On the bus with my best friend- Luhan and OC Im Nina

EXO one shots


Authors note:

Hey guys!!!! I'm your new co-author of these oneshots so please look after me! This is my first fanfic so yeah i dont think it will be greatt so yeah please enjoy it! 

Oh and when i write the oneshots the font will be in this colour so that you would know its me!! haha okay!

oh and note i think this is quite a long oneshot.

This is a request for...

ninakai!! :) hope you like! 






Your POV


Omo! I'm going to be late!


Hey princess ;)


Urgh! Why does he call me that? He always flirts! I seriously think he has some flirting disease! I know, i might sound crazy, most girls would be blushing and squealing because of a boy calling them 'princess' but for me.. it doesnt work! I just dont like it! 



Yah! Dont call me that!      


Luhan is my bestfriend since like.. I dont know, forever perhaps! He is a year older than me and he always, ALWAYS treats me like a baby! Urgh! But sometimes he is so stupid that i think i am older haha. Like this once we went out after school to get something to eat and he called it, so we went to this cafè near my house. We ordered some snacks and bubble tea (THE BEST DRINK EVER!!!!) Luhan ordered his usual taro while i ordered passion fruit, we were about to pay but when he took out his wallet he just stared at his wallet for ages and then i asked what happened and he showed me his wallet with a stupid smile on his face and it was his pencil case filled with scrap papers! Pabo! And in the end i had to pay for it. 



Fine then i will call you fattie! 






Then what do you want me to call you then?


Urgh! Luhan how many times have we had this argument eh? Too many that i stopped counting! Just called me by my name!!

Yes, Luhan and i have these silly arguments like all the time, he is always the one to pop up the argument again, again and again!

I Just have noticed the time and i rushed to get changed immediently and wash up.



Really? Never noticed! :P Fine! i will call you by your name. your name is pretty anyways ;) 

                                       Im Nina <3


I came out of the bathroom all changed and washed up and i have gotten a text from Luhan. When i saw it I couldnt really help it but roll my eyes, but like he can see it anyways lol. Omo! i looked at the clock and saw that i was going to be late. I quickly pick up a piece of toast on the kitchen table and stuff it in my mouth while texting Luhan back and at the same time i grab my school bag and luckly i pack my bag the night before. Wow! i just relised i am great at multi-tasking!



Luhan! Quick are you at the front door yet?! We are going to be late!! PALLI!!!


Everyday Luhan would always pick me up to go to school and walk to the bus stop down the road. Its quite funny how he picks me up everyday because he lives right next to the school and yet he wastes his time on taking me to school, and on top of that i live roughly about 40 mins to an hour far from the school!  He can be so sweet at times. Urgh! Off topic now! If he doesnt come now im screwed!! Im so gonna kill him! 


Luhan POV


Urgh! its Monday! Hate Mondays so much >.< I woke up late today aswell! I wonder if we are going to make it to school today, and Ninas house is so far as well, it doesnt help at all! Walking to Ninas house is quite refreshing especially in the mornings. I always pick her up everyday to school. Its fun taking her to school and the chats we have on our way are just too funny. She is really funny, such a joker!

I have always been there for Im Nina we are best friends since... well forever! I cant really remember how but my life without her wouldnt be complete haha i know it sounds cheesy but its true! I have been there for Nina with everything and you name it! I was with her when she got her first boyfriend and was he a douche! I just couldnt really see what Nina had saw in him. I was with her with her first break up and yes tht was with that douche i hated, i was with her when she passed her school tests, i was with her when she first went on a roller coaster, i was with her when she first went abroad, i was with her when she first pireced her ears and this can go on forever! Just take it that i have done everything with her. Nina is really funny, cute, clumsy and pretty and any boy would fall for her.... 

And to be honest...

I have fallen for her. 

I know this isnt a good thing and it might break our relationship but i do really love her from top to bottom, inside out, upside down and right side up! I dont care what she dresses she is always beautiful and smiling! :)  I dont care that she snorts when she laughs, because i find that really cute, i dont care that she mixes smarties with her popcorn and i dont care if she is really loud, because well thats one of her features that makes her. I had this feeling since that day 3 years ago at our school outing.


