Water bombs -Sehun

EXO one shots

"Sehun-ah" you called as you walked through the EXO dorms, everyone was outside in the back having a little BBQ to celebrate the comeback and all of a sudden Sehun had disappeared from sight so naturally everyone sent you to look for the 19 year old as you were the youngest.  sehun sure enjoyed that privilege of bossing you around as well. You sighed as you knocked on Sehun's door

"Ne come in" you heard him call

"Oppa" you called as you entered his room, Sehun had made you call him oppa. 

"Ohh your here, took them long enough to send you" he said smiling up at you from his bed of which he was laid on with his phone in his hand "I was actually about to text you" the older smiled as he got off the bed and dragged you in to the bathroom

"Oppa what are you doing?" You asked in a flat tone, Sehun  giggled and showed you what he was up to. Water bombs. You smiled as looked up at Sehun agreeing with his plan

"Not yet though" he said, you gave him a confused look and tilted your head to the side "I want food first" he explained to you. you nodded in return and smiled up as Sehun turning to leave the room "by the way you looked cute like that" Sehun whispered in your ear before you got out the bathroom and while you were rooted to the spot he left ahead of you.

"Oh my god what did Sehun do to you" Tao commented as you walked back in to the garden with a flushed red face of which you were failing to hide. you dipped you head in a attempt to get away from the question that had been asked.

"I did nothing to her except call her cute~" Sehun sang the word 'cute' as he picked up the meat on his plate and started to eat

"Hunnie you know that its her weakness" Luhan commented making you turn even more red winning a smile from Sehun

"Yup" the 19 year old said sticking his tongue out at you, only to get the same back. You sat down in a huff away from Sehun and next to Kris and Tao

Everyone enjoyed the food, and you were sent on many trips in to the kitchen by Sehun to get more food. After a while you where sat looking at the sky from your seat still near taoris when you were pulled up from you seat to be dragged in to the house, you knew who it was so you just let the hand pull you to the bathroom

"Now is our last chance" Sehun explained as he gave you a hand full of water bombs to fill and after a little while when you had finished yours and they were all in a bucket ready to take out side you looked at Sehun who was having trouble securing the water bombs, you smiled at his cuteness

"Want help with that?" You asked moving closer to Sehun to look at the bomb in his hand that was loosing water and fast, that brought another smile to your lips. 

"Yes please" Sehun gave you a warm smile, Sehun had started to fill the bomb again and then passed it to you where you secured it with a knot,  with a few minutes passed and you were soon finished filling the bombs up and started to carry the out towards the back where you went first to make sure all the members were out the back. They were and they had a very interesting topic going on.

"So are they there?" Sehun whispered,  you nodded but turned to him

"Yeah but come listen to this" you said smiling at him and motioning him over to you

"I think he will ask her soon, providing he hasn't already" Tao commented

"Nah I don't think Sehun has, he would have told us..." Kris paused "and its highly likely is going to be the same way he told us when he figured out he liked her" Kris finished letting out a sight.

"Who are they talking about Sehun?" you turned around to face the boy who's face was bright red. Just like yours not to long ago.

"Umm... I'll tell you later...after the attack" Sehun said passing you a bomb which you took mumbling about how he better tell you. "On the count of three, I'm going for Kris-hyung" you nodded and decided you target was Chanyeol. Sehun held up three fingers and when they ended up at zero you and him threw your bombs at you intended targets... of which you both hit. of course.  After going through most of the bucket, all the members and managers had been hit at least once with a water bomb. You both had one each left, so you decided to be devious

"Sehun-ah you still need to tell me" you said as you threw the water bomb off his back. It surprised him, he turned around to look at you with his mouth open looking absolutely shocked "pay back" you said and ducked under the on coming water bomb from him, it hit the door and you were now safe from getting wet, you smiled in triumph

"The girl" Sehun said softly "is you pabo" Sehun said getting a shocked reaction from both you and the members and a smile on Sehuns face "I like you" he said as he walked inside probably to change his wet shirt

"HUH?!" Was all you could manage to say 

hey ^_^ here you go Moonmelody94 i hope you like it ^_^ i don't know why but i feel like this one i longer... probably because i  wrote it on my phone but any way enjoy and don't for get to tell me what you think

for everyone else i also hope you like this ^_^ please don't be afraid to request a story i really dont bite, the only time i will say no is when i have to many requests... that is definitely not now ^_^

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Kyungsoo should be updated today and updated to look forward to that ^_^


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