---Hani's POV---
"It just isn't fair!" Myung oppa groaned as he stuffed a piece of pancake into his mouth. "Myung, my bike can only take 2 people. And you're a guy, you can go to school on your own. with Yeollie of course." Dongwoo oppa placed his plate and glass into the sink. "Hyung will send you!" Sungkyu oppa said as he washed his hands at the sink. "Shirreo! Dongwoo hyung's bike is cooler!" Myung oppa whined, earning a glare from Sungkyu oppa. "I'm a cool guy! A cool guy! I'll send you to school!" He insisted and they ended up arguing about it. The door bell rang and I guess they couldn't hear it because of their loud voices so I quickly ran towards the door to be greeted by Hoya. "Hey." He smiled. He looks different, looks more handsome. Oh! It's because he didn't have his geeky glasses on! "Aren't you inviting me in?" He laughed and I quickly stepped to the side to let him in. "Why are you here?" I asked as he removed his shoes. "For breakfast." He grinned and I tilt my head to one side. "To send you to school of course." He said as he bowed to greet the oppas. "Hoya?" The oppas looked at him in surprise. "Good morning, I'm here to fetch Hani to school." He smiled. "YAY! Hoya and Hani can take your car and I'll take Dongwoo hyung's bike!" Myung oppa fist pump in the air and we all laughed. "How about Yeollie? Are you going to let him go to school alone?" Dongwoo oppa asked.
"Who's going to school alone?" Yeollie oppa's voice came from the other side of the house so we all turned to see him walking down the stairs. "I thought you went home yesterday?" Sungkyu oppa raised his brows. "I did. I climbed in from Myung's balcony." He shrugged. "MYUNGIE! You really need to lock your balcony! What if some random stranger climb into your house without you knowing?!" He yelled at Myung oppa. "Only you would climb into the house from my balcony. You know there's a door there right?" Myung oppa pointed to our front door. "I know!" He said proudly. "Who's going to school alone?" He asked as he opened his mouth and let Myung oppa feed him. "You are. Myung's ditching you for a ride on Dongwoo's bike." Sungkyu oppa said. "KIM MYUNGSOO! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?! I ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME." He yelled dramatically. "You can take the car with Hoya oppa and I." I beamed and he stopped whining to look at me. "Jincha? Hyung will take me with you?" He gave his watery puppy eyes to Sungkyu oppa who nodded. "YAY! I'M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU HYUNG!" He clung onto Sungkyu oppa who was scrambling away from him.
"Where are your glasses anyway?" Sungyeol turned to Hoya suddenly. "I broke it yesterday, so I'm going to use contact lenses for now." He replied. "You look so much better now, just use contact lenses from now on." Sungyeol munched on the pancakes from Myung oppa's plate. "Something is still not right.." Sungkyu oppa said as he looked at Hoya while tapping his chin. "His hair! Right hyung?!" Dongwoo oppa nudged him and he nodded in agreement. I looked towards his direction and nodded too. 'His hair was in a mess, if he style it up a bit, he would look really good.' I thought. "Oppa, come with me." I started dragging Hoya oppa up the stairs. "YA! We have to leave the house soon, or else you guys will be late!" Sungkyu oppa yelled. "Oppa! Give me 10 minutes!" I yelled over my shoulder and pulled him into my room. "What are you trying to do?" He widened his eyes when I closed the door and smirked at him. "Let the magic begin!" I beamed and sat him down on my dressing table before running into Dongwoo oppa's room and grabbed his hair wax. "Jjang!" I stepped to the left and the oppas eyes widened when they saw Hoya. "Hani, you're really talented." Sungyeol oppa clapped his hands and the rest followed suit. "Thank you thank you~" I laughed. "Let's go then!" Sungkyu oppa said so we grabbed our bags and followed him to his car. "Komawo oppa! See you at home later!" I beamed and got off the car. "Why did you take so long to come out?" I asked when he got out of the car. "Nothing~" He shrugged. "Go ahead, I'll wait for my Myungie here!" Sungyeol oppa sang and we went ahead into the school.
"Is he a new transferred student?" "Omo, he's so hot!" "Who is he?" Girls were chatting and squealing away as we walked down the hallway. "Told you you'll look good!" I nudged Hoya and he blushed. "Omo! Are you blushing!?" I chuckled as I poked his reddened cheeks. "Hello there! I haven't seen you around before. I'm Eunjung." Eunjung held out her hand for a handshake. "I know." The smile on his face faded when he saw her and he totally ignored her hand, which she slowly and awkwardly retracted back. "Oh! You have been noticing me?" She battered her eyelids and I'm starting to wonder if she's having some problems with her eyes. "I'm Lee Howon, of course I know you." He scoffed and walked past her, pulling me along with him and leaving Eunjung frozen in the middle of the hallway. "You were so cool!" I gawked and he placed his hands on my shoulders and bend down so that our eyes were at the same level. My heart started beating rapidly just like how it does when I'm with Hyunie. "I'm cool?" He grinned and I nodded. "And handsome!" I blushed slightly when I said that. "Komawo." He ruffled my hair and I frowned when I tried to tidy it up. "Our class will be having a basketball match later, do you want to come over and support us?" Hoya asked and I nodded immediately. "Good, now go to class and I'll see you later?" He smiled. "Yea, see you later!" I beamed and went into the class after seeing him leave. 
