B u l l e t # 10.

She's A Gun.


“You know, I never really understood why men were always so obsessed with cars.”
“There could be a lot of reasons. For example the big variety of cars, their different types and styles. I guess it’s kind of how women are obsessed with shoes or clothing.”
“That seems like a valid reason.”
“But I can hear from your tone that you don’t really think that’s the reason.” I point out to Jessica and she chuckles.
“You’re getting better at reading people.”
“Or you’re getting worse at hiding yourself.”
“So what’s your theory?”
“On what?”
“On why men are so obsessed with cars?”
“There’s a number of males that feel the need to have power in order to be considered men. While some abuse this thought by controlling their beloved ones, others are content with of taking control of inanimate objects. Like cars.”

"What in the world happened to you?" I ask Kris as he enters my car.
"My aunt asked me to teach my cousin to drive. Guess how that turned out?"
"Well looking at the fact that you asked me for help, I'm guessing it was abominable."
"Thank you for picking me up by the way."
"No problem, love. Now, where to?"
" How about you and I stop by for coffee?"
"The last time we had coffee things didn't turn out so well and today i'm in a peaceful mood, which i don't feel like ruining. So I think I'll have to pass this time."
"About that, I'm truly sorry about the way I acted that day. I guess I got so flustered seeing Clara here, that I completely forgot where and with whom I was."
"Well at least you realise that you did wrong."
"Am I forgiven then?"
" Not so fast sweetie. You need to learn how to appreaciate a person and if I forgive you now, you may repeat this mistake again. Though some women are forgiving and don't get bothered by these kind of things, as you have already noticed I'm not like the rest. And I'm sure, that you will meet people who will have the same view as me. So I guess you could say that I'm helping you out in a way."
"Well for how long do I have to wait for you to cool off?"
"Oh there's no need for that. I was already perfectly fine when I walked away from that table. Though if I see your little friend again, I may not cool off so fast this time."
" Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep you two away from each other. Wouldn't want to see a cat fight break out. Though I do believe that you would look quite seductive even when you're mad."
"Too bad I don't get mad easily. Even if I do, I usually forget it quickly. That's the only flaw I have."
"Well aren't you a vain one."
"What can I say, who else will love me, except for me? No one. That's why I have to give myself the love I deserve."
" I'm sure that people love you."
"Not in the way that I want them to. We all want the pure kind love. The kind that swepts you off your feet and makes you believe that people can be perfect. Too bad, I can't allow myself to fall that hard."
"Why not? There's nothing wrong with falling in love."
"Do you really believe that? Then why  do people break each other's hearts? Why do we have so many broken marriages and families? Why do people kill themselves out of love?"
" There could be many reasons. Maybe people change, so their feelings change as well."
"And that's why love is cruel."
"I don't understand you."
"And you don't need to."
"But I want to."
We look at each other for a moment in silence.
"Because love blinds you. It makes you believe that the feeling is mutual. You start to overlook that persons flaws with foolish hope that he will look at you just how you look at him."
"You make it sound like it's not possible for two people to be equally in love."
"Oh, it's possible. But how many people can you name who have experienced that? In the end the equal feeling only lasts for so long."
"Would you like to experience that?"
"With who? You?"
"With me."
"Only if I get to be the heartbreaker at the end of our story."

"Do you believe in love?"
"I do. But I don't like to call it love."
"Why not?"
"I feel like people abuse this word for a different reason. It gives them a right to control a person as long as they say that they are doing it out of love."
"Then how do you know if it's true love?"
"The moment you find a person that supports you and helps you to become the best version of yourself and only asks for the same in return. That's the moment you find your tue love, or at least I believe so."

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This is so, so good! I hope you'll write more KrisSica!
Chapter 18: Wowzzzx!!! Thumbs up author ;)
feelgyo #3
Chapter 18: Wow, what a twist you have here authornim. I love your writing, it's so...what to say? Different. And yeah, it helps me to see from another point of view.
Thumbs up for you authornim d(^o^)b
Thank you for your story btw :D
Chapter 18: I honestly feel hurt for Jessica now. She was alone and never had anyone except herself. Being strong is hard and it has its consequences. Jessica must be really confused and broken. She needed Kris so she could be ready to move on and have a real life, without Krystal by her side. She needed someone who loves her more than anything, and to show her reality just like Kris. This was the perfect time for Krystal to leave, when Kris comes in.
Chapter 18: OMG Krystal! xD
Iloveexalot #6
Chapter 16: Omg! One of the best fanfic! The ending got me like this o.0
littleice #7
Omg this story is just really awesome!! I really love it so much. Your english is perfect and the unpredictable ending make the story being more awesome! Please make more KrisSica because i really love how the way you make a story. This story is one of my fav. Love it so much! <3
gorgeouszhang #8
Chapter 18: OMG Im dying here. Youre so amazingggg! This is so different from another story and has a unique point of view too, mostly from Jessica
And never expect that coming! So Krystal is just her other side....? Awww :((
Kris is so sweet btw I wanted to cry bcs of happiness ;;_;;
sipasipot #9
Chapter 18: BEST.STORY.EVER!
i just love this story like seriously