"Urghh! This bag is so heavy! What did the tutor put in this bag!? And why is it so heavy!? Urgh!!! I could die!!!" Nina whined while dragging her feet to the campsite wearing the backpack that is 2 times bigger than her. Meanwhile Luhan at the back walked in front of her without the care in the world. Then Nina had the idea of her bestfriend carrying the bag for her. 

"Luhanieeee!" She squealed while she was running towards him. 

"Urgh Luhan you take such big steps! Big feet!" she pouted. Luhan looked down to her and saw her making a aegyo face

"What?" Luhan spoke. He poked Nina's cheek.

"Luhannnn. This bag is soooooo heavyy!" Nina whined. Luhan just stood there rolling his eyes. Then he saw his friend at the campsite and he was calling his name.

"Oh, Xiumin! I'm comming." Luhan shouted

"Luhan!" Nina had said with frustration.

"What? What do you want me to do about it? Anyways Xiumin is calling me."  he said then started to walk to Xiumin.

"Can you carry this bag for me? pweasee!" Nina begged

"Why? I wasnt the one that was late to the coach, we were about to leave you so your penalty from the tutor is for you to carry the bag!" Luhan scolded. After saying that he saw that Nina had her again attempted her aegyo. Luhan sighed and took the bag off from Ninas back. Shocked, Nina had the biggest grin on her face. She then hugged him and kissed him on the cheek and ran off while screaming 


Luhan frozed on the spot with his hand on his cheek. He was in his own world, 'what was up with her?' he thought to himself. Luhan had then came back to reality after hearing Nina scream,


He then began to walk again towards the campsite. When he finally got to the campsite he saw Nina and Xiumin together and he walked up to them.

"Your slow." Xiumin said

"Well i would have came quicker if THIS didnt give me her baggage!" he whined while pointing to Nina. And acting innocent Nina shrugged her shoulders with her hands out.

"I did no such thing Luhan." she had said

"Wait... Did i hear right? You called Xiumin, oppa? How come you never called me oppa? He and i are the same age!" Luhan had  screamed seriously.

"Oh? Well its because i like Xiumin oppa he is nice! Unlike you!" Nina said backing herself up.

"WHAT?! Who's the one thats carrying your penalty bag HUH?!?!" Luhan shouted. Nina was stunned and made a 'O' shaped with , Xiumin also, widen his eyes. Nina nervously laughed and ran off.

"YAH! IM NINA!" Luhan shouted.

...The sun has fallen and the moon and stars came out shinning... 

"Right guys, unfortunately there isnt enough tents for everyone to lounge individually. So could 8 people from the boys group and the girls groupe please share the tents?."

The tutor had announced, and everyone moaned. Most of the girls had paired up apart from Nina and 4 other people and 3 boys had paired up. The 4 other girls had paired up together, apart from Nina.  Nina stood there in the middle of the campsite like a lost puppy, and the person who was staring at the lost puppy was Luhan.

"Luhan!" Xiumin whispered while nudging Luhans arm. But Luhan had just ignored him.

"Luhan!" Baekhyun whispered also but on the other side of him and nudged him harder than Xiumin had. This time Luhan had noticed and his arm had hurt.

"YAH! Baekhyun! That hurt!" Luhan said while rubbing his arm.

"What do you want?" Luhan replied without leaving his eyes from Nina. From the corner of his eye he could see all his 11 friends huddled up and giggling.

"Guys?" Luhan had spoken. And with that all the boys had turned around with a evil looked on their face.

"Luhan..." Chen had said with sucsipsion in his voice.

"Urgh! your taking too long!" Kai said in-patiencly

"WedareyoutobunkwithNina!" Chanyeol had blurted out really quickly due to him being too eager

"Come again?" Luhan said with confusion

"We.... Dare... You...To...Bunk...With...Im Nina..." Kyungsoo had said really slowly for him to understand

"What?" Luhan again said with full confusion

"Urgh!! You guys are truely hopeless. Chanyeol says it fast and D.O here says it too slowly! Okay here! Luhan listen.." Kris had said with his deep y voice

"We dare you to bunk with Im Nina." Sehun had said clearly finishing off Kris' scentence despite his lisp. Luhan had finally understood what his friends were trying to say and immediantly widened his eyes

"WHAT?! YOU CRAZY!?" Luhan shouted

"I told them it was a bad idea and i was strictly against this!" Lay being the mature one said

"Me too!" Tao exclaimed while raising his hand up like a child

"Come on Luhan! We saw you looking at her all day." Suho spoke up

"Come on Luhan!" Baekhyun said cheerfully, fist puching the sky

"NO! im not going to bunk with Nina! 1- she is my best friend 2- she is a girl and 3-It would look weird with a boy and girl bunking together!" Luhan announced trembling with nervousness in his voicemeanwhile Chanyeol, Sehun,Chen and Kai were whispering amongst them selves.

