First encounter

Love Note

Eunhee POV]

I woke up in the middle of the night, gasping and clinging tightly unto my creased bed sheets. I was covered with sweat and my hair had gotten more volume throughout the night than usual. I felt sticky and hot all over.

I kicked my thick duvet hearing a soft heavy “thud” as it landed on the floor and sighed.

Another nightmare…

I brushed my messy fringe aside and stared blankly at the ceiling- thinking.

Ever since I’d discovered I’d left the Love Note behind in my haste and found it missing, everything had gone downhill after that.

Not only has the oh-so-famous Boyfriend enrolled in my school and in my class the next day ,causing more chaos in school than we already need, but I’ve also been continuously plagued by horrible flashbacks of me playing with my “childhood friend” from when I was five. I mean… who knew that that cross-dressing-squeaky-voice-childhood friend/ neighbour of mines would end up being a member of a “hot” new boy band in 12 years!?

I pinched the bridge of my nose.

I didn’t even know he had a twin….

{Flashback- 12 years ago}

A slightly chubby boy stood shyly in front of a beautiful princess, avoiding eye contact.

“Umm…” the boy started. He opened his mouth again to speak but quickly closed it, shaking his head.

The kid wore a strained expression on his face and kept his head lowered, peeking to see the princess’ reaction every now and again.

“What is it?” asked the princess, getting slightly annoyed from all the stalling but nonetheless still smiling.

The boy clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

“W-w-would you go out with me?!” the boy finally blurted out with all his might.

The princess stood frozen-not answering.

The boy thought the princess didn’t hear him so he tried again.

“Would you please be my girlfriend?!” he said in a clear voice with more confidence.

The princess blushed in reply and looked away from the boy’s intense gaze, awkwardly.

“I-I…” the princess stuttered. The loud playground became silent. “…I have a boyfriend” the princess said apologetically, blushing and walking away.

The boy mumbled a quick apology and looked foolishly back at the ground, close to tears.

The princess kept walking away. Never stopping. Away from the noisy playground full of squealing five year olds and exhausted mothers and then turning left into a dark alley behind a small grocery shop where she began to cry.

“Why are you crying, princess?” I asked revealing myself from my hiding place.

The princess looked at me in fear for the first time before being quickly replaced by hot fury.

The princess’ jaw clenched and narrowed her eyes,” Don’t call me princess.”

I stopped my lollipop in shock before quickly recovering and shrugging my shoulders.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Leave me alone you ugly girl!” she said, turning her back on me.

When she saw I hadn’t left, she pick up a small pebble and aimed it at me, throwing it weakly in the air and missing me by a few inches.

"Nice try" I smirked.

She stomped her foot and turned her back on me childishly.

"Hey, can I ask something?" I said ,determined to keep her talking to me. "Why did you reject "Porky"? He's my friend!"

The princess surprised me by angrily marching towards me and doing something both unexpected and extremely unpleasant. 

"Do you know why?!" she shouted.

Without warning, she clutched her perfectly golden locks and pulled it off her scalp...Yes....Scalp.


"-cuz I'm a guy!" she admitted, breathing heavily and staring deeply into my eyes.

I could've sworn my eyes had popped out from their sockets and that my mouth was shaped like a perfect "O.".

"...No waaaay...."


I fixed my eyes on her and suddenly grabbed her slender chin, raising it up to inspect her "manly" features.

"Unbelievable..."I gasped, shaking my head.

Sh-he looks more of a girl than me! Ouch! My pride and self dignity! That hurts!

Then another thought struck me like lightning and I found myself grinning as would a cheshire cat would.

"Just wait 'til Porky finds out!" I squealled, releasing his chin and running away to tell Porky the "good news". I didn't get that far though. After taking a few step, I soon felt someone yanking my right arm and causing me to fall back. Everything happened so fast after that. I found my body turning a hundred and eighty degrees to my right and felt that force of gravity pulling my body down. I saw that cross-dressing boy stare at me with horror and his right hand releasing mines and his left preparing to catch my fall. But still I fell. Face first.