---Hoya's POV---
"Hello, are you new?" I looked up to see Woohyun smiling down at me. "Don't joke around." I laughed and returned to my books. "Hoya?" His eyes widened and I nodded. "Woah! What happened to you?!" He sat down beside me and leaned in to take a closer look at me. "I-" "He looks good right?! Hani helped him with the makeover!" Sungyeol yelled, interrupting me. "Hani?" He raised his brows and I nodded. "How did she-" He said but was interrupted by Sungyeol again. "She did his hair this morning! We were like-" Sungyeol was about to continue his drama when Woohyun stood up abruptly. "She did your hair this morning?! I was just late this morning and you 2 developed so far?!" Woohyun messed up his hair in frustration. "Stop your chatting and get back to your seats." Ms Kim came in and placed her books on the teacher's desk. "And Mr Nam, please tidy up your hair a bit." She chuckled.
"Annyeong!" Hani's head suddenly appeared at the entrance of the male changing room and all the guys started to cover their bodies and scrambled all over the place to hide. "Ya! This is a guys changing room!" Woohyun rushed over and covered her eyes with his hands and turned her around. "What are you doing here for?" Woohyun asked as he slipped his shirt over his head. "I came here to root for you guys! I heard that you'll be having a match!" She beamed. "Komawo!" Woohyun and I both said at the same time. "She's here for me!" Woohyun grumbled. "I'm here for the both of you actually!" She beamed and I chuckled. "Are you 2 on the same team?" She asked as we walked towards the basketball court. "Ani, we're on different teams. You'll support me right?" Woohyun asked and cheered when she nodded. "Hoya oppa too." She said and he frowned immediately. "Ya! How can you support both teams?!" He whined but she just shrugged. "What do I get if I win?" He asked Hani who started thinking very hard. "Icecream date after school! My treat!" She beamed. "I'm in!" Woohyun raised up his hands and I followed suit. "It's a battle between you and I then!" I patted on Woohyun's shoulder. "Good luck Hyunie!" She hugged Woohyun, which he gladly accepted and returned the hug. "Komawo. I'll win the trophy for you." He grinned as he pulled away. "Good luck Hoya oppa!" She hugged me too, to my surprise. "Uh, oh, thanks." I hugged her back awkwardly and Woohyun was sending me death stares.
"Enough of hugging!" L pulled her away from me. narrowing his eyes at me and I just shrugged. "Why aren't you in your sports attire? Aren't you involved?" Hani asked L. "I volunteered to be the photographer for today." He said as he took up his camera to snap a photo of the basketball court which was full with audience. "And you?" She raised her brows at Sungyeol "Well, I'm the photographer's assistant." He beamed. "Self proclaimed." L said before walking away to find the best spot to take photos with Sungyeol hurrying behind him. "I need to go get the best seat then! Good luck!" Hani waved and ran off towards her group of friends. "Do you like her?" Woohyun suddenly asked which causes me to choke while I was drinking. "I'll take that as a yes then." He said. "I'm not going to give her up to you." He scanned the audience seat and waved when he found her. "Me neither." I smiled when Hani waved at me. "HOYA OPPA! HYUNIE OPPA!" Hani screamed from the audience seats. "How could she call your name first?" Woohyun grumbled. "It doesn't really matter who she calls first right?" I chuckled as we watched her shaking the pompoms and the girls beside her got slightly annoyed and asked her to put her hands down. "It matters to me!" He pouted.
The game started and went on for quite a while and the audience were all cheering, mostly for Woohyun's team since he's quite popular in school. During the 30 seconds, my team was trying to get just 2 more points to win theirs so I rushed towards Woohyun who was dribbling the ball. When he was about to shoot the ball, I jumped, trying to prevent the ball from going into the basket. I missed it and when I landed on the ground, I lost my footing and fell on the ground. The audience gasped when I landed on the ground with a loud thud. And to my dismay, the ball went into the basket and Woohyun's fans started cheering.A hand appeared in front of me and I looked up to see Woohyun smiling down at me. "Good job bro." I said as I placed my hand on his and he helped me up. "Thanks." He said as he bro-hugged me. We lost the game and I lost the chance for an icecream date with Hani. I sighed as I took my towel and wiped my perspiration. Everyone started leaving the court while I just sat at the bench to take a rest. "Is it still painful?" I opened my eyes and saw Hani crouching in front of my knees, looking at the abrasions on it. "Not really." I smiled as I sat up. "I got this from the nurse, I'll clean your it for you." She smiled as she started taking out some gauze. "Why are you still here anyway?" I asked and bit my lips because of the pain. "I wanted to see if you're okay." She said. "Komawo." I ruffled her hair and she looked up and smiled. "I'll gop get changed, you go to the auditiorium first." I said as I stood up. "Okay." She said and packed up the first aid kit before running off.
