
Demonic Love

"Don't be sad, Seohwa." Eunsol patted the back of the crying angel.

It has been 4 days since Seohwa last saw Yonghwa. And in those last 4 days too, she waits for him patiently every recess time. But Yonghwa never shows up anymore. He doesn't even bother to at least come once to tell her why. Did her mother scare Yonghwa?

The baby angels are now surrounding Seohwa, each taking turns to make her feel better instead of playing on their owns like usual. They are all concern about their sad little friend.

"When I'm sad, G.O appa will always hug me." Dayoung said.

"When I'm sad, Seungho appa will give me pretty Pororo dolls." Lauren added.

"When I'm sad, Minho appa will hold me till I feel better." Yoogeun said.

Seohwa sighed. "Well I don't have an appa to make me feel better." she admitted. "Umma said appa left because he has been naughty and needs to be punished. So he's gone."

Eunsol patted Seohwa's back again. "I'm sure Yong ahjussi will come back sooner or later. Maybe he's just busy for the week."

"He should. Cause he's the closest thing I have as an appa." Seohwa whined.

They're all squatting in the sandbox, squeezing with each other, drawing stuffs with tree branches on the sand to cheer Seohwa up from her misery. Seohwa herself is drawing with a stick. She drew a face of a boy with horns on his head; which scares Kyungsan off.

"What are you losers up to?" asked a boy. That boy apparently kicked Yoogeun's , making him fell flat on his face onto the sand. Yoogeun quickly get up to avoid further humiliation.

The black group chuckles at the sight of flustered Yoogeun.

"Apologize, Mavin!" he commanded.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make your fall even funnier!" Mavin really did apologize.

And before the others know it, those two are already on each other's tail, chasing each other all around the small playground. The other kids only shook their heads at the chaos those two caused.

"Seriously, what are you up to?" Hyunwoo asked.

The angels look at him with almost pleading eyes, eyeing Seohwa, hinting that she's sad because of something. Thankfully Hyunwoo get it.

"Princess Goody-Two-Shoes is sad? Why?" he asked, poking Seohwa with his shoes. Which earns him a small smack on the leg from Eunsol. "Ouch that hurt!"

"Why are you drawing us?" Leo asked as he noticed the drawing of a man with horns on his head and just automatically assumes that the drawing on the sand is of a demon. Which is true.

"Because she's sad she cannot meet her demon friend." Lauren explained, standing up to look at Leo's face. Her little fingers fiddling.

Leo scratch the back of his head in confusion. "Her demon friend? Why would a demon be friends with her?"

Lauren smiled and took Leo's hand in hers. "Because Seohwa is pretty and nice. Not to mention smart too. Anyone would be glad to be her friend. Including a demon."

Leo stares at his held hand and coughed. Flustered. His cheeks reddened. He quickly pull back afterwards. "Which demon?"

"Do you know him?" Seohwa stood up from her previous squatting position and stepped out of the sandbox. "You're a demon. Do you know him?" Seohwa asked, almost pleading. Lauren started staring at Leo too, both her hands behind her back.

The demon boy scratch the back of his head once again. "Look, I'm a demon, I know that perfectly. But doesn't mean I know every single person in Underworld! Even if you describe him, I won't ever know! We all look the same! With horns, tails, and edgy black wings-"

"He's the prince of Underworld he said!" Seohwa said. "Jung Yong Hwa."

Leo, Hyunwoo, and some other demons started laughing at her. "Are you serious?!" Leo asked, ignoring Lauren's pleading eyes. "You mean King Yonghwa? He's your friend? Do you even know him?"

"Of course I do! We meet every recess!" Seohwa defended.

Leo chuckled a few times more. "Princess, don't you even know what his nickname is?" Seohwa shook her head left and right. "The Black Dragon (Yong in Korean means dragon). That was what people called him since 4 years ago. Obviously I don't know what happen, since I'm like .. five now. But everyone is afraid of him since then."

