Boyfriend No.1

Love Note

Next day

 [Eun-hee POV]

I stifled a yawn and flexed my shoulders when the teacher wasn't looking.

Gosh!, how much longer must I endure this!?

I rubbed my eyes and slapped myself lightly in my face, trying to make myself stay awake.

I seriously shouldn't have woken up so early to do my make up! I just really wanted to look especially pretty today because in a couple of minutes, everyone would be staring at me.. and my new boyfriend <3.

 hwang-mi-hee-school-gal01.jpg          hwang-mi-hee-cute-schoolgirl-glasses.jpg

Just you wait Eri! Watch as your beloved class pres. falls madly in love with my beautiful face! Mwahahahaha!


{Lunch Time}


"Eun-hee!" someone said.

I quickly sat up straight and looked around for that voice.

Darn it! I fell asleep in class again! I hope I didn't miss the announcement yet!

"Yah! Eun-hee!" the voice called out again.

I looked to my left and found Yuki waving vigorously at me, three seats away.

I shook my head and sighed.

"What?" I mouthed.

"Watch out." she said pointing at the top of the classroom.

I followed the direction where she was pointing and saw Eri and her "wannabe's" approaching me with mischief in their eyes.

I smirked.

Just perfect... I just have to wait for the announcement now...

 "Yah! Grace and pleasure!" Eri called out.

Yes. That's what she calls me. Since she too dumb and lazy to think up a mean nickname for me, she uses the meaning of my name instead, to tease me. Lame, right?

I rolled my eyes as Eri and her peeps ganged up around my desk.

"What's up?" I said coolly, leaning back my chair. I checked the time on my watch.


13:27 p.m.

Any minute now...

"So... I heard somebody got rejected again?" Eri said, placing her ty on my innocent desk and revealing a lot of skin, making the guys near us drool and faint.


My nose wrinkled at the sight and I looked away, ignoring them.

Come on HaJoon oppa! Fall in love with me already!

Eri, annoyed by my lack of attention on her, held my chin between her thumb and index finger and brought my head back, to face her properly.

"Guess who that precious sunbae of yours started dating, after he rejected you?" she said, her eyes boring into mines, taunting me.

I tried to ignore her again, but the damage was already done.

I glared at her. "Y-you didn't...."

She smiled slyly at me, " Oh, i did. I just dumped him just now, if you're wondering."

She shoved her Samsung galaxy SS phone in my face, probably just to show off her phone, only to see a short text message displayed on the screen.

Oppa, I don't lke u. Let's breakup.

 I stared blankly at the screen for a few minutes.

....w-what?....breakup?... by text message??!!

How low can she get? I mean, none of my ex-'s ever broke up with me by text... t-that's just too... cruel....

"You..." I bit my tongue from saying anymore.

I forced myself to smile back at her. "Well... at least he's not your slave anymore. Now you can make-out with as much guys as you like and find yourself your new toy to play with." I said, fake smiling.

Some of the student's around us, who were listening, started laughing to themselves and nodding in agreement.

I saw Eri's eye start twitching and her whole body started shaking in fury. Her "wannabe's", sensing her anger, backed away from her slightly as if she was going to explode any minute now.

Without warning, she brought her hand up in the air, ready to land a heavy blow right in my face.

The class turned silent and all eyes were glued on us, anticipating what would happen next.

I closed my eyes and braced myself. fairy thing, this better work...

"You little piece of-"

~Ding Dong~

Everyone sighed in relief, including me and focused all their attention on the intercom.

"Ehm...*cough*... excuse me my fellow students and faculty members but I have a special announcement that I can no longer hold to myself..."

Confused looks and murmurs where exchanged in the classroom, while I just sat comfortably back my chair.

I can't believe it actually worked!

"As you know, this is the class president of Class A1 speaking, and I have something I want to announce to the rest of the school...

I have someone who I truly and helplessly love in Class A-1 and I can't deny it anymore..."


"No way!"

"Way 'ta go HaJoon!!"

"Class pres. likes someone in our class?"

"Omo! I hope it's me-  >_< "

"Shut up! What are you talking about? He's obviously  in love with Eri!!"

"You got a point but-..."

I glanced at Eri to see her reaction, and to my surprise she had a completely love-struck expression, which she rarely wears, and... oh my gosh, is she blushing!?


Eri? Queen of Players, also known as Ice Queen for having an ice cold anti-loving heart. Is this real? Does she actually like him that much?

I smiled again to myself.

