Picnic Palooza

Trials of Life

*At noon

Kangin finally managed, with some difficulty, to strap the ever-so-lively Kyuhyun into his stroller. He bawled and squirmed as best as he could, until finally his father was fed up.

"I'm freakin' goin' deaf here, Teukie! What the h*ll should I do?!"

"Hold on, I'm packing the basket! Figure something out!"

Kangin thought to himself- which was actually quite an accomplishment, considering one cannot hear himself think over Kyuhyun's tantrums- and did indeed figure something out. "He likes music!" Pacifier and radio in hand, he warily approached the hysterical child. A few minutes later found Kyuhyun passed out.

"It's so weird when he's quiet and not moving. It's like he died," Kangin observed.

Leeteuk glared. "Don't say that, it worries me. Well, let's take this opportunity and GO."

*At the local park

Heechul and Hangeng lay on a red-and-white checkered blanket under a cherry blossom tree on a secluded hill. Hangeng admired the scenery, Heechul fumed silently, Sungmin slept in Heechul's arms, and Yesung raced his turtles at the bottom of the hill.

"Where the FU-" Hangeng cut her off.

"Language, Chullie! Maybe Sungmin doesn't understand, but Yesung does!"

Heechul's glare intensified thousandfold. If looks could kill, Hangeng would be meeting his maker. "SORRY. Where the FUDGE are they?! They're 15 FREAKIN' minutes late!" she shrieked, ready to pull her hair.

"They probably had a problem with Kyuhyun. Speaking of babies, be careful, you're still holding Sungmin.."

Sungmin stirred, then snuggled into the crook of Heechul's arms. "Aish, what a heavy sleeper she is. Just like her father."

Hangeng peered at his sleeping angel, and a smile lit up his face. "Yah, its not like she's some kind of princess, you know!" Heechul huffed. Hangeng grinned cheekily. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

"Pfffttt, no. Who would be jealous of such a chubby girl?"

"You would be, apparently."

Heechul smacked him, almost dropping Sungmin in the process. "Screw you."

Just then, two figures with a stroller made their way towards the hill. "Who's screwing who?"

Leeteuk smacked Kangin. "God, watch your langua- Oh, hello Yesung."

"Hiya!!!" He rolled after his turtles, who were now wading in the pond nearby.


Heechul shrieked. "D*MNIT, NOT AGAIN! Go get him, Hannie!" Hangeng sighed and rolled his eyes, lumbering down the hill after his son.

Sungmin awoke, after having her eardrums blasted by her mother. She squirmed a bit, before letting out a short cry. Heechul placed her on the blanket. "Aish, fine, sit still!" Well, it wasn't like Sungmin was going anywhere anyway. Unless she rolled down the hill after her father and brother.

Leeteuk and Kangin watched the family, amused. Kyuhyun awoke, wailing and flailing. His pacifier now lay forgotten in the grass.

"NOOOOO!" Kangin was practically on his knees, hands in his hair. Leeteuk rolled her eyes. "Get your off the ground, you're embarassing me."

"He isn't?!" Kangin motioned towards Kyuhyun, who was still screaming his head off.

"Are you both babies?! Wait, don't answer that," Leeteuk smirked, picking up Kyuhyun and attempting to calm him down. "OW!" Kyuhyun had punched her. While still howling.

"OH MY GOD, SHUT UP!!!" Everyone looked at Heechul. Immediately, the screeching ceased. Sungmin and Kyuhyun stared up at her with wide, fearful eyes. "That's better."

"Well... let's start the picnic, shall we?" Hangeng had returned, dragging a sopping wet Yesung up the hill.

Hageng/Heechul's basket: Beijing fried rice, bottle of baby formula

Kangin/Leeteuk's basket: Bibimbap, kimchi, rice, bottle of baby formula

     They had a mostly peaceful lunch. Kyuhyun only spit up three times, and Yesung had run off once to find his turtles. Afterwards, Kangin and Hangeng talked about things like sports and work, while Leeteuk and Heechul gossiped.

"Yeah, I heard there's a family moving here from China."

"Really, now? I heard one was coming from Canada."

Yesung was, of course, playing with his turtles near the pond; Hangeng warily watched him out of the corner of his eye. Kyuhyun and Sungmin sat side by side in front of the parents. Neither really moved, except for the occasional muscle spasm of Kyuhyun. Eventually, though, Kyuhyun became bored and began another episode of thrashing and whining. Sungmin pouted, and reached out a chubby hand, which came to rest on Kyuhyun's shoulder. Kyuhyun immediately stopped his tantrum, and stared at her. She stared back. She then withdrew her hand, and they went back to sitting and staring.

This was the start of a beautiful friendship.



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Chapter 21: I have been reading and keeping up with this fic since 8th grade. I am currently a junior in high school and I still love this fic to death. Please keep it up! I would love to see kyuhyun and sungmin get together.
ekasuju #2
Chapter 21: I love jaelous kyu.Please update soon. :)
Chapter 21: Kyuhyun totally acts like a jealous boyfriend yet he denies and doesn't want things to change, he's so frustrating but I'm a er for drama and dense Kyuhyun so I'm enjoying it very much lol. And looking very much forward kyuhyun / jonghyun little fight for Sungmin kkke
smilesofblack #4
Chapter 21: Young love is stupid. Boys are stupid. I don't really like Jonghyun anymore. Aggressive flirty like that isn't attractive... Maybe sometimes, but Sungmin clearly wanting liking it and he was pushing it. :(
Chapter 20: You updated!!!!!! I love flirty Jonghyun and I love dorky jealous Kyuhyun even more <333
Chapter 20: yaz jonghyun make kyu jelez and awww u made me miss yongseo
smilesofblack #7
Chapter 20: I almost cried when I saw you updated. Good gs is hard to come by, hell, good fics are hard to come by. I just adore thus fiction so much. Thank you for updating. *tosses glitter*

Why doesn't someone tell them they both look at each other with stars in their eyes? Ah, I'm torn. Kyuhyun is the one, but Jonghyun is such a great one too.
smilesofblack #8
Chapter 19: I'm still so sad that this was never updated. I wanted to see Kyuhyun's reaction to her new look.
Chapter 19: Donghae and Mi are the best really, now Sungmin is so hottt every boy will drool and I'm quite looking forward to Kyuhyun's reaction to all of this.....<33333
Chapter 19: Ooh yay I'm so excited for the next chapter, please update soon!

Love Heechul in this XD