"What happened?" Dayoung asked, suddenly interested.

"He burnt up an entire village in the Underworld, giving no mercy to nobody. Everything was on fire! Meanwhile he's just standing in the middle of that burned village laughing madly. Some kind of force protecting him I guess." Leo told them. "Those who survived said that the fire came from his mouth! That he breath fire! Isn't that just awesome?!"

"That's horrible!" Eunsol commented. "Are you sure he's your friend, Seohwa? He doesn't seem very nice to me."

"Of course he is!" Seohwa defended. "He's nice, sweet, and caring! Just like how I always tell you. You believe me don't you, Eunsol?"

Eunsol played with her fingers for a while before nodding slowly. Maybe a friendship between demons and angels is possible. Though it has small chances of lasting, at all. Well, chances are chances no matter how small it is.

"He's my total idol! Apart from his super awesome older brother, of course." Leo praised. "His brother, King Lee Joon has done so much worse! Want to hear the best part?"

The little angels shivered at the worse thoughts a creature could ever possibly do to others. They really don't want to hear stuffs like that. But they are curious enough. Still, having nightmares every night for the rest of their lives aren't something worth knowing what a demon king did. So they shook their head left and right.

"Cowards! I knew it!" Leo chuckled. Though he stopped once he saw a hint of sadness in little Lauren's eyes.

Seohwa took a deep breath. "Leo, I want you to help me."

"And why would I do that?" Leo asked, surprised at Seohwa's bluntness.

"I need you to tell me where he lives." she continued.

"He's the king! Dark Castle for sure." Leo told her.

"Show me the way there." Seohwa requested.

"ME?! Bringing intruders in? An angel?! Inside the Dark Castle?! You won't ever get out from the castle, Seo! Baby demons entered its yard and only their clothes came out! What do you think they'll do to a baby angel? Do you want to taste the Sword of Myth?" Leo ranted. The toddlers shiver at the thought of the horrible sword. Why was it made anyway?

"Just tell me where is it and then I'll owe you a really big favor. I'll do anything!" Seohwa pleaded him, almost kneeling down.

And at the thought of an angel princess owing him a big favor, he mentally list the pros and cons of helping her. Pros; get a lot of things he wants. Cons; if she's caught and killed, it wasn't his fault, she's the one who asked him for it, so there's no cons at all. Shall he? Should he just help her after all, won't he be called nice by his friends? ".. It's a deal." Leo decided.

So with that, the toddlers went back to squating in the sandbox, looking at the pictures on the sand that Leo draw with a stick about passages to the Underworld's Dark Castle, the map of the villages, and other stuffs.


Why did his Joon hyung has to hurt his arm?

"JUNG FREAKING YONG HWA! MY COFFEE!" Lee Joon's yell echoes in the whole Dark Castle, forcing Yonghwa to cover his ears with his hand as he walk to his older brother's room, a can of coffee in his other hand.

"Seriously hyung! I'm not your maid! I'm your brother! We have maids around here you know! Why me?!" Yonghwa complained as he handed the coffee to Joon who's lying on his bed, looking annoyed. "And it's your forth day lying around in your bed only! Isn't your arm suppose to feel better already?!"

It annoyed Yonghwa to no end. The fact that he's forced to stay in the castle because Lee freaking Joon fell from 12 feet above the ground and only hurt his arm. Come on, Yonghwa has fell from higher height! But the worst part is, he hasn't seen Seohwa for the past 4 days and it's making him go crazy when he thinks about how the lovely angel would wait for him to come. She could be hurt by it.

What if she doesn't want to see him anymore?!

Joon wailed. His eyes watery. "Your hyung has no one else, Yonghwa-yah." he pretended to sniff and wipe his nose on Yonghwa's suit which Yonghwa rolled his eyes at. "Why can't I at least get a little love from my only dongsaeng? I love having you around me when I'm sick!" he whined.

