Hello Mr tour guide - Kris

EXO one shots

k“come on!” your friend shouted from her place at the door

“you’re the one who put me in this stupid dress, and you know I hate the things” you said glaring daggers at her “anyway we have another half a hour till we have to go down for the tour!” you said as you grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a vest top and heeded in to the bathroom to get changed out of the stupid dress “that’s better” you sighed as you came out of the bathroom after getting changed

“I actually take it back you look better like that than in the dress” you friend smiled and pulled you out the door once you had put your red converses on

“why do you want to go so early for once, usually you spend all the spare time getting ready and we have to drag YOUR out of the room” you said exaggerating the ‘your’

“yeah well I am making a change” she stood up for herself

“yeah right she was going to go to your room a hour earlier than she was going to” your friend boyfriend said as he joined us in the lobby “she only left because I kicked her out” he said raising an eye brow at the face your friend was making at him “oops” he said before diving in to the drink he had so he would shut up

“Am, really what so early now we have to wait for ages” you complain sitting down on the couch in front of you both

“we do, you don’t” Amber said with a smile on her lips “you are going to capture the tour guide” she said sitting next to you

“blondie say what?” you asked as you turned to face her with a raised eye brow “what if the tour guide is some stinky old dude?” you asked

“she has already met the tour guide, we ran in to him when we got here and so she asked if he was going to be doing the tours today and as soon as he said yes she signed us all up” her boyfriend explained the whole situation

“great another on of your ‘get me with someone” plans” you said shaking your head

“what number is this” her boyfriend asked

“since when, for ever – 30 maybe since you started going out 12” you said looking around the hotel looking to see if there was a bar because after you embarrassed yourself you are going to have to spend your time in there for the rest of the holiday to China, you saw a sign for the bar and noted the place it was located at

“I just don’t want you to be lonely” she explained with a slight pout on her lips

“if you didn’t want be to be lonely don’t drag me on a holiday for you and your boyfriend” you said looking at her “and don’t pout at me woman save that for him” you jabbed your thumb at her boyfriend

“EVERYONE FOR THE TOUR GATHER AROUND HERE PLAESE!” you heard a deep voice shout, you stood up and headed towards the voice where you saw a tall blond man with strong features.

 “hehe I told you~” Amber sang as she walked past you. Okay so you had to admit that he was good looking that you couldn’t deny

“okay I will go along with you plan…what is your plan?” you ask as you stood next to Amber


“what no!” you whispered loudly as Amber told you her plan, but knowing you will end up going along with her plan anyway.  

“hello everyone” the blond guy said and everyone went quite “my name is Wu Yi Fan but just call me Kris, I’m your guide today, once I am finished talking we are going to go outside where there is a bus waiting to take us on the tour. During the tour we are going to be stopping to look around some of the main places here, we will be there for a hour before meeting back at the bus” Kris said looking over every face and then resumed talking “if you will” he said lifting his arm to motion to the door, everyone walked as fast as they could to the bus except you, I mean why would you, you were alone so you had no one to sit next to and you were, well, alone.

“here you can sit here as I think all other places are full” a voice said as you got on the bus only to look up to find that the voice belonged to Kris, the seat was next to him and Amber was sat a little bit behind giving you a thumbs up. You put a smile on your face and thanked him for the seat before sitting down next to him “so why brings you to China?” he asked after he had also sat down

“got dragged here by my best friend and her boyfriend” you explained with a smile “with good intentions but…” you trailed off

“you have ended up lonely?” he asked and you just nodded looking to the side and biting your lip “I get you, in a way” he commented before saying something over the microphone that he had, you weren’t really listening nor looking at what he was talking about instead you were looking at him wondering what he meant by that. Once he had finished talking he settled his attention on you again “so why you on this tour?” he asked “just wanted to see the sights?” you smiled

What you he say if I said ‘nope my friend is trying to set me up with you?’ you wondered

“same reason but with a different motive” you revealed, Kris nodded and started to talk in to the microphone again, this time you weren’t looking at him but neither were you listening

“so what was the motive behind this trip” he asked once he had finished

“umm…she is trying to set me up with someone” you said looking past him and out the window for the first time and man was China pretty, well where you were was

“oh really, it isn’t working then if you’re talking to me” he said with a smirk on his lips, you just gave a awkward laugh and smiled at him as to say ‘yeah it is’ “wait me?” he asked and you nodded

“yeah but my plan was to avoid you… no offence” you said and shrugged your shoulders

“okay, well why don’t you say that we make the rest of this tour a date then?” he asked and you looked shocked “what? I liked you since I saw you the other day when you were checking in and since your friend is trying to set us up….why not?” he said flashing a killer gummy smile, you smiled back and agreed

The rest of the day went fast and you spent the whole day together talking and getting to know each other, he even bought your lunch and a few other things from the placed you stopped at. Later that night you had gone out to dinner with him at a posh restaurant and there he had revealed that he was quite wealthy but wanted to have a relationship based on something other than that and so he had started to work at the hotel to find that. He had walked you back to the door of your apartment where you invited him in and he stayed the night

You stayed in China for another two weeks spending most time with him and then the day you had gone home Kris had surprised you saying that he was going to look after his father’s company which just happened to be in the same place you live in, it was going great for you and Kris!

haii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry to ninakai for not updating for a while but here is the last part for your 5 requests, i hope you liked them >< but i am sorry this took so long to update ^_^ 

anyway for all of you and ninakai i hope you liked this and enjoy other updated to come. the next update from ME will be so look forwad to that aswell ^_^

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Kyungsoo should be updated today and updated to look forward to that ^_^


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Chapter 42: Aww cute!!
Chapter 32: Then why are you crying over her? O.o oh Lulu~
Chapter 27: Yes Baozi! Own me! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ ♥
Chapter 26: Oh Tao! Kekekekekeke~ ^.^
Chapter 25: Can I have Kris then? XD
Chapter 24: Channie! Oh you!
Chapter 23: Oh my Minseok! I can't wait! :")
Chapter 22: Oh my... buddies with Lulu. :">
Chapter 20: Ofcourse! Who could resist such a fluffy Baozi! XD
Chapter 17: How I wish I had someone to cuddle with when its raining and when theres thunder.