Things to do after a break-up or rejection

Love Note

[Eun-Hee POV]

I looked down at my list again for the one hundredth time. I swear I could probably recite this list in my sleep by memory by now.

Things to do after a break-up or rejection

1)Buy something expensive like an outfit and wear it out for a girls day out with your friends. Make yourself look really beautiful.

2)Go to the nearest Karaoke place and sing your heart out.

3)Eat a bucketful of ice cream. Forget about your diet for today.

4)Make a voodoo doll of your crush and burn it as a symbol of burning all your memories of him. But make sure it's not a real voodoo doll, incase you actually do kill your ex-crush.

5)Distract yourself as much as possible with stupid things like how beautiful the weather is or how lovely your carpet looks like against the light.

6)Spend a week and no more crying then look for a better man who would love you and would deserve your heart.

I sighed. Who even came up with these guidelines for a break-up? I mean I have more than ten pairs of expensive branded clothes that I've bought already and I think I gained more than a couple of pounds than usual from eating too much ice cream. And even Yuki was sick of me dragging her to karaoke places and to go shopping with me all the time.

What have I seriously done to deserve this?

Why can't I get my own boyfriend that would stay with me and love me for who I am, for once?

I closed my eyes and and rolled on my bed until I was lying dead flat on the middle, staring up at the ceiling.

It was already 10.30 on my clock and I really couldn't be bothered to do my homework right now. Ms. Jung would probably murder me tomorrow but I really couldn't care less. I'll probably end up copying from Yuki again like always.

I checked my phone which was lying on my bed beside me, wondering if Yuki had called yet. She's probably home by now and I really feel guilty for dragging her off to go to another karaoke place again, especially on a school night. Her parents are probably thinking how much a bad influence I am of their daughter.

I sighed again. Life is so complicated...

I checked my list again, just to make sure I had done everything that was written down. I know it's stupid but it helps in distracting me for a while. Hmm...

5)Distract yourself as much as possible with stupid things ...

Distract myself huh...I scratched the back of my head, thinking of ways to distract myself when I remembered something.

The incident earlier on! The notebook!

I quickly grabbed my school bag from under my bed and rummaged inside, trying to find the notebook I found earlier on. After a couple of seconds, I grew impatient and just ended up spilling all the contents of my bag on my bed.

 I bit my lower lip. Hmm...where could it be?..

Finally I found the notebook buried under all my heavy textbooks with different comic books hidden inside each of them, to keep me entertained during Ms. Jung's endless tedious lectures about the formation of a rock.

For it to be thrown at me that hard, it was actually really thin and light compared to what it felt like before. I examined the front cover, feeling the smooth but worned out texture on the cover. It was really old, judging from the torned and stained pages of the notebook. I read the title of the notebook again.

"Love Note..." I mumbled.

...I  had the sudden urge to throw the notebook out the window.

Is this a joke!?Just because it's written in English, doesn't mean I won't understand it!  Are they seriously trying to rub the fact that I can't have my own boyfriend, in my face!? What the hell! Did Eri set this up?! Just because she's half Japanese and is really cute, and all the boys go gaga over her!

I rubbed my temples for a while as I tried to cool down.

I flipped through the pages of the notebook, trying to find evidence that Eri was the one who did this to me. If things like "Eunhee is a " or "This b*tch deserve to die!" is written down then that would confirm my assumption, that Eri attacked me after school.

Page 1.


Name:Choi Jae Wan

Status:School Kingka


Order: Will bring me a bouquet of flowers after school in front of my friends

  asian hairstyle male. hairstyles men korean


Page 2


Name:No Woo Hyun

Status:A1 Class President


Order: Confess his love for me in front of class and take me out on a date.

  2c9149d83501b0d2b2f231452605cb0f Hairstyles Pictures   New and Latest Popular Korean Hairstyles for Mens


Page 3


Name:Shin Yu Han

Status:Famous Teen Male Model


Order:Announce his love for me during his live broadcast interview



I kept flipping pages, seeing the same things over and over again.

"What the heck is this? Is this some sort of stupid "Love Diary"?" I cried out, annoyed because the numerous pictures of guys inside, where all hot or cute.

Soon it became too much for me since it was just reminding me how single I am, and how all these girls have cute and handsome guys as their boyfriends.

Without thinking, I sent the notebook flying/hurdling in the air towards the inside of my small hello kitty bin, when it sudenly stopped all of a sudden, before it could reach my bin and began floating in mid-air.

 FlyingBook.jpg  Sanrio-Hello-Kitty-Trash-Bin-Can-2.jpg

"What the-..." I said as soon as I saw the notebook suspended in the air. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times, not believing what I was seeing.

"Don't throw away the book!" a tiny squeaky voice said out of the blue.

I quickly looked around me, to figure out where the voice was coming from. Omo! Is there an intruder in my room?...Or worse, a stalker!?

I checked again. Nothing... I just imagining this? Is this the aftermath of getting your head hit by a book?

Just as I was about to hide inside my covers to try and sleep it off, a tiny sparkling buzzing thing suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Anyeong!  *Jeonun Lili imnida!" the flying thing said.

I can't remember what I did first, whether I screamed first or slapped myself a couple of times in the face first to check if this is all a dream, before completely blacking out.


D-did I just see a f-fairy in my room?! O_O


 *My name is Lili.

Chapter three, done! Hope you liked it guys!

Haha, *Lili and the contents of the Love Note is finally introduced!

*Some of you guys might notice that I used Lili's name from the fairy in "La Corda D'oro". Sorry guys, I just thought it was really cute!  >_<

If you have any suggestions for another cute name for him, please let me know!

Anyway, anyeong!!


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when is the next update?
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Alladin #3
So cuuuute. Please update soon. And kwangie, fighting! ♥
Kyu_Min13 #4
Hi guys! I just want to say that I'm fixing my story so please excuse me if you see that I updated when I was just really re-editing. Thank you!
b1a4shineeboyfriend #7
inadzirah #8
Hi! I'm a new reader! Your fanfic is really good! Update soon! ~<br />
youngmin is so cute!!! pikachu<3<3 update soon~~<br />
did she stick pic of kwangmin oledy??
neshiiee #10
hi~new reader!I really like ur fic, its super interesting, plkease update soon.I cant wait what will be Erins reaction after the news about eunhee and youngmin buwahahaahhaha :D