Miyoung knows Best

Just Friends

Stepping out of the dorm building dressed casually in a pair of jean capris, a red striped t-shirt and white sandals, with a simple sky blue purse with my wallet, phone and dorm key on my person, ready to meet Baekhyun for our date.

I walk towards the commons feeling rather relaxed; Miyoung had done my hair and makeup and assures me I look perfect for a first date. My long wavy locks are tamed back by a simple black headband, with only a bit of eyeliner and mascara, with a touch of light pink lip gloss. Taking a seat at one of the many available tables I sit and wait.

Seeing as Baekhyun managed to slip in without getting caught we decided to go on our date as planned, I’m not waiting long as Baekhyun jogs over to me, a smile on his face. “Sorry, mishap with betting Tao out of bed.” He explains grinning at me. “Were you waiting long?” Baekhyun is dressed casually in a white and navy blue baseball tee, with a backpacked strapped on his back, shorts and tennis shoes. He gives off a much more approachable impression than some of the other guys, but then again Baekhyun is rather cheerful and outgoing, at least that’s what I’ve noticed since I started talking to him and Chanyeol.

I shake my head and smile at him and stand up. “Not really, but I should warn you, Miyoung put it together last night.” I tell him as we head off campus. “As soon as I got back to the room last night so late she had everything figured out.

“We are talking Miyoung,” Baekhyun says chuckling. We walk in a slightly awkward silence for a moment before he says something. “What’s your take on parks, Jihyo?” He asks glancing over at me with a rather odd face, amusing odd.

“They’re great for walking in, and they have trees, so that’s cool.” I say looking away and laughing a bit. “You’re really strange you know that?” I say finally regaining my composure.

Baekhyun seems to have taken this in a stride; he leads the way while nodding his head proudly of this observation. “I have vocal practice after lunch, so we’ll have lunch at the café if you don’t mind.” He says absently.

I shake my head and smile. “It is fine; I still have to finish up some classwork anyways.” I say while shrugging my shoulders.

“Always working aren’t you?” Baekhyun jokes as we walk down Main Street and towards the park. “Do you like taking pictures?” He asks grinning at me rather mischievously.

I glance at him warily. “I’m on okay terms with cameras.” Baekhyun’s smile widens as I say this. “You seem oddly cheery at this.”

“Well, some people get weird about cameras, so you know I figured I should find out how you feel about them.” Baekhyun says motioning towards his backpack, slipping one of the straps off and swinging the bag to his chest, he then s one section out and pulls a camera case out. “I take pictures in my free time.”

I grin as he zips his bag up after he takes the camera out of its case and stuffs it back in, then slipping the strap for the camera around his neck.

“Aren’t you cool,” I say excitedly as we cross the final street before the park. Quickly entering and walking farther into the park. “How’d you get into photography?” I ask curiously as I watch him take a picture of the gazebo against the lake.

After showing me he smiles at it. “My older brother got me into it before he left to go to school.” He says taking the strap off, and handing me the camera. When I shake my head Baekhyun stands behind me placing the camera a little ways in front of my face. “Tell me when you want to take the picture.”

I smile, walking around like this is a bit silly, but it is fun. “The balloons,” I say motioning to the balloons that are now flying fee against some trees. “By the way, very smooth Mr. Byun.” I say as he takes several shots of the balloons flying up.

“I thought it would be a good idea.” He says cheekily. “Besides, this only works because you’re pretty short.” Baekhyun says pulling away to examine the pictures. “Good eye Jihyo.”

“Some of the first years like to watch you and Chanyeol; they think the height difference is really cute.” I say randomly as we walk around the park. Baekhyun looks at me in partial shock. “What?”

“Don’t say anything to Yeolie; he’ll never let it go.” He demands childishly. “And I’m not that short.” He defends while shaking his head. “Stop, don’t move Jihyo.” He says while raising his camera. “Smile?”

I oblige, giving him a nice picture. “Perfect,” He says looking down at it, he shows it to me.

“You’re very good,” I say in awe. “Are you going to go to an art school after you graduate?” I ask him ask as we take a seat on a bench.

“I want to, for singing though, this is more a hobby.” Baekhyun says showing me the ones he has on his camera. “What about you Jihyo?”