This is turning out to become more interesting by the second.

If it's alright , I would like to say a few words to her... *cough* I'm sorry I don't have the courage to say this directly to your face but... I really like you. Would you please go out with me?...

I closed my eyes and held my breathe...

...Park Eunhee....


There was a death-like silence in that classroom, that the even the sound of my breathing sounded uncomfortably loud.

Eri gritted her teeth and glared at me. "P-park.. E-eun... H-hee..."

Just then, loud footsteps were heard running in the corridor and just as I wished for, HaJoon sunbae stood there, breathless and flustered,  coming towards me holding a bouquet of roses.


I heard several people gasp and their breathe at the sight. I could hear silent protests and complaints from other people, mostly from Eri's wannabe's, but I paid no attention on them. What they think of this situation is completely meaningless to me.

Instead, I focused all my attention on Eri's priceless expression.

There she stood, frozen with a look of shock and confusion mixed with a hint of anger and.... sadness(?).


I smirked.

Looks like everything is going the way I want them to be, for once.

Without warning, HaJoon bended on one knee, directly in front of me with Eri standing behind him, and gave me the bouquet of roses as planned.

I couldn't help but blush.

This has always been a fantasy dream of mines ever since I was young; when my prince charming would come to sweep me off my feet by proposing to me first, on bended knee with a bouquet of beautiful red roses in one hand and of course the engagement ring in the other. So far, this is the closest experience I've had from that dream of mines, so you must know how I'm feeling right now.

"O-oppa..." I stuttered.

HaJoon oppa gazed lovingly at me that it almost hurt to think that he's just under a love spell right now.

"EunHee..." he said softly.

I brought myself to look at him.

"I-i don't know when this started happening...b-but... I think I like you..."

My heart started beating uncontrollably fast.

Omo! am I supposed to fall in love with him to-...?

Shut up EunHee!

You're just using him to get revenge for all the bad things Eri did to you.

Think of how she treated sunbae!

I shook my head and composed myself.

"So... do you like me too?" he asked, hesitating.

I glanced at Eri's direction and I could read the desperate message she was sending with her eyes.

Say no.

I lowered my head before answering him, "neh... I like you too..."

The classroom became chaotic at that moment as a couple of the students gasped and hissed while the others cheered and clapped.

I saw oppa stand up quickly and the next thing I knew, I was in his arms and he was hugging unto me tightly and we were both laughing for no reason, out of happiness(?) probably. I completely forgot about Eri, my original intentions and the Love note at that moment in time. It felt as if it was just the two of us in that room.

This was the first time I felt this much loved in what seemed like forever...

 All of a sudden HaJoon oppa held my hand in his and kissed my cheek despite all the commotion he's already brought in the classroom. I felt my cheeks burning and I teasingly slapped oppa lighlty on his shoulder which ended us up bursting into a fit of laughter again.

I-is this how it feels like to be truly loved?

Out of nowhere, I heard a slow heavy clap from behind oppa and remembered that Eri was still standing there, witnessing our little "moment".

I looked guilitly at her, waiting for her to tell oppa how much a b*tch or  I really am or how I don't deserve him, but... she didn't...

"I'm so happy for you guys!" she said clapping her hands. "I knew you guys would end up together sooner or later!"

I swear I felt my jaw drop when she said that.


S-she actually.... s-supports us?

For some weird reason, she went over to us and hugged us! (?)


I glanced at Yuki's direction for help, only to see her, looking as confused as I am.

"You two guys really suit each other. Oppa, you're so lucky to have a beautiful girlfriend like EunHee!" she smiled.

D-did she just call me b-beautiful!?




I finally finished typing all of this!

I swear this must be the longest chapter I've ever in a while now!

Anyway, hope you guys like it and don't forget to comment! :P



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when is the next update?
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Alladin #3
So cuuuute. Please update soon. And kwangie, fighting! ♥
Kyu_Min13 #4
Hi guys! I just want to say that I'm fixing my story so please excuse me if you see that I updated when I was just really re-editing. Thank you!
b1a4shineeboyfriend #7
inadzirah #8
Hi! I'm a new reader! Your fanfic is really good! Update soon! ~<br />
youngmin is so cute!!! pikachu<3<3 update soon~~<br />
did she stick pic of kwangmin oledy??
neshiiee #10
hi~new reader!I really like ur fic, its super interesting, plkease update soon.I cant wait what will be Erins reaction after the news about eunhee and youngmin buwahahaahhaha :D