Chapter TEN - 10

That Person | 그사람


When everyone is deep in their sleep, you get out from your room and check on them. They are completely drained. Then, your eyes stop on one person. That person is so lovely even when he is sleeping.


“Baekhyun, I love you so much that it hurts sometimes.” You stare and close the door but someone is stopping you from doing so.




“You’re not sleeping yet? You can’t sleep?” he asks continuously.


“Y-yes, I can’t fall asleep. I don’t know why. I just want to check on him.” You said, scratching your head.




“How about you?” you then ask Chanyeol. “Not sleepy?”


“Yeah~ just like you. I’m a very sensitive sleeper. That’s why I can’t sleep.” He purely smiles.


“Can we talk for a while?” he added at the end.


“Yeah- sure.” You lead him to the living room and get him and yourself the hot chocolate drinks.


“Actually, I haven’t said a proper word for my mistakes the last time right? So, I need to say it now. I am sorry like seriously.” Chanyeol looks lost and blushing.


“I already put away those things. I never blame you on it.” You caress his hands, softly. Not to flirt but to be nice towards someone who you care like a big brother.


“Soft hands. Soft hearted. I think I know why I fall for her. I think I know why Baekhyun fall for her as well. Her heart shines brighter even deep in her skin because heart can see a pure heart and it talks about the right things that we never know.” Chanyeol thought.

“Hello?” you snap your finger in front of Chanyeol face.


“Sorry. I need to sleep now. See you later.” Chanyeol quickly take his drink and leave you alone in question.


“What is wrong with this guy?” you sigh and leave to your room. Finally, after a drink, you fall asleep deeply.


On the next morning, somehow you could feel that there is someone who’s stuffing your space on the bed. Then, that person hugs you comfortably.

“Baby, wake up!” whispers that someone who is obviously sounds like Baekhyun.

“Why are you awake so early?” you open one eye, not completely awake.


“Early what!? It’s almost noon. We are hungry.” Baekhyun pouts.


“Really?! I’m sorry.” You get up right away while rubbing your sleepy eyes. “What should I cook?” you look clumsy all of sudden.


“We already bought the foods. Don’t worry. We will leave soon, the schedule is approaching.” Baekhyun laugh.


“Haa~” you sigh deeply. “Ahh~ my head is so dizzy.” You hold your head. Baekhyun then widen his eyes.


“Are you sick? Continue sleeping. I will take another off day then. I’m gonna buy you medicine and look after you.” He is panicking.


“Aish~ I’m fine. You can’t take day off because of this. Do you want to die?”


“O-okay, but you need to take care of yourself…” frown Baekhyun because he can’t take care of you.


Soon after, Sehun voice can be heard all over the house as he is calling for Baekhyun to get down as the manager is there to fetch them for their schedules.


“Bye…” he bid sadly.


“Bye! Do well and take care.” You shook your head. “How dare you sneak into my room!”


“I can’t control myself. I miss you. I have been waiting for you since morning. I’m worried that something might happen to you. That’s why I come in to wake you up. See, how strong my instinct and heart for you was. You are sick!” Baekhyun stop from going out from your room. Again, Sehun calling for him and even threat him to leave him out.


“Ugh whatever! That kid, I will teach him a lesson later. But, don’t you think his idea is good?” he grins.


“Baekhyun! Leave now. Stop thinking about those nonsense things. GO!”


“Alright! I’m going now. Take care.” Baekhyun run to you and leave a quick kiss on your cheeks and forehead.


“Thanks for the endless love, Baekhyun.” You eyes following him out from your house. You are eyeing them from your room windows and wave at them. They are now out from your sight. You get back to your bed and take a nap, wishing that the dizzy can go away later.


Few minutes after that, you received a text message. It’s no other than your childish boyfriend.

From: Baek-ie


You are all good, right? I'm worried and feel bad after leaving you just now. Take a good rest. Anyway, the members said thanks about last night. They forgot to tell you about that. Recover well! If I can, I will get to you there, with Chanyeol maybe. I love you so much babe.