“I’m thinking of just going to the affiliate school, but I’m not really sure yet.” I say letting a sigh out. I know that Jongin is probably going to go to an art school too, something where he can get a focus on dance, all types too.

“You still have time, you don’t pick until next year anyways.” Baekhyun says sympathetically. He looks as though hesitant to ask, but asks anyways. “I know you and Kai are fighting…”

“He’s looking at something for dance, so probably an arts school.” I say while shrugging my shoulders. “Jongin did try getting me into dancing, but it isn’t really my thing.” I say frowning. “We all know that the affiliate school isn’t exactly for the arts.”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll find something that you really want to do. Besides, most of the guys are going to the affiliate college anyways.” Baekhyun says reassuringly.




Heading back to the girls’ dorm after lunch I wave to Baekhyun. It’d taken me saying he’d be late to his practice if he walked me; the auditorium is in the other direction. “I’ll be fine.” I reassure him with a smile. “Baekhyun, I had a lot of fun.” I say before heading off.

Baekhyun smiles at me, the same kind I thought I’d been made immune too, but I suppose not. “We’ll have to do this again, Jihyo.” He says before I push him off towards practice, I do this is part so I can shove him away and blush.

Once in the dorm though I find myself too distracted to complete the classwork. “You ok?” Miyoung asks as I close my books after attempting to concentrate.

“Yeah,” I say smiling. “Unnie, I had a lot of fun today.” I tell her getting up from my desk; instead I opt to lie on my bed.

“Well, Baekhyun is charming.” Miyoung says chuckling. “Not to push or anything, but you should probably meet up with Kai.”

“Why?” I ask looking over, throwing a very uninterested look at her. “If he wants to talk he can come apologize.” I say annoyed with thoughts of Jongin.

Miyoung smiles at me sympathetically, “He was pretty upset yesterday after you stormed off. Completely horrified that you’d yelled at him like you did and calling him Kai, and a rather unlike-you word, maybe you should just go talk to him. See what’s been eating at him all week.”

“He’s been insufferable on and off all week.” I tell her turning over, though I know she’s right. “I just, I normally know what’s eating at him. I don’t have to guess like I have been.” I say frowning still.

“For better or worse, Jongin is your best friend.” Miyoung says diplomatically. “Besides, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want this to be how you guys end a friendship. And if it is, then at least let it be on good terms.” Miyoung say maturely.

“I hate when you mother me.” I mutter getting up, rolling off my bed I walk to the door, pulling my shoes on. “If he says anything horrible, I’m coming straight back and he can grovel.” I say over my shoulder.

“I only mother you because if it’s not me it’s Kyungsoo or Suho doing it and I’ll agree with you completely.” Miyoung says walking with me. “I’ll see you after cello practice.” Miyoung says walking towards the main campus building, while I head straight towards the boys’ dorms.

The walk seems longer than it normally does, but maybe it’s just me dreading going there for once. Jongin and I haven’t ever really gotten this mad before, so I’m nervous about going to see him. But the walk only lasts for so long before I take a seat on one of the benches face the dorm building and text Jongin that I’m here.

Moments later said guy comes bursting out of the front doors looking around rather frantically. After spotting me he runs over, a worried expression left on his face. “Jihyo, I wasn’t sure if you’d want to talk, I tried going over this morning but a lot of the other girls said you’d gone out.”

I nod my head and watch him hesitantly. Jongin is my best friend so I feel this overwhelming urge just to forgive him and say I blew up and overacted, but I another part is furious still, angry that he’d say things like he did, imply that I hung out with him for the attention, that so much of our friendship was for my need to be acknowledged or that he made me feel like I didn’t matter at all.

“I’m really sorry.” Jongin says taking a seat next to me, looking down at his hands for a moment before meeting my gaze. “I shouldn’t have said any of what I did. I know that you hang out with me for me and not for anything else.” He mumbles dejectedly. “I just, you’re still my best friend and I guess I just see you one way and when I see you like a girl I freak out. This whole week I’ve been seeing you as more of a girl than as Kim Jihyo, my best friend.”