---Hani's POV---
I was happily skipping towards the auditorium when I heard a loud commotion in front. "Hey, what is the commotion about?" I asked a guy who's running towards my direction. "There's a new transferred student, she came from canada and is super pretty!" He said excitedly and ran out of my sight. I ran up ahead and tiptoed, trying to see the new girl but i was too short. She was already not there when the crowd dispersed so I walked into the auditorium disappointed. "You okay?" Hoya asked and I nodded. "Where did you go? I was looking all over foryou!" Myung oppa said as i sat in between hoya and hyunie. "Toilet." I said as I scanned the auditorium for the new girl. "There's a new transferred student. She's realy pretty." Hyunie said and my heart sank. He thinks that the girl is pretty, he didnt say that I was pretty before. What if he likes her? "Earth to Hani!?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face. "You find her pretty?" I asked and he nodded, grinning. "Of course! Who wouldnt!?" He chuckled and I forced a smile. I felt pressure on my hand and realised that Hoya wrapped my hand in his and squeezed slightly. He seemed to have noticed my sunken mood and gave me an assuring smile, which I returned. 
I was running around the hallway looking for Hyunie after all the lessons and found him standing outside the toilets so I crept up behind him. "Guess who I am!" I covered Hyunie's eyes. "Kim Hani." He chuckled and removed my hands from his face before turning to face me. "Thats no fun." I sighed. "Icecream time!!" I beamed as I jumped up and down excitedly. "Mianhae Hani ah, I was asked to bring the new girl around." He rubbed the back of his neck apologetically. "The new girl?" It came out more like a whisper. "Woohyun-shi, sorry for making you wait." A girl said as she came out from the toilet. She's really pretty like what everyone said, she have those big eyes, and a beautiful smile, she's slim and tall too. I stopped staring when I realised that she was looking at me awkwardly. "Anyeonghaseyo, I'm Hani." I bowed. "Annyeong, I'm Sooyoung." She beamed. "Is she your dongsaeng?" She asked him but before he could answer, Hoya pulled me away from the 2 by my wrist. "Kaja!" He said. "Where are we going?" I asked as I let him pull me out of the school. "Have fun. And dont worry, I already let your oppas know about me kidnapping you away." He smiled and I nodded. 

"Oppa, I don't think I can do it." I gripped his arms tighter as we got nearer to the front of the queue. I looked up and saw a few girls screaming as they came flying down with just support from a few ropes. "I'll be here." He grinned and wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "I think I'll just wait for you there!" I was about to slip away when he pulled me back. "It's our turn." He chuckled as the person let us through and started helping us put own the safety belts. "Ready?" The person asked and we nodded. He pushed a button and the rope started pulling us higher and higher. "I hate you!" I buried my head into Hoya's chest. "Screaming out will improve your mood." He said and I looked up at him. "I know you're feeling upset today, although I don't know the reason, I want to help you get it off your mind for a while." He smiled and tightened his grip around my waist. I didn't notice his beautiful features from before, he looks really handsome up close. "Ready?" He looked down at me and I realised that we were already at the top. "Oppa.." My lips trembled but my heart seemed to calm down a bit when our eyes met. "Don't worry, grab onto me tight, araso?" He smiled and I nodded before wrapping my arms around his neck and buried my head in his chest. "Here we go!" He yelled and he let the ropes go and we went flying down. I screamed into his chest as I felt the great pressure when going down. "We're here, be careful." Hoya said and I pulled my head away and looked around. I was supposed to stand on my own when our feets touch the ground, but my legs were shaking so much that Hoya had to support me as the crew removed the safety belt for me. They let me sit down while Hoya removed his. 




Mianhae for the lack of updates! ><
The basketball match was a little awkward since I don't know much about it.
Please continue to support me and leave some comments alright!

Many loves, 

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ilabya10 #1
Chapter 18: I love the last chappie and the end part ;; too much grease on that boy eh? Xoxoxo.
Aigoo this story was amazing, i love u authornim *-*
Chapter 18: I hope also have oppas who always there for u, it must be great to be her *-* hehe
Chapter 18: Woah so cute >< they keep together till the end, even there is another er but they have they happy ending keke. Good job author-nim :D
inspiritnwh99 #5
Chapter 18: this is so cute:))
Chapter 18: Aww this was adorable! All of my Infinite feelss. Hehe. This story was daebak. :)
claribelmiranda #7
Chapter 18: Awwww, great storrry! Rare nowadays, bestfriends ended up together... And stays forever ^^ anyways done reading this one,
shairamae3997 #8
Chapter 17: thank you for updating inspiritsoul ^_^
kpoprawrpandaxxx #9
awesome :))
shairamae3997 #10
please update soon ^_^