"LUHAN AND IM NINA WILL BUNK TOGETHER!!!" All four of them had shouted in sync. Like a bullet Luhna turned his head to the noise and saw 4 of his friends high-fiving. 

"YOU GUYS!!" Luhan stomped up to them with a fist flying directly towards Chens face, but uckly Suho had stopped him. luhan had then placed his hand down and turned around to see his bestfriend blushing with her head down. 

 "Oh! Yes! Thank you Luhan and Nina, now we are all prepared yes? Okay! See you tomorrow morning students and let the real fun begin!" the teacher spoke

"You mean let hell begin." Sehun shouted to amuse everyone and clearly exggarating the 'hell'. But clearly the the tutor didnt find it funny at all.

"Right! Oh Sehun! You have morning breakfast duty! 5'oclock on the dot!" the tutor demanded and everyone on the site giggled. Sehun dumbfounded just stood there wide eyed and spoke back

"NO!!! But its true ask everyone else!" Sehun backed himself up

"Alright then! who eles wants to be with Sehun on breakfast duty huh? If so, agree with what Mr. Oh had said." the tutor said, and everyone just shook their heads not wanting to do breakfast duty with him. After everyone had settled down, they all headed off to wash up and get ready for bed.

Meanwhile, Luhan went around to find Nina to talk to her about the misunderstanding with him on wanting to bunk with her. After minuets he gave up and went to wash up. Luhan walked slowly without looking where he was going, while messing his hair in frustraition because he couldnt find her.


"AHH!" a girl shouted and landed on the floor on her with a loud thud. Luhan just stood back in defeat and looked down to see who he had bumped into. When Luhan looked down he saw Nina with her head down tucked in her knees, he knew it was her, Luhan could spot her from million of miles away with her long, brown, silky, beautiful hair. And her scent he had always smelt everyday ever since they became bestfriends since like forever.

"Oh! Nina, quwinchana? Bee-an-ay-yo." Luhan said with worry in his voicewhile crounching down to Nina to see if she was hurt anywhere. 

"Im Nina?" Luhan said. Nina looked up and again..


Nina and Luhans forehead clashed together.

"Aishh! Yah Luhan!" Nina shouted while trying to stand up and rubbing her hand on her head. Luhan stood up quickly before she could get up so that he could help her get up, he took out his hand to give her assistance.

"Oh, gomahwo." Nina thanked while taking his hand to get up. but when she got up she tripped over and landed on Luhan flat.

"Urghh." Luhan groaned

"Haha, bee-an." Nina giggled. Again Luhan got up before her and once again helped her up.

"Where were you? I was trying to find you ever since we broke up to get washed up." Luhan confessed with his head down to his feetNina started walking ahead silently without giving any warning. Luhan had then noticed it was quite so he looked up and saw the girl that was once hin front him being meters away from him already. Wow, that girl sure does walk fast with those tiny little legs of hers. Luhan thought to himself. With an instant reaction Luhan jogged up towards her and instantly gave her a back hug, that he did without thinking. Once Nina felt Luhans arms around her waist she instantly stopped walking. She also without thinking out her hands on his locked hands that were in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Nina was the first to spoke, and looked down at their hands

"Oh!? Oh, um nothing." Luhan said and came out of the awkward position

"Come lets go sleep!" Luhan said, and started to walk quickly in front of her

"YAH! Luhan wait for me!!" Nina screamed and ran up to catch up with Luhan. Once Luhan and Nina got to their tent they both didnt say a word and already began to sleep. After awhile of awkwardness Nina began to fall asleep, minuets later Nina had her eyes shut and snoring lightly like a cute little piglette. Luhan heard the snoring and turned around to see if she was really sleeping, he turned around and saw a small cute figure of a girl with long beautiful brown hair. He began to smirk to himself. 

