Chapter FOURTEEN - 14

That Person | 그사람


While Chanyeol is looking for you, a message notification comes in to his phone. It’s Baekhyun. He said that they are ready and is waiting for them to come back home now. Chanyeol can’t even reply to Baekhyun as you are not even there yet, with him. You are nowhere in his sight. It makes his heart ripped apart with the sudden bad thought.


Having the uneasy heart makes Chanyeol almost lost his sense. He get up from his place and looks for you around the places. His paces are fastening. He is panicking as he lost you.


He doesn’t even bother about the crowds around him. There’s another crowds in front of him. Chanyeol decide to walks through it. Maybe it just some other known people hang out at the same place as him. But his mind goes blank when he saw familiar clothes between the crowds.


“It must be someone who’s wearing the same thing as her. But it can’t be exactly, right?!” Chanyeol sneak into the crowds and saw your body is lying on the floor.


“DAMMIT! WHAT HAPPENED?!” shouts Chanyeol, taking you into his arms. Everyone is trying to call for help. Some shows sympathy to him.


“I saw a car crash oh her just now. He then leaves right away!” says one of the witnesses.


“Oh god! Please stay for awhile. Please, I’m begging you!” cries Chanyeol, helplessly. “I will get a help you! I will. Be strong for me. For Baekhyun. For us!”


Not long after that, the ambulance and the police arrive. Maybe some people already make a phone call for it. And maybe he is too late to realize. Chanyeol followed the ambulance with your car from behind. The witnesses follow the police. Chanyeol can’t stop crying as his clothes are now half covered with your blood.


“I’m gonna kill you if I caught you!” curse Chanyeol, in faith to do his revenge to the person that do hit and run towards you.


At the hospital, you are being treated in the emergency room while Chanyeol is waiting, in panic, in a very total mess. Then the others arrive, rushing towards him especially Baekhyun. His expression, the tears keep on b down on his face.


“What happen?” Baekhyun asks. “What is going on? Is she okay?!” Kyungsoo on the side is trying to calm him but fail.


“I-I..” then the doctor come out when Chanyeol is about to explain the real situation.


“I’m sorry… but I don’t think she can make it within a few days. She is still unconscious. Too much blood loss. Seems like her head is the most critical. We are sorry.” says the doctor.


Baekhyun lost his control of his own body. He keeps on shaking his head out of disbelief. The members are trying to help him but he insists too much. Baekhyun cries like a baby that lost his mom. He looks so much in pain.


“Please don’t leave me.” begs Baekhyun, sobbing on the floor.


“Baekhyun-ah…” calls Chanyeol, the tears are filling his eyes again despite to the shocking news. Suho keep his head down because it pains him to see the painful moment of his brother. His tears, as well falling on the earth.

“I want to… I have not yet let her wear the ring that I bought.” Sob Baekhyun, in the arms of Chanyeol.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t protect her from this cruel world. Even for a second. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let her go alone.”


“____-ah!” your names keep on coming out from your dearest person, Baekhyun.


“We will move her to the ICU room.” The nurses said, starting to push your bed to the intensive care room.


Hana, who is late, running towards you, she feels like she’s losing half of her soul, and her eyes are swollen and very red. The situation becomes worse when only the sounds of sobbing people can be heard amongst them.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol let themselves to take care of you. Because the ICU can’t let people to stay in, Hana, together with Chanyeol and Baekhyun stayed in the waiting room for the whole day and night. The other members went back and need to do their schedule as Chanyeol and Baekhyun get the excuse for the god sake.


The second day is coming. You’re still lying on the bed, not even moving, but sleeping comfortably. Once Baekhyun take his turns to look after you, his eyes always filled with the glassy tears.


He really can’t stand on watching you lying there like a dead person. He wants you to wake up as soon as possible. It hurts too much. He sits next to you; hold tight on your hand. He prayed so hard so that you will be awake soon.


