Lunch with Fools

Just Friends

As promised to Jongin, I buy him lunch, all of his favorites. “Anything else?” I ask him expectantly as he places more food on his tray. I simply roll my eyes at him; there isn’t a point in telling him that he won’t eat it all. He’ll just do it to prove me wrong. “Yah, Jongin. I’m paying so get your over here.” I snap at him while sending a glare as he picks up one last carton of milk, he happily walks over and grins at me. “I don’t want to hear you complaining about me for the next week.” I warn him.

“I could never complain about my favorite person in the world.” Jongin says gleefully as we walk to check out.

“Is this together?” The cashier asks as I set mine down and Jongin follows suit. I nod my head and roll my eyes at him. “Swipe your card.”

Heading back to our usual table I notice a lack of Sehun, Tao, Miyoung and Kris. “Is Kris stalking Miyoung still?” I ask Jongin taking our usual seats.

“Yeah, he’d used his free period to follow her around while she was in gym, and then shadowed her straight here from a distance.” He says while rolling his eyes.

“Where are Tao and Sehun?” Suho asks as I take my seat next to him. “Kai, that’s a lot of food.” He observes as Jongin slips in across from me, wearing a very satisfied grin on his face.

“Finishing a project, they were behind so Sehun is making Tao go in early and stay late until they finish.” I answer reaching across the table to grab a milk off of Jongin’s tray, popping it open I hand it back to him. “I was mean to Jongin, so I promised to buy him lunch, hence all the food.” I explain further before opening my own carton.

“I don’t know anyone who’d be that dedicated to Kai as you are.” Chen says piping up as he takes a seat next to Jongin. “I swear. He’d wither away without you Jihyo.”

I nod my head agreeing with him. “Where’s Kris?” Luhan asks taking his seat next to me, where Miyoung normally sits. “And Miyoung for that matter.” He observes curiously while glancing around the table.

“Miyoung is avoiding Kris.” I answer before taking a bite of my sandwich.

Jongin answers for Kris. “He’s stalking her.”

“Make her mad again?” Luhan asks chuckling. “Well, I’m sure he’ll learn eventually.” He mutters playfully while nudging me.

I chuckle as I nudge him back. “Probably not.” I say doubtfully, we’re talking Kris here. For a few minutes the five of us are laughing at some joke Jongin made.

“What up?” Chanyeol cracks from behind me somewhere before he takes a seat next to Chen. “Kris and Miyoung still fighting?” He asks glancing around for the pair. “And no Sehun and Tao?” He furrows his bro in confusion.

“Kris and Miyoung aren’t fighting, Kris is just forgetful.” Jongin says while shrugging his shoulder. “And the other two are off working on a project.” Jongin shoots me a glare.

“Yeah, they’re behind and Sehun refuses to admit defeat.” I say while nodding my head and meeting Chanyeol’s gaze. He looks pretty surprised but nods his head and smiles at me; I return the gesture while trying to keep my cool. The guy may look happy now, but I’m still waiting for him to look angry.

“What about you and Jongin?” Baekhyun asks as Lay, Xiumin, and he take their own seats. “A girl in my class says that you two were fighting.”

“No, someone was just being a bit…” Jongin stops mid-sentence and smiles at me while I raise a brow to his statement. “Jihyo and I wouldn’t fight; we were just playing around this morning.”

I grin at him lean forward. “What were you going to say?” I ask him curiously. “Something along the lines of being mean to me?” I ask him playfully.

“I wouldn’t ever say that about my most favorite person.” Jongin says taken back, Kyungsoo the last one to get here aside from Tao and Sehun smirks. “Do not make that face at me.” Jongin say while frowning.

“What, it’s just you two are cute when you argue like that.” Kyungsoo says teasingly.

“Like Jihyo would date someone like Kai.” Luhan says jokingly, he glance around the table and nods his head. “I’m pretty sure she’d be better off dating someone that dp at this table.”

“I agree.” I pitch in with a grin; I glance at Jongin to see him pouting. “Something wrong Jongin?” I ask curiously.

“You can’t just date some guy; most of the guys in this school aren’t good enough.” He answers seriously.

I smile at him and nod my head because that was pretty sweet of Jongin to say. “Since when did you get to be so nice?” I ask grabbing the next milk off his tray and opening it for him.

“I don’t know, it’s kinda like they’re already dating in some weird kind of way.” Suho says while watching us. “Or Kai is abusing his best friend.”

“I would never.” Jongin again says taken back. “Jihyo and I are best friends and as such we’d never hurt each other like that.”

“Just laugh at each other’s miseries.” I say with a grin and nudging oppa. “Anyways can we please get off the subject of me and dating?” I ask them all, the boys glance around, excluding Jongin, and smile to each other. “We all know the reason I can’t date.” I say narrowing my eyes. I’ve been confessed to a few times, and each time one of these guys scares said guy off, when I like a guy and they think they know it; suddenly I can’t get rid of them.