"Haha, she is cute when she is sleeping." Luhan said very quietly to himself. He turned around to try and sleep but then suddenly he felt Ninas arms wrap around him,

"She must think im her teddy haha." Luhan again spoke to himself. He then started to remember when he bought Nina a giant teddy that was bigger than her on her birthday, and Nina told him that she sleeps with that teddy everynight. Luhan turned around still in the embrace of his bestfriend and was stunned that his face and her face were only a few centimeters away. Luhan had blushed to himself and tucked away a little strand of hair that was hanging off her face. Luhan looked at her deeply. And thats when he finally relised...

He had fallen for his bestfriend. 

...Back to reality...



Luhan had finally came back to reality when he got a text from his bestfriend.

Im Nina:

Luhan! Quick are you at the front door yet?! We are going to be late!! PALLI!!!

Haha, i couldnt really help but laugh at that, sshe is so cute, i can imagine her face right now while texting that to me, frustrated. She would be suprised  where i am right now and she wouldnt have wasted her texts. So i knock on the door.

Knock knock

Nina swings the door open with her uniform all messy, her shirt half tucked in with two buttons un buttoned, her tie hanging off her neck, her shoe laces untied, her hair still looking like she just woke up and a piece of toast in . haha she is just the cutest! I take out my phone and take a picture of her, so that i can use it to defense my self whenever she doesnt do something i want her to do ahah!


Your POV


"YAH!!! Luhan your late! i'm so gonna kill you!" i screamed, without relising that i still had that piece of toast in my mouth. I stomped up to Luhan but he just stepped bacck and took a picture of me. Did he just...

"YAH!! Stop it! We are going to be late so lets hurry up okay?" i scolded at him while grabbing his hand and running down the road to the bus stop.


Luhan POV


She grabbed my hand and we started running. She must have woken up late to see her in this state lol. I then look at my watch and my eyes had widened to see that we have 10 mins until the first bell rang. So i started to pick up the pace and ran in front of Nina literally dragging her behind me. 

"Luhan, wait. I cant keep up!" Nina said while panting.

I turned my head still holding her hand to see that she had stopped. 

"oh, bee-an-nay. But if you dont want to be late for school and get a detention you better tell you petite legs to hurry up." i said while holding both of her hands and looking down at her, she looked tired but really cute at the same time. Nina had just nodded in response and we began to run again.

We were finally at the end of the road and turned the corner to the bus stop. Then suddenly i saw the bus a stop away, i quickly turned around to check up on Nina but she looked like a mess! I knew we wouldnt make it so  without knowing i picked up Nina and gave her a piggy back and again started running for the bus.

"YAH! Luhan what are you doing?!" Nina screamed in suprise. I didnt reply but kept running to the bus stop.

After the little running work out with a whole lot of weight on my back and on top of that our bags... We finally made it on time when the bus had parked at the bus stop. I sighed in relief and put Nina down and got my bus pass out. We stepped on the bus and i pressed my pass twice for me and Nina because i knew she hasnt got her pass out after that little run.

I turned my head and saw Ninas face and saw that was shaped in a 'O'. I looked at her at boy did she look like a right mess! Cutely enough she still had that piece of toast in . I lokked down at her uniform to see it in the same state i last saw her. I corrected her tie and lightly tucked in her shirt to make her look smarter, next i hand combed her hair. Meanwhile Nina just stood their like a dummy and ate her toast, like i was her mother fixing her clothes while she just stood their and ate like a child. The bus suddenly started to move and Nina would of loss her balance if i didnt catch her.  I just took her hand and dragged her to a seat at the back on the left hand side on the bus near the window. Our place.

Your POV


Luhan thankfully fixed up my uniform. Woah! i didnt know how awful i looked until now! I didnt know how to help because Luhan was in control, so i just stood there and ate my remaining toast. Then the bus suddenly decide to start again. Wrong moment! I loss my balance and nearly fell ontop of this ajummah! But luckly Luhan caught me :) Luhan dragged me to our spot on the bus. Luhan sat down with a heavy sound, meanwhile i literally threw myself on the seat. 

