the night's events. You grazed your finger over your lips. You could still feel the burning sensation. You shook away that thought and forced yourself to sleep though it was still early for 'good night'... 

Dear readers, 


Yay! I finally updated! I'm sorry for the delayed chapter but i was just having a really moody week and nothing seemed right. But i finally found my inner passion for writing again and wrote this chapter. Its currently 2.30 am in the morning.. I'm such a night owl. Anyways, thanks for supporting me and still giving me love! 


Thanks for reading! Bye~ 

Author Hyunmin

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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°