“You need to wake up, baby! You have too.” Beg Baekhyun, softly with the tears falling down. “I need you. I can’t stand watching you like this. I am really sorry for not always spending my time with you. I never had someone whom very understanding about my career as much as you, my love. And even, you never nag about it to me. I can’t ever found someone like you. I love you.” His sobs become a bit loud in the room. The nurses feel sorry to him as well.


“I’m sorry but the time is over.” Say the nurse to Baekhyun. The minutes are too short for him. He wants to stay there longer than the nurses could let.


It’s hard for Baekhyun to let go of your hand at the moment. He really wants to stay next to you for 24/7, for real. If possible, he wants to be the one that taking care of you instead of the nurses in the room. For a about few minutes later, Baekhyun come out from the room with his head hanging down.


“Are you alright? Is she getting better?” asks Chanyeol.


“I’m not until she’s awake.”


“You need to eat, at least…” Hana interferes, from the waiting room. Although she is sad, maybe the worse because she is the one who is always there for you, at least she wants them to be healthy.


“I don’t have any appetite.” Baekhyun reply, shortly.


“O-okay. Let’s just rest here.” Chanyeol let Baekhyun sit next to him and even lend his friend, his warm shoulder. “You need to rest.”


Baekhyun just sit quietly. No words come out from his mouth now. He is worrying too much. Of course he is because the person that means the world to him is lying on the bed for almost 2 days already.


Baekhyun soon after took out a small box from his pocket. It’s a small red box that is obviously a ring box. Hana, who didn’t know about the plan, is making a questionable expression. But it not the right time to asks about that to Baekhyun, she thought.


Hana, who’s worried as well, start to get into a topic. She hate it when her mind roaming around with all the worries. She wants to forget it for awhile.


“By any chance, I heard the culprit has been captured.” She starts off. Baekhyun and Chanyeol eyes are widen up despite to her words.


“Seriously?!” Chanyeol stand up. Its looks like he’s about to get his pace to the culprit until Hana stop him from going.


“I need to teach him a lesson! He’s need to know what he have done to _____!” Chanyeol raise his voice, out of madness. Baekhyun looks clueless.

“I will follow you.” Finally, the words slip out from Baekhyun.


“You guys can’t go there! You guys will be in trouble!” Hana try her best to consult them but it seems useless.


“I have to. We are sorry!” Chanyeol rebuff Hana’s hands that is holding onto him. Baekhyun is following him from behind.


“B-be careful.” Hana feels so frustrated and scared. They might be in trouble if they caused any chaos there.






I'm speechless on my own. Hahahahahaha
aaaaa~ I'm sad that this story will end soon. T-T
Anyway, I'm waiting for your comments below.
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mauge92 #1
Chapter 19: Im a bit impressed, in a goood way, but still sad because of Chanyeol, he is my bias, dbsakfdkaf he is sooo hot and cute, i could eat him *--*. Dammnit, i got excited, thanks for making a different ending.
MyMistahByun #2
nanades #3
Chapter 17: She.. died. omg whyy ç_ç
mauge92 #4
Chapter 17: Well, its all over, at least the murderer was caught, was an exciting journey my dear writer, till the next story, see you girl.
Dont worry, your writing skills are fine, it just that it was very fast and unexpected, that confused me, but im an idiot so ignore me xDD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 16: Why the hell? Cant wait to read the epilogue!!!
ely_yeobos #6
Chapter 16: I seriously can't wait for the epilogue ^_^ But i need to cry now T____T
mauge92 #7
Chapter 15: You are soooooooo mean, you killed her T_T, i feel heartbroken, ii"ll go now, i need to cry
lougarithm #8
Chapter 15: It hurts, really. This chapter made my eye teary!
ely_yeobos #9
Chapter 15: She.............................dead T_______T
Waffle_Berry #10
Chapter 14: Please don't kill her cause then baekhyun will be so sad and the story ending will be aweful, update soon ^^