“We just don’t want our little Jihyo to end up dating a frog like Miyoung is.” Luhan says while wrapping an arm around me.

I can’t help but laugh, Luhan loves joking that Kris is a frog and Miyoung is princess, drives the guy nuts. “You know, one of these days Kris is going to smack you over the head for that joke.” I say while smirking at Luhan. “Though, I got to admit. I’m touched by how much you guys care.”

“Well we can’t have you giving away your first kiss to just anyone.” Chen pipes up, with the others nodding their heads.

Before we can comment on it, Sehun and Tao come to the table, both looking rather relieved, they must have caught up. “Guys, you won’t believe what we heard today.” Tao say excitedly, the guys share some looks before nodding for him to go on. “Jihyo calling Jongin, Kai.”

Suho laughs and nods his head. “I see. No wonder why Kai got so much free food.”

“I’ve never heard her call him anything but Jongin.” Chanyeol pipes up curiously.

Said friend frowns. “It’s reserved for when we fight, when I piss her off enough or when Jihyo is teasing me.” He explains sourly. “All of which aren’t pleasant.”

“All of which rarely happen.” I remind my best friend while smiling. The guys all start talking while I finish my lunch. Standing up I head to throw my trash away, happily ignoring Jongin asking me to take his tray too.

“You’re the right amount of nice to Kai.” Baekhyun says catching up with me; Baekhyun makes me nervous, more than the others do. But then again I’ll tally that up to because he’s the nicest to me in the most un-brotherly way.

I shrug my shoulders at the statement. “He’s my best friend, what am I going to do?” I joke dumping the contents of my tray in the bin and setting the plastic tray on the side table.

“I suppose that’s true, you guys are kinda like a set.” He laughs as I scrunch my face up. “Well maybe not then.”

I grin at him happily. “We’re not always together.” I point out as I gesture to Jongin at the table. “And we rarely spend our off periods together anymore.”

“Right, you’re studying while he’s off goofing around with us.” Baekhyun says while nodding his head. “Or with Miyoung.”

“Right” I answer as we reach the table. Instead of sitting down, I grab my bag, and ignore the questioning glances from the others. “I’ll see you guys after class ends.” I say waving Jongin off. “Library.”

“Wait, I’m going too!” Baekhyun says while grabbing my arm gently, I nod my head and wait as he gathers his things up.

“What’re you going for, Baek?” Chanyeol asks while frowning. “I thought you got caught up.”

Baekhyun shakes his head. “I have to finish the assignment from math.” Walking off I hear the now blonde-ish boy walking behind me. “Jihyo let’s not walk so fast.” He complains from behind me.

“You sound like Jongin.” I call behind me easily while keeping my own pace, Baekhyun eventually catches up and pouts at me, rather cutely. “Jongin made me immune.” I reply happily.

“I’m way cuter though.” He says trying to defend his face; I smile at him and shrug my shoulders, then laugh as he gives me a shocked face.

“If I confirm or deny it’ll get back to the others, and that is last thing I need.” I tell Baekhyun while smirking. I continue to ignore the admittedly cute faces that my sunbae is sending me. So I suppose I have to thank Jongin for this, I’d have been a love-struck fool if he wasn’t so touchy or affectionate with me. Because let’s face it, Baekhyun is very cute.


Sorry it's been so long.
Had a lot going on, I'm hoping though that's all over.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy (:

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DokiTokki: Check my blog for updating schedule!


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pigzcanfly #1
looks like it'll be awesome!
await my comments!
Arhyanna #2
Chapter 14: Hello, I know that this is your story and it is your right on how to end it... Truthfully, I'm a big fan of Kai... So, I was wondering would you do an alternative ending with Kai and Baekhyun, please?

It's an amazing story btw... Totally love the way you write it... :)
mmyyuseong #3
Chapter 14: I like the ending!!! It was great! Good job.
Miss_Kimjongin #4
Chapter 12: I meant in the first sentence to her not here.
Miss_Kimjongin #5
Chapter 12: OMG, Chanyeol confessed to here how will she react or what will she say. Please update I want to see what happeneds next. Please update
mmyyuseong #6
Chapter 11: Yay she gets to spend some time with Yeollie!!! I like how the guys aren't really jealous about her being with another yet. Update when you can!!!
Chapter 11: what just happened oAo they ki-- wut.
hamskkuma #8
Chapter 10: Jelly Kai? XD
mmyyuseong #9
Chapter 10: She ships well with all three. So hard to chose. Update when you can!!!
mmyyuseong #10
Chapter 9: Confused equals FEELING!!!!!!!!!! \(^o^)/ Update when you can!