B u l l e t # 13.

She's A Gun.

Lame short update because I was super busy with school these past few weeks,but yay for school break next two weeks.

"I feel so drained"
"I've spent the last 7 hours trying out different dresses in different stores. How do women do this?"
"Well it is said that when women are depressed they either go eat or go shopping."
"I would probably do both."
"Go shopping and then eat something?"
"No. Go shopping while eating."
"Then your clothes would all probably be one size bigger."
"And I would never have to worry about them being too small. Life would be good."
"True,true. What were you looking for so long anyways?"

"A ball? You're asking me to a ball?"
"Well not a ball. More like a New Year's dance."
"Why in the world would I go there?"
"Because I'm asking you?"
"Give me a more valid reason, please."
"It happens only once in a  year?"
"More valid."
"I really want you to come?"
"Good enough."
"So you'll come?"
"Sure. It'd be a pity if I missed out on an opportunity like this."
"Great. The theme is.."
"Oh god, there's a theme." I groan and sunk down the sofa
"What's wrong with a ball having a theme?" he looks at me 
"Don't get me wrong, I'm all up for themes, it makes everything more exciting. But at the same time it's so bothersome and frustrating. I mean, not only do you have to find the right dress and shoes and accessories, but you have to match them with your date."
"Wow, such a cruel world we live in." he comments as he leans his arm back on the sofa and watches me with an amused expression.
"I know right? And the worst part is when you actually have everything in order and find out that somebody else picked out the same dress. And then it all comes down to the start until you decide to just jump in your pajamas and go."
"I don't see anything wrong with that."
"Well then, can I show up in my pajamas?" I look at him with a grin
"As long as you tell me the colour, so that my pajamas can match yours."
Our laughter slowly dies out into a comfortable silence
"Don't worry about the theme though, you'd look astonishing in everything."
"Well aren't you a charming one."
"Just stating the truth."
"I thought we have already passed the stage of charming one another."
"It's never too late to compliment the center of your attraction."
"My,my, so this is what people mean when they say men have a way with words."
"Unfortunately not all of us do."
"Isn't it fortunate for you though? If all men were so good with words there would be more competition for you."
"It's alright as long as I can still charm you."
"Now that's just cheesy."

"I decided to go as Jack Sparrow."
"What what?"
"Why would you go as him?"
"Why not?"
"Well, first of all, you're a girl."
"So why would you choose a male character?"
"He's cute."
"Fair enough. But who is Kris going as?"
"He'll be Will Turner."
"What kind of dance has pirates?"
"A themed dance."
"Well then what in the world is the theme? Sea world?"
"No. Movies."
"Then why would you go as Pirates of the Caribbean?"
"It was either that or gay batman."
"Oh god."

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This is so, so good! I hope you'll write more KrisSica!
Chapter 18: Wowzzzx!!! Thumbs up author ;)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 18: Wow, what a twist you have here authornim. I love your writing, it's so...what to say? Different. And yeah, it helps me to see from another point of view.
Thumbs up for you authornim d(^o^)b
Thank you for your story btw :D
Chapter 18: I honestly feel hurt for Jessica now. She was alone and never had anyone except herself. Being strong is hard and it has its consequences. Jessica must be really confused and broken. She needed Kris so she could be ready to move on and have a real life, without Krystal by her side. She needed someone who loves her more than anything, and to show her reality just like Kris. This was the perfect time for Krystal to leave, when Kris comes in.
Chapter 18: OMG Krystal! xD
Iloveexalot #6
Chapter 16: Omg! One of the best fanfic! The ending got me like this o.0
littleice #7
Omg this story is just really awesome!! I really love it so much. Your english is perfect and the unpredictable ending make the story being more awesome! Please make more KrisSica because i really love how the way you make a story. This story is one of my fav. Love it so much! <3
gorgeouszhang #8
Chapter 18: OMG Im dying here. Youre so amazingggg! This is so different from another story and has a unique point of view too, mostly from Jessica
And never expect that coming! So Krystal is just her other side....? Awww :((
Kris is so sweet btw I wanted to cry bcs of happiness ;;_;;
sipasipot #9
Chapter 18: BEST.STORY.EVER!
i just love this story like seriously