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Love Note

[Eun-Hee POV]

"My own personal cupid? Seriously?" I cried out incredulously. This has got to be the BEST day ever!! ...Okay I'm sounding like SpongeBob right now, but... wow!

"So you're like the famous half- baby that's always being used in advertisements during Valentines day?" I asked.

Lili nodded proudly, "the very one!"

I looked at his at him more closely and took in every detail of his appearance. How could I have mistaken him for a fairy?! He's half- and there are actual pink hearts floating around him! I'm such an idiot!

"Hmm... but where's your bow and arrows? Isn't cupid stereotypically supposed to have them?"


Lili laughed nervously and started fidgeting with thumbs, obviously avoiding eye-contact.

"...About that..." he hesitated, faking a cough or two. "You see, I'm actually a cupid-in-training and... let's just say that I nearly killed my instructor during my archery exam and now, I'm temporarily banned from ever holding a bow and arrow."

I stared at him berfore bursting into a fit of laughter. "Phff! So I'm not the only one who failed an important exam anymore! Join the club!"

I can't believe this. There's actually this kind of training that exists for cupid- wannabe's! Unbelievable!

"Since I can't use a bow and arrows to make people and other creatures fall in love with other species, I now have to use this Love Note, which you were about to dispose off if it weren't for me stopping you just in time, to make other species fall in love again." he explained, as if he was a teacher and I was his student.

Just then, I remembered the floating love note as it came flying back to us and nearly smacking into me straight in my beautiful face. I dodged it easily without much effort.

"Hey, since you said you were my cupid, then does that mean that I'm the owner of this Love note as well?" I asked, my eyes shining brightly.

Scratching his head, Lili thought about it for a while before replying. "Well... technically, yes, but-"

I screamed in joy before he could say no more. Kyaaaa! This is the answer to all my love problems! From this day forth, I would never be dumped or rejected ever again. Umma, I hope you can see your daughter right now, she's finally able to get her "happily ever after" afterall!

I started jumping up and down on my bed, hugging my dear Love note while swinging Lili around and around in the air.

"Eeek! Thank you thank you thank you!" I sang, giving Lili a couple of kisses on the cheek making him blush.

Oops! I forgot he was a guy. Aigoo! He's just too cute! >_<

After a while of "celebrating", I finally got down to business and started investigating the insides of the Love Note again, while Lili ransacked our cupboards and ate up all of our chocolate supplies. Turns out cupid's are seriously addicted to chocolate. No wonder there's always chocolates being given away during Valentines Day.

"Hmm... so basically, all I have to do is write the name of the person I want to fall in love with me in this notebook like what all the previous owners did..." I said, flicking through the pages of the notebook.

"Yes,*chomp*...and you have to *munch* write an *chew* order, time and date and *chew* also provide a picture of that person *swallow* so that you won't mistake that person with another person of the same name." he finished, after all that chewing and munching in between.

I nodded my head and thought real hard on who to prey on first.

How about Dong-min sunbae?...

No... he's happily marrie- I mean dating *ouch* right now, I can't ruin his happiness. That's just low.

What about that oppa who cheated on me for Eri?

Nah... he's not worth it... besides Eri already dumped him after a week, the longest relationship she had with one of my ex-boyfriends.

Wait... Eri... Didn't she have this huge major crush on the class president just recently?

He's also the only son of  a very rich and powerful electronic company in Korea...

I felt a mischievous smile form at the corner of my lips.

How about making Eri feel less superior than the rest of us for once?

How about I take her crush this time, instead of her always taking mines?...

"Lili, I think I know what to do with the Love note" I smiled.

For some reason,  I saw Lili drop the bar of chocolate he was eating and shivered when I said that, as if I was about to do something bad or illegal or something! I simply shrugged the thought away.

"Ehmm...if you're ready I guess... but about the rules-"

"No need." I smiled, interrupting him. It's easy anyway,I just write the details down and BAM! He falls deeply in love with me! "Anyway, it's not like it's going to kill him or anything!"

Lili, however, still looked skeptical. "No...but-"

"Lili, hand me the pen over there on the desk, if you don't mind." I said, searching for an empty page in the notebook.

"Thank you. Now, let me see... what was his name again? Oh yeah..."

For that few minutes, none of us said a word to one another, as I busily wrote down all the details in my neatest handwriting ever.

"Now about the picture..." reminded Lili after a while, breaking the silence.

"Got it covered." I grinned, grabbing my laptop and searching something online. Beside me, Lili watched intently, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, as if it was the first time he ever saw a computer before.

"Found it! Park HaJoon's online fan club, aka. class president's photo gallery!" I said triumphantly.

"Amazing..." Lili breathed. "Magic box actually do exists, like rumours say."


(*Not my drawing, by the way. >_< )

I bit the inside of my cheeks to prevent me from laughing. Aww seriously too cute!

"Is this right?" I asked after I printed out a "stolen shot" picture of the pres. and stuck it inside the notebook.


Date: 03/08/11

Name: Park HaJoon

Status: Class president of A1

Time: 13:30

Order: Confess his love for me over the intercom and come giving me a bouquet of roses in front Eri.


"I think that's fine." nodded Lili, once again taking a bite out of his chocolate bar.

I smiled to myself.

Prepare yourself Eri. I swear, tomorrow you will get a taste of your own medicine.. I

"I'm so glad the Love note found me instead of Eri." I thought to myself.

"Lili... what made you give the Love note to me instead of all the other girls out there?" I asked.

I mean, there must be other "rejects" out there. Why chose me?...

For a while, Lili said nothing and I just dropped the subject altogether.

He must have his own reasons for his actions if that's the case...

"Because you looked really desparate." Lili mumbled quietly to himself.

I turned to him, expecting him to repeat what he said or atleast explain more, but he said no more.

Hmm... must have just imagined it...

Anyway, Eri watch out!

Your reign of terror would end tomorrow! Mwahahahaha!


Hope you like this chapter guys.

I realised I need to really catch up now, since I haven't introduced Boyfriend in the story yet. Miahne guys, please be patient with me for a while...

Keke, she's finally used the Love note at last!

What would be the income of it in the end?

Please look forward to my next chapter guys!


Kyu_Min13 ^_^

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when is the next update?
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Alladin #3
So cuuuute. Please update soon. And kwangie, fighting! ♥
Kyu_Min13 #4
Hi guys! I just want to say that I'm fixing my story so please excuse me if you see that I updated when I was just really re-editing. Thank you!
b1a4shineeboyfriend #7
inadzirah #8
Hi! I'm a new reader! Your fanfic is really good! Update soon! ~<br />
youngmin is so cute!!! pikachu<3<3 update soon~~<br />
did she stick pic of kwangmin oledy??
neshiiee #10
hi~new reader!I really like ur fic, its super interesting, plkease update soon.I cant wait what will be Erins reaction after the news about eunhee and youngmin buwahahaahhaha :D