"Ow!" I cried out, rubbing my face. I heard a soft muffled laughter and saw that guy trying to stop himself from laughing. I glared at him, until he offered his hand to help me.

"Meanie!" I muttered under my breathe. He just kept laughing.

After a few minutes he finally stopped laughing and looked at me seriously

"Please don't tell anyone about this." he begged. "I was doing some play and they made me do it! I tried to say "no" and-"

I laughed at him. "It's okay. I won't tell anyone..." I assured him. "on one condition."

I saw him gulp in fear and I couldn't help but smile at him.

"If you be my friend!"

Relief washed over him. "Deal!" he grinned,  stretching out his hand. I hugged him instead and put my arm over his thin shoulders.

"Okay, my new chingu! You just moved beside our house right? Let's go to my house! I want you to meet umma, I heard she's baking cookies right now. Do you want to come? I'm Eunhee by the way!" I chirped.

"Umm...okay! I'm Yongmin...Jo Youngmin." he said, awkardly.

I picked up his wig and tried it on, making Jo Youngmin laugh. 

"Kaja!" I pointed with one hand while I held unto Jo Youngmin's hand with my other hand. "Let's go to my house!"


As soon as we got close enough to my house, I stopped suddenly and slapped my forehead.

"Eh? What's wrong?" he asked, confused.

"Sorry Jo Youngmin, I forgot to ask! I'm so stupid!" I cried out, hitting my head with my hand. "Do you have any brothers or sisters? We can ask them to play with us too if you want! Don't worry, I know umma won't mind." I smiled.

"Umm..I don't" He said quickly, looking away. 

I shrugged, "aah...okay then! C'mon let's go!" He took my hand this time and we ran off to my house.

{End of Flashback}

I jumped out off the bed quickly causing me to loose my balance, trip and fall. 

Crap, I have to seriously fix this problem of gravity and I!

I ran to my small closet and despite the dim light light from my light, I managed to find an old dusted box at the top of the highest shelf. Carefully, I brought it back to my bed, and felt the familiar worned out cover. much memories...

I opened it quickly and found a bunch of old letters, drawings I did as a child, my first doll, my first shoes, old certificates and...old photographs... I serached frantically through the photographs until I found it.

I smiled, "Jo Youngmin...just wait 'till I get you tomorrow!"

In my hand I held an old creased photograph of someone very familiar to me...


"Youngmin-ah, what would you do if I show this embarrassing picture of you tomorrow morning to the entire school!?" I let out a horrible evil but silent muffled laugh in the dark. (Auntie's still sleeping...ssh!...)

Just you wait, this is what you get for abandoning me! My first love.





"Youngmin, are you alright?" asked Minwoo worriedly.

Youngmin laughed weakly, "No i'm must've been allergies or something!"

...what was that?...i swear I felt a really cold shiver just now....aigoo, I must be just paranoid! Ha..ha...right?


Hi guys! It's me, back from all that studying throughout these past weeks!! I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner!>_<

P.S., some of you would have probably noticed that I posted this chapter unfinished by accident...I don't know whats happeneing to me lately! (I could've sworn I saved it).... Oh well! Hope you enjoy it!

Oh and a Happy late Valentines day!! I hope you had lots of fun with your oppa(s)!! ^_<

Kyu_Min 13

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when is the next update?
-ximini #2
Are you going to continue this?
Alladin #3
So cuuuute. Please update soon. And kwangie, fighting! ♥
Kyu_Min13 #4
Hi guys! I just want to say that I'm fixing my story so please excuse me if you see that I updated when I was just really re-editing. Thank you!
b1a4shineeboyfriend #7
inadzirah #8
Hi! I'm a new reader! Your fanfic is really good! Update soon! ~<br />
youngmin is so cute!!! pikachu<3<3 update soon~~<br />
did she stick pic of kwangmin oledy??
neshiiee #10
hi~new reader!I really like ur fic, its super interesting, plkease update soon.I cant wait what will be Erins reaction after the news about eunhee and youngmin buwahahaahhaha :D