Chapter 4

My special bodyguard
The blowing of trumpet through mama elephant's trunk awoke the both of you. 
You then got out of the sleeping bag followed by Joon. The both of you then went out of the tent and stretched. It was morning and the sun is just about to set in. 
You went up to mama elephant and gave her a nice pat to show that she's done a great job acting as an alarm clock. 
"Joon!" You called out to him. Once he had turned to face you, you threw him a banana as you were eating yours. 
"Lets go!" He said once he had finished eating his banana. 
The two of you then walke through the many trees and made marks on the way just in case you had forgotten the way back. Just then, the sound of water pattering down caught you. You ran towards the sound as if it would run away from you. It was a wonderful waterfall lake!
"Here! This can be our spot!" You said. 
Joon nodded,"Do you want to take a bath now?" 
"What!? You mean us!?" You asked, shocked. 
"No i mean like playing bath!" He quickly answered. 
You heaved a sigh of relief. 
"Sure why not?" 
You then jumped into the water creating a big splash. Joon followed and if you hadn't moved away in time, he would have landed on you! 
"Yaah! You could have landed on me!" You scolded. 
"Sorry, i was too excited!" He smiled mischievously. 
He then started splashing water at you. 
"Ooooooohhhh, ITS ON!" You grinned and splashed back water at him. 
You swam away as he tried splashing water at you. After that, he then made his hair up like a shark and swam around chasing you. You laughed and jumped around in the water. 
He caught hold of your waist and banged his head out of the water and made the sound effect you hear in JAWS. 
You laughed and quickly splashed water at him. Little did you know that someone has been watching all this while. 
[*inserts scary sound effect* XP]
"Ahhh.. I'm tired now." Joon said while making his way up onto the ground again with his clothings all wet. 
"Well, that was a fun bath. And it sort of cleaned my clothings too." You said. 
Your clothings were all sticking to your skin outling your body line and Joon's clothes were too and it outlined his abs. 
The both of you then made your way back to the river.
You lay down on the grass looking up at the clear blue sky. Joon lay down beside you. 
"See, now you know why i just love the outdoors so much now huh?" You asked. 
"I just wish my family could understand and acknowledge me for who i am." You said. 
There was a silent pause but Joon then replied,"But sometimes its hard to accept reality. I mean, you are adventurous but your family is classy and all and they're so used to it so they can't accept it when you're all adventurous so they say you're rebellious and irresponsible. " 
You nodded and said,"Thats true but we're family. What is family when there's so much distrust?" 
Joon nodded and said,"Yes.. But sometimes its about giving and taking. There's bound to have conflict in a family." 
You nodded and stood up. 
"We still have so many things to do! Its only afternoon now!" You exclaimed while stretching. 
Joon stood up as well. 
"Lets start building then." He said with a smile. 
You and Joon then went went into the jungle again with the trees surrounding both of you. Joon went to pick some stalks and leaves while you bent down to choose some stones. While choosing, you heard a soft noise coming from somewhere in the many trees. Joon didn't notice it.
"Joon.." You look at him with worry plastered on your face. 
You then started to walk. You didn't want to look back because you only had one thought on your mind. 
Joon followed and walked beside you. 
"What is it?" He asked. 
"Do not look back." You whispered. 
By now, he knew that you were never wrong in your guess so he followed with cold sweat forming. He was nervous as well. You walked very slowly. You turned your head just a little bit and saw those haunting and devious eyes. Your guess was right. 
"Do as i say and do not panic. Ready whatever weapons you have and stand still and don't move a muscle." You whispered. Joon got ready the sharp rocks that he took just in case. He used a stalk and tied the sharp rock to the stick. He then stood still. 
You had found a a sharp rock that could kill and held it carefully so that the rock would not be cutting you. You stood still as well. 
You turned your head slightly and saw it staring you down but stopped in its tracks as well. 
"On the count of 3, i want you to run as fast as you can. We need to kill it." You said. 
"We might die but in case you can't do it anymore, climb a tree." You added. 
"1.." Cold beads of sweat formed on your forehead. 
"2." You mustered up your courage with your heart beating faster by the second.
The both of you ran as fast as your legs could carry you. The tiger ran after you. You daringly used a lot of strength to throw a rock right at its face. It slowed down a bit but continued giving chase. 
"Split up!!" You shouted. 
You then went on another route. The tiger chased after you instead of Joon since you threw the rock at it. Joon stopped and panted but quickly regained his strength after seeing the tiger chase you. He was amused by how your predictions are always right but then he rememered what you said. 
"....We need to kill it." 
He knew that there was a reason behind what you said. He gave chase as well. It was outrageous to run after a tiger but he didn't care. It was his duty to protect you but it was also what he wanted; to see you safe. 
When you ran with all your might, you could finally recognise this place. It was where you and Seungho had once came to before. You remembered something while running. 
"Hyerim-ah! I made this crossbow with some arrows specially just for you! Protect yourself with it ok? It'll protect you when i'm not around." He smiled. 
*end of flashback* 
The tree!!!  You thought. 
After continuous running, the tree was finally near but the tiger was nearer. You ran with your last burst of strength and sprinted for the tree. Your heart beated so fast that it was actually hurting. You didn't know if you could make it alive but you still had that last bit of hope when you saw the bow and arrow still tied to the tree.