Yonghwa knows that since little his older brother has a tendency to be a bit clingy when he's sick. But not THIS much. This annoys people to no end! And he's not even sick! He's just injured!

"You know hyung, it's your left arm that's broke. Not your right arm nor your feet. So why don't you walk to the kitchen and get a canned coffee instead of wasting-" Yonghwa checked his watch. "20 minutes yelling to me for it."

"Well now I have a reason to drink something."

Yonghwa slammed the door to Lee Joon's room closed as the older demon chuckled at his little brother's annoyed state.

Author's Note

Short. I know. Sorry.

Boring. I know. Sorry.

Took too long to update. I know. Super sorry.

T.T (No wonder you people keeps sending me all those karma points.)

I got reasons (excuses) though!

First of all, it's my exam week. *not thrilled either*. And it's still continuing until next week. So don't expect an update next week.
(Unless I got bored studying and somehow 'makes' time to write the next chapter)

But I'm in my final junior high year, so I seriously need to get 'good' scores. Sigh.

Second reason; as you see who the characters of this chapter are. As I wrote their names one by one, I started to get distracted of th-



SHINee's adorable son: Jung Yoogeun

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MBLAQ's Multicultural Babies: Yoon Dayoung, Lauren Lunde, and Recipon Leo





B1A4's Countryside Kiddos

b1a4-26.jpg  hb3.jpg   hello-baby-season-6-b1a4-baby-nam-hyun-w       

These three are my favorite Hello Baby families of all the others and I watched them like quite a few times.


I love Kyungsan too. But he's just too little to be entertaining in Girls' Generation's Hello Baby.



Speaking of MBLAQ, I think you guys might want to know why Joonie is injured here.
I originally planned for his arm to be slashed by one of his men. But then he would kill that man and look so cruel (again). (GIVE MERCY TO THE FICTIONAL MAN'S LIFE!)
Or he should fell from a horse. But then he'll kill the horse instead. (GIVE MERCY TO THE FICTIONAL HORSE'S LIFE!)
So I made him fell from a high place. That way it's his fault and obviously he can't kill himself (as much as some of you want him to.)
But he's a demon. He shouldn't fell from a high height according to human. He's a demon! He should be stronger than that. That's why:

Teeheee ..

But I love him and I so wouldn't want him to get injured in real life. I'm sorry for making him hurt here.
(Please let me stay in the awesome A+ family!)

So I hope you enjoy this chapter. I find it boring myself. Sigh.

Thanks to my pretty and handsome subscribers; my quirky cool commenters; my amazingly nice upvoters; and my shy silent readers (don't stay shy though, I want to hear you out.)

Subscribe and leave your comments bellow!

I'll be studying biology now T.T

Peace and love,

- KPOPMonstahh

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[Chapter 19] Can't decide how to end it! Suggestions? :) xoxo - KPOPMonstahh


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julie-61 #1
Update please...
Hi authornim,hope you can update this one.thank you :)
Authornim, would you update this story please?? Been waiting patiently. will always do. really want to know how it ends. fighting authornim.
yhshys #4
I hope you'll update this story soon and finish it. I really loved this fic...
tsuki_goguma #5
Chapter 19: Please updats this fic, author-nim.. I've always wait ur update a whole year.. Pleaaasseeee at least finish it eventho u're not interested in yongseo anymore which I hope it's not right T_T
We're waiting for you.......
ArieLiena #6
So now it's been a year since this fanfic is last updated. The authornim writes new fanfics but left this one behind TT.TT seems like the authornim no longer interested in yongseo and continue this fanfic *sighhhhh*
DylonShinka #7
Chapter 19: Dont know what to say....
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.............. this chapter is make me nuts!
make me really wonder What happen in next chapter,UPDATE authoor please it's 2015 already... TT
Authornim please update this story, i miss you :)
Chapter 19: *you can do it
Chapter 19: still waiting for your update authornim. you do it. fighting :D