You smiles and reply to it, half awake.


To: Baek-ie


Don't worry. I can take care of myself. You too, don't be too tired and forgot about your health. Say this to the members; my house is always open for them to come. It’s not a big deal though. Okay? It’s time for you to get back to your works, my love. I love you so much that it doesn’t make sense anymore. Trust me, your love is a brand new feeling to me. Thanks a lot for loving me and letting me to love you back.


Your dizzy pace is back after you push the send button. This time round, it becomes harder. Surely, you don’t want to mention it to Baekhyun because that hard-headed boy will do anything if he's desperate enough. You then put away your phone on the side and close your eyes.


It’s been a few hours already, but you still can’t wake up from your sleep. Your head become heavy. When you feel it, you just lie on the bed and fall asleep again.


The clock shows that it’s almost 6PM. Out of blue, while you are cluelessly still on your deep sleep, you, again feel that someone is hugging you tightly. Soft hands are caressing your hair. Is Baekhyun already finishing his schedule early?


“Hey, hey~ are you okay?” you open your eyes slowly and you could feel a sting on your eyes.


“What happen with me?” you asks, Hana stares on you.


“I heard someone crying in your room. I take a peek and saw you cried in your sleep. What happen? Nightmare? Damn it babe, your body is so hot now.” Hana shows her worries.


“I-I don’t know. I can’t remember…” you stop when the vision of the dreamt becomes clear on your head. “Baekhyun…” the tears is falling again.


“What happen with him? Let’s get a doctor for yourself first. You are—“


“Hana… listen! I didn’t tell him about the sasaengs that starts to linger around my area before. I don’t want him to get worried. I don’t want him to get hurt.” You buried your face between your hands.


“Hey~ babe…” Hana took you in her arms. “But they still didn’t know about you and Baekhyun. That’s only the sasaengs from the rumors between you and Chanyeol.”


“No! Some of them know about us. They even threaten me, Hana. They cursed that my relationship will not be strong as it will be. Baekhyun might leave me for someone better. I hate to think of this.” You sob.


A loud bump on the door suddenly can be heard. It’s him. He looks absolutely shocks. Obviously, he’s listening to your conversation with Hana.


“I-I just wanna check on you… the door is wide open…” Baekhyun stutters.


“Baek…hyun…” you exhaustedly call his name. Then, your vision become dark and you can feel your body is falling on the ground. The surrounding somehow becomes ruckus, calling for a help. Your head turn out to be extremely hurt.






Sorry for being late! Hing ㅠㅠ
I'm trying so hard to continue the plot but my brain still giving me a hard time.
It got stucked! *dies*
Enjoy reading anyway.
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mauge92 #1
Chapter 19: Im a bit impressed, in a goood way, but still sad because of Chanyeol, he is my bias, dbsakfdkaf he is sooo hot and cute, i could eat him *--*. Dammnit, i got excited, thanks for making a different ending.
MyMistahByun #2
nanades #3
Chapter 17: She.. died. omg whyy ç_ç
mauge92 #4
Chapter 17: Well, its all over, at least the murderer was caught, was an exciting journey my dear writer, till the next story, see you girl.
Dont worry, your writing skills are fine, it just that it was very fast and unexpected, that confused me, but im an idiot so ignore me xDD
mauge92 #5
Chapter 16: Why the hell? Cant wait to read the epilogue!!!
ely_yeobos #6
Chapter 16: I seriously can't wait for the epilogue ^_^ But i need to cry now T____T
mauge92 #7
Chapter 15: You are soooooooo mean, you killed her T_T, i feel heartbroken, ii"ll go now, i need to cry
lougarithm #8
Chapter 15: It hurts, really. This chapter made my eye teary!
ely_yeobos #9
Chapter 15: She.............................dead T_______T
Waffle_Berry #10
Chapter 14: Please don't kill her cause then baekhyun will be so sad and the story ending will be aweful, update soon ^^