The arrow is still there! You cheered in your mind. 
You swiftly grabbed the bow and turned around. You steadied yourself and walked backwards while positioning your bow and arrow. 
"Hyerim!" Joon shouted. 
His heart pounded against his chest.
Wait for it.. Wait for it... You thought. 
When the tiger was just about pounce onto you, with a quick and accurate shot, you let go of the string and the arrow flew. You quickly stepped aside to dodge as the tiger pounced onto the tree that was just behind you. You then saw your arrow. It had pierced right through the tiger's heart. It was bleeding profusely and was unconscious due to the bleeding and how it knocked itself onto the tree trunk. 
You panted heavily to catch your breath and looked at your bow and arrow. 
Thank you oppa. You're protecting me even when you're gone. You thought and smiled to yourself. 
Fear and trepidation washed over Joon as he saw the tiger on the ground but as he ran closer, he saw that you were still alive! He sprited towards you. 
"Hyerim!" He cried. 
He hugged you tightly. 
"Hyerim-ah... Never do that again.. " he whispered. 
You hugged him back,"Sorry for worrying you so much." 
He released you from his grasp and you smiled sheepishly. 
"But hey, i don't die that easily! I'm called the female version of Tarzan for a reason!" You said proudly. 
"Yaahh! That is really... That is really true fear! Don't ever do that again!" He scolded. 
You laughed and said,"Well on the bright side, we'll have materials now!" You smiled brightly. 
Realisation dawned upon Joon. He understood why you wanted to kill the tiger so bad. Its because the skin of the tiger would help both of you very much as a material and could also serve as a souvenir when you get back home. 
You then skillfully skinned the tiger and went back to the river where your "second home" is. 
"Hyerim, how did you kill the tiger? And how did you know the tiger was stalking us in the first place?" Joon asked on the way back. 
"Joon, there's just this thing you need to be aware about. In the wild, anybody and anything can easily kill you if you're not on your toes. Sometimes its the little sounds that has be noticed rather than the loud amd annoying ones. And as for killing it, i've done it before. Just that i didn't face the tiger like that." You answered. 
"Really? Then how did you do it the other time when you killed it?" He asked. 
"I didn't kill it myself. I only skinned it."you said. 
"Then who did?" 
".... You're better off not knowing." You said. 
Joon didn't know what you meant by that. But he could tell that that someone was someone important to you. He didn't know why but that hurt him a bit. He pushed away the thoughts and just nodded. 
When the both of you reached your "second home", you were very happy to see mama elephant and baby elephant there waiting for your arrival. 
You hugged baby elephant and mama elephant. You then showed them the tiger skin. 
"I killed it single-handedly! How awesome am i!?" You danced around. 
In your good mood, you fed the elephant some food and they were happy too though the didn't know why you were that happy. You placed the bow and arrows left in the tent. 
You then went out to start the fire again and catch some food. Joon and you then ate happily together. 
After dinner, you cut out a piece from the tiger's skin with a sharp object and made a bra out of it since a shirt would mean Joon wouldn't be able to make his pants and you wouldn't be able to take it home as a souvenir. You used a strong stalk to tie the back of the bra together and also the straps. After you were done, it came out nicely. You went into the changing room and changed into the tiger bra and the leaf skirt. You went out and showed your new look to Joon. 
He was suprised at first but then said,"You look beautiful." He smiled. 
"Thanks!" You said and pointed to the tiger skin. 
"Go make your pants! Now you wouldn't have to wear a skirt." You smiled back. 
"Hold on." He said and went somewhere. He then came back quickly with a nice flower in his hand. 
"Here!" He said and slipped the flower into your hair. 
"That completes the look!" He smiled with his white teeth showing and went to the tiger skin to make his pants. 
You smiled to yourself and went to mama elephant and baby elephant. 
You heard the bushes brush against each other even though there was no wind and walked closer. To your relief, there was no one. You then went back to mama and baby elephant to show them your new look. 
"So, you have found one?" His cold and deep voice made the young boy shiver. 
"Yes, Master. She is a brave woman that killed a tiger by herself. She would definitely satisfy you." He said with one knee on the ground and his head bowed down. 
"Get her." He demanded. 
"I want her by the fortnight of tomorrow. Do whatever means to get her. I want to see how she can pleasure me." He smirked and let out a deep evil chuckle. 
"Yes, Master." The young boy nodded and retreated back into the shadows of the night. He pitied the girl's fate but couldn't do anything to stop his Master. 

Dear readers, 



Wow! Triple update! This is like an updating spree! Hehe. This chapter was actually inspired by Katy Perry's Roar but i changed it a bit. Anyways, is this chapter nice? Because this was my favourite chapter to write and also the next chapter is going to be enjoyable for me too! Anticipate the next chapter for something bad is going to happen ;) Wow, i think i'm sadistic now. I say it so happily that something bad's gonna happen. Haha :D 


Thanks for reading! Bye~ 

Author Hyunmin

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kpopper_rae5 #1
Chapter 15: Wow, a whole year?! Damn, that girl is determined...well, I'm glad she found Joon ^_^°
Nichkhunloveyou #2
Chapter 13: Omg I'm crying soo much wheb he was leaving :'( PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!
Chapter 12: Oh my god. ;×; he's leaving. *cries* i'll be waiting for your next update~
kpopper_rae5 #4
Chapter 1: I like how adventurous hyerim is...she seems like the cute type but is totally unaware of it ^_^°