“Jongin, I’m both of those things you know that, right?” I say smiling at him resignedly, I guess Miyoung does mother me at all the right times. “I shouldn’t have called you an .” I say offering him my own apology. “I’m sorry; I acted a bit not like me.”

“No, you were you, the you when I get you all irritated and riled up.” Jongin says leaning back and sends me the same smile. “Besides it isn’t like I didn’t deserve that. I’ve been a pretty ty friend this week.”

“It was really weird this week.” I say pulling my legs up onto the seat. “I normally know what’s bugging you or irritating you, but this whole week I wasn’t sure. Hell, I wasn’t even sure how to ask you.”

“I don’t know, just seeing a couple of the guys treating you like an actual girl was weird to me. Maybe it was just I’ve never seen you spend any time with Baekhyun and Chanyeol before, and now that you are I just felt like I was losing you for a little.”

“What about when you almost broke your face?” I ask him quietly, it’s been bugging me. Jongin doesn’t normally get distracted or make mistakes like that when dancing, not when he’s apparently perfected them, besides this is easier to think about than me hanging out with Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

“I just heard some guys saying you’re cute.” Jongin says frowning. “And I know that, the guys know that, but hearing it from some upper classmen, just sounded and felt wrong.” My best friend says while covering his face with his hands. “Anyways I tried finding you in the café last night, and I kept trying to text you, but you kinda just disappeared.”

I look down at my lap, how am I supposed to tell him I was with Baekhyun last night, that we got back well after curfew, that I had a really good time and that I think I like him? Jongin peeks over at me, sitting up he lets out a long sigh. “Baekhyun took me out, to get my mind off our fight.” I say, it’s the truth. “He took me out and I had a good time.”

“He’s a nice guy,” Jongin says while looking off towards the dorms. “He can be a bit dense sometimes, but not a bad guy. “I was wondering why he didn’t go to dinner with the others.”

“You stayed on campus?” I ask. I’m completely shocked by this, Jongin loves going off campus and goofing off.

Jongin nods his head and smiles at me. “I’ve been trying to catch you at the dorms, but you left the dorms before I could get there. And I wasn’t about to go out with the guys last night when we’d just gotten into a huge fight like that. I’m glad Baekhyun took care of you though.”

A gust of wind picks up and blusters through momentarily, leaving my hair in disarray. Jongin pushes my bangs out of my face. And for a moment what Baekhyun had said the first day I started talking to him flashes through my mind.

‘It’s just your relationship with Jongin is kind of like best friends sometimes then other times it’s like you’re more or even less than friends.’

This feels like one of those times where we’re being more than just friends. “We’ve known each other for a long time.” I say as he pulls his hand back.

Jongin nods his head. “It makes me nervous that you just brought that up.” He confesses with a worried expression on his face, clearly something is running through his head that isn’t running through mine. “We’ve never really talked about it and I’m not sure how or if we’re supposed to.”

I smile at Jongin. “I was just thinking that we’ve been friends for so long that it’s kind of strange to have our first major fight like this since we were kids.” I say objectively. “Sometimes I feel like I just let a lot of things go because you’re my best friend, and you do the same.”

“It’s better sometimes, in a very masculine way,” Jongin jokes smiling at me that carefree and childish smile that he’s had since we were kids though his voice still sounds slightly worried. “You’re more important than some dumb fight.”

I smile back at Jongin letting my feet fall to the ground. “Same here, even if you’re a bit spoiled sometimes.”

“I think we all know that’s because of you.” Jongin counters immediately and it feels like how we used to, it feel like we’re on the same wavelength. It feels like we’re best friends.

Standing up I grin at him cheekily. “I should go finish the homework, I’ll see you Monday.” I call over my shoulder, part of me knowing what Jongin is going to do.

I’m hardly three steps away before he’s next to me walking. “I can walk you.” He says grinning at me happily. “So the great and almighty Kim Jihyo hasn’t finished the homework yet?” My sometimes annoying best friend says.

“And the lowly and annoying Kim Jongin hasn’t even looked at it?” I counter smirking; he sends me his usual cheeky grin. “Honestly how are you still here?” I ask half-jokingly.

