
Love Note

[Next morning]

"Good morning everyone!" I cried out as I entered my classroom.

The whole class went silent for a split second when they saw me, before returning back to their conversations and dismissing my presence altogether. 

Sheesh, they could have said hi.

I crossed over to my seat beside the windows and took out my notebook; the one containing the faded creased photograph of Jo Youngmin as a girl. I smirked to myself.

"Yah, what are you up to?" Yuki asked, appearing out of nowhere. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, trying to see if I would spill before shrugging and sitting down at the empty seat beside me.

"You'll find out soon." I winked.

Yuki shrugged again and then started complaining about how she had another argument with her stupid brother.

Just then the door slid open revealing no other than  YoungMin, Kwangmin and Minwoo; my..c-c-classmates... 

"Yo!" they greeted, attracting a swarm of girls immediately. 

"Oppa good moring!"

"Oppa you look cool today as always"

"Oppa I watched your performance last night it was so cool!"

Oppa this and oppa that!

I rolled my eyes.

As if by chance, Youngmin saw me and ran to my side immediately.

"G'morning princess!" he chirped, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

"Go away!" I tried to pushing him away to no avail.

"Yah noona's so mean..." he pouted as soon as he released me. Yuki laughed at his cuteness beside me and I couldn't help but notice...feel, the pairs of eyes sending flying daggers at my direction. Not only that, but I found that Kwangmin and Minwoo had joined us, which added the number of daggers being thrown at my direction.

"Noona can I play at your house today?" Youngmin asked for about the twentieth time this week.

"No! Leave me alone!" I stuck my tongue out childishly before turning to face Yuki and trying to block out the rest of them. Yuki just smiled at us like a proud mother. I can't help it you know! I just feel so childish and annoyed whenever I'm with him.

"Stop annoying me or else I'll reveal a really embarrassing photo of you from when we were young to the rest of the school!" I threatened, waving the photo in front of his face.

His eyes widened when he saw it and he turned bright red all of a sudden.

"Y-yah" he said weakly. "How did you get that?" 

I stuck my tongue out and winked, "I'm just good."

"Stalker." he muttered, shaking his head.

I looked at him confusedly and waited for him to continue. Without warning he placed his bag on my desk and took out a familiar tattered old notebook. My eyes widened.

"Why noona, I never knew your hobbies these days include talking stolen pictures from guys these days." he said amusedly. 

In his hand was the unmistakable Love Note!

"Give me that!" I quickly lunged at him, trying to pry the notebook out of his hands, but somehow, he became taller than me now.

He smiled mischievously at my reaction and continued on teasing me, "Well look here!" he said flicking through the pages.  "It's either noona's an excellent photographer or that noona's really a player and this is her portfolio of past boyfriends."

I glared at him.

How did he manage to get hold of that?

I tried to think back to when I had last seen it and mentally slapped myself.

...he must have found it when I had ran off to escape him that day!

Okay, I have to negotiate myself out of this, if it's the only way to get the Love Note back. 

I took a deep breath. "...Youngmin-ah...please return my...umm..diary now...please?" I pouted, twinkling my eyes and doing my well perfected aegyo.

He looked taken aback and surprised for a second but continued to maintain a straight face.

"Aniyo!" he smirked.

"Pweeeeaaaseee!!" I continued, doing more aegyo's even  though it hurts my pride.

He considered it for a moment stalling fo time before finally admitting defeat.

"...okay. But one question though." he started. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why do you have my brother's photograph in your diar-?"

I covered my mouth in surprise. I totally forgot about that! How can I forget about that?! I had written Youngmin's name in the notebook a few days ago...but why did Youngmin say I had Kwangmin's picture inside the book..isn't that supposed to be Youngm-

"EunHee!" someone called behind me.

I turned around and almost fainted from shock.

"Eunhee-ah...I've finally found you my angel!" he said lovingly, pulling me away from Youngmin and holding me protectively in his arms. "I-I never stopped loving you. Please tell me you feel the same way."

My body became stiff all of a sudden and I swear I had a dumbfounded expression on my face right now. I glanced at Youngmin's face and saw that he was as shocked as I was. Did Kwangmin just-? I blinked a few times and it took me a few moments to register what was fully going on.


Love Note!

Taking advantage of Youngmin's state of shock, I quickly grabbed the notebook from him and turned to the last entry. (Just show it again just in case you guys forgot about it  ^_<)



Name:Jo Youngmin

Status:Vocalist in Boyfriend

Time:10:00 a.m.

Order:Recognise me and act as if we have been in a tragic relationship before and has been looking to get back with me ever since.


Taking care not to show the writing part, I showed the picture to Youngmin, "Youngmin is this picture not you?"

He looked at me confusedly before shaking his head. "No that's definately Kwangmin, why-?"

I sighed in frustration. How can I mess this up? No wonder Kwangmin's behaving like this!  It worked on him instead of Youngmin!

I bit my lip, trying to think up of a cover up story to explain Kwangmin's unexplainable behaviour to the rest of the class who were obviously making no attempts to hide the fact that they were eavesdropping on us.


Without warning he started leaning towards me aiming towards my lips until we were centimetres apart.

"Y-yah, what do you think you're doing?"I stuttered, breaking sweat.

This wasn't supposed to happen!

All eyes were definately on us and no one dared to breathe. I could barely move. Despite all that I found my eyes wander to Yuki and her expression made my heart ache.  It was filled with sorrow, dissapointment and...anger? 

Wait..didn't she say she liked Kwangmin?


With that, Kwangmin leaned further towards me closing in the tiny space of air between us until-



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when is the next update?
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Alladin #3
So cuuuute. Please update soon. And kwangie, fighting! ♥
Kyu_Min13 #4
Hi guys! I just want to say that I'm fixing my story so please excuse me if you see that I updated when I was just really re-editing. Thank you!
b1a4shineeboyfriend #7
inadzirah #8
Hi! I'm a new reader! Your fanfic is really good! Update soon! ~<br />
youngmin is so cute!!! pikachu<3<3 update soon~~<br />
did she stick pic of kwangmin oledy??
neshiiee #10
hi~new reader!I really like ur fic, its super interesting, plkease update soon.I cant wait what will be Erins reaction after the news about eunhee and youngmin buwahahaahhaha :D