Chapter SIXTEEN - 16 (FINAL)

That Person | 그사람


On the next day, it’s the mourning day, everyone not even talking and leaves as soon as you were buried. They are no longer can see you but they never know that sometimes, you can see them.


The sudden lost of you is a great shock to everybody, even to the members. The lovely little sister of them is leaving to another world. It hurts especially to Baekhyun and Chanyeol.


Not in the sense of Hana. She seems like someone new after you passed away. She looks like a complete new person. She is showing her dark side. There is no more the bright Hana. Kim Hyeon, his cousin, who is like a brother to you and Hana, as well feel the lost. He promised to you that he will take a good care of Hana.


On the night after your death, Baekhyun sleep in tears, hugging his pillow. No one dare to get near him unless it’s Chanyeol. He helps Baekhyun to sleep and stay by his side until he falls asleep deeply. When he is asleep, just then, Chanyeol will leave to his own bed.


On this night as well, Baekhyun dreams turn out to be you. You appear in his dream just to console his broken heart. He looks exhausted both pysical and mental, after you leave.


“Baekhyun-ah, I’m looking over you. Don’t be sad.” You said to him. He is wiping his tears.


“When I can ever find someone like you? Tell me?” he sounds frustrated, trying to hug you.


“Come here!” you give him the embrace that he is longing for.


“Why did you leave on the day that I’m going to purpose on you? Why?” he confessed.


“I-I…” no words can come out for a moment.


“I want you to be mine. But you leave me on that day! I hate that day!” sobs Baekhyun even more. “I have been prepared everything on that day, waiting for you to come back with Chanyeol. B-but I got a bad news in return. I was about to y-you.”


“I didn’t know you gonna purpose to me… I’m really sorry.” Your soul is crying so bad when watching Baekhyun being such a total emotional guy.


“I don’t know how to move on… Chanyeol…”


“I know he is taking a good care of you. We knew each other’s not that too long. But you make me know you like nobody ever could ever imagine. In a short time, we know each other quite well. Least that I know, I love you so much that I can handle to be hurt.”


“I love you. I love you. I love you.” The only words that coming out from Baekhyun while he is sobbing hardly.


“I love you too. Take care! Have a good life.” Then your soul is disappearing from his sight. It makes him fall on the ground and crying hopelessly, again.


Chanyeol quickly go on rescue to Baekhyun, who is crying in his sleep. The members crowds on his bed as well.


“What happen?” Chanyeol asks, softly.


“I dreamt of her.” Baekhyun eyes are already swollen at that moment.


“Baekhyun-ah, it hurts to see you this way. It’s even bad when we think about that sudden accident.” Kyungsoo sighed, trying to hug Baekhyun.


“She don’t even know that I’m gonna purpose to her. This evil world is against us and it’s too much!”


“Come here! We are here for you. I know that she is looking over of you.” Suho said.


“I will always looking over you. I love you.”


You disappear once again between them. Although it hurts like something is stabbing you but sometimes, it’s nice to know that you are being in love with someone like him. Your soul is hoping that someone can take care of him in the future. As for Hana, she will be fine and can get her grip back because she is someone who is stronger to you. Least that you know, your existence will always special in their hearts.




Few months has passed. Then it become years. Everyone is completely focusing on their works. Deep inside, they still remembered your existence among them. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it makes everyone learned.


On that windy day, Baekhyun hang out at the coffee shop in the building. Kyungsoo join in with him while Chanyeol is away for his solo schedule. Kyungsoo is always there for him when Chanyeol is away. He thinks its better when Kyungsoo is there because when it comes to Chanyeol, your presence suddenly can be felt in his heart. It’s not that bad but he thinks he needs to move on.


“Can I say this?” Kyungsoo break the silence.


“What is it?”


“Tomorrow is your anniversary with her.” Kyungsoo said.


“Ah~ I know that. Do you want to celebrate it with me?” jokes Baekhyun, but  very deep inside, nobody know how much he missed you.


“Anything for our Baekhyun.” Smiles Kyungsoo, like an angel.


“I know you hear me. Happy 5th year anniversary, my love.” whipers Baekhyun.


“Let’s get back to our practice room.” Kyungsoo drag Baekhyun out from the café and lead him to their practice room.


Slowly, Baekhyun live his life, loving you in silence. He is trying to look for someone but you never leave his mind. Your personality and everything, it's something that cannot be found nowhere around him. He missed your touch. He missed your tender love. He missed your existence.


“I guess… nobody can get her… even me!” whisper someone mystery, behind the wall, who gets into the building, watching over Baekhyun from a far.



-----------[THE END]------------



Epilogue spoiler:

"Who the hell are you?" said Baekhyun in anger.

"Don't you dare to land your hand on him!" shouts Chanyeol from afar.




Hello guys! So, its the end of the story already. I know its short! ㅠㅠ
There's an epilogue soon. You know what I mean right?
Hahahahahahah. Who do you think that "mystery" guy would be?
Bambambam! *thunderstorms*
Please anticipate for the epilogue :) (gonna post it tomorrow)
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Enjoy reading! Much love from me <3
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mauge92 #1
Chapter 19: Im a bit impressed, in a goood way, but still sad because of Chanyeol, he is my bias, dbsakfdkaf he is sooo hot and cute, i could eat him *--*. Dammnit, i got excited, thanks for making a different ending.
MyMistahByun #2
nanades #3
Chapter 17: She.. died. omg whyy ç_ç
mauge92 #4
Chapter 17: Well, its all over, at least the murderer was caught, was an exciting journey my dear writer, till the next story, see you girl.
Dont worry, your writing skills are fine, it just that it was very fast and unexpected, that confused me, but im an idiot so ignore me xDD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 16: Why the hell? Cant wait to read the epilogue!!!
ely_yeobos #6
Chapter 16: I seriously can't wait for the epilogue ^_^ But i need to cry now T____T
mauge92 #7
Chapter 15: You are soooooooo mean, you killed her T_T, i feel heartbroken, ii"ll go now, i need to cry
lougarithm #8
Chapter 15: It hurts, really. This chapter made my eye teary!
ely_yeobos #9
Chapter 15: She.............................dead T_______T
Waffle_Berry #10
Chapter 14: Please don't kill her cause then baekhyun will be so sad and the story ending will be aweful, update soon ^^