"Urgh! I'm so tired!" I groaned

"WHAT?! You must be kidding me! Who was the one that carried you and ran for the bus?!?!" Luhan screamed at me pointing his finger and waggling his arms around like a mad man.

"Oh well!" I said defeated. Then i had the idea, i brought out my headphones and turned it on, i gave one ear to Luhan while the other was in my ear. I also brought out two little yogurt drinks that were meant for my lunch but all well! And i gave one to Luhan.

We sat there enjoying the ride listening to music and drinking our drink. There was only 15 more minuets until we would reach to school. Oh no!! We are late already!! Why do i have to live so far away!? Then suddenly my favourite song came up: Shy confession by Milk tea.


Luhan POV


Then suddenly Ninas favourite song pops up: Shy confession by Milk tea. Listening to the lyrics in depth, i then had the confidents to Confess to her with this song accompanying me. My plams started to sweat vigurously. I began to rumb my hand against my lap and swallowed a big lump of saliva, i am so nervous!

Seconds later i finally had the courage to do so. 

I turned my head slowly to see her beautiful face. The bright sun shining on her flawless wite pale face. I looked down to her lips, her thin red glossy lips, her kissable lips.

Your POV


I turned my head to see Luhan staring at he. I folllowed his eyes to were about her was staring and i found myself looking at his lips. Wow, boy were his lips beautiful or what? We then both in sync look up to lock both of our eyes together. 

Suddenly Luhan began to come closer and closer towards me. He slightly tilted his head.

 <3 KISS <3

Luhan POV



I couldnt take it any longer! I slowly started to get closer to her, slowly... slowlyy. I tilted my head. Finally i had my lips in locked with hers, wow her lips are so nice, warm, smooth, and just lovely! I kissed her for a few seconds longer, then i parted from her. Its been only a few seconds but i already miss those lips. I Turned up my head to face her, she had her eyes closed and her lips parted lightly. I placed my hand on both her cheeks to find then hot and pink, haha she was blushing while we kissed. Cute.

"I love you. I love you Im Nina." I confessed while looking deep into her eyes. And for a second time after my heartful confession i kissed her again. 

<3 <3 <3 


Authors note:

Hey guys! i know its quite long but i hope that you liked it!! hehe this is my first time writing! Again, i hope you have enjoyed it! 

Oh and if you didnt know what the song was you can look it up and here are the lyrics, i thought it would fit in with the confession! :) 

I love you to my one and only, I love you
there is this feeling that I get sometimes
Oh no no I'm sure it's not 'cuz of you, my feelings toward you are,

I love you to my one and only, I love you 
I will always smile when I look at you,
You prolly don't know how much I'm blushing
If your love is true, then confess 

My love, this is how much I like you
My love, I really like you
And now, would you hug me tightly?
I have fallen for you, please embrace my pretty 'lil heart, 

l need you. I think, I really want,
I need you without you, then I can't go on living 
Every day I'm happy just 'cuz of you
If your love is true, then confess 

My love, this is how much I like you
My love, I really like you
And now, would you hug me tightly?
I have fallen for you, please embrace my pretty 'lil heart, 

Just Falling in love with you, I'm head over heels for you,
Just Falling in love with you, you are my only love

My love, this is how much I love you
My love, this is what I call love
I am so nervous to tell you this,
But I'll still confess, please hold on to my shy hands


Okay guys! i hope you did enjoy it!! please leave comments!!

And again, please look after me as your new co-author of these oneshots! :) 

Exoticvivien :)

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Kyungsoo should be updated today and updated to look forward to that ^_^


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Chapter 42: Aww cute!!
Chapter 32: Then why are you crying over her? O.o oh Lulu~
Chapter 27: Yes Baozi! Own me! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ ♥
Chapter 26: Oh Tao! Kekekekekeke~ ^.^
Chapter 25: Can I have Kris then? XD
Chapter 24: Channie! Oh you!
Chapter 23: Oh my Minseok! I can't wait! :")
Chapter 22: Oh my... buddies with Lulu. :">
Chapter 20: Ofcourse! Who could resist such a fluffy Baozi! XD
Chapter 17: How I wish I had someone to cuddle with when its raining and when theres thunder.