“I happen to do my work and to meet slightly better than minimum requirements, thank you very much. And it’ll do well for you to remember it.” Jongin says rather proudly, I can’t do anything but roll my eyes. As usual when Jongin and I stop at the section of walkway that leads up to the main school building, he pulls me in for a hug and kisses my cheek.

I mimic the action as I normally do. “I’ll see you later.” I call as I continue on, though a thought is nagging at me. Jongin has always seen me as his best friend, and now he’s being forced to see me as a girl, well more or less forced. I’ve never thought of Jongin as anything more than a best friend. He’s always been someone I can joke around with, tell him embarrassing things and know that he’ll keep it to himself.

So the thought nagging at me is: what if I see Jongin as something other than my best friend? What would it mean, what would happen, could it possibly change our relationship?

In the dorm I collect my books and decide to try studying in the library. My room is empty and I doubt I’ll get any of the assignments done with being alone there when I can do a thousand other things than concentrate on it.

Taking a seat at my usual table, the one in the back behind several book shelves in the corner by the windows, I start working, making some actual progress.

“I head you and Kai made up.” I hear a now very familiar deep voice whisper, I look up to see Chanyeol walking over and taking a seat. “The guys and I are rather relieved. Apparently he’d wasted away a little last night.” He says while shrugging his shoulders.

“News travels fast.” I say smiling at Chanyeol; it is very safe to say I am no longer afraid of this guy. Baekhyun eased me into talking to him and I have found that he just doesn’t look happy when tired, which is usually reserved for the mornings. “But yeah. Miyoung suggested that I go talk to him.” I say while shrugging my shoulders.

Chanyeol sends me a grin as he unpacks his bag. It’s several sheets of music, all of which look rather difficult and some even look like originals.

When he looks up at me he grins. “You’ve got a lot of sheet music.” I comment curiously. Chanyeol nods his head and points to my work. Deciding to take the hint I continue to work. I forget that Chanyeol is even sitting at the same table as me until I finish all my work and start packing up. The guy seems to have fallen asleep, his things packed up and in the seat next to him.

I poke him as I leave, him jolting awake and hurrying to walk out with me. “What were you working on?” Chanyeol asks while stretching once we’re out of the building. “It took you long enough to finish.”

I shake my head as I head towards the café as usual when I do my homework at the library on the weekend. “My classwork, I do most of the assignments early so I don’t have to worry about it later.” I explain as I walk through the door, Chanyeol getting it for me. “Thanks,” I say smiling over at him. “What about you, why’d you go to the library?”

“Finishing some music for my music theory class,” He answers easily. “I go there for how quiet it is versus the dorm.” He says while rolling his eyes. “I swear the guys all decide to come to the dorm when I chose to do my classwork.”

“Such is life when you’re friends with those weirdoes.” I joke after getting my usual snack, some kind of baked good and water. “So do you play an instrument then?” I ask curiously as Chanyeol settles in the seat across from me.

“Yup, I could show you, the music hall is open and most of the guys like to practice in the dorm or outside anyways.” Chanyeol offers before biting into his sandwich.

I nod my head excitedly, I love watching Miyoung playing the cello. “You sure? I have pretty high standards.” I joke.

“Well, I’m not quite at Miyoung’s level, but I’m not bad.” Chanyeol says a tad arrogantly, but I let it slide seeing as I get to see him play something. “We can head over after we eat.” He says while rolling his shoulders.


Chanyeol will have a focus chapter soon > u >
And a protective Kai is a good Kai. (lolwut)

I should also note:
I'm not a super fan or anything. My fancy for EXO is pretty new.
So please excuse any mistakes/inconsistanies with any of the guys.
I really don't know too much about them other than what I can find while I'm writing or
what I've seen on variety shows, and since I'm
extremely lazy if I can't find a confirmation/conflicting answer I just go with what I like.

So please forgive me if I make a mistake~!

Also, I'm trying to do weekly updates, I want to update on Mondays/Tuesdays
So I'm hoping that I can stick to it.
My goal is to be a chapter to two chapters ahead so I can update without
problems. I should be able to let you guys know if I won't be, but
I am trying to find a job now. - n -
Umm...I think that's it, aside from
Let me know what you